
Financial Policy Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"The system we've built, where universities can keep raising prices and the federal government bails them out, is ridiculous."
"The concept of free money and printing money is not sustainable."
"The really big question for 2022 is how big of a backbone does Jerome Powell have?"
"If we are not involved in experimenting in innovating in terms of digital uh central bank money we risk losing the role of anchor that we have played uh for many many decades."
"The only tolerable digital currency to a government with strong capital controls is their own CBDC."
"We can do is have a modest tax on Wall Street speculation which will raise more than enough money to cancel all student debt in this country and make public colleges and universities tuition-free."
"Tampering with interest rates introduces discoordination."
"Senator Elizabeth Warren also echoed these statements by saying, 'Congress, the White House, and banking regulators should reverse the dangerous bank deregulation of the Trump era.'"
"Central Bank digital currencies are the last shutting of the gate."
"Direct payments to individuals is critical to prevent economic impact collapse in our country."
"Other than some animal spirits that seem to believe that there's a magic potion out there with twenty trillion dollars of printed money by the central banks or thereabout, we're still moving along at a snail's pace."
"The goal is simply to wipe out any digital currency they don't like by labeling them security contracts."
"They print money holy moly they print money."
"The reality is if we keep raising interest rates it's going to put more pressure."
"Determined to pursue across the board debt cancellation."
"This cycle is unique because what we have seen... is a stimulus on the degree never seen before."
"The recovery fund is too puny and politically structured."
"The markets do not equal the economy, at least not since the pandemic of 2020 and the Fed's willingness to pump trillions of dollars into the markets."
"The U.S. Federal Reserve raised rates by 0.75."
"Some research indicates that an added $1,000 per month, per American, would help stimulate the American economy."
"There's no race for the United States to produce CBDC. It's about getting it right and doing a good job."
"PayPal's new AUP goes against everything I believe in; a private company now gets to decide to take your money if you say something they disagree with. Insanity." - David Marcus
"Jerome Powell is a beast and I think he's doing a great job."
"There's no practical way to leave QE or NERP without causing lots of pain."
"Crypto needs regulation absolutely that's not the issue it's not regulation or no regulation right the question is appropriate regulation right." - Steven
"Aren't we trusting the capacity of central banks a little too much?"
"As far as the second round of stimulus payments go... if you receive the first round of stimulus payments then you would also receive the second stimulus check as well."
"This is a vote to proceed on the 3.5 trillion dollar stimulus package but if you've been watching the channel and following along you'll know this was actually a very important vote."
"Gold reserves will once again be placed at the center of the financial system."
"Anyone who proposed even a decade ago that a state shouldn't be permitted to file for bankruptcy would have been dismissed as crazy. But times have changed."
"What about giving Americans a big chunk of the stimulus money to start worker co-ops?"
"Well, now Americans thankfully will no longer have to see medical debt on their credit reports."
"They're going to raise rates until they see the whites of people's eyes, until people are panicked and scared out of their minds."
"President Naib is making it so that there are no capital gains tax on Bitcoin because it's a currency."
"Student loan forgiveness would expand opportunities for millions of people and provide a massive stimulus for our economy."
"Canceling student loan debt would provide a massive stimulus for our economy."
"We're going to probably see a big push on the 200 per month social security increases."
"It seems absolutely morally and financially sensible that we don't just freeze that money but we should redistribute it to rebuild Ukraine."
"Artificially low interest rates really constitute a war on savers by spenders."
"The politicization of interest rates is in itself the problem."
"Why is it a central bank determines this financial future for all of us?"
"The whole house of cards is being held up by these artificially low interest rates."
"Interest rates, which affect the cost of borrowing for credit cards and mortgages, are now set to hover between 2% and 2.25 percent."
"Quantitative easing started after the global economic crisis."
"Pal will taper 1 million percent on November. You think the market is gonna like tapering? I don't think so."
"I can't really see a good argument for giving money to the bureaucracy of Brussels in order for them to give some of it back."
"Financial Independence allows African nations greater control over their economic policies."
"Despite all the headlines that inflation's getting right now deflation is still in the driver's seat."
"We're going to cancel all student debt through a modest tax on Wall Street speculation."
"Can't use a foundation if you don't have your damn shade!"
"We're going to promise to borrow untold amounts of more debt into existence. Guess who's gonna front that all? Well, the Federal Reserve quite obviously."
"Reparations and very simple forms in a very simple form cut the check."
"Up $1,000 a month in your hands would be a game-changer for millions of families right here in the state."
"They always socialize losses and privatize the gains."
"Inflation keeps feeding on itself until you crush through massively high real rates."
"The debt has to be paid, whether it's through taxation, inflation, or hyperinflation."
"Another rebate will be issued to all the taxpayers. Single filers will receive $500 and joint filers will receive $1,000."
"Central bankers lost control and this inflation is going to linger for a long, long time."
"Let's fix the economy by giving more money to the people who broke it in the first place."
"You have to have some sort of endowment tax... You have to make it so that exact areas of spending for some of these colleges with public money is just off the table."
"Do not underestimate the power of stimulus checks."
"You haven't seen a damn thing yet, wait till you see what the easing and financial conditions have done."
"Some extra money for your troubles: The IRS just announced that they're going to start paying five percent in guaranteed interest to individuals with delayed tax returns beginning in July."
"The dollar will dominate as long as it serves the interest of those who use it."
"Interest rates must hit six percent to tame inflation."
"Market consequences of liquidity withdrawal."
"If they would take interest rates today to 1.75 which was exactly where it was prior to the pandemic crash, the entire treasury curve outside of a 30-year yield would be inverted."
"Money to the people is money into the economy."
"In an Ideal World... let people keep 70% or more of their money."
