
Labour Party Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The longest suicide note in history was the Labour Party manifesto of '83... they have come up with a longer suicide note, it's the Green New Deal."
"The Labour Party is a party of equality, built on the values of social justice, internationalism, and human rights."
"It is so important for political parties to represent the working class, especially Labour. Without this representation, it leaves a space for political parties like the BNP to swoop in."
"I think it breaks it in both directions... Labour isn't in the right position and sitting on the fence has meant that they've lost supporters in both directions."
"I would have voted Labour had they unequivocally backed a second referendum... but because they didn't, I voted the Dems."
"It is the honor and the privilege of my life to be elected as leader of the Labour Party."
"Kierstama has made a very political decision to suspend the whip from him, that's basically to appease people within the Labour Party."
"So Labour have big problems, and I think what's perhaps most important is that people be on the left are recognizing this."
"Labour's poll ratings grew from around 25 percent to 40...probably the biggest campaign growth by any main party since polling began."
"The Labour family now seems lovey dovey...we have occasional disagreements and arguments but you've seen in this election campaign the Labour family coming together."
"Incredible results for the Labour Party because people voted for hope...they want hope in their lives."
"At least Labour is confronting the challenges we face, unlike the Conservatives."
"The priority for Starmer is what they perceive as the rehabilitation of Labour."
"We still have a right to be here, we can still win, we can still transform the Labour Party."
"I want us to be the best option for people to go out and want to actively vote Labour."
"The Labour Party must build a new progressive coalition to put Labour values into practice."
"Despite the fact that people aren't seeing the direction of the party leading Labour into government, the majority are still willing to give Starmer a chance."
"If I was the Dominic Cummings of unionism I'll be working out how I could boost the Labour party of Scotland because I think that's the key for holding the union together."
"What is the job of the Labour Party if not to fight that paradigm that some workers are not worthy of respect?"
"The Labour Party is the property of its members."
"Looking both ways on Brexit has harmed the Labour Party."
"The Labour Party emerged victorious with one of the biggest landslides in election history."
"A Labour Party is there to essentially do the work of the Tories for them."
"Starmer's triumph showed Labour was serious about wanting power once again."
"Starmer would be in the chief position to sweep to power after Corbyn resigned."
"I think it's fair to be frustrated, but the thing that people have got to realize is that Keir Starmer is not an accidental Labour leader."
"The Conservatives suffer their worst local election results in decades and lose a crucial by-election. Kama says Rishi Sunak's time is up as Labour wins Blackpool South with a huge swing."
"I think people who willfully go out to hurt and offend other people have no place in the Labour Party."
"Under a Labour government, I will commit to investing in green business."
"Get some actual unity going on in the Labour Party, something that everyone could get behind."
"The NHS was built by Labour, saved by Labour, and will only be safe in the hands of the next Labour government."
"Labour has come home; we will now have a Labour government concerned for the many, not just a few."
"The Labour Party is now ready to rebuild the bond of trust between the British people and their government."
"We are making progress, and some of the key areas such as Harrow that Labour really wanted to take control of at these local elections, they didn't manage to."
"It is a landslide for Labour, a landslide of historic proportions."
"Labour celebrates its biggest victory ever."
"We will make sure that we've got a manifesto and a program for government that inspires people to vote positively for Labour."
"People who hold anti-Semitic views have no place in the Labour Party."
"Three consecutive election victories for the Labour Party."
"It is perfectly clear now that the Labour Party has had an extremely successful evening."
"Make no mistake, we are on course for a Labour majority at the next general election."
"Labour is still the largest party in local government."
"The manifesto for the many, not the few, that Labour Party put out was actually about young people's future."
"Labour's bid to win the middle class has really paid off."