
Casualties Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"The most horrible thing is that... the overwhelming casualties of the war are Russian-speaking Ukrainians."
"A hundred thousand Yemenis have died because of Saudi bombardments."
"Ukraine situation reports the bloody battle for Bachmut continues, the long fight over the city of Bakmut has resulted in many casualties, little ground gains, and transformed the area into a World War One like hellscape."
"Israel has killed over 311 doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers."
"We're being careful not to put a hard number on it Joe but... we know that they have suffered a lot of casualties."
"I talk people out of killing each other. You know, the 250 Ukrainians who died because of being thrown into the meat grinder."
"Soleimani's schemes and his agents killed hundreds of American service members in Iraq and Afghanistan."
"There's something like 8 million displaced Ukrainians in the country and over a hundred thousand Ukrainians have been killed in this war."
"It's efficient militarily but it leads to huge casualties it's a painful time for the British and for the Americans who are learning at the same time."
"Colombia police fire into protest, at least 24 deaths, over 80 missing."
"Countless thousands of men are about to lose their lives."
"Passchendaele is finally captured on the 6th of November by then British and Commonwealth casualties totaled 275,000."
"The Iraq War was a criminal disaster that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans and millions of Iraqis."
"Nearly 23,000 men have been killed or wounded."
"They were the sacrifice. 27 million people died. Many of them, 8 to 10 million were military. Their casualties were so much higher than ours."
"Azerbaijan launched devastating attacks that killed 49 Armenian soldiers."
"It's common sense. You'll hear people say Brian, 6,000 dead Russian soldiers. That's ridiculous. It's something like 70,000 or 80,000 Russian soldiers dead. They're dead, not just injured, dead."
"61,000 Ukrainian dead also a very reasonable number. General Shoigu also says that Ukraine mobilized up to 300,000 men, so 61,000 plus another 49,000 wounded and not coming back to the fight, that's about a hundred thousand, that's a third."
"Russian generals and senior officers are dying at an alarming rate thanks to US intelligence and recon."
"Russia has suffered 180,000 killed and wounded. Ukraine has suffered about 100,000 military casualties."
"Russian soldiers are being killed in Ukraine at the fastest pace since World War II."
"Sweden had approximately 12,000 troops during the war of liberation, against 27,000, yet ended up winning with less than 4,000 casualties."
"A lot of people who have died have died because of actions other larger names have done."
"The attacks killing at least 19, injuring more than a hundred."
"The human toll numbered 56 officers and men."
"The most frightening incident of all took place across 2010 when North and South Korean artillery fired shells at each other's positions resulting in several casualties."
"The group at the abandoned farm then started to come under constant sniper fire... soon dead British soldiers started to pile up all around."
"The Germans claim that 71st infantry division only lost 16 men killed and 50 wounded on this day."
"It wasn't German soldiers getting killed but their helpers that they'd recruited to fight for them."
"It's about these casualties, and although I've been able to travel around and chat to people and get some sense of what I think are losses on the Ukrainian side, I've got no idea what the Russian side is."
"The Russian military is suffering increasing casualties on a daily basis."
"There are no minor incursions, just as there are no minor casualties."
"They've killed now over 20,000 Russian soldiers... potentially twenty thousand dead in less than six weeks worth of fighting."
"The Japanese sneak attack destroyed many of the US battleships and killed almost 2,500 people."
"By the end of the battle, Davout had inflicted 10,000 casualties and taken 3,000 prisoners..."
"No one is quite sure how many people lost their lives."
"We will never know exactly how many died in the Second World War."
"Russia has lost well 45173 troops fighting since the full-scale invasion began."
"800,000 lives worldwide through bombing, through drone strikes – 800,000 people."
"The less firepower you have, the more casualties you have, the more lives are lost."
"100 million people perished under communist dictators in the last century." - Lauren Southern
"Dozens of people have been killed during these protests."
"World War I claimed the lives of nine and a half million soldiers, one in eight of those who fought."
"Casualties have been mounting for both sides."
"All in all, while the English suffered minimal losses - probably around a hundred or two, the French had lost at least 2,500 dead - including Clermont and many other nobles."
"The second world war resulted in millions and millions of people, including innocent civilians, perishing."
"The first casualty of war is truth."
"Both Lauri's battalion and the winter weather in the form of frostbite inflicted huge casualties on the Red Army divisions."
"The Battle of Berlin witnessed staggering Soviet casualties."
"Extreme weather has claimed another victim."
