
Vividness Quotes

There are 394 quotes

"Every experience of your life can be as intense as that, living life with intensity."
"I've always been a very big dreamer, but definitely in pregnancy, it has gotten worse, way more vivid."
"Specificity turns vague writing into vivid imagery."
"Specificity makes your writing come alive with detail and depth."
"Smells so freakin' good, you can practically taste it through the screen."
"The colors are so vivid... I've never seen anything like it before."
"It felt like I could hear every rustle of leaves and smell every damp patch of moss."
"The most horrific thing I had ever seen in my life was looming over him."
"The memories are so vivid that I don't need to stand in front of that particular facade."
"It's just you're just able to see everything and colors just pop, they're bright, sounds just incredible."
"I'm feeling wonderful, you know the colors are starting to pop, you know it almost looks like everything's turning into a gif."
"Life at its best, and its most vivid is often a mixture of fear and excitement."
"That is a fucking rainbow. That is the gayest shit I've ever seen."
"It's the stuff of nightmares, particularly with Princess Isabella clutching a doll and doing her best demon face."
"One of the first things you may notice upon entering the astral realm is the incredible vividness and clarity of your perceptions."
"My art makes people experience life more vividly."
"This picture, it's so vivid you feel you're almost there."
"That pressing in thing is just so vivid and so dope, it takes bravery, it takes embracing."
"It's almost like it's saying that he woke up in x-men hell surrounded by these colors that he's so tired of seeing."
"The dream was too realistic to be described as just a mere dream."
"...a wrestling boom period of can't-miss television full of outlandish characters and scenarios..."
"This recap will be so good you'll feel like you were practically there."
"It was like a watercolor painting come to life."
"A figure stood out from the background as if tangible."
"The memory of what I had seen in that maintenance closet burned into my mind like a brand."
"It's like very bright is the word I would use to describe it."
"The 12-inch elongated display is very vivid."
"I still remember every detail of the day the world ended."
"In that single instant, brief and vivid as a landscape beheld in the flash of summer lightning, I saw the moon shining down through a rift of stormy cloud."
"I could describe for you in the most vivid detail."
"It's like the color of a neon sign to me."
"His head exploded like a pumpkin."
"My [ __ ] is like a prison for your nose when you sniff it."
"This is so purple, it's actually so purple."
"Wow, that's so blue it's popping."
"Avatar has some of the most vividly realized settings I've ever seen in an animated television series."
"It was more real, more potent, more vivid, more alive than this reality can ever feel."
"...it actually just, it comes right to life."
"These dreams are so vivid, so palpably real that you wake up with a heart aching from the beauty."
"It literally looks like they are crawling out of this book."
"A tsunami of flavor. I'm not kidding you."
"Imagine that, like a four-foot tank full of endless colors."
"That dream felt so real as if Christine was right here in my room."
"...I want to say she had the dream when she was seven or eight and it was this incredibly Vivid vibrant profound dream..."
"Yellow, the color of yellow itself is just it just stick out so much to me, like no matter what you put it on or where you put it, you know what I'm saying, it's gonna, you know what I'm saying, it's gonna pop, yeah."
"Every book has this richness and depth of color that explodes off the page."
"I think it's hotter than two rabbits having sex in a wool sock."
"Nas is Like... his lyrics are so colorful, so visual, so real."
"A soundless explosion bloomed out into the vacuum in vibrant yellows and blues."
"...it was like he had a light bulb on the inside of his face..."
"...the memory of that time is still one of the most vivid and frightful memories I have."
"The dream that I had, the dream that I was in when my best friend called me to wake me up felt more real than any dream has ever felt in my entire life."
"Reading this book feels like a cinematic experience."
"His face is just completely covered and slayed, he's been run through a razor blade factory."
"It was an illumination of conscience... more intimate and Vivid than a movie."
"Every memory in detail remained sharp. Believe me, I wouldn't forget being lost in the woods, aching and exhausted."
"It paints an unbelievably vivid picture."
"Adrenaline is an amazing thing because I can, like all the colors and smells and everything is very very vivid."
"I can't actually believe how vibrant the colors are."
"Filth with all of its cocaine self-destruction and intestinal misadventures is sure to satisfy those who are gluttons for punishment, and yes, even more poop. Welsh is unflinching."
"It felt like a movie, like it felt like a whole thing, you know? It felt like an hour long, honestly, in a good way, not like dragged on, like, it just, it was, it felt really packed with like just stuff going on."
"You ever had a dream so vivid you knew it had to be real?"
"Every song is so Technicolor that it's hard to pick out what color he's going for... That song to me sounded like, 'Oh, that's a Pure Color, you know?'"
"It's a legendary story. Anytime a giant explosively [expletive] all over someone is a sight you wouldn't erase from your memory anytime soon."
"The forest almost seemed to have come alive around him."
"I was actually getting goosebumps from thinking how clear that picture is in my mind till now."
"...he had even started to drool as well, he licked his lips like a cartoon villain."
"Everything is colorful, big, and vibrant."
