
Unrealistic Expectations Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Chasing after the perfectionism of being a clean person will lead most people to never succeed at being any level of clean."
"We are held to standards of perfection that no human being is ever going to be able to meet."
"Nobody wakes up wanting a bad experience, okay? That's psychotic."
"It's the equivalent of opening up a restaurant, putting up a sign and saying, come on in, just don't eat the food."
"Resolutions fail because they're unrealistic."
"Crazy is about tilting at windmills full sin and expecting the windmills to fall."
"The unrealistic expectations placed on the population to achieve great feats without any support proved to be fatal."
"What the hell is wrong with these people? They're like, 'We need zero COVID deaths.' It's like, yeah, and I want to be zero years old."
"Dating isn't 50/50, it's a hundred a hundred. And if you think fixing him doesn't erode who you are, you're wrong."
"It's just never wise to think that you're gonna fix somebody or that they're gonna change for you."
"Mom fluencer culture is woefully out of touch with what early motherhood is really like."
"Toxic diet culture language fuels unrealistic body expectations."
"California, full of gold and magic and dreams, fueled by people who weren't totally grounded in reality but rather in dreams of something bigger, something different, something that may or may not truly exist."
"It's actually not lazy; it's just done as quick as [__] possible because the people who have to do it are under pretty unfair, pretty damn unrealistic targets."
"If we're just continuing to lean into this sort of magical thinking."
"Well, the short answer is, wildly unrealistic ambition and a profound misunderstanding of the importance of communication."
"Anyone expecting results in a few days is a clown."
"If a woman is used to something the size of a baby leg and you come in with a pinky toe, there's nothing you can do to please her."
"Nothing could possibly live up to 15 to 20 years of hype."
"You can't lose 120 pounds in 180 days on a 700 calorie daily deficit."
"It actually puts more pressure on the human being to meet these unrealistic standards."
"MLMs make it sound like it's this amazing wonderful great thing where you're gonna make millions from doing like five hours work a week."
"The internet created this, like, pretending as if these people should be [ __ ] perfect in every sense of the word, but, like, it's not an even keel playing field. Everyone's not perfect."
"Just be here, you and me, like that'll happen."
"People compare themselves to the most extreme best transformations out there."
"You're trying to have an unrealistic body image that you will never be able to sustain."
"It's called bulk and cut because you're trying to have an unrealistic body image."
"Because this idea that they should have literally everything is ludicrous, unrealistic, and unreasonable."
"Anyone saying this is a mid card is delusional."
"You cannot plant a seed today and expect it to give you apples tomorrow."
"What a circus! We need a rebuild that would take years, but people want overnight success."
"If it's one of these things that sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
"The idea that you can eliminate every single risk by passing a law is ridiculous."
"I'm personally offended at how bull crap it is with a day's training she becomes a master archer."
"It's not normal to tell someone that they should be perfect."
"Pretending you can just not think about sex sets you up for failure."
"I don't know how the heck I thought that this car would be able to beat a new leaf."
"It doesn't make any sense, and it's not going to happen."
"Would Americans be happy if the US Army started dusting off old Vietnam vintage M-60 Pattons from storage, slapping on a fresh coat of paint, better comms, and a pair of thermal sights, and said, 'Go to—and prosper!' Of course not!"
"Imagine you're playing Dark Souls, you're getting your ass kicked and you say to yourself: hold on, I'll just pull out my assault rifle real quick. Believe it or..."
"It's sort of like coming out of a coma, you know? When you watch movies and somebody wakes up out of a coma, but more immediately up and lucid. Well, that doesn't happen in real life."
"Cancel culture promotes an unattainable reality that nobody makes mistakes."
"The expectation of no attack is a setup for disappointment."
"Who gives a [ __ ] if 100% of society is never going to be trans or gay, that's delusional."
"The idea of 'the one' is not true because it places unrealistic expectations on finding a perfect partner."
"This guy couldn't put on 15 pounds of muscle in six years, let alone six weeks, are you kidding me?"
"All good things are disappointing, all the things you wanted, all the things you think if I just get this it'll solve all my problems, they never do solve all your problems."
"That is extremely unprofessional. What do you think someone who works for Google and Microsoft would say something like that?"
"This is a tree that bears fruit on the first day of planting."
"It's not only not going to work but please, who doesn't want to have a perfect body and live in a paradise?"
"Whatever you do in life, your start gonna be ugly. You can't start balling on the first date. That's the dream that we were sold."
"Perfection just doesn't exist. It's just unattainable and you're just setting yourself up for failure if you're always constantly striving for perfection."
"Eight percent of Americans say they think they could beat a lion in a fist fight."
"It just does not look good. You should be able to like imagine you're rolling down I-95 or whatever and just nothing happens for 200 miles. That seems weird man."
"Expecting Opie to miss out on possibly getting a house in this economy is ridiculous."
"Unwise for sukasa to assume the burden of protecting everyone."
"Having an audience is the most powerful thing, and what people get hung up on is that one, they think they need to start with an audience of a million followers, which is impossible."
"If everyone likes you, I mean, one, that's never gonna happen."
"It's more akin to a teenage crush on a pop star than it ever is to real, authentic love that can last."
"If you wish your children and your wife and your friends to live forever, you are stupid..."
"This is the kind of person that will mother you into what she deems perfection but that perfection will never occur."
"Closing your eyes and hoping for the best isn't a strategy."
"Stop trying to find this holy grail game that's this perfect recreation... you will never be happy."
"Trying to control what other people read is unrealistic and it's censorship."
"You can't give European world champions three goals and have the delusion to think you can still win."
"We had delusions of living together, having kids, the whole idea of a future."
"This is not normal... the average woman doesn't look like this."
"Imagine you're 18 with no skills, no education, stuck in a dead-end job, and someone told you that you needed to make a million dollars in a year."
"You don't have to be like the best of the best of the best, it just doesn't exist."
"The idea that you could dictate curriculum to a teacher or dictate instruction to a teacher from kind of remote control, from up above and say, well, here, here it is, that you're going to teach. It's simply unrealistic."
"If you keep doing something that isn't working and expect it to work... there's something wrong with your expectations."
"The easiest way to break your own heart is to ask a dog to meow."
"Beware of inspiration that seems too good to be true and ideas that seem like easy money with little work required."