
Safety Feature Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Seymour thought Uber's new feature was a great start, but a bill named Sami's law was passed in honor of Samantha six months later."
"Adaptive Driving beam where you can do all the split lights."
"Gas nozzles have breakaway devices to prevent hazards if accidentally driven off with the nozzle still in the tank."
"The orangey red ceramic bezel looks really nice, has that warning alert vibe to it."
"Automatically see a live camera view of your blind spot when activating your turn signal."
"Ladders: You don't take fall damage when you land on them."
"Having the blind spot monitor is always a good, nice idea."
"Why don't lightsabers have hand guards on them? It would seem to be such a good idea."
"Resolve will also protect our health a little bit."
"The tiny holes at the bottom of airplane windows have an extremely important function of regulating the air pressure inside the cabin."
"That's what it's used for, basically. It's just a little bit of a kick out to make it where the driver has to do a little bit of steering to straighten out the vehicle."
"You're going to get a vibration... lets you know if you are departing your lane without signaling."
"The PowerPod does have a blade system, but it's completely contained entirely within the stationary shell."
"Indicator light advises for overloading and overheating."
"Cauldrons can now be filled with lava buckets without igniting nearby flammable materials."
"The adaptive lights just swivel right up there."
"They also made a new protection against malicious USB devices feature, which ignores any device plugged into your computer while the screen is locked."
"it's called an anti-capsize system"
"Anytime you pull either brake lever it cuts power to the motor immediately."
A finger guard on a "survival knife" is a feature I really appreciate because it protects you from sliding forward and lacerating one's self.
"One other cool safety feature of the bike is... If you put the kickstand down, the engine will disengage."
"The SOS feature alone is amazing because I mean that could save your life."
"Literally, this vehicle will dial 911 by pushing that button, even if you don't have a cell phone paired. You can push that; it automatically has its own Cellular Connection."
"...it's going to have an SOS feature so if it detects a hard impact it's going to send a notification."
"The car will automatically contact emergency services in the event of an accident."
"Blind spot assist, it's pretty good, it shows it on your screen if you do have something or when you're making left and right hand turns."
"Now obviously you don't want to rely on this 100, but it does come in handy if for some reason you can't see over your shoulder on the left or right side."
"In addition to the blind spot warning, this has this camera function and it'll give you a warning if there is a car there on that side and you're trying to merge into that lane."
"Blind spots are unavoidable in all vehicles... so they have that blind spot monitoring."
"Automatic locking, so when you walk away or start driving the car, once you at 10 miles per hour, the doors will automatically lock."
"If you tend to have a heavy foot you can activate the speed warning."
"The safe Parts allows you to actually do some true false validation which is really important."
"With the Active Distance Assist DISTRONIC, I can set a desired distance between my car and the car driving ahead of me."
"The blind spot cameras are simply the best."
"The auto-off feature will go off after about 10 minutes of inactivity, allowing you to craft without worry."
"Heads up display so you don't have to constantly look down at your cluster."
"I like the idea that you can't open it until that valve is down, so you know for sure that there is no more pressure in the canner."
"Hopefully, more than a few lives will be saved with this feature."
"It's a really cool safety feature, but it's also something that's been used to stabilize things like jets, really fast airplanes like the Long-EZ."
"The really cool thing about a canard design is when this wing here stalls, this wing here is still flying."
"The main purpose for the brake is a kickback safety."
"Hiding in its wide chrome grille is an optional 180-degree camera which affords a good view when pulling out of tight spots."
"The auto steer definitely makes a difference."
"This feature here is for your blind spot, which basically allows you to see if there is a car coming up into your blind spot, and it works really, really well."
"Now we have blind spot information system, so pretty much if there's a car in your blind spot, that's going to light up."
"The blind spot monitor system... as there's a vehicle in your blind spot, it will alert you by illuminating that little light."
"We have a nice frameless rearview mirror, and if you pop that open, you can see the rearview camera."
"It helps keep your eyes on the road better."
"Adaptive cruise control is a fabulous thing."
"The hole in the pen cap actually serves as a safety feature."
"Active Blind Spot Assist is an assistance system for helping to prevent accidents."
"It's a real positive safety, I like it."
"The crew always has the option or the ability to take manual control of the spacecraft if needed."
"The camera feeds into that LCD screen... in the event that you are getting too close, it will stop you before you do hit something."
"Having current protection built into here is going to protect you against some types of failures through the current limiting."
"Proximity points: This is something very good if it's checked, it will warn you as you approach safety cameras."
"It's really intended to keep you on your intended path."
"The lane keeping system... actually helps keep you in that lane."
"I always watch this speed in the head-up display so I can focus on the road, and that's of course again a safety feature."
"Active lane assist... allows you to have a warning or steering correction in the case of you leaving your lane."
"It's like a safety feature in addition to a convenience feature."
"That will light up when there is a vehicle in your blind spot."
"It was pretty amazing how well that system worked and it kept you in the middle of the lane."
"Cover locks are a small but important safety feature that prevent the spa from being accessed by children."
"The 'Take Me Home' button... will automatically take the astronaut back to the station."
"Automatic high beams turn bright when there's nobody there, turn dim when there is somebody there."
"A really good feature to have just for slippery driveways and things like that in the winter time."
"Crash avoidance control, which is a huge deal."
"It's like an invisible hand that guides you back into your lane."
"I like this iteration of blind spot monitors."
"These LED high performance headlamps... they're not going to blind the drivers ahead of you."
"Emergency SOS via satellite is now a standard feature on all iPhone 14 models."
"The forward collision brake mitigation system will actually stop the vehicle automatically if you don't brake in time."
"I also really loved how they did the hi-vis piping here; this really bright neon yellow... drivers are much more likely to see you."
"I love that they've got an integrated bell on the left, just for a safe fun way to give people the heads up."
"The rear LED is provided by a company called AXA Blue Line and this is a brilliant design because not only is it visible behind, it also pans out at the side."
"The bigger brakes you have, a lot more control, and you can stop without locking up the wheels."
"The unit has a midship turn signal here also another really nice safety feature on this version."
"We have our rear view camera here, which is a really wonderful tool when driving."
"If anybody's about to get into an accident and you slam on your brakes, hit your horn, it's automatically going to save that dash cam footage so it's never rewritten."