"Irish sea green swift upsurges, North Atlantic flux conjured by that strong gale warning voice."
"I have no idea if that was all real or if I had passed out earlier and it was some kind of dream but it sure as hell felt real."
"I don't want to live in a gray world."
"I really enjoyed this book it's fastpaced it's a really Vivid exciting world."
"It was like watching a scene in a video game."
"His words painted vivid pictures, bringing the rich history and culture of his people to life."
"Neil Gaiman just has something everything seems so vivid to me and I really believe that it has this Whimsy that you can associate with fantasy."
"That's probably the most vivid time in my entire childhood."
"I remember his eyes turned green, like almost an alien eyes."
"Tonight, with three vivid reconstructions, there are bound to be results."
"Everything I talk about, I bring this shit to life."
"When we tell a story, a memory, in a way that's very palpable and rich."
"...the bloody crucifix a flesh gleamed red Leone the chest."
"I'm not even going to say it delivered it took the word delivered stomped a mud hole in it and walked it dry."
"Jen sees things in vivid colors all the time and I love how she celebrates it."
"I hope they say it makes them live more vividly when they leave the movie theater."
"The picture of the man with a toothache was so lifelike that it would have set your own teeth aching if you looked at it too long."
"I hate to say it, you got a visual in your head, I got a visual, I'm gonna need a long drink of water after this, it's burned into my head."
"Isaac rarely dreamed as vividly as he did last night."
"Life is real, vivid, alive, beating, breathing. Lifelong friendships are forged, love is found, moments cherished and never forgotten."
"'I remember screaming louder than I have ever screamed in my life,' Alice shuddered."
"the smell of that hit me in the face"
"Real life things going on and they're just so descriptive about the things that are taking place."
"It stood there probably three seconds at most, but the image was forever burnt into my brain. It had a reddish tint to its fur and massive arms that just hung to its sides, almost touching the water. I couldn't see any facial features because the sun was directly behind it."
"It was like life going from black and white to color."
"It's like candy. It's so colorful and there's so much happening."
"All these images... big, sharp, beautiful, colorful images."
"Flashbulb memories: remembered for long periods of time and particularly vivid and detailed."
"All of these things feel more powerful and more vivid because they're more specific but they're also a little off-kilter."
"It is so vivid that it is more even real than just seeing through the eyes or hearing through the ears, which all depends actually anyway on consciousness in order for them to be real."
"It's like seeing the world in color."
"His eyes look as big as dinner plates."
"Listen, if you ever see an escaped orangutan rip the scalp off of a 75-year-old man just because you wouldn't give him a popsicle, it's not a pretty sight."
"...the incredible vivid color... incredibly vivid, incredibly bright, and almost kind of glowing."
"Back when the sound design was crunchy as hell, every step is like someone just dropping a basketball on a pack of Doritos."
"It's literally like nuclear direct."
"That moment for me was like living my life in black and white and suddenly I'm in color."
"This was just like seeing the thing that somebody else had filmed, it was so vivid as if it had actually happened."
"That OLED, I really do. Um, and the 3K too, it was so sharp, it's beautiful, it sucks you in. The color accuracy was great, um, and it's just so vivid."
"He rode with short stirrups, his sharp elbows stuck out like grasshoppers."
"It smells like a sit and spin that a four-year-old just used."
"...reality with the saturation turned up..."
"This man felt real. The details were so vivid."
"The brightness called brilliant, blinding and vivid, Valente."
"I can see it all the time. Honestly, I can just close my eyes and see it exactly like it was that night."
"Just remembering right now makes the flesh on my arms go up."
"The writing is actually really good you do sometimes get those really nice like vivid descriptions and just like some kind of nice quotes some relatable moments and there's almost some like Poetic writing in here."
"Dreams are normally quite fun and they're quite interesting, right? But having dreams that are so vivid that they are genuinely tiring to you, I can't even imagine that."
"It was all a dream, it was so real."
"It was so vivid and real that I still feel like it was yesterday."
"Evan still remembered his seventh Christmas Eve clearly."
"These blueberries and raspberries look insane through my camera lens they look so delicious and juicy."
"There are some brilliant descriptions of farm life."
"It's so vivid. I don't know, it's very clear."
"There's something about that egg getting hit with that projectile, it's just visceral."
"There are certain events in history that are very Vivid and for me the Vimy pilgrimage is one of them."
"I slept like the dead, the only thing stirring me throughout the night were dreams of Dimitri."
"...it's the framing of it... it's like he's painting a picture with broad strokes and little accents and he steps back from the canvas and it's all right there."
"Your imagination paints such a brilliant picture."
"Middle Earth to me is still the most Vivid the most real and the most imaginative fantasy world."
"His work, his brush strokes, the vividness of the colors... I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't."
"The air is very crisp. When you breathe out, you can see your breath because your breath is so warm when you breathe out in the cold air."
"I remember that event as if it were yesterday, after all these years."
"If the forms of your thought are as vivid as the forms of nature, you are by virtue of the power of your imagination, master of your fate."
