
Sexual Assault Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"I am sorry that you are a victim of sexual assault, and you've had to survive that."
"Women often report that law enforcement does not always take accusations of sexual assault seriously and sometimes dismiss the accusation outright."
"What's wrong with rape? It violates another person's rights. It's a sexual assault."
"The wind was sown when Donald Trump had 19 credible allegations of sexual assault against him, bragged about sexual assault on tape, and your Republican buddies... said, 'Yeah, but we want our guy on the Supreme Court.'"
"Every person, men or women, who makes a charge of sexual assault deserves to be heard and treated with respect."
"If any good at all has come from this ugly confirmation process, it has been to create an awareness that we have underestimated the pervasiveness of this terrible problem."
"Stealthing, which is surreptitiously removing a prophylactic during the act of sexual intercourse, thus rendering protected intercourse to unprotected, which in certain countries is actual assault."
"Survivors of sexual assault, harassment, and abuse come forward to seek some semblance of justice, there is an army of attorneys with a tried and true playbook of tactics to discredit, pressure, and manipulate survivors and victims into silence."
"Under no circumstances should survivors of sexual assault ever be used as a political grift."
"The law in this country says you cannot have a 40, 50, 60-year-old man cannot get a child of 11, 12, 13 drunk out of their head and then have sex with them. That is rape."
"The term for this, by the way, is stealthing... it's sexual assault. It's pretty unambiguously sexual assault."
"All sexual assault is about power, it's all of it. Sexual harassment is about power, rape is about power, it's not about lust."
"Men on average receive prison sentences 60% longer than their female counterparts."
"Females were more than six times as likely as males to be the victims of sexual assaults known to law enforcement agencies."
"Our word is incredibly common about one in five women experience s-a and false reports are rare two to eight percent so if a woman comes forward about being assaulted occam's razor suggests she's probably telling the truth."
"Their experiences were so devastating and it was so startling to me in particular that each of them had almost identical experiences with Danny Masterson and his sexual predation."
"Several women who accused convicted serial rapist Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault and harassment have been awarded $19 million in restitution payments."
"Accurate prosecution of sexual crimes should certainly be expected."
"Pulling off somebody else's clothes without their consent is sexual assault, no matter how you spin it."
"Low-level sexual assault can be the first step in some really serious crimes."
"The truth matters, period. I fought my entire life to change the whole notion of the law and cultural sexual around the coast around sexual assault."
"This is about an internal investigation revealing what has been a long-standing pattern of behavior of child sexual assault and a long-standing precedent of no prosecution no charges no convictions."
"Sexual assault can affect satisfaction with sex. Opening up this conversation was really important."
"All claims of sexual assault should be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated."
"One in four women will have been sexually assaulted or raped by the time she has graduated from college."
"Sexual assault allegations should not be deployed strategically for political gain."
"I stand with any victim of sexual assault or violence of any kind."
"I appreciate the courage that it takes to come forward."
"Why is sexual assault or sexual misbehavior any different than any other crime? Why shouldn't we just believe everybody? Every accusation should immediately be believed because people are believable."
"Donald Trump sexually assaulted e Carroll. That's a fact."
"They were able to find bodily fluid male semen... a match to McCurley."
"And I really believe in true equality which to me is equality of opportunity... Males can be victims of sexual assault and victims of false allegations as well."
"I hope that sexual assault victims will come forward, call an attorney, find out what your rights are."
"A person cannot consent to sex once they are incapacitated."
"For the victims, the survivors of these sexual assaults these crimes are as fresh today and the impact that they caused on their psyche as they were then."
"It's a 75 page complaint with explosive allegations of sexual assault, sex trafficking, and drugging of underage girls."
"He wanted to become physical with her, it's sexual with her, she rebuffed him, he kicked her, she was unconscious, then he sees a cinder block and kills her."
"Female and female sexual assault in American prisons is actually three times higher percentage-wise than in male prisons."
"No woman chooses an outfit and goes out thinking I want to be sexually assaulted."
"I may destroy you as a show that bravely deconstructs the trauma of sexual assault in a way that feels very grounded and incredibly real."
"It's the Sexual Assault Survivor Bill of Rights. A Bill of Rights that enshrines a couple of very basic things. Now the first one is to not have your rape kit be destroyed before the statute of limitations."
"All non-consensual sex is rape, whether in marriage or not."
"The tragedy of this Rolling Stone Fiasco is that it undermines claims of women who actually have been raped or sexually assaulted."
"That is the legal definition of sexual assault."
