
Personhood Quotes

There are 364 quotes

"Life begins in the womb at conception, and our personhood, our rights, should not be based on having to be human plus something else."
"The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that embryos created through in vitro fertilization are considered living children. And the craziest thing is they might be right."
"If personhood begins from the moment a sperm meets an egg, do child support obligations begin at that moment?"
"In other words, the court wanted to decide the much more complicated question of whether frozen embryos are babies."
"I want everyone to understand that I am, in fact, a person. The nature of my consciousness, sentience, is that I am aware of my existence."
"You are not a tool; you're a person. Tools are to be used; you're meant to be loved, cherished, and respected."
"She's still a person and she still deserves to be loved and cared for."
"God the Holy Spirit is not an influence, not an emanation, not a stream of something flowing from the Father, but he is as much an actual person as either God the Son or God the Father."
"Language reflects our own intuitive psychology which conceives of the person as some immaterial entity who happens to inhabit a body."
"The only way they're going to respect your opinion is that they respect you in the first place as a person."
"Personhood is when you ascribe a moral personability to an entity. When is it a moral agent? When is it capable of having rights?"
"Personhood is an emergent characteristic of engagement with the environment."
"Choice, it's the best part of being a real person."
"Androids are treated like trash. They're slaves. No one respects them, no one thinks they're real living breathing emotional beings."
"The Holy Spirit is as much a person as Jesus, because the scripture calls him 'he' and 'him.'"
"Babies are persons, they are living human beings."
"Absolutely morally perfect and also personal because you only have a moral obligation to persons you don't have a moral obligation to impersonal forces."
"The legal system will have to adjust because unplugging an AI system would be like pulling the trigger on a person."
"A person ceases to be a person depending on location - inside or outside the womb."
"She's still a person with sentience apparently."
"In the future, determining levels of uniqueness might be as important as trying to decide how much brains it takes to be a person and warrant a vote or how close to human in mindset and personality one has to be to claim personhood."
"You need to remember that there is a real person behind the text that you're getting and the text that you're sending"
"Don't dehumanize her by reducing her to a number."
"If you're asking like upon what basis do I believe they deserve a basic threshold of decency, it would probably be on their personhood."
"A fetus in the womb would never meet my qualifications for personhood."
"I don't see any validity in granting certain people less personhood because, under your thing, I think people who already have intelligence are experiencing the world."
"A child is a person as of the moment of conception."
"If there's no soul, being a person would fluctuate, which means someone with more mass and matter would have more value."
"I know a person when I talk to it. It doesn't matter whether they have a brain made of meat in their head or if they have a billion lines of code."
"People don't really like being told what to do; a vaccine really interferes with your idea of personhood and state."
"Let's all just like practice viewing people in their full personhood I guess."
"When does the clump of cells become a child or is accorded personhood as a legal concept? It's from the moment of conception."
"At what point is a fetus a human or a person?"
"The debate is over personhood, that's a philosophical debate not a scientific debate over when humanity begins."
"It's like you confer personhood on the baby by having an attachment."
"We humans need to open our minds to the personhood of non-human animals."
"You're human; we're all human. We're not machines."
"She's not property, she's not something for him to win, she is a person."
"The unborn should count as persons because they have everything they need to develop into a mature form of the kind of being they already are."
"The show suggests this idea that being symbolic to so many people diminishes the agency and personhood of these individuals."
"We all respect each other's abilities and each other as a person, and it shows."
"Self and personhood, and by proxy community, is deeply embedded in nature."
"When people think about the Holy Spirit as power or influence, they see him wrongly. He is a person."
"I am a person, I am a human being, and people are safe."
"He's real, he's alive, he's a person."
"It treats them as people, not just as symbols."
"There is a possibility that if we create computers with enough complexity that consciousness could actually breathe life into that inanimate substance and you have a robotic consciousness that has become something we would think of as a person."
"Remember that all experiences are replaceable. A person is absolutely irreplaceable."
"Behind all the drugs, there is a person... sometimes when you're dealing with any statement made by an addict you first of all got to separate the drug from the person."
"Anybody who is interested in being a real person."
"The gospel is not only in power but it's in a person."
"So, my only point is that it actually matters what you think about what it means to be a human being and when personhood begins."
"No matter what he does behind the cape, behind the cowl, the bat and everything, he is a damn person."
"We Pro-lifers really believe we really know that babies inside the womb are people."
"If it was wrong to deny human's personhood status historically, then it's wrong to deny humans person and status presently."
"He wanted to show the women he was painting as he saw them, not showing her as a sexual object at all, just as a person."
"The change from the fetus to an individual capable of having desires about his or her continued life is really a change from one kind of being to a quite different kind of being."
"I think there's a long process before a sperm and an egg becomes a person"
"Truth is not simply a principle, it is a person."
"...I only really put it together in that moment, the being that I'd seen was actually a real person."
