
Year Quotes

There are 332 quotes

"2015 was the year that the Year itself became justification for anything that you wanted. It's 2015; it's time because it's 2015."
"2024 is going to be a year unlike any other."
"Here's to a better 23. I have a good feeling about it."
"Checkered patterns: a very prominent pattern in 2023."
"Thank you for joining us, this is the Q&A session 2024 March."
"2020 has been a pretty exuberant year in music."
"This movie engaged me more than any movie I saw in 2018."
"2020 has been the best year of my entire [expletive] life."
"There's been fun man, [__] 2020, let's make it the best year that we can possibly make it man."
"It's almost a year later, and this has been one of my most highly anticipated releases of 2019."
"What kind of teacher just blatantly refuses to help their student? Oh, it's 2022."
"2019 was such a great year for film... truly a momentous, incredible year."
"This year is about you getting really, really confident."
"We're talking double-digit thousands in operating profit per car per year."
"We're still up on the year as a whole, almost 2%, which is good."
"...biggest success of the year. No doubt."
"Thanks for a great year here in the garden. Good luck in the garden and keep on growing."
"This is one of the best movies of the year."
"I feel like I'm traveling so much this year and I love that for me."
"Is it one of the best animated movies of the year? I would say definitely."
"I believe this is going to be a year of brand new gifts popping off in your life."
"2016 is almost over and it's been a pretty sad year, you know? We've lost a lot of really respected and celebrated artists and celebrities, and we just wanted to take a moment to honor their memory."
"This was one of my favorite projects I think of the entire year."
"2023 was a great year for anime like the fall season alone I think is one of the best singular Seasons we've had in a number of years."
"Emma Stone gave the performance of the year."
"This year has been absolutely wild in terms of entertainment."
"2020, one of my favorite designs when it comes to the rated rookies."
"that's my biggest accomplishment of this year I feel like"
"What was bigger than Rain on Me that year? Nothing. Nothing."
"2020 was an odd year for a lot of people and the companies that they worked for."
"2023 has been a great year for good models."
"I really think that 2023 has been a great year for good models."
"2022 was the best year of haunted content."
"Favorite time of the year, absolutely."
"I just knew it was going to be a messed up year"
"...this particular model is from 1986."
"This is like the Overture for the year."
"In real terms 2023 was a pretty good year."
"This is by far one of my favorite days of the entire year."
"2023 was probably one of the best years of my life, personally and physically."
"This is my favorite week of the year."
"2020 was the impostor, because I think we can all agree that this year was kind of rough."
"That's movie of the year. We're halfway through the year. That's number one, easy."
"2023 was truly the luckiest year ever."
"Congratulations to everyone for surviving another year."
"Communication will be significant this year."
"If your year is full of self-improvement then I'm here to help."
"2024 is the year of the 20 lb bag."
"weekend like this can change a year but it could make a year"
"This is my year of praise and greater glory."
"Honestly loved every minute of it and like I said, the memories out of all, I've had a fantastic memorable year of certain things."
"This was the year of speculation."
"It's been a fantastic year so far and I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store."
"Eighteen, nineteen, two thousand."
"This is a standout palette for me in the year 2015, it's just gorgeous."
"Something must have been in the water in 1981, a year that did Lycan lovers proud with films such as The Howling and An American Werewolf in London."
"An improvement of twenty-three and a half percent over the year."
"This was actually my father's day special from that year."
"I cannot believe that we're like almost in November, like what is actually happening? This year has gone so quick."
"Time flew so fast. It was an unbelievable year."
"Best time of day of the year tonight."
"I think this one was '89. I think '89 is the year for this, yeah."
"This is the year of action. This is the year of fulfillment."
"2020 was a really challenging year for all of us."
"2024 in my opinion is going to be the year of charging."
"2022 was the year I feel I've grown the most."
"...and it would make for an amazing end to a truly terrible year."
"1996 brought us a lot of great things in the world of film."
"This is your year of opportunity. Your year of opportunity."
"It is the can't miss event, can't afford to miss event of the year."
"That means that we make just shy of a hundred and five thousand dollars per year without even working a single hour of overtime."
"It's been a crazy year, but it is close to the end of the year."
"Best thing of the year. It really has been the best thing of the year."
"It was a great year for reading, the first full year of reading that I've had in my life."
"It's been a real sewage pipe of a year."
"It's been a year I will never forget."
"We ain't never had no deaths like this in the family. Everything happened in one year."
"This year is when I felt the most love."
"Isn't that amazing how the year has just kind of disappeared before our eyes?"
"2020 is gonna end like we're not, you know we're six months in, but I'm gonna tell you something, the years been nuts, you know it, and I know it."
"It's been a really really really great year but it's been really really really challenging."
"I'm really glad that I've done it. This year has definitely been an interesting one."
"2022 was definitely the best year ever."
"...2020 has been a pretty crazy year."
"We've had dog's decks, boys, yep, yep, busy year."
"This was a really good year for 2023."
"This year's been really fun. It's been a big year. This year was especially a good year for us."
"Consistency has been my word this second half of the year."
"85 was a trailblazing year for gadgets, a year of big firsts that helped shape the tech world we live in today."
"Unequivocally, I think this year has been a very interesting year because we've seen the highest of highest and lowest of lows."
"We're about to take over 2022... started off a little late. We're midway through April now."
"Welcome to the garden update 2021."
"2024, that's going to be another interesting year."
"I obtained my degrees from the University of Connecticut in 1973."
"Are you ready to crown a champion in 2020?"
"Also, can we talk about how it's almost July like when did that happen?"
