
Wisconsin Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Steven Avery became sort of a folk hero in the state of Wisconsin, the poster child for the Wisconsin Innocence Project."
"Best restaurant in Wisconsin, I'm being told."
"Wisconsin came in, we won with Wisconsin, which hadn't been won in decades."
"Wakaa Wisconsin is one of those places that's got a little something for everyone."
"Whether through yoga, whether through science, whether through spirituality, whether through Ayurveda, they all come to the same point of mantras and the power of mantras on the body."
"Wisconsin has an incredible amount of UFO sightings going back to the 1950s."
"Wisconsin is the only state in the United States that requires a special license to sell any cheese of any kind, including curds."
"Wisconsin offers a unique blend of natural beauty, Midwestern charm, and a high quality of life for its residents."
"Male Karen's are out in force in Wisconsin: unmasked, unmuzzled, unvaccinated, unafraid."
"We're here in Wisconsin where everything happens Vortex Wise."
"The beer is literally older than the state of Wisconsin."
"America's Dairyland is very pleasant to bike tour through."
"Wisconsin is regularly voted one of the best states to live in."
"In central Wisconsin agriculture is big business."
"...Wisconsin often ranked as one of the best states in which to live."
"...with Wisconsin being the number one producer of cheese in the U.S."
"Wisconsin is generally known as the state that consumes the most alcohol per capita."
"...the first state that you think of if you were to think about drunk people running around in sausage costumes, they're all gonna say Wisconsin."
"Wisconsin is a great state to live."
"The star of the show from America's Dairyland in Wisconsin is butter butter and butter."
"America's Dairyland now my personal belief is that everybody needs to have at least one friend from Wisconsin."
"Wisconsin has national championship talent."
"For anyone passing through Wisconsin here make sure you stop at the store and check out all the awesome products they have available thank you."
"People don't feel like drinking beer in Wisconsin. You're doing something wrong. If people don't feel like drinking beer in Wisconsin."
"Wisconsin, the cheese is fierce, the beer is fierce, the Packers are fierce."
"Yeah Ryan's a very talented player from up in Wisconsin."
"It's a Wisconsin Sunday morning, it's perfect."
"Welcome back to field trips, I am in Wisconsin right now."
"Milwaukee has good cheese curds cheese curds you ever heard of Culver's Wisconsin right yeah so you can take cheese through the security dude we gotta go to Culver's going to Culver's Milwaukee Bucks I heard there's like OG spots"
"Wisconsin is like cheese but it really loves cheese"
"But the dead giveaway here from Wisconsin is if you suffer from what I call the 'er, no' factor, right? They're like, 'You guys coming with, or no?'"
"Go wild in Wisconsin to build your adventure."
"I love coming to Wisconsin because we always eat very well when we're here."
"Wisconsin has some of the best hospitality ever, maybe because you spend so much of the year freezing in snow that, like, when you get to connect with people, you're so stoked on it."
"Wisconsin is populated with supper clubs; we've got more than any other state."
"The Wisconsin frontier experience lit his passion for nature and sparked his revolutionary conservation ethic."
"Wisconsin's wild outdoors is inviting."
"Wisconsin is the most beautiful state I've ever seen."
"The sphere of influence for the Packers goes well beyond Green Bay; it pretty much extends throughout the entire state of Wisconsin."
"Wisconsin, with our history of cheese making, could be referred to as the melting pot of fondue."
"Welcome to Port Washington, Wisconsin."
"Wisconsin is like all about simple living."
"When it comes to cranberries, we can all thank Wisconsin for getting them to our tables."
"If you're looking to indulge in Wisconsin, go to Solly's Grill, it serves a Wisconsin favorite known as the butter burger."
"Wisconsin, an unbelievable performance."
"Shout out to Wisconsin, you guys get down on cheese, don't you?"
"Serenity at the top of Wisconsin in Landa Lakes."
"Provides a certain beauty that can only be found in Northern Wisconsin."
"The clearest lake in Wisconsin sure does make for a great view, doesn't it?"
"Every visit to Wisconsin's North Woods and Landa Lakes will create new memories and family traditions for generations to come."
"Any time of year is a great time to head to Wisconsin's North Woods."
"That is amazing, you are an amazing animal from northern Wisconsin."
"That's what's awesome about northern Wisconsin, you can do that."
"It's a beautiful area of Wisconsin."
"It's cold and windy out here in Wisconsin again, we're almost to May, and we've literally had two nice days."
"We're back in Prairie du Chien today on Discover Wisconsin."
"Fishing in the Prairie du Chien area is just as popular in the winter as it is in the summer."
"Pete's Hamburger Stand, very iconic here in Prairie du Chien, dates back to 1909."
"Good morning, it is Friday, which is my favorite, and it is a beautiful day here in the state of Wisconsin."
"My three weeks in Wisconsin was like a dream come true."
"Cooperative fact: Wisconsin nice is a real thing."
"Welcome to Wisconsin's waters and the woods."
"It's a cute, wholesome, fun little Wisconsin town."
"I'm in love with anyone from Wisconsin."
"Now when it comes to cheesy concoctions, Wisconsin knows how to make the best."
"This is cheese heaven right here, Wisconsin beer cheese soup, Wisconsin cheese curds."
"For the taste of Wisconsin cheddar, Wisconsin beer, you got to come into Curly's pub for this soup."
"I'll be searching for more of Wisconsin's cheesiest foods as we continue to discover Wisconsin."
"The tranquility one can find only on Wisconsin's back roads."
"The only winery in Wisconsin with a view of the Mississippi River."
"It gets dark early in Northern Wisconsin in December."
"My honest answer, hands down, Wisconsin."
"I'm into being from Wisconsin and how much I love cows and Dairy."
"If you haven't done an original Wisconsin duck tour, you just haven't experienced the Dells."
"With over 15,000 lakes, rivers, and streams, Wisconsin welcomes water lovers."
"Wisconsin's four seasons provide ever-changing backdrops unlike many other states, creating a variety of outdoor recreational and vacation opportunities."
"Kurd is the word and a curd crawl is the task at hand."
"It doesn't get more Wisconsin than cheese curds and Bloody Marys."
"No matter where you are in the state, whether it's fresh or fried, cheese curds are made with Wisconsin pride and passion."
"It's a beautiful January day today here in Wisconsin."
"The glaciers covered most of Wisconsin, slowly shaping much of the state's landscape."
"The Apostle Islands... a grouping of 22 islands off the North Shore of Wisconsin."
"If you like to fish, please come join us here in Wisconsin. The water's fine."
"Nestled in the heart of the Driftless area of southwestern Wisconsin lies Richland Center."
"Paradise, absolute paradise, right here in north central Wisconsin."
"It's really about having fun and enjoying outdoor Wisconsin."
"That's what I love about Wisconsin, people just go big or go home, they make things weird and I love it, they embrace it."
"Wisconsin is full of hidden gems."
"Door County has everything you could want in a Wisconsin vacation."
"There is nowhere else in the world like Door County, and it's a place you get to discover right here in Wisconsin."
"Southern Wisconsin is a special place, you really ought to check it out."