
Atrocity Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"In order for any human rights atrocity to take root, those who seek to do harm always have to first do one thing, and that's dehumanize the group they are intent on destroying."
"Authority... has been the largest purveyor of atrocity throughout all of history."
"Most people will commit atrocities under the right conditions, and it's not necessarily because they're inherently evil."
"From the darkest days of our past and the appalling atrocity of slavery, which forever stains our history, the people of this island forged their path with extraordinary fortitude."
"Drug counterfeiting is mass murder," says Akunyili. "It is one of the greatest atrocities of our time."
"Parent killing their child is objectively the most horrific of crimes."
"Entire world now learns of the unspeakable horror of concentration camps."
"To show the victims of those particularly heinous atrocities singing and dancing in the streets alongside the soldiers, that is particularly disturbing."
"Planned, organized industrial scale destruction of the whole people, that is new, that is something horrifically new."
"We got a great history of man surviving one of the greatest atrocities."
"Genocide is defined as the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular Nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that Nation or group."
"There's often no counter-vailing point... Some human atrocities simply don't have a counterpoint."
"This man's been living in hiding, a free man for 50 years after murdering 335 innocent civilians in Rome."
"Alive," it was one of the most inconceivably heinous crimes the state had ever seen.
"The totally unnecessary, brutal killing of utterly innocent children and women, as well as the torture of Anil, it is utterly despicable."
"We call it a new form of evil in the world, to take a large group of its own people and say we're going to kill you without any kind of a trial."
"What happened was barbaric, what happened was savagery, what happened was beyond any imagination."
"When you see babies like this, the ones who kill babies like this are not terrorists? It's horrific."
"I saw that film and what I saw was barbaric evil committed against innocent people."
"The sheer mind-numbing callousness of Ishii and his compatriots continues to haunt researchers today as casualty totals for regions attacked with bioweapons continues to increase."
"He had his own mother murdered, ordered Christians burned alive for entertainment, and indulged in perversions so shocking they’d make the Marquis de Sade blush."
"The Vietnam War was the most hideous crime of the 20th century."
"I think human trafficking is one of the great atrocities of our time."
"This isn't just a war crime, this is the kind of demonic [ __ ] you'd only see in like a fantasy novel."
"Genocides never just come to a natural end. There are really two ways a genocide ends: the genocidal actor kills everyone, or someone stops them."
"It is nearly impossible for words to accurately describe what these women did to that poor little girl," said Elizabeth Gordon, assistant managing solicitor for Charleston County.
"The First crusade had achieved its goal, but instead of celebration, what they proceeded to do was unspeakable."
"People were brutalized for real or imagined offenses despite regulations, and women were raped in the streets in full view of horrified onlookers."
"Jones was a cold-hearted killer she took the lives of young children who did not have the voice or strength to fight against her."
"Hindley was a willing partner in the atrocities that were taking place."
"1.2 million children, gassed and burned to death. How can anybody even imagine that this could happen?"
"This is absolutely horrible. It strikes to the worst possible thing that we can imagine."
"This isn't just a war crime, this is the kind of demonic [expletive] you'd only see in like a fantasy novel, this is orc behavior."
"The Holocaust is probably one of the cruelest points of history."
"I mean you want to talk about there was some evil done here but there was a lot of evil done there like on a massive scale talking about ten thousand people or so were killed there."
"Fear has committed some of the greatest atrocities on this planet."
"It is hard to even process how someone can think of something like that, but for the deformed and deranged human mind, atrocities such as these were deemed normal."
"Ethnic cleansing is the smoking gun. I agree. There's no smoking gun for the Nazi decision to exterminate the Jews."
"His silence gave license to Catholic members of the SS to shoot the Jewish men, women, and children as they cowered on the edge of the mass graves."
"Sobibor was small compared with Auschwitz or Dachau."
"The mentally and physically disabled were murdered on the recommendations of doctors."
"It's a story we need to be reminded of, the kind of atrocity that we can't simply look away from if we ever want humanity to be better than it was or is."
"...and you know what what ended up happening is not just you know there's no excuse for what in them happening and I I just can't believe you know there's something really ghastly about it."
"What impressed me then, and has impressed me ever since is that atrocities are believed in or disbelieved in solely on grounds of political predilection."
"An incredible 14,618 pages of sworn affidavits concerning the Philippines were taken by American investigators, and each detailed a separate atrocity."
"Those were killers. Worse than the Germans. Worse."
"So finally, it happened. But what happened? One Jewish doctor was assigned to the transport, probably in case of medical help if you need it. But when the SS got-- spotted him, they started kicking him, and beating him, and laughing."
"There were shootings and hangings and there was no crematorium there only a hill where they used to burn the people and all the ashes used to fly over us every day."
"Conditions in the prison camp were bad enough without human experimentation."
"One of the most glaring examples of how US intervention directly led to Salvadorian deaths was a massacre in El Mozote."
"JD Rockefeller rigged explosives in mines and shot miners as they ran out."
"I consider this crime to be the most atrocious Act of murder in history."