"It's a t-shirt, it says real tree 1986."
"An unbelievable script for the year."
"Let's enjoy nature and see what's happened in this 2022 year."
"He is the Australian touring car title holder for 1989."
"I just wanted to start off this year right."
"It was a really fun year for hoops."
"I will remember that picture as an iconic part of 2022."
"2024 is pretty much like the year I feel like it's definitely like the year of work ethic."
"Lord's Pure Heroine also came out this year."
"How do you get a great lawn in 2024?"
"It's been sort of transformative; it's been like a really good year."
"It has become a cliche, to put it mildly, to bemoan how thoroughly God-awful 2016 was."
"The hottest puller on tour at 1998."
"Hello, this is the first video of 2024."
"Happy April, how has that happened? I can't believe we're already a quarter into the madness."
"I'm with the 2024 vibes, I'm very excited, I'm feeling motivated."
"It actually kind of scares me how quickly this year has gone already."
"It's gonna be a nice way to cap off the year. We've had a great year 2022. A lot of stuff's gone down."
"Honestly cannot believe this year is already like, almost over. It is flown by."
"Wake up America, it's 2024; you've got to make a choice."
"This year, I hold big things; this year, I do big things."
"2023 has been one of the best years we've seen in boxing for quite a few."
"Health and wellness should be the primary concern in 2024."
"Truly remarkable was how I would describe this year."
"2020 is going to be one of the most significant years we've ever seen."
"It's a new year and I just love fresh starts."
"This has been an absolutely incredible year."
"When you look back at everything that's happened this year, it is amazing."
"This has been a tough year for all of us."
"It was honestly just a good year."
"We couldn't have asked for a better start to the year."
"This film is really progressive, even for 1988."
"The grind don't stop 2024, this is our year."
"What a year it has been, it's been such an incredible year."
"We all need to be baddies all 2023."
"This is 1939, we're modern, let's talk things over."
"I hope you have an amazing year because you deserve it."
"I hope you have a brilliant year."
"This is the year for your victory."
"It's 2021, it's a new year, it's time to be more positive, right?"
"That was my favorite year of footy, playing exactly for your reasons. It was just a fun year."
"I just feel like January 1st is just going to be like the start of a great year."
"Literally one of my favorite songs of 2023."
"A year is the time taken for the Earth to orbit the Sun once."
"It's been a really long year with a lot of hard work involved."
"What a bonus to add to the celebration to what's been quite an incredible year."
"The marathon performance of the year."
"It's been a funny sort of year, hasn't it? I remember at the end of 2020 thinking, 'Phew, thank goodness that's over, here's to 2021,' and 2021's been fairly rubbish as well."
"There is something very different about this Limerick team this year."
"It's been a weird year and it's been a weird May as well, weather-wise, and it just feels good to finally sort of feel like things are going somewhat back to normal a little bit."
"It's been one of the most challenging years for me personally."
"I just generally love the idea of 24 big goals throughout the whole year of 2024."
"Happy New Year! It's officially 2024."
"We're going harder and harder like never before, 2024 it's our year of winning."
"Oh my gosh, it's now March; we are already almost 20% done with 2024."
"This time, it seems we witnessed an 'epic' miracle in 2023."
"I think 2024 is going to be a good year, I think it's progressively been a better year every year for the most part."
"It's 2021 baby, girl do what you want."
"We really did have a crazy year, didn't we?"
"What a year, what an absolutely crazy year."
"It's 2024 now, baby, and you know what that means."
"This has been a phenomenal start to the year."
"We're here for 2023 and we're here for equality."
"It's a weird year, what a fun year."
"It is a great start to 2024 for Legendary."
"It looks like 2022 is gonna be a fantastic year for figures."
"Nothing will hinder you this year; you are unstoppable."
"Fear not, this year will be great in your life."
"I will make you more than a conqueror; you will be more than a conqueror this year."
"Thank you for another incredible year."
"Hey guys, it's 2023 and we've got a whole new year ahead of us."
"Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any more bizarre."
"That's a wrap for squirrel camp 2022."
"I look forward to 2024 with you guys."
"Embrace this brand new year of possibilities."
"I can't believe it's already been a month since the start of the year."
"I'm just excited to see what this year has in store for me."
"That was the best moment of 2022 by far."
"It's been a long ride, and honestly, this year has been weird, so I hope you the best."
"Life happens, especially in 2020."
"We are live with the ACL bag brawl here in 2023."
"This year has been the best year of anime in a minute."
"I'm really excited for the new year."
"2020 has just been a roller coaster of shenanigans."
"This is probably now my all-time favorite vehicle of this calendar year."
"We really going all the way with it and I feel like 2024 is going to be the year where we show the world how dynamic we really are."
"Of course, 2024, it's a year of dreams."
"It is Manchester City's year then in the Emirates FA Cup."
"Looks like things are shaping up to be an interesting year."
"We blew this thing up in 2024, it's our breakout year."
"It's 2024, time to clean the slate and start fresh."
"I think 2020 is officially saved for us."
"I want to end off 2020 on a high note."
"I truly just feel like 2024 is going to have the best releases."
"This was going to be a year that made history."
"Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024!!"
"I hope this is a great year for you."
"Thank you for making my 2020 not bad."
"This year 2020 was definitely an interesting one and the gardening world saw some action that I hadn't seen in a long time."
"It's like eye candy, like beautiful 2024."
"It's honestly one of my favorite releases of this year."
"This is the start of this new 2024."
"It was definitely an interesting year, it really was."
"God damn we getting through 2022."