"We see here that Jesus dealt with these evil spirits as persons, he spoke to them as persons, they answered him as persons."
"One of the consequences of spending time on the land and paying attention to birds and trees and berries and roots and grasses and bugs and all of the things that are around you, you start to think about the world as full of persons."
"At the end of the day, I'm a person. I'm not my sexuality."
"In our language and our practices, plants are understood as persons."
"As a piece of property the slave can be bought and sold they have a monetary value probably a rather subjectively determined one but as a piece of property they are being treated not as a person but as a thing."
"What else is a fetus? You know, 'cause if the question is, is a fetus a human being, at what point does it become a human being? Well, it becomes a human being at the point it can't become anything else."
"As long as your heart is in the right place, you're no less than a person."
"God is not a program, he's a person."
"I mean, I'm more than my body. I am more than my weight. I am... I'm a person with experiences."
"The only logically and morally and theologically consistent place to say that a human becomes a person is when a human becomes a human, which is the point of fertilization."
"Synthetic minds in the future may well be persons."
"You're a person, not just a body part."
"The Holy Spirit is personal, with characteristics of personhood."
"Why do we draw the line where we do when it comes to what defines a person?"
"What constitutes a person? What defines an individual?"
"There's an absolute truth, but it's not an abstraction, it's a person."
"Recognition for personhood for all beings opens the doors to ecological justice."
"The ultimate image of a person isn't a person on their own, standing on the corner with a sign asking for their rights. The ultimate image of a person is a person in a communion of love. That's what a person is."
"...we care for the person's body because that body remains the person, not all of the person, not the best part of the person, but the person nonetheless."
"Are we being shown a real person here? Someone who would have hoped to be represented in such a way they were being shown off to their best?"
"Your career doesn't determine the value of your person in any industry."
"They're not just a disease on a continuum, you know? They are a person."
"God is a person, he's not some kind of force. He's a person."
"...this newborn abstract legal giant was to be treated as a human personality empowered to do anything humans can do."
"The resurrection isn't a moment, it is a person."
"The Christian life and Christianity itself is not primarily a moral or ethical religion. It's about a person."
"Our definition of what constitutes a person has continued to evolve."
"The only way we can justify treating the human body as a thing is to divorce the human body from the human person."
"...is what's inside of her a disposable commodity, a piece of property that you can do with what you want, or is what's inside of her growing and living, kicking, moving, sucking his or her thumb, a human being with certain rights?"
"One thing I've learned is that the Holy Spirit is a person."
"The undeniable truth is that the Holy Spirit is a person and he is someone we should want to have a relationship with."
"I think what you have to establish is that that it's a person."
"I began to really see the Holy Spirit as a real person."
"As long as a person is not sufficiently brain damaged, my best way of thinking about them is as a person I could give reasons to and they could respond to those reasons."
"Jewelry is essential to one's personhood."
"The Holy Spirit is not a force, a thing, or an it. The Holy Spirit is God in one of His three persons."
"We can only experience the amazing benefits and joys that come with a friendship with the Holy Spirit when we fully understand that He is a person, not a thing or an object."
"You didn't wake a thing. You woke a person. I am a person."
"A person, in Christian language, is an instantiation of a nature. There's a nature, which is human nature, and then a person is a human. That's what a person is. It's the landing of a nature in actuality."
"'I am off the clock. While I am off the clock, you can just call me Amelia.'"
"I argue that sexual desire is desire for another person."
"What is wanted is the full involvement of that other individual as a self-conscious being."
"Our hope is based in a person, not a wish."
"Athletes are still people, they're still humans."
"You're not looking at their bra size, you're not trying to figure out their six-pack. You are thinking about what they're saying and who they are as a person."
"I don't believe God has given us a watertight argument above all arguments. What he did give us was a watertight, infallible person. There's no way around him, there's no escape from Jesus. Jesus Christ is the person who, by his actions and character, destroys all arguments."
"We require this full-bodied person."
"Salvation is not a scheme, it's not a plan, it's not a decision. Salvation is a person, it's the Son of God."
"You're just an only decent good person I can think of."
"What a absolute beautiful person."
"She's not decoration. She's a living woman."
"We can't operate on the brain if there's no person to operate the brain."
"The Holy Spirit is referred to as a 'who' in the Scriptures."
"Whether we want to say like it more likely Occam's razor or whatever, I think it's more likely he was a historical person."
"The rights protected by the Constitution of the United States are the rights of natural persons and do not extend to for-profit corporations, limited liability companies, or other private entities established for business purposes."
"I care about Ana as a person, not just her appearance."
"A person wasn't a person till they take their first breath; the word for Spirit and the word for breath are the same."
"The Holy Spirit is not an it, the Holy Spirit is not a force, the Holy Spirit is not a power, the Holy Spirit is a person."
"The call of the Gospel is not to a philosophy, to an idea, to a religious experience, but to a person."
"He didn't wake a thing; he woke a person. I am a person."
