
Divine Intent Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"God gave every single person, including you and me, a purpose."
"God does not want anyone to go to hell, and that's why he created it."
"Letting go of our dreams is not because God is mean, but because He's trying to keep us from hurting ourselves and those we love."
"God wants to increase you for your sake, for His own sake, and for His covenant's sake."
"God doesn't want you to perish because God is merciful."
"I feel like god put me on this earth for a reason."
"Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship."
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good." - Genesis 50:20
"God always has a divine intent for the seed. The seed is there to yield fruit."
"God created us with a free will in order that we too might be able to love."
"Why did Jehovah create a global ecosystem of fear, pain, and death? Excuse me, He didn't."
"God wants to restore us back to Him and back to His original intent for our lives."
"God's ultimate purpose in judgment is never destruction; it is always restoration."
"It is not God's will that any perish but that all come to him through repentance."
"God doesn't give you houses for houses, He gives you houses for cities."
"God wants His glory to be seen in our lives. Let's believe God for healing, knowing it's His will."
"It's like God made the heat so hot to cleanse the atmosphere, to purify."
"If you're suffering in life right now, that is a kind of perishing. God doesn't even want that for you."
"God's will is health, happiness, and prosperity."
"God did not create you to live in bondage. God did not intend for you to just go from Deliverance to Deliverance. He wants you to go from glory to glory. He's called you to walk in Victory."
"God's determination to do good is undeterred by accusations of doing harm."
"God is not wanting to take away your joy, he's wanting to give you joy and peace."
"God wants us fully alive; he wants us to be happy."
"You're not supposed to have unhealthy negative thoughts... that's not God's will."
"God's original intent for our lives was good."
"God intends all things for good, even what was meant to harm you."
"Allah wants ease for you and me. It's already covered that obviously he doesn't want difficulty but he goes out of his way."
"God created those emotions and he gave them to you so that you would have feeling."
"Why would God create a universe in which it would be that easy to find him out? Because he loves you? Because he wants a relationship with you? Because he wants to save you from Hell?"
"The incarnate God-man is not only a reaction to the fall but the very purpose of creation."
"Numbers have always played an important role in the way God speaks. Therefore, if God's Word is perfect and everything he does is perfect, then it's no accident that when God uses the word number or count or measure, he does so with great intent."
"God's will is always for healing."
"God wants to increase the level of authority to a place that Adam had in the beginning."
"He will go to the ends of the earth and delay if he has to, but His intent is to save that one lost soul."
"Such opposition does not merely disrupt a temporal plan; it challenges the very essence of divine intention."
"You were created by God on purpose."
"I think God intended us to be in a marriage relationship and I'm real glad I'm in one."
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth means that you were created with a purpose."
"Beer is proof that God wants man to be happy."
"What will I get out of putting you in the hell fire? I don't want that for you."
"God's design is not for human beings to dominate other human beings."
"Prayer is the vehicle that brings out of eternity into time the original intent."
"It was the intent of the Father and sending the Son and the spirit that all would be saved."
"God intended for what He was doing to be passed from one generation to the other."
"To not feel guilt and shame constantly every single day for what I do or what I don't do... that's how I feel like God wants us to live this life."
"Allah does not intend for you the hardship."
"God wants the best for you and He will make all things work together for your good."
"God's intent is that His creation be very good."
"God created the world because He wanted to give."
"The Bible says that this planet was intentionally and systematically created."
"The difference between believing that the universe is an intended creation of God and that human beings are also intended by God and made in His image is very important."
"God is not as concerned about your comfort as he is about his purpose."
"My whole goal is to find the original intent of God."
"Make your mind up to be everything that God intends for you to be today."