"World War I resulted in the deaths of 60 million people in Europe and throughout the world."
"July 1, 1916 was Britain’s deadliest day not just in the First World War, but in all of British military history: 19,240 men were killed and about 38,000 wounded."
"The crash of Monks 2 flight 7100 killed 6 of the 12 people on board."
"If a Russian nuclear weapon were able to strike Malmstrom, it would likely kill everyone at the base."
"An 800 kiloton nuclear warhead would instantly kill between 1.5 and 2 million people, with another 3 to 5 million seriously injured from radiation, burns or collapsed buildings."
"The results of both bombs were catastrophic, with an estimated 185,000 deaths as a result of the attacks."
"A war between the US and China would result in staggering casualties on both sides."
"Known as WWI, that quagmire would kill twenty million people and change the course of history."
"The battle for Normandy as a whole from 6th of June until the end of August cost another 20,000 French lives."
"Hundreds of Japanese soldiers, sailors, and air crewmen are dead."
"The events caused nearly 16,000 casualties, left over 6,000 injured, and left approximately two point five thousand people missing."
"None of its occupants were wearing life jackets and 17 people lost their lives."
"The Russians lost 28 million people killed in the Second World War."
"...the Germans lost more than we'd lost in the entire war both in Europe and the Pacific in a single engagement."
"...the Russians lost 400,000 in a single battle, many single battles they would lose in excess of that."
"That makes seven victims down with only two left standing."
"The 30 Years War started in 1618. What began as a quarrel among the divided states of the Holy Roman Empire drew in all the major powers of the day and with eight million casualties, it became the bloodiest religious conflict in European history."
"The attack tragically claimed 33 of the 336 men crew, with 70 more injured."
"It was a war that cost somewhere between two and three million lives."
"We've lost more people from COVID than all Americans in combat deaths combined in every conflict so far."
"The death toll of around 10 million civilians and soldiers had major international consequences."
"He was caught in the crossfire, and a loss was suffered."
"I know of two dead and at least two wounded in our squad of nine, three of five close friends are dead."
"I'm just wondering how long their attacks continued despite heavy Argentinian losses, including a devastating strike on the troop ship Sir Galahad, killing 48 men."
"Only the Civil War produced a higher ratio of casualties to the nation's population."
"During the fighting almost 1000 people lost their lives, yet the dispute over these islands remains unresolved and continues to strain the relationship between London and Buenos Aires."
"The campaign had cost the lives of some 7,000 Americans and approximately 30,000 Japanese."
"British losses in North Africa from the beginning of the war amounted to 220,000."
"Axis losses in casualties and prisoners in the North African campaigns amounted to 620,000 soldiers."
"Shiloh's casualties made Bull Run look like a walk in the sun."
"People were dying from getting hit by these rocks."
"More than half a million Germans died from starvation or malnutrition in the First World War."
"The battle had lasted a little over three hours. In that time, ten thousand Frenchmen had died and 1500 had been taken prisoner. English casualties were less than 300."
"The charge of the light brigade had lasted 25 minutes out of 673 men 113 had been killed and 134 wounded 475 horses had were killed or had to be put down."
"The Battle of the Somme saw over 1 million casualties, making it the bloodiest battle of World War I."
"The next 10 months would unleash a Savage War across Northern India which would cost thousands of British and possibly hundreds of thousands of Indian lives."
"As the violence continued for 18 hours, an estimated 300 people lost their lives within the district's 35 square blocks."
"The vast majority of unexploded bombs remain a huge problem in these countries, causing tens of thousands of deaths or injuries in the past 50 years, the vast majority of them civilians."
"Trillions have been killed, either defending it or attacking it, and countless innocents have been caught in the middle."
"Artillery kills something like 60% of the casualties in the First World War."
"They have repeatedly attacked approaching vessels. Such attacks have resulted in two deaths of fishermen in 2006 and an American Christian missionary, John Allen Chau, in 2018."
"After the dust had settled, there were 79 surviving New Americans, the conquered contingent had lost 31 men, and another five were suffering bullet wounds."
"Last year 8,000 people were killed or injured in drink driver related collisions."
"More than 230,000 people die in the most devastating tsunami in recorded history."
"In the process, 18,300 British and American Crews and Pilots were killed in the 3-month run-up to D-Day."
"There have been more than 100 British deaths in Afghanistan."
"Maybe that approach is what takes only a handful of people to the very top, but it can badly affect others too as we discovered, and they then are the unseen casualties of this relentless race."
"The archers took a deadly toll of those in flight."
