
Entirety Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"If this is real in the Bible, what about the rest? Every word is real, from the beginning to the end. Real."
"Man, everything about it. Everything from start to finish."
"Everything. Just everything. Like, there isn’t a best part."
"I think it's meant for you to appreciate as a whole."
"The whole album is just great from start to finish."
"True worship has to be offered as completely as possible."
"It's really inherently everything."
"This story is beautiful from beginning to end."
"We end up with the fullness of this moment that has in it all of it, all of it."
"When you speak on any part of the 17th, you're speaking on the whole 17th."
"Is one piece everything here is one."
"I feel like if you love something, you like all of it."
"It's about the whole process, right?"
"You can love all of it. That's so cool."
"Your person's coming in to give you the whole shebang, period point blank."
"It's the whole enchilada. It's the whole package."
"You may be wondering so where's the meat but when it comes to these guys you have to eat them whole bones and all"
"Everything about it is in Bitcoin."
"All the truth. You can underline that or remember it in your mind: not some of the truth, all of it, all the truth."
"Take the whole piece, there you go."
"It's all or nothing. The gospel doesn't come in segments."
"You really do gotta like, you know, it's the whole thing."
"...it's about performance all four corners."
"It's not just about performance under the hood, it's about performance all four corners."
"I just love every single part of this movie."
"Everything about it is important."
"And it's all inclusive, so it's all included."
"The entire show is my favorite moment."
"I'm going from the Hem to the Hem, I'm including the Hem right in it."
"We thank You that it's working in us, from the top of our head to the soles of our feet."
"So take me as I am, take me for everything."
"Focus on one leaf, you forget to see the tree; focus on one tree, you forget to see the forest. See everything in its entirety, effortlessly."
"I love everything about this from top to bottom."
"The birth of the United States cannot truly be understood unless it's viewed in its entirety."
"It's about the entire thing, what's at stake."
"They want all of you, even the parts that you see as flaws."
"I love the whole piece from top to bottom."
"I want to give all my love to you; I love all of you."
"When you love somebody, you love all of them."
"Holism comes from the Greek word 'holos' which means all, whole, entirety."
"It represents our society as a whole."
"When God says you're holy, He means all of you. When God says you're righteous, He means all of you."
"When we're loving anybody, it should be for everything they are, not just the parts of them that make sense to you."
"It's fascinating, the whole thing's fascinating."
"This is a magnificent performance in its entirety."
"I want to stick throughout this for everything that it is, not just the bad parts."
"I don't give you a piece of me; I give you all of me."
"Just like you love them, you have to love all of them."
"All of it is joy and love, every bit of it."
"I love you with all my heart, all of you."