
Unbiased Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"My goal is unbiased. I want to give you the data so you can create your own analysis and understand what's happening."
"It's important when you watch something form your own opinions think about we were trying to do think about the drawbacks the pros and the cons and approach it from an unbiased perspective."
"We're here for unbiased support, providing evidence-based information so you can make your own choices."
"I cover everything unbiased, I cover diet, lifestyle, vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, hormones, non-hormonal."
"Reviewers give unbiased opinions and experiences."
"It's not about kissing up to companies, it's about unbiased opinions."
"We need somebody to go, somebody that we can actually trust that represents not one side or another with no bias on one side or another."
"I'm going to present the facts around these plans with the data available to us today."
"Welcome to Tech Tuesdays on Tuesdays we give unbiased tech reviews."
"The whole point of documentaries is to give the audience an accurate and unbiased insight into real events backed up by facts and evidence."
"I really wanted to make sure going into this that I tried album of the year unbiased."
"Every time I'm trying to make sense of what's happening in the world at this moment, I go to [Perplexity] instead of up to Google because I feel like there's less bias."
"I promise to you guys I will be as unbiased as possible."
"Minecraft, bro. I think like, as an unbiased point, yeah, sure, I think Minecraft is the ultimate game."
"Many people have made videos on the topic but I actually just wanted to look at which is smarter without being biased and looking at each perspective."
"I'm still going to call it out because I like to give unbiased critiques."
"This is a complete unbiased overview of the platform from my experiences."
"A therapist is non-biased, literally a non-biased person listening to you for the first time."
"I really want to just share the information and not bias anybody in either either direction."
"...as long as you can peel it off as you can see it's fully set."
"You always get an honest and unbiased review on this channel."
"I do my best to be as unbiased as possible."
"I try to be as unbiased as I can when making these videos."
"My goal is to be as bias free as possible."
"I've done my absolute best to make my opinions as unbiased as possible."
"We're an independent company creating unbiased reviews on interesting gear."
"Neva offers an alternative form of search, you get 100% real, unbiased results."
"This is an unbiased review; no money changed hands."
"I really feel like this gives the best, most unbiased review because I have nothing given to me directly."
"We reject every single one because we want to be unbiased."
"What you're getting here is my unbiased views based on my own personal experiences."
"I'd like to look at the effect of the Nakshatra and the planet from an unbiased perspective."
"Every Sunday I explain exactly what's happened the week before, with none of the legacy media's bias."
"If the mean of its sampling distribution equals the parameter being estimated, then a sample statistic is considered unbiased."
"I'm very excited to bring you the first review without any bias."
"It is very clear in my humble opinion, and any academic I think will say the same if you really study it with an unbiased mind frame."
"You can get things off your chest, talk to someone unbiased."
"Objectivity: avoiding bias, concentrating on really the matter in hand."
"Carries no advertising, so our opinions cannot be bought."
"I'm not sponsored by either brand, so this is a very unbiased opinion based on my experiences."
"I bring you unbiased reviews, so if there are strings attached, I don't accept the product and I won't review it."
"It's for everyone, the beauty is it's not biased."
"It's super important to stay unbiased."
"It's an unbiased source that is well researched and is not given to you in kind of a tea in a way; it's more just informative."
"Ground News doesn't use algorithms to send you into a feedback loop of only seeing stories that reinforce your existing bias."
"It's been a breath of fresh air, not a hint of bias."
"It will be very, very unbiased, and I'll give you my honest opinion on this smartwatch."
"Don't guess, just actually figure it out from the data, unbiased, hypothesis-free."
"This is not a sponsored video in any way, so I am allowed to give you my honest, unbiased opinion."
"This review is going to be completely unbiased."