"...killing more than a million Americans, more than the number of Americans killed in both world wars."
"For every 1,000 soldiers killed, there are more than a thousand who are injured."
"When you combine civilian and military deaths, over 16 percent of the total Polish population died in World War II."
"A lot of clones are going to die in this rebellion, and it's going to hurt."
"This is where a lot of the northern units suffer heavy losses. The 7th Wisconsin infantry, the Iron Brigade, who was involved in heavy fighting in McPherson woods, their official says this is where they took the heaviest loss of the day."
"To be sure, something like one of every French males born who would have been eligible for military service died during the revolution and Napoleonic Wars."
"The Japanese lose all five of their carriers and the Americans lose one, maybe one and a half."
"There were more battle casualties at the Battle of Shiloh than all of America's previous wars combined."
"The reference you make in the clip to 65,000 casualties is just the United States, just aside 35,000 on the Confederate side, so 100,000. Six weeks. In six weeks. Six weeks. Six weeks, yes."
"The vanguard of the invaders suffered enormous casualties as a result."
"In the end, all but one of the original scientists were killed."
"Britain lost 255 dead and 775 wounded. Argentina 649 killed and 1657 wounded."
"The commanders of both armies were killed leading their troops in battle."
"How many British casualties were recorded during the first day of British attack of the Somme in July 1916 during the First World War?... 60,000."
"Grinding pace of the war continues... the battle of Bakhmut... causing massive casualties."
"More than half of World War II casualties were civilians, most of them children."
"That day, 37 people in total would lose their lives."
"In that time, 32 lost their lives and another 15 were severely injured by the attack."
"What sort of leader doesn't want to win with as few casualties as possible?" Wolfrick questioned.
"In fact, more civilians were killed over the last 15 years in the War on Drugs here than the entire war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan combined."
"At least five people killed and nearly 50 people injured including children."
"Thousand-Year Blood War feel more like a war is the inclusion of unwitting civilian casualties."
"The war had cost the lives of nearly 2,000 British troops and their African allies in action."
"the result of the battle was a victory for ethelstan and his Warriors but thousands would lay dead on the battlefield"
"The toll of the naval encounter was heavy for the Allies: over a thousand sailors perished, while the Japanese only suffered 58 casualties."
"The Horus Heresy had ended and the casualties on both sides were without number."
"Wars usually kill more civilians than soldiers."
"The coming War would last almost four years and claim 30 Million Lives."
"You can certainly be critical of the tactics that the Americans used throughout the First World War and that's one reason to explain why they had over 53,000 deaths in the war."
"Great Britain 887 thousand killed France lost something like 1.3 five million Germany over 2 million austria-hungary 1.4 million or there abouts and it's anybody's guess how much Russia loss but here's one number 2.2 million more or less."
"Only one American was killed and three were wounded."
"We are the clay pigeons. From Omaha Beach to the Elbe, the first Battalion, 115 infantry, 29th division had 2,384 casualties, including 454 men killed in action."
"they had 600 casualties killed and wounded all from mines and booby traps"
"This thing was planned out and plotted for a long time. You're not talking about a few people hurt or sadly some killed. You're talking, I'm really, the chance that there are thousands in New York that are at least injured if not dead. There have to be."
"The worst battle in British history was at the Battle of the Somme."
"Two casualties when there's been a direct rocket attack quite near to accommodation."
"Japanese casualties were frightful, with more than 2,000 falling dead in a few days of combat."
"Amazingly no one knows exact figures but there are around a thousand German and over 2,400 American casualties on Omaha Beach."
"He had lost nearly 300 men killed wounded captured and missing in just that short amount of time"
"There's been a war on the womb. Many have been killed in the womb, but the ones that did survive the womb are casualties also."
"The sudden deaths of masses of soldiers on Civil War battlefields was overwhelming both emotionally and logistically."
"Apparently, it's a head-on, three casualties involved."
"As dawn broke over London, about 350 Londoners lay dead, killed by German bombs. One thousand five hundred had been injured."
"More people died fighting in World War II than in all the worst since."
"The battle of Reipertswiller concluded with substantial American losses, totaling around 600."
"Eight Americans, including one child, are dead and five are still missing."
"We'd had 13 people killed at that point out of 80 combat Pilots which is pretty substantial number."
"The entire population of the Falkland Islands was just 1,400. In fighting over its sovereignty, 1,000 British and Argentine servicemen had lost their lives."
"Every time a suicide bomber detonates, we may lose two or three Afghan police officers, but we probably lose a dozen Afghan civilians."