"The bodily autonomy argument needs to be considered in the context of rape."
"Maybe don't go around talking to Billy Bush about how you like to do this exact sort of sexual assault and how it's just awesome when you do it."
"Al is taking a rare step for survivors of female sexual assailants; he's taking his abuser to court."
"She then accused him of assaulting and sexually assaulting multiple women and then paying them off to be quiet."
"As someone who has endured hell, sexual assault, and the arduous process of police reports... this infuriates me."
"If someone sexually assaults someone, they should be canceled."
"He raped me in the U.S Congress. I had nothing to do with Russia or any other foreign country."
"There is never your fault when you are sexually assaulted."
"In New York, a man pleaded guilty to raping four women and he was given no jail time."
"It's a crime to sexually assault somebody and it needs to be reported and needs to be investigated."
"It is rape if somebody is not conscious and can't give consent. It's absolutely rape."
"Every woman knows a woman who's been sexually assaulted."
"If a man gets sexually assaulted, chances are he still comes off looking like he did the assault."
"Describing sexual assault as just [bleep] up shows how much you guys want to downplay what happened."
"Sexual assault is not about sex; it is about power. The assailant wants to feel more powerful than their victim, so they violate, harass, and attack these people to flex their power or just feel like they have some for a brief moment."
"When I use the term assault, I'm talking about sexual assault, of course, that's what he did many, many times in his criminal career."
"If you have PTSD or if you've been a victim of military sexual assault, to go and get help. There's help out there if you reach out for it."
"Reporting someone who has sexually assaulted a minor makes you a bad friend."
"...310 out of a, wom go to the police when they do go to the police will experience sexual assault rape or attempted rape in their lifetime."
"It's almost half. Do you really want to [__] do that? Half of women have experienced sexual assault."
"Much of what victims of sexual attacks do that looks like consent is far from consent. It's actually self-preservation."
"But let me just give you a couple statistics. Every 98 seconds somebody in the United States is sexually assaulted. This is not an unusual problem. Every 98 seconds."
"I'm sorry, I don't care if I'm out there butt naked, you don't have the right to rape me."
"This is why sexual assault survivors don't come forward you're and you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't."
"I don't think that who is being raped should matter. Anybody who is assaulting anybody shouldn't."
"There's also a fair amount of sexual assaults in the series against both men and women."
"One in Four Women in the UK have been sexually assaulted or raped."
"The best way to prevent sexual assault in my opinion is to make sure that when it does happen, there are public and notable punishments."
"I think that none of us really knew just how woefully unprepared we were to handle sexual assault when it really happened."
"I think Barton is a very important decision. It gave the Alberta Court of Appeal an opportunity to talk about some of the problems that have existed over time in jury trials in the sexual assault context."
"The time has come to push the reset button for jury charges in this country for cases involving an alleged sexual assault."
"I was sexually assaulted by a member of the prison staff."
"Every 7 seconds, a woman is raped in the Western world."
"The internet is often the only choice in speaking out... the justice system is notorious for not helping sexual assault victims."
"How is it that women who are drunk and get sexually assaulted are told that they deserve it but the rapist who is drinking is told they couldn't help it?"
"It's rape whenever it takes place, if you don't give your consent."
"If a person has sex with another person without their consent, then it's not sex; it's rape."
"I don't think that domestic violence is funny. I don't think sexual assault is fine. There's nothing funny about it."
"I have a non-profit that we started out as helping people who have been victims of sexual assault."
"The only person who's done a bad thing in this situation is the guy who pushed so hard that she froze and he sexually assaulted her."
"We draw the line at sexual assault, thank God, but abuse we don't do that in hip-hop."
"If Emily did not consent to having sex with Anthony that night, it is rape."
"Admitting that I was a victim of sexual assault is one of the hardest things I've ever done."
"I want to report a crime that happened a long time ago, it's abuse, sexual abuse."
"Tonight is very serious because what we're talking about tonight is the subject of allegations of sexual assault and sexual harassment."
"Most victims of sexual assault never really get the justice they deserve."
"They put the pressure on to get rape and sexual assault on the front burner and to do something about the problem."
"It's a reckoning for sexual assault survivors."
"If there's no statute of limitations with dealing with murder, then why would there be a statute of limitations when dealing with sexual assault?"
"There absolutely should be no leeway or tolerance for sexual assaults, hard stop, none."
"There's a lot of evidence out there that actually a very large percentage, if not the majority, of sexual assault victims do not report that right away."
"I'm standing with men and women who come out saying that they've been sexually assaulted."