"The problem is every time they print money, it never goes into the economy. It only goes to the investor class."
"Big day for crypto, big day for SEC. Let's see what happens with the Senate discussion with SEC Chair Gary Gensler."
"The good news is Republicans have not bagged on the idea of a $1,200 stimulus check... we haven't heard any indications of Republicans saying no way not happening..."
"Jerome today he did a really good job uh and I'm not trying to shield the fed here either I'm just saying."
"Global regulation places like Singapore, Japan, Switzerland, the UK, they've all come out with clear regulatory frameworks for crypto assets."
"It's the middle income, it's the middle class, it's the lower income Americans that are going to be hit by this massive change."
"Jerome Powell, no longer Dove for good this time around, 100% sure. He's becoming a Maverick Wall Street kind of Hawk."
"The perfect storm is you got inflation at an all-time high still they still trying to work on an entertainment now interest rates are significantly higher than they were also moratorium in so it's a lot of people that's going to be evicted."
"This is the single biggest reason why we're facing high inflation right now."
"Why are we sending out all this money overseas?"
"The SEC's current framework is unsuitable for crypto."
"With the economy going into a recession on its own and a global liquidity crisis brewing, why on Earth is the Fed raising rates at all?"
"Bitcoin has captured politicians and central bankers' attentions, and now they are actively moving against it."
"I'd like to see more money in the pockets of people."
"Jerome Powell knows that if he comes out too dovish...the market is going to blast higher again impulsively."
"These tax cuts have overheated the market it's created this giant bubble and in that bubble you have what inflated prices because of the stock buybacks."
"PayPal has announced it has increased the amount of cryptocurrency U.S customers can buy via its platform to $100,000 per week."
"Yes, we need regular stimulus checks monthly until this pandemic is over."
"Attempting to make crypto assets a national currency is an inadvisable shortcut."
"Money now. I actually support some kind of student loan forgiveness."
"I think the incentive skew so heavily there and the way that happens and why Bitcoin would fix this is that it is essentially when you can't create money from thin air and ever you can't have artificially cheap Capital."
"We completely 100 believe that people should be, you know, disability accessible to everyone."
"The SEC needs to be completely defunded, removed from crypto."
"Financial transactions could be taxed to raise revenue."
"Tonight, the battle over raising the debt limit finally moving to Congress but it's far from over."
"Nasara is forgiveness of credit card mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities." - Narrator
"If the United States continues driving crypto offshore, there will be more offshore companies."
"Remember though whenever the central banks around the world begin these tapering style Concepts..."
"I favor some form of college debt loan forgiveness because we have to acknowledge that a huge portion of that loan debt is never going to be paid back... we have to get off the credentialing treadmill."
"We're not at a three percent interest rate... we got to come back down to reality."
"Even if it doesn't hurt the fight against inflation or the path of bringing interest rates down in the future, there's still somewhat of an injustice happening here." - Narrator
"The Federal Reserve was the drug dealer for the markets... the government has gone out of its way to continue to spend."
"Donald Trump last night announced that after the election the people will be getting the biggest stimulus they've ever seen."
"China's government introduced three red lines to reduce financial risks."
"The Federal Reserve must absolutely remain independent."
"You're only going to have the issued currency gold backed currency at the time of the rv."
"Gold is not going to stop rising as long as we continue to borrow, print money, and raise the debt ceiling."
"Perhaps the biggest, most controversial thing is a 20% tax on income and unrealized gains in stocks for people with over 100 million net worth."
"Raising interest rates and restricting liquidity into a slowing economy has never been a good idea historically."
"The catastrophe is by doing what they're doing, the cheap money they're boosting the stock market."
"We're already at 0 interest rates, we're approaching 30 trillion dollars in debt."
"Marjorie Taylor Green attacking the Biden student loan debt relief..."
"October's job report makes a 75 basis point hike almost certain."
"All you have to do to fix Social Security in the long run is lift the cap."
"Let's cancel student debt... just about 1.6 trillion dollars."
"Lower interest rates means that money is cheaper to borrow, it encourages more lending."
"We will closely monitor incoming data and carefully assess the actual and expected effects of tighter credit conditions on economic activity, the labor market, and inflation."
"This shift toward transparency isn't just a buzzword it's become the north star of Global Financial policies."
"Things like the debt ceiling are a self-inflicted wound on dollar sovereignty around the globe." - Lara Rhame
"If there's going to be money provided out, it's going to be more money in circulation, it's going to help the economy."
"QE tries to lower market interest rates to ease financial markets."
"The effect of this action, in other words, will be to stabilize the dollar."
"The difficult thing that people didn't realize is that that policy has to be paid on time; if it doesn't, it could affect the guarantees."
"If this time we're applying the right medicine, propping up the banking system, expanding the budget deficit, cutting interest rates, does that mean we can all sleep soundly at night? Unfortunately, not."
"This is going to make inflation worse."
"In my view, it's the best path that remains to providing as many borrowers as possible with debt relief."
"His financial policies, i.e., restoring taxation in the face of elite opposition and his revival of the Balkans, place him in the ranks of the near-great emperors."
"I disagree with that, my king. I think the Finance Minister has been ill-informed."
"China tends to give less conditionalities, much longer time periods for repayment."
"All of these services will be available using your OHIP card, never your credit card."
"For the first time in 16 years, the basic rate of income tax will be cut from 20 to 19 pence in the pound."
"We're not targeting asset prices. We're measuring success in terms of our mandate, which is employment and price stability."
"Countries should decide to regulate exchange platforms between convertible virtual currencies and fiat currencies."
"Bailouts and bail-ins are good in different circumstances."
"We need to bring down what is elevated inflation."
"We need universal health care, talk about financial regulations, talk about things that matter to the average person."