
Political Parties Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"I also think the Democrat Party is absolutely opportunistic."
"Are we being represented properly by our political parties? They're breaking apart, as it would appear Brexit is just too difficult for them to cope with."
"Money has conquered everything in this society, including the party that is supposed to be the great check on free markets."
"The worst number of political parties to have in a country is one. That's terrible. But the second worst number is two."
"The two parties are not they're no longer two sides of the same coin they are two entirely different currencies."
"A lot of Republicans over the weekend said this shouldn't be going on."
"It's not Republican versus Democrat, that's the difference in the corruption."
"The Conservative Party is built from the grassroots up."
"What unites Democrats and Republicans and Independents is a love for America."
"Political parties are not the most important institutions in a democracy, but they are part of it."
"Come 2022, people vote for the America First Republicans."
"The Green Party is the only National Party that is not poisoned by corporate money."
"The political parties in the United States no longer know how to read their own base."
"Maybe instead of running less shitty, the Democrats run awesome."
"I just said the Republican Party to me is like dead. I don't know how it will be reinvented."
"A hispanic party could be expected to play a similar role representing a group even larger than the black population."
"Political parties as a concept are antithetical to democracy."
"The Democrats are the party of ideas, solutions, and results."
"It really doesn't matter if it's Republican or Democrat."
"At least Labour is confronting the challenges we face, unlike the Conservatives."
"If you think the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are materially different because they are not."
"It is still the harm reduction position to still vote for the Democratic Party."
"For me, Republicans and Democrats in the May are the two sides of one of these choreographed wrestling matches."
"The problem was that the Democrats don't have an advantage because they're not any better than the Republicans."
"The first black provision senators Republican that's correct that's absolutely the Republicans were anti-slavery mentally Republic they don't teach you that in school it's a revisionist history."
"Everything has to be shown to be what it is and the Congress party is itself in a position to help us in it."
"It's hard and it's challenging... but it's a healthy thing for the Democratic Party to go through some reflection."
"The Democrat Party stands for anti-work and high crime policies."
"Republicans are not perfect, but the other side is crazy."
"There's an existential crisis facing the Tory Party."
"We are here to do the rest, I wish I can say that for the presidential candidates of the other two political parties."
"I cannot stand the Democrat party and what they've become."
"I will vote, but I won't vote for either of the parties this time."
"Democrats claim to be the inclusive party, the progressive party, but they're nothing of the sort. The differences between the two parties are small and getting smaller."
"The rise of Reform UK recently and the fall of the Tories."
"Well, obviously, the economy has always done better under Democratic presidents than Republican, so my point is, if you live in a society, not alone but in a society, we all have to rely on each other."
"Once a party embraces hate, it is very difficult to unwind that."
"I am my own thinker... but overall, the Democrats are the only party right now that handle situations like adults."
"Inevitable crushing defeat had become something else: the party depriving the Tories of their majority."
"The only two real parties that are not parasite parties are the Libertarian Party and the Green Party."
"I was waiting for some kind of like Josh Hawley Marco Rubio 'we're the party of working people' against the elite populace."
"Let's polarize the world, let's make Republicans and Democrats look like Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts."
"For now, the Democratic Party is the country's only major small 'd' democratic party."
"Mainstream political parties need to learn the lessons of how successful these new parties have been in Europe in the way that they've appealed to youth deliberately."
"I think the party is going to have to fundamentally rebuild."
"Instead of a kind of conflict between Rebels and Loyalists... you see the beginnings of political parties who are fighting within a system."
"We are now at the end of the road where ideologically coherent political parties can short-circuit the checks and balances."
"If tomorrow the Democratic party just started holding to the values and views I had, I'd be a Democrat tomorrow."
"So is the Conservative Party doomed? Are conservatives doing well, sorry to stay on the numbers just briefly, but electorally? No, of course, we're not doomed, we're consistently ahead in the polls."
"I came in with a Republican house and a Democratic Senate when I got elected. It generally went whichever one I sided with initially prevailed."
"The center parties have no understanding of the widespread alienation, leading to their weakening."
"they are the party of the Rich and yet he wants to save a little special disdain for hopix because she was born rich and worked for a monster"
"The political party is no longer representative of a conspectus of opinion across the board but represents a relatively narrow position at the edge of the political spectrum."
"What are the two major political parties in the United States? Democrats and Republicans."
"Having national parties would help to bind Americans together and would help avoid the issue of sectionalism."
"We need more political parties, we need more of a diversity of ideas and debate."
"The idea that political parties can or should be banned is profoundly undemocratic."
"We're electing the parliament, the Bundestag, more precisely, we're determining the distribution of seats between the different parties."
"The most important medium term strategy for parties that are going to do well in the future are gonna be strategies that address employment insecurity."
"If it is about electing the party, why can't we just elect parties? Political parties depersonalize our politics."
"New Labour is a new political party. I'm not a member of New Labour; I remember the Labour Party."
"Are our institutions and are our political parties fit for purpose to actually try and find a way to solve the most pressing issues for our generation?"
"It's in a way extraordinary that new parties do not emerge more often."
"All politics is local, and so all these local authorities where individuals can be elected as a member of a council can in doing that form the local labor party, an activist in the local labor party or the local conservative or the local Lib Dems or whatever it is."
"I care less for the Republican Party; I care for this country."
"There is a difference between the parties."