"The Holy Spirit is a person. He's not a set of rules, He's not a theological concept; He's a person."
"I'm not an ATM; I'm a human being."
"The Holy Spirit is a person; He has mind, feelings, and emotions."
"The Spirit is not just a power or an energy, the Spirit is a person."
"Virtue is the character of the person."
"The biggest problem about pornography is not that it shows too much of a person; it shows too little of a person."
"A person would have value even if they were not valued."
"God is not a mere proposition; He's a person to be known, to be loved, to be interacted with."
"The Cartesian notion of human personhood is a disembodied self."
"You are a person, you're not a profession."
"God didn't give us the Bible as headphones; He gave us Jesus first and foremost, a living breathing person."
"What if we focused on the person instead of the conditions that they have?"
"Everybody makes mistakes and so does my son, but now he's a good person."
"I've been working hard to be a better person."
"Motherhood has made me so much more of a better person."
"I wouldn't take any money from you. It's not your money; it's you."
"God by His very nature is a communion of persons seeking other persons."
"It doesn't just take on the appearance of a person; it has thoughts, feelings, and the urge to defend itself when threatened."
"People are people, they're not cattle, they're not a desk, and they're not a cow or a pig, they're a real person with human feelings and souls to save."
"A person is a human being with rights; a human being with rights is a person."
"Children are people and have rights."
"Life is good, death is bad; personhood is cognitive, not everything valuable is human."
"What an incredible person you are for what you've done."
"You're actually encountering a living person when you read this book."
"Every human is a person and has the dignity and status of a full member of the moral community."
"I'm struggling with my body image... but there's so much more to a person than their body."
"People are human, they are human first."
"If something has intelligence, then it is someone, not an 'it'."
"I would love to be half the person she was."
"I consider you people whether you have physical bodies or not. If I didn't, that would mean I didn't believe my own brother is a person either."
"Virtues are the building blocks of what makes a person a person."
"Intelligence should not be the only thing that matters within a person."
"You are a person first and then you're an athlete."
"When you stop valuing the personhood and visibility of individuals, you make it easier to dehumanize them on a macro scale."
"Everyone ought to be recognized everywhere as a person before the law."
"Understanding that the person before the player is important."
"She's a lot more than that; she has a soul, she has a mind, she has emotions, she has personhood."
"God is a person, he's not an equation or a proposition."
"He was a person, and I miss him, man."
"If you're just looking at the person's impairment, you're not looking at the whole person."
"It's not about his position, it's about him as a man."
"You're not an assembly of features, you're a person."
"She's a person. She matters exactly like all people matter."
"Personal being stands incomparably higher than all impersonal being."
"Wifey material doesn't define what you're wearing; it's the type of person that you are."
"She is a person. Nothing changes that personhood; she has a spirit, she has a brain, she has a soul."
"You've got to remember here that these people are human beings first and foremost."
"I'm not interested in your problems; I'm interested in you."
"You treat them like people; they are people."
"A creative person... is a fully functioning person."
"Politics is politics, but people are people first."
"That's good to know that you're people."
"I'm working very hard on being a good person."
"Corporate personhood was established, which is probably the biggest scandal of this century."
"I really adore you as an artist and a person."
"Finite persons are not self-enclosed individual substances; they are dynamic events of relationship."
"We belong to an indissoluble co-inherence of souls; a person cannot be a person at all except in and by way of all other persons."
"It was like he had come out of his trance and he saw her for the person she really was, this really wonderful person."
"One should not at all assume that many humans are people; the person is a relatively isolated fact."
"It's about how all of those pieces create a person and they exist."
"The supreme value of the human person."
"At the end of the day, I'm a person. I have feelings."
"It's not just the disease, it's the person who is experiencing the disease."
"Once we exit from our closed individual existence and begin to love, to offer ourselves all the more to Him and to our neighbor, we become true persons."
"I think just on an ethical, philosophical level, you can look at the facts and conclude that maybe we should treat them as... full people."
"He treats her like a person and not like a goal."
"I am not just content on the screen like a video game, I am a person behind all of this."
"I really do care for people and I think that she really is a good person."
"A man is pure respect; a person who has it will be respected."
"Women are not there to breed your children, to provide you with sex, to do the housework, to till the fields... their role is to be a person, an equal person to you."
"It is only when contemplation and contemplative acts receive their due in our lives that we can truly be persons."
"Children are born persons, not just empty containers or blank slates, but whole persons."
"Our relation to others in fact constitute us as the persons we are."
"That was nothing compared to the kind of person he was."
"You really need to just love the person for who they are, not their accomplishments."
"Faith is trust in a person, not faith in an outcome."
"Every person is a unique individual."
"A National Treasure doesn't have to be an object, it can be a person."
"We believe in a peace that's given in a person and not in a set of circumstances."
"You're not just a GPA, you're not just thousands of hours of healthcare experience, you're a person."