
Fallacy Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. It's not; it's a definition of stupidity and brainlessness."
"If you have to appeal to Hitler or Nazis, you automatically lost the argument. The main reason being the Nazis are a joke."
"It's human nature, also a common fallacy, to consistently compare oneself to others."
"That's like saying if I found out the man that had been living in our home as my father all these years was not my biological father then the postman must be."
"Predicting that you'll find something if your theory is true is a logical fallacy. No, Kennedy, that's called science."
"How do you know that these religious system is true and you appeal to a consensus and I'm saying that is a fallacy."
"The arguments are so bad that even if they were right, they would still be wrong."
"House of cards falls in on itself bad logic always reveals itself."
"What's frustrating to me about this is that you're literally saying... I have no explanation for this therefore I have an explanation for this and it's magic."
"The argument from incredulity is a logical fallacy."
"For every complex question, there is one very simple solution, and it is wrong."
"Understanding this concept of sunk cost fallacy."
"For every complicated problem there is a solution that is simple, direct, understandable, and wrong."
"The fallacy of the stalkers' objective relies upon their perception of intelligence because stalkers can navigate the zone they believe they are the ones in control while in reality the opposite is true."
"It's the same I it feels like the same argument for why does someone get healed slowly over time cancer versus a oneandone it's like you know it's sort of a fallacy that you get to that there's all there's an exact way it should go."
"Robert Oppenheimer thought for a time that his terrible gadget might end all war. He was wrong."
"We love Cinderella we love Cinderella you have a name for it yeah and you get capitalize the f as well the Cinderella fallacy is that"
"You should have a plan, yeah you have certain things you don't want to do. But then people come along and say, well, what you want to do is take the one or two trades that consistently work for you, and I think that's another fallacy."
"It's called The Arrival fallacy, it's this fallacy that once you reach the destination, then I'll be happy, then no."
"Perfection doesn't exist. It isn't real. It is a myth."
"Most economic fallacies derive from... the tendency to assume that there is a fixed pie... that one party can only gain at the expense of another."
"You can't debate your way out of a well Poison by 2 hours of character assassination."
"One of the most common fallacies committed by evolutionists is an equivocation fallacy."
"The notion that Africa had no history before the Europeans came was certainly a fallacy because even very, very factor than CVD script existed destroyed that notion."
"Fighting fallacy like a shirtless drunk in a pub car park."
"It's a form of an uh of an ad hominem fallacy. It's one where you shift the attention from the argument to the arguer and rather than deal with the substance of the argument you attack the person."
"Appeal to emotion: manipulating emotions to win an argument, regardless of factual evidence."
"Fallacy fallacy: assuming that if an argument contains a fallacy, its conclusion must be false."
"Ignorance is the idea that because something hasn't yet been proven false, that somehow, in his mind and in some twisted way, adds legitimacy to your beliefs, no matter what they are."
"It's a fallacy, the idea that we're going to be purely 100% clean, that's saying that you're going to be 100% objective, and humans can't be."
"A mistaken belief especially based on an unsound argument."
"Misleading or an unsound argument."
"This fallacy occurs when someone claims their argument is true based on a lack of evidence that it is not true."
"Every heretic has made a mistake in logic."
"Arguments against the Bible are always inherently fallacious."
"I used to view the superconducting loop effect as being the be-all, end-all counter to every Sith in existence. However, I have since come to realize that such beliefs were bordering on a no-limits fallacy."
"Our sin is not infinite; it's a fallacy to argue for infinite punishment."
"Your argument is just committing the fallacy of personal incredulity."
"Race is a fallacy, but racism exists without the certification of the term 'race'."
"The fact that I was brought up in a Christian home doesn't mean Christianity is false. It's a circumstantial ad hominem fallacy."
"Arguments against the Bible always have a fallacy in them."
"99% of the time he is wrong, every time."
"Cherry picking is a fallacy and not honest reasoning."
"Don't fight people, but if you do, don't use a fallacy."
"That's correlation does not denote causation."
"The fallacy of composition is the assumption that what is true of a small portion of a thing is true for the whole."
"He literally hits every single fallacy, victim-shaming fallacy."
"The single cause fallacy oversimplifies a complex issue into one simple cause."
"The slippery slope argument argues against the issue at hand by diverging attention towards negative and unlikely outcomes."
"The straw man fallacy misrepresents an opponent's argument to make it easier to dismiss it."
