
French Revolution Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The guillotine struck fear, awe, and excitement into the hearts of the people during and after the French Revolution."
"All sleepers awaiting a call to action and the call came, and France fell under the dark sky of bloody Revolution."
"She is still equally loved and hated, the last Queen of France before the French Revolution."
"His rule had changed everything and defined an era coupled with the French Revolution that was among the most important ages in history."
"Marie Antoinette’s execution was a symbolic sacrifice to the Revolution."
"But perhaps most importantly, the French Revolution pushed forward the concept of human rights."
"The French Revolution made the people themselves the nation."
"The French Revolution asked new questions about the nature of people’s rights and the derivation of those rights."
"Without the victory of the rebels, there would be no French Revolution."
"The success of the American Revolution also helped inspire the French Revolution in 1789."
"My only regret is that I am going before that rat Robespierre." - Georges Jacques Danton
"Robespierre's ultimate mistake, however, came on July 26 when he made a speech to the National Convention."
"The French Revolution was much more complicated and nuanced than a simple case of an oppressed underclass versus greedy Aristocrats."
"The French Revolution didn't happen because King Louis XVI was some kind of tyrant. In fact, he was the opposite."
"The Rose of Versailles is a thrilling and fairly historically accurate retelling of the French Revolution through the eyes of a strong-willed freedom fighting noble."
"Paris was besieged by riots that culminated in the storming of the Bastille prison."
"Rousseau's description of the legislator, the kind of political founder creating a people, was closely connected with the French Revolution."
"Many saw the stubborn Frenchman as a symbol of freedom, a relic of the Age of Revolution."
"The French Revolution helped to shape modern democracies by exposing the power inherent in the will of the people."
"The American Revolution is looked at as still a major model alongside the emerging French Revolution."
"What the French Revolution is going to give us... is completely Universal."
"Over the next 13 months, in what is now called the Reign of Terror, 26,000 people would die from guillotine or in prison, including Marie Antoinette and Joseph's long-time friend Louis Philippe."
"Despite widespread hunger and poverty among the ordinary French people, the powerful and wealthy nobility and Catholic Church did not agree to pay additional taxes to improve the condition of the poor."
"The big change politically was the French Revolution in 1789, which in real ways is the birth of political secularism."
"...the French Revolution therefore was the essentially chaotic and often violent process by which political power passed into the hands of those who already possessed economic power."
"The French Revolution's alteration of the Jews' political status was truly fundamental."
"French Revolution was legitimate because it was an uprising of the common people against the authorities."
"The French Revolution may have been a pain in the neck, but for a lot of people, it was a big weight off their shoulders."
"This museum is one of the world's oldest, opened to the public during the French Revolution in 1793."
"In just a few days, on the 14th of July, 231 years ago, the Bastille in Paris was stormed."
"This marked the beginning of the French Revolution."
"Both king and queen were imprisoned and put on trial, and both were beheaded in 1793."
"It certainly marks the end of the French Revolution as a great and terrible social experiment that sought to reform, rebuild, and remake every aspect of France."
"The reign of terror had traumatized French society, leaving a death toll and legacy of political violence which seemed unprecedented in modern memory."
"In harnessing the emotional and ideological power of the French Revolution, Napoleon created a revolutionary empire that intended to transform Europe."
"After the fall of the Bastille in July 1789, patriotic revolutionaries took to informally calling it the dawn of the era of Liberty."
"It is a critique of the French Revolution and the bourgeois society."
"French Revolution: rights flow down from government, equality of outcome is more important than personal liberty."
"The American Revolution's emphasis on freedom and the right of the people to consent to their political leadership inspired the French Revolution."
"It is an insanely rich and detailed primary source for just what the French people were thinking about right before the French Revolution broke out."
"The Declaration of the Rights of Man was intended not just for the French but for everyone."
"The popularity of the French Revolution went into steep decline once reports of the Reign of Terror started crossing the Atlantic."
"This anxiety about the French Revolution had a very positive output."
"We can't understand the world in which we currently live without taking into account the importance of the events which took place in France at the end of the 18th century."
"What is the Third Estate? All. What has he had so far in the political order? Nothing. What is he asking for? To become something."
"We're well aware of the French Revolution, which cost the life of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and thousands of aristocrats."
"The evidence becomes particularly interesting when in 1789, in the course of the French Revolution, the Bastille is overrun and among mysterious things it contains is a skeleton wearing an Iron Mask."
"The 'Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen' of 1789 proclaims the equality of all French."
"I'm so interested to see what life is like in the fallout of the French Revolution, especially for someone who is so close to the cause."