
Cinematic Style Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"To mention that something is akin to David Lynch will evoke a strong image and atmosphere in the mind of the person hearing it."
"Chris Columbus added warmth to Hogwarts. He made it feel like a home."
"Multiverse of Madness very much feels like both a Sam Raimi movie and a day in the life of Doctor Strange."
"The aspect ratio, along with it being filmed in black and white makes it feel like a much older film."
"The whole vibe of this film is the mundane and the fantastic."
"Even though it's a combat scene, there is grace and ease to it which the rest of the film lacks."
"This feels so much like the Snyder verse all of a sudden."
"It comes very close to looking like some lost 70s film."
"The work Alex is doing reminds me of David Lynch... it's not just the monochrome, it's the film work."
"Steven Chow's success in blending humor with martial arts."
"Failed Camp either goes so big that it looks cheap and we disconnect or they don't go big enough either way we don't make a point of remembering those movies."
"Your fight web in the old style, now you face the shredder."
"I think this might be part of why Wes's films, even though they deal with rather harsh realities... have a sense of childish playfulness to them."
"Captain America: Winter Soldier, a political thriller with Robert Redford. Come on, that's like '70s classic movie stuff!"
"This long take was the perfect way to introduce us to psalm's Peter."
"It's like they're presenting the stories like the old World War II movies."
"Everyone had their own little moment, even the way they cut the movie, it's basically like watching the cartoon."
"It's sexy, it's kinetic... this movie feels like Wolf of Wall Street and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood had a baby, and that is Babylon."
"The movie actually plays a little bit on that bullet point note just like a super trailer."
"Outland creates a more down-to-earth action movie."
"The Wachowskis' direction is absolutely sublime."
"Everything within it is literally dead, and what follows is this really fascinating style of cinematography."
"But it did for DC fans, as with all James Gunn's projects, the music is like another supporting character of the films."
"Genre-wise, we're really inspired by Jackie Brown, Boogie Nights, and The Big Lebowski."
"If you like Stanley Kubrick movies, there's a very good chance you're gonna like 'Under the Skin'."
"The legacy of the Taika verse is fun, adventure, humor, but heart."
"It legit felt like a film that came out of that era. Like a filmmaker from today went to the 50s and made that movie. That's what that felt like."
"All four shots look like shots from a Scott movie."
"During this illuminati slaughter scene Raymie really wanted this to feel like an homage to the climax of Brian De Palma's Carrie."
"You're the person you know how they all show the scene or the person's walking away and they may throw their cigarette back or the lighters catches emit this huge explosion happens and then they just so softly walk away from it."
"To me, it's got a little bit of a Pretty Woman sort of vibe to it."
"I wanted more spectacle, just like the 1970s Exorcist style."
"The deliberate Pace really lends to a feeling of dread that permeates every frame and increases exponentially as things get deeper into the darkness."
"It felt like it belonged to the Marvel Universe but also its own setting."
"I think it adds a little bit of old-fashioned Hollywood glamour to it."
"This movie was an absolute love letter to the Snyder verse."
"It's definitely not as action-packed as the Broly movie, but I think that's a breath of fresh air."
"It gives it that Thriller feel you're talking about."
"This action sequence is spot-on for excitement, though it's so gratuitous at times it almost looks like a video game."
"For me, dialogue... It's this impeccable, incredible sense of this frantic and kinetic pace he always has to his dialogue."
"You can feel the Matrix's fingerprints all over this thing, not just in its presentation of action and fashion but just the cool framing and colors throughout most of the run."
"Hitman movies like this are sort of like garage rock... when you put them in an interesting order and put in a few interesting flourishes something can feel quite new."
"I loved it. It looks like a Bond movie more so than ever before."
"Burtonesque" is a unique blend of surrealist nightmare and childlike whimsy inspired by German Expressionism, suburban Americana, and a gothic sensibility.
"This movie is the darkest Batman movie that we've had right now, and when I say dark, it's like I can't see [__]."
"The Big Lebowski has a sort of feel that no other movie has."
"It was the most like John Wick, just the cool stab moments."
"Cool guys don't look at explosions, they turn around and walk away."
"I really like the way this movie does the blood and gore."
"Joker feels like if Scorsese made Taxi Driver as a comic book film."
"Feels a hell of a lot like a North by Northwest homage."
"The difference between the filmmakers of Snake Eyes and the martial arts we see in something like Shang-Chi is..."
"Metal Gear Solid needs to become a movie. That as a movie on a massive, I'm talking epic Star Wars level, is going to be the highest property out."
"Movies are about style... the message is in the aesthetics... I believe and that the best movies are made with one person's vision."
"One look at these pictures and you'll be convinced it's some deleted scene from a Tim Burton movie."
"This boneyard match being shot like it's an epic horror movie was the absolute best decision WWE made."
"What a title card, bold slightly bleeding beyond the edges of the frame, reminding us the Joker is larger than life."
"Vader's because I think we've always wanted that from Vader, it's clunky kind of original trilogy Vader you know."
"He has a cinematic Style by which I mean emphasis on action emotion lighting and clear panel to panel transitions."
"We wanted to do the more James Bond goes in the shell type approach."
"I think the movies too grounded in reality to look at it the first way honestly it's you know it's it's it's so realistic everything is."
"...I think that heavy split tone adds a lot to the cinematic vibe of these images because a lot of the movies we watch nowadays a lot of the TV shows we watch have heavy color grades and one way to kind of mimic that in Lightroom is applying a heavier split tone..."
"A cinema of slowness, of contemplation, as if they wanted to live again the sensuous experience of a moment revealed in its authenticity."
"The film thrives off of from the very beginning: naturalism."
"I think there is a tongue that through the course of the films that I think we can say that's a John Wick tone."
"It's so visually stunning, so striking overall, so stylistic that you right away forget all about the lack of a deeply layered story."
"It's like a good action movie from the 80s."
"One of the great things about Wes Anderson: the framing of every scene... every shot looks like a painting."
"It feels very gritty and almost like something David Fincher would shoot."
"Mixing these elements of horror, it's almost more of a horror film than an action film."
"It's very Edgar Wright, but it really does serve the movie more."
"...captures a similar look and feel to the first film."
"Sometimes Star Wars feels the strongest when it just captures the feeling of the Old West."
"It's a genre film with a fantastic cast."