
Men's Issues Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Men have to get more involved and we have to be talking to each other and educating each other."
"You can agree that there is still more work to be done to get women on a level playing field and point out what's happening to men and boys."
"A lot of men simply feel like they don't have a purpose anymore."
"Society doesn't care about you unless you prove your value."
"The idea that listening to men's feelings is coddling them is actually a direct reinforcement of the elements of patriarchy."
"Chivalry used to mean something. It used to be a code of honor that a man could aspire to. But fast forward to the modern day, men are actively punished for being chivalrous."
"Men are more likely to die at work more likely to die of drug overdoses more likely to go to war and die for the country more likely to commit suicide more likely to be homeless."
"My worry is that there are a ton of young men who are desperately searching for something and are finding it in the manosphere when in reality what they actually need is... they need a confidence boost."
"Men's mental health doesn't mean much to other people, but it does to us."
"Men are struggling in the classroom, in the workplace, and physically." - David Brooks
"Men hesitate to make the first move due to fear."
"The problems for men are deeper more complex... exists on the grand stage of ubiquitous technological interface designed to consume your attention."
"Men's problems should be taken way more seriously."
"Their father did fight for them and it's also important for younger men to see just how sticky things can get."
"Telling men they can't use certain phrases isn't spreading positivity."
"Men also are victims of domestic violence. That's an important conversation."
"That's how I know how important it is for us as men and black men to really not hide and cover in our feelings and our emotions."
"Learning about men's issues made me more grateful and understanding."
"There's no general conspiracy against men but there is a conspiracy against certain classes of men."
"Help us spread this message because there's men out there hurting bro."
"Men's mental health is something that's really important as well."
"The right is at least rhetorically offering men something other than an HR department every time."
"Andrew Tate isn't the solution to men's problems. He's a grifter. Massive grifter."
"American men are failing in body in mind and in spirit this is a crisis."
"The Lord wants me to speak to the men... every man be delivered now by the power of the Holy Ghost."
"A man has um he has to live within a system in a society that does not believe that he can be a victim."
"Step up your game, put yourself first as a man, mental point of origin."
"If society is failing men, then you cannot blame them when they decide to shift their interest to something that they feel does not fail them."
"It's important that we talk about kind of guy stuff and men's issues."
"Men often feel like they have no choice when it comes to conceiving a child."
"If men were looking for end-goal solutions, they would see feminists as allies."
"I think it helps, I think it's helping men, which is the most important."
"We aren't making present anything in culture for men to emulate."
"People and particularly men want something to live well for and to die well for as well."
"This is a win for the men's sector as well as women that want to understand men outside of the numbers."
"Anger is an honest emotion. I think that's why we're often afraid of men's anger. Not because of the physical threat, it's honest and it's forthright."
"Helping men is a direct way to not only help men but also to help women. If we create stronger men in this world then we create a better world for both men and women."
"Men specifically need better Direction need better role models"
"Men are constantly attacked in today's media and told to shut up."
"Men in general have a hard time fully expressing their feelings."
"Men don't cry, you know it's basically like yeah half the population of people out there told to suppress their feelings."
"We're the only demographic of men where it's okay to villainize on a consistent basis."
"Guys need to understand that they're worth more than this and they should have some self-respect."
"Men build each other up, we have such a good community."
"If you're any man regardless of color that wants to do it traditionally you're under attack and you should have your eyes wide open and ready to go down fighting."
"Acknowledging men's issues could have prevented their emboldenment in conservative politics."
"Step one is actually acknowledging that there are some issues men particularly experience."
"When we start telling men don't be the cleanup guy, go live your life, it changed everything."
"Men's issues need compassion. These are human rights issues that uniquely or disproportionately affect men."
"So when we start talking about the concerns of men we're not going to get this influx of thousands and thousands and thousands of women begging to hear that message because it grates against everything that they think they know."
"Emotional suppression hurts men specifically."
"Men should express emotions and feelings when necessary."
"Telling men to suppress emotion contributes to higher rates of suicide."
"Here's what happens when men try to have a conversation with other men about issues concerning men: I'm sure you've seen the video before, but it's worth a couple of seconds anyway."
"Men are afraid of women because right from little boys they're taught that their sole purpose in life is to marry a woman and provide for her."
"If you care about men and boys, your efforts and energy are best used to contribute to systemic and structural changes along with providing as much social support as you can to the boys in your life."
"If me being wrong leads to a better outcome for men, I'll gladly be wrong."
"We've moved so far into correcting the shortcomings of women that we've now left men behind."
"Man box culture has a single primary goal, and that is to silence men, to get them to shut up and not speak up and not speak their truth."
"One in three men are either a virgin or haven't had sex in the past year, that's brutal."
"Men need spaces, they want spaces, they need spaces."
"Men are tired of being told they don't measure up."
"I think it's damaging men actually because I met men now that are so terrified of being seen as you know a rapist like I know guys literally they've been single for years."
"Why would a man take the risk of getting married again? Especially when they often lose in divorce, lose custody of their children, and face financial struggles afterward."
"Men are wisely avoiding a horrifically bad investment."
"Men's issues like male suicide, education, and father-child relationships are often met with hostility or dismissed, creating a hostile climate for discussing these issues."
"A lot of these men out here is starting to be a little bit more with the [ __ ]."
"I feel like there is a storm brewing out there full of men who have repressed themselves for so long that eventually, the cracks in the armor will be too much."
"There's a lot of unhealed men, there's a lot of damaged men."
"How can you help men level up and you don't even have self-love? You're making fun of the image that you are."
"Reason number 35 for why men have a higher Seaside rate list all other 34 reasons you can find those if you look up Men's suicide roll 34. bro you saw the perfect opportunity and you took it with no hesitation."
"November, although it's a bit of fun, creates so much awareness around such important male issues."
"Men are struggling, men are more suicidal, men are more often homeless."
"Abuse towards men is a real thing."
"Exodus 90 seeks to provide an exodus for modern men into that desert to get away from the pressures and the things that are crippling men's spirituality in today's world."
"Release the [__] in you, this is a platform that allows men on social media to safely come and open up and express themselves."
"We need more men in this space to come out and speak. We need more philanthropists."
"I don't think we talk enough about the men who also experience this."
"One of the least convenient and probably most impactful health conditions that guys face as they get older is erectile dysfunction."
"We should care about men's problems."
"Extend the empathy to men and their struggles as you expect society to extend to you."
"I want men to feel comfortable opening up about their feelings and expressing the struggles they're going through."
"Leftism at a policy level does a great job addressing the shitty material conditions that in part lead to the problems that men are facing."
"I think I'm more sympathetic to men's issues than a lot of women who talk about dating."
"We're just men advocating for other men to live happy lives and do well."
"If we can heal the men, we can heal the world."
"The patriarchy also negatively affects men."