"He just got hit by a mortar. Dead bang."
"The death toll 909 is evidence of just how dangerous a cult leader can be."
"Over 50 people died in the Lin River Gate incident."
"Some of whom died or were seriously injured in its construction."
"He had been hypothesizing beforehand about a nation enthralled to its appetites, and here he was living among its casualties."
"We ended up getting out of the battle with no more casualties."
"...Heroes like Miss Midnight and Spectral and Crust just died and then they were like okay thanks for that."
"Losses were heavy, hundreds of Allied dead and wounded, among the first of millions of casualties to be suffered by the Western Allies in capturing the Nazi fortress of Europe."
"The type of missions that the clone commandos were sent on usually led to high casualty numbers."
"Almost 100,000 civilians had died as a result of Japanese brutality."
"It's the scale of this the logistics of this the planning that had to go on every single piece of this you know they spent years laying all this up but yeah it's it's quite an accomplishment to think that they were able to accomplish that with global casualties"
"For all its participants, the casualties and the suffering of World War one vastly exceeded that of any previous war."
"The death toll was horrific: 1,600 people were killed instantly, and a further 400 died of injuries sustained in the disaster."
"No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties."
"Russia used a nerve agent on the streets of one of our cities in an attempt to kill two people and sadly one British citizen lost her life as a result of that."
"By the time you get to Henry Richmond, so many Nobles have been killed off in the civil wars."
"There's a lot of things that people don't realize... about the casualties, the aid post, the casualty evacuation... just how bad the actual battle was."
"One of the highest casualty rates of any unit in any battle in all of history."
"The last battle of the Second World War had cost the lives of more than a thousand soldiers on both sides."
"During that battle that about 70 or 80% of the friendly troops had been wounded or killed in this battle."
"The boys on the right were falling like autumn leaves, the air was full of lead."
"More men were killed and wounded at Leipzig than in any European battle before the First World War."
"The losses on both sides were enormous, Russian casualties are estimated at 44,000. French losses around 30,000."
"Gettysburg saw Lee's Army of Northern Virginia heavily defeated, with nearly 25,000 of his 75,000 man army either killed or wounded."
"The chaotic nature of warfare coupled with the vast theaters of conflict led to a high number of casualties and soldiers missing in action."
"It was the bloodiest ever of conflicts, the Western Front with its hundreds of thousands of casualties suffered by each army in the trenches and the mud epitomized what had become the utter futility of war."
"The battle for Iwo Jima would show that winning the war with as few casualties as possible would be no easy task."
"Despite more than fifty nations being involved in World War II, 80% of the casualties can be credited to four countries - Russia, China, Germany, and Poland."
"I have a sense because I can look at a unit that had four hundred and some men and fifty percent casualties."
"Over 4,000 died, and thousands more went missing and likely died in the bloodiest battle of the Civil War."
"In total, some believe the number of soldiers that fought in the war was around 70 million, 11 million of those died."
"More than nine thousand people were killed in the sinking of the Vilhelm Gustloff."
"The true cost for Russia's failure is borne on the innocent casualties of war."
"The road to power is paved with hypocrisy and casualties."
"The Battle of Mosul, one of the worst urban battles since World War Two, generated a larger number of civilian casualties."
"...a war that began with the murder of an Austrian Prince ended up killing more than one crore or ten million soldiers worldwide."
"Many will point out that such massive numbers of conflicts and casualties are fundamentally a relative thing, that just because more people die every minute than died during humanity’s wars of the ancient industrial age, doesn’t mean things are more violent."
"The new weapons of war were so ferocious that by the end of the first year, French casualties alone would approach a million man."
"The Americans defeated General Charlestown in a stunning victory, inflicting over 80 percent casualties on his British army."
"Between 11 and 11:30, in close quarter hand-to-hand fighting, the massive assault by the Confederate left overruns the Union rights, inflicting horrendous federal casualties."
"The battle has begun, and there are many casualties on both sides."
"Civilian casualties outnumbered military deaths seven to one."
"The longer it goes on, the more innocent people are going to be killed."
"During the 36 years of civil war, an estimated 200,000 Guatemalans had been killed, a million made homeless, and untold thousands had disappeared."
"The splendid little war lasted four months; only four hundred Americans died during the actual fighting."
"The toll of the war: 50 million people worldwide were killed, and more than 100 million people were wounded."
"Within half an hour about a thousand men and an astonishing six thousand horses were dead from this hailstorm."