"The people who authorized that are, fortunately, stopped after two or three attempts. But it was an appalling thing to do and as a war crime in anybody's book."
"Another example of a savage and repellent female SS guard was a woman named Ilsa Koch, known to her victims as the '[__] of Buchenwald.'"
"It always takes an atrocity to get us to talk about these things."
"Perhaps most horrifically, the apartheid government had a project called Project Coast, spearheaded by an absolute bell named Wouter Basson, nicknamed Dr. Death."
"Of all abstractions, the most dangerous to mankind is that of the nation-state. In the name of tribal loyalty, sometimes called patriotism, the human race has committed incredible atrocities against itself."
"The first use of the term 'crimes against humanity' was actually instituted in a treaty that carved up the Ottoman Empire."
"History records that the first deliberate effort to systematically exterminate an entire group was by the Germans in Southwest Africa."
"The systematic Slaughter of the Herreros and related African groups was hardly a secret genocide."
"I accused the 22 defendants of murdering in cold blood over a million people including thousands of children shot one shot at a time."
"One of the top figures in the United Nations office on drugs and crime called the case the most horrific thing she'd ever had to deal with."
"It's worth noting these levels of depravity and human rights abuses both because it needs to be said and because it illustrates what they are capable of doing to their own people."
"Nazi party paramilitary forces executed a coordinated planned attack on Jewish businesses and synagogues across Germany and Austria."
"You should be able to acknowledge that what went on back then was absolutely horrific."
"And they would kill them, boil them until all the flesh was gone, and then these doctors would try to figure out why-- what it was that made them be dwarfs."
"...the crimes being committed in the concentration camps and elsewhere which Keitel was aware of and complicit in was so egregious that no command structure warranted obeying them."
"When it comes to leaders who did their fair share of killing, Leopold II of Belgium was the most murderous of all."
"...he was responsible for the deaths of more than 20 million of his own people."
"The SS, this Elite band of Nazis, would Implement Hitler's final solution of genocide."
"Just for no other reason than to enlarge their territory they did such terrible things as to take women who were preparing to give birth and they would just to use his terminology ripped them open."
"This is really evil. Really evil."
"Destiny is a lie. Destiny is justification for atrocity. It is the means by which murderers armor themselves against reprimand. It is a word intended to stand in the place of ethics denying all moral context."
"This was the indiscriminate killing of Serbian Jewish and roma people living in Yugoslavia."
"The cold-blooded slaughter of tiny children is beyond atrocity."
"...the Germans were determined to kill all the Jews."
"Ethnic cleansing going on already in early 1915."
"It's astonishing what one sick mind is prepared to do."
"Thousands were sold as slaves, yet prior to their being sold, they were submitted to tortures, cruelties, outrages, too revolting to repulsive to heart-rending to be here narrating right now."
"The ground we walk on is soaked in the blood of historical atrocity."
"Atrocity is just a [ __ ] exhilarating experience."
"The crimes of national socialism were so inconceivable that people were asking, 'How could something like this actually happen?'"
"High vibration does not mean you do not attract atrocity; it means you have the skills and capacity to process and come out the other side better than ever before."
"Cambodia suffered one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century... when 1.7 million people were killed as the Khmer Rouge communists of Pol Pot reigned here with terror for four years."
"The Nanking Massacre stands as a lesson on the depths of human cruelty and the necessity for war crimes accountability."
"I blush, I burn, I shudder, while I pen the damnable atrocity."
"Slavery was a grave stain on our history."
"History is rife with seemingly ordinary people participating in horrific acts because they were just following orders."
"Targeting a hospital potentially with thousands of people sick and injured inside... is a truly heinous crime."
"A religious atrocity isn't just shocking, it's also revealing."
"The America that existed for them to immigrate to is not free of atrocities; it's built on land theft and genocide against the indigenous peoples of this continent and on the labor of generations of kidnapped and enslaved and trafficked Africans."
"War is war, but killing a man at a wedding... horrid."
"For who could imagine that fellow human beings... could sink so low and inflict such suffering on an innocent community?"
"Mass slaughter is no less of a crime than genocide."
"Goodness, this world must have turned upside down if such atrocities are happening."
"It's insane, but it's also a crime against humanity, and might even be a form of genocide."
"The mass slaughters perpetuated in the Nazi horror camps are too horrible to be adequately described by words."
"...the nation was absolutely shocked by the atrocity of these murders..."
"Slavery was a terrible thing, an atrocity, a human tragedy."
"Humanity has done horrific things to humanity."
"I saw trails and chains of endless murder and atrocity crisscrossing the darkened world into that last eternal night."
"I will carry the burden of the atrocity I'm about to commit proudly if it means the salvation of my people."
"If that happened today, they'd call it genocide."
"Basil II committed one of the most famous atrocities in history."
"Crimes against humanity was the term that best fit the atrocities of the regime."
"The depth of capacity for atrocity and vengefulness is just as deep as the depth of terror that the unknown itself holds."
"It was the worst atrocity of the troubles and yet it's almost been forgotten."
"Tragedies are accidents, whereas atrocities are man-caused disasters."