
Relationship Progression Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Marriage is on the top of the deck. This relationship is moving toward a sacred union."
"You'll start with friendship, and it turns into love."
"Men who are looking to marry are not looking to extend that window. They're looking to get into it and get it moving."
"What they want with you is to get some more information off of you first before they come towards you with some sort of stable offer."
"This person wants to move towards you with action and motivation."
"This connection is going to move forward much more quickly."
"We are talking about moving in with one another next year."
"Best friends first, then love – that's the real connection."
"This person's gonna come forward here eventually."
"I want you to be my girlfriend, I guess I'm ready to be your girlfriend."
"I really want to see the, you're consistent, you're worth it, you're my fiancé now if you say yes."
"This is something that could turn into on that path towards a commitment."
"An energy of having that proposal towards marriage."
"They see you as the next stage of their life, ready to close out a chapter and move on with you."
"They're wanting your connection to move forward, but they're afraid to make a move."
"They're seeing that you are compatible and this is really saying they want to date you, they want to come forward."
"You two will move in and it could happen next year."
"I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level for sure."
"I'm gonna give you, Car, my love. It's been this long, the bond now has nurtured has finally matured."
"It's likely that you and this person are going to choose to move this connection forward after this date."
"This date is going to help you feel a lot more grounded in this connection and you're going to be able to very easily picture things progressing."
"I love you. We're not kids anymore. We're in high school, and this time we reconsider our relationship. Risa, will you go out with me?"
"If she tells you she wants you to meet her parents, then you will know she's really into you."
"This is part of your soul contract to have met this person, to be with this person, it is true love and it is really amazing, it's really going to be moving forward like never before this month."
"For some of you, you could be on the path to marriage."
"Think this will lead to something more? Well, yeah. I mean, it's gonna lead to something more."
"That's so sweet but also like that is like really fast for a mom to be including someone in a calendar."
"He's not my boyfriend anymore, he's my fiance soon-to-be husband which is just so crazy."
"They definitely want to move towards a relationship or a future with you."
"I can't even walk into a bar, she's talking about getting married."
"Engagement... deeper commitment, marriage proposal, the next phase in the relationship."
"Stop manifesting a husband. You gotta have a boyfriend before you can have a husband."
"By the end of November, I feel like you and this person will have communicated and there'll be a little bit more warmth between you both."
"Do you feel like I'm not worthy of marriage? If you feel like you love it here, you're enjoying the relationship, why aren't we progressing to the next step?"
"They want to go to the next step with you, this person wants you guys to come together in union."
"There will be a proposal of marriage in this connection if there already hasn't been."
"If y'all keep playing around, y'all might just find yourselves in a commitment with somebody."
"They see that dedication there and I think that's why they genuinely want some movement forward here progression this person has also worked on their emotional well-being and they see the connection as something that has strengthened it."
"They want you to know that they are coming towards you."
"Both our parents will be happy to see this development."
"He then proposes to her with a bouquet of flowers, asking her to be his girlfriend. This time she gladly accepts."
"This could lead to marriage in the near future."
"Eventually, you will get some type of offer of love."
"You are getting into a relationship if you want."
"Maybe you might get lucky after the 12th date."
"Your dating world is going to open up because your angels are saying okay, yeah, this person is ready, send in the good ones."
"You've waited a long time for this, leveling up, opening up to this beautiful relationship."
"Their friendship would evolve into a full-blown relationship."
"They're ready to let you in their heart, so allow this to happen here."
"Their feelings for you are growing and developing."
"This person is gonna tell you they love you right away."
"That's adorable, should we ask him to be her boyfriend officially?"
"They're gonna want to move forward with you, yeah, like babe, I'm here."
"They want to leave all this behind and move into the future with you."
"They're gonna move, man. They're gonna come in."
"I'm ready to take things to the next level."
"I see you spending a lot of time together in the sense of like, 'Let's go for food, let's go do this, lots of dates,' and I just see it progressing quite naturally."
"We went from friendships to lovers dating and then went to marriage like that's exactly how you want to tell your kids to do it."
"I believe he told us the progression of how it went from two people in class doing study sessions together to something more."
"Percy and Annabeth... go from enemies to friends to lovers."
"I'm so sick of calling you my girlfriend; it's the worst. I hate it. I want to call you my wife."
"The day when we become more than childhood friends is probably not far off."
"And then we went on another date, and another day, and then you know, ended up following him up, and now two kids later here we are."
"Fast forward a few months later, we moved in together, we got engaged, and soon after we got married."
"Lunch dates are like we're just getting coffee, getting to know each other. But night dates is let's put on the red lipstick and we get married."
"One date led to another and now we're engaged."
"My girlfriend just texted that she's open to having kids with me."
"I don't wanna put a rush on you, hope I ain't putting too much on you, way more than a crush on you."
"These strangers became housemates, housemates became friends, friends became family."
"I love you better today than yesterday."
"You could go from being close friends to getting married."