"He paints a very vivid picture of what you're going to see."
"The adrenaline you felt in the park was real. Everything was a little brighter, everything's a little crisper."
"Touched the rainbow, tasted the rainbow."
"The vivid picture control is great for images with primary colors that you'd like emphasized."
"Dreams take place in color and can include all of our senses."
"I had never had a dream so vivid."
"His hair once was blonde. His eyes were as crisp as the clearest emeralds."
"Everything is just so bold and lush, and it's really beautiful."
"It's all in the writing... it leaps off the page."
"It's much brighter, much much more vivid."
"I wasn't thinking about sleep paralysis; it felt so real each and every time."
"Every detail, every emotion, and every memory played out like scenes from a movie."
"Being on Earth is like living in a black and white movie by comparison to the vividness and the realness of higher states."
"Capturing the heart of the story in Vivid detail."
"We remember impressive memories in vivid colors."
"He made the times of which he wrote come vividly to life."
"There was a vividness in the air that was unlike anything else."
"Suddenly I was looking at them as if it was noon on the sunniest day you could imagine."
"The intense luminosity of the day, the vivid colors, the lush vegetation, and the variegated plumage of the birds all bore the grand seal of tropical nature."
"This is the real deal, Glamourata, and it makes a red fruit like fire engine red."
"Every word is intentional, every scenario is intentional, the characters are breathing on the page with you."
"It's like a green jungle that you're walking through, and there's fragrance just blooming all over the place."
"Flashbulb memories are especially clear and vivid, typically remembered exactly where they were when they happened."
"It's not about regaining the civilization of the Greeks or quoting the classical world; it's about making the impossible feel vivid and real."
"Meaning is something that's experienced, it's existential, it's something felt, it's something vivid, it's something that's visceral."
"We often can remember the details and subjective associations far more vividly than the event itself."
"That lime smacks you in the face straight away, and that oyster is so nice and fresh, you can almost taste the ocean."
"The dreams have been sporadic but genuinely from day 14 onwards for the last three nights, I have had the most vivid dreams I've had in a long time."
"The colors are way more vivid on the 14 inch model."
"The area is dry and stony, with thorn scrub jungle; there are clumps of dark trees which bear flame-red flowers."
"Caravaggio's art was so tangible, so vivid, so cinematic."
"He runs like he's mad at the grass, I love that commentary, very descriptive."
"It was like a glowing Gatorade color, it was unbelievable."
"The more accurate your words and the more active the scenario, the stronger the mental image in someone's mind."
"The air was suddenly filled with all sorts of remarkable scents: tangerines, night flowers, dust the way it settles after it's been watered down, and I think even incense."
"It's a wonderful mix of really dark shadows but really bright colors."
"The rest of the world was black and white, but we were in screaming color."
"I remember the incident as if it were yesterday."
"When Ali tells us prison stories and he's such a good storyteller and their stories are so vivid, you're like, 'Oh!'"
"This is like what ice cream looks like in your dream or something. It's too colorful and too rich to be real."
"The market is a feast for the senses; sights, sounds, smells, and tastes culminate in an experience that is unforgettable."
"That's incredibly vivid and incredibly plausible."
"Like explosions in the air, lighting up the atmosphere."
"I've always had dreams ever since I can remember; sometimes they've been wonderful, sometimes terrible, but vivid."
"I can perfectly recall how my dad was dressed that day... a pretty detailed and vivid sequence of images."
"The most vivid picture I've seen someone paint from a nonbiased perspective."
"Funny how vividly I can remember the look of that forest."
"Night after night, the dreams delved deeper, revealing a life so vivid yet so distant."
"It was super vivid too, I would have given anything for a telescope at that moment."
"I couldn't have been older than six, but I still remember it vividly."
"All I know is that that night is vividly ingrained in my head, too vividly to be a dream, and I still get that feeling of something just not being right whenever I think about it."
"Was it all just a dream, or was it real? No, it was too vivid to be just a dream."
"It just brings the scene to life."
"I literally feel like I live in an alternate world at night because I have such vivid dreams."
"If you could feel what sparkling felt like, that's what it is—tangible glitter."
"It's just becoming more and more vivid the deeper we get in the series."
"I remember this part as if it were yesterday."
"It's funny how some of those memories are so vivid because emotion, like the more emotional something made you, the more vivid the memories."
"The more real you can make it, the better; the more vivid, the more detailed."
"Everything was so clear, sharp, defined."
"I remember the whole day like it was yesterday."
"When his father wrapped stone arms around him and bent to give him his grey kiss, he woke with his mouth dry and rusty with the taste of blood and his heart hammering in his chest."
"It's a lot of fun, I feel like it's very vivid when you're reading it."
"Everything sounds more real, more vivid, more there, more expressive."
"It makes the world feel vivid and lived in in a way that many fantasy worlds just don't."
"I have extremely wild, vivid, and mostly lucid dreams."
"I have very vivid dreams and I remember them pretty accurately."
"It literally looks like he's popping out from the card, that is so epic."