"Correlation is not equal to causation."
"One of the biggest logical fallacies that exists in the world of poker and in the world generally is that you have to be mean to yourself in order to be critical, you have to be rigid with yourself in order to be critical and I think that that is completely false."
"Our brain wants the world to make sense and our brain will alter our perceptions in some ways fallaciously in order for that to happen."
"Argumentum ad populum means that something is considered to be true because a majority of relevant people accept it."
"A red herring is a logical fallacy in which irrelevant information is presented alongside relevant information, distracting attention from that relevant information."
"The sunk cost fallacy is the reason that you throw good money after bad."
"An association does not prove causation."
"The ecological fallacy is basically confusing individual behavior with aggregate behavior."
"Correlation does not prove causation."
"The ecological fallacy is that group level correlations do not automatically apply to the individuals that comprise those groups."
"Correlations do not imply causation."
"The false dichotomy fallacy presents only two options or sides when there are many options or sides."
"Reverse stupidity is not intelligence."
"I've spent most of my life trying to debunk that fallacy."
"Everyone knows correlation is not causation."
"The sunk cost fallacy describes our tendency to follow through on an endeavor if we have already invested time, effort, or money into it."
"A bad source doesn't make an argument bad, only false premises or a faulty inference from a logical perspective make an argument bad."
"The ad hominem argument is the most common of all mistakes of reasoning."
"Correlation does not imply causation; that's like a known thing."
"The sunk cost fallacy is a psychological phenomenon where once a person has spent time, money, or effort on something, they become increasingly unwilling to abandon it."
"If a supposition or a conditional statement leads to an impossibility, then the premise must be false."
"A false dichotomy is where you are given two options, both are horrible, when in reality there's a third option, or there's even more than three options to choose from."
"A fallacy is an argument that, on reflection, is generally recognized to be a bad argument."
"Fallacies are often mistaken for good arguments because they are successful at persuading people to accept a conclusion."
"I think the logical fallacy is because they're advanced, they're kind."
"The gambler's fallacy is to say, 'I'm overdue to get a tails' because coins don't have a memory."
"This is a fault of history, this is a major methodological fallacy that you often see in history."
"Appealing to an authority is a logical fallacy."
"A fallacy is a false or a deceptive argument."
"A fallacy is an argument in which there isn't sufficient inferential link between the premise and the conclusion."
"Every society is a model of itself, and every society's model of itself is false."
"Correlation doesn't mean causation."
"At its heart, a fallacy occurs whenever something goes wrong in an argument which prevents the conclusion from following the premises logically."
"Logical fallacies are not a matter of opinion."
"The idea that we should resent people who are doing better than we are is a fallacy."
"An appeal to the age of a thing is just a fallacy."
"For every complex problem, there's an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." - Henry Lewis Mencken
"A fallacy is a violation of the laws, rules of thought, and logic."
"But I cannot sympathize with your ideological position because that ideological position is built on a fallacy."
"If we don't recognize the equivocity, we can go wrong in our reasoning."
"Correlation does not imply causality."
"A fallacy is an argument that looks like a good argument, it can easily be mistaken for a good argument, but that isn't a good argument."
"Don't confuse causation with correlation."
"Correlation does not mean or does not imply causation."
"Correlation is not the same thing as causation."
"If rates go up x%, companies will start to default, I think is a fallacy."
"Just because you keep saying it doesn't make it true, and stating something forcefully, even repeatedly, does not make that statement correct."
"Unless the character or actions of the person making the argument are directly related to the matter, then criticizing the person and not their ideas is a fallacy."
"Post hoc ergo propter hoc; after this, therefore because of this."
"One of the things that's been suggested is the sunk cost fallacy."
"Correlation does not demonstrate causation."
"That's sunk cost fallacy for all the kids paying attention at home."
"A circular argument is fallacious; there's nothing virtuous about it at all."
"Strawman fallacy occurs when someone takes another person's argument or point, distorts it or exaggerates it in some kind of extreme way, and then attacks the extreme distortion."
"Anecdotal evidence is no evidence at all."
"An appeal to Authority is when you say something like this is true because the king said it."
"The popularity of a premise or proposition as evidence for its truthfulness is fallacious reasoning."
"Just because something has questionable origins, that doesn't mean it's inherently bad; that's called the genetic fallacy."
"This is a classic correlation does not equal causation."
"Two things can look very similar, but it's a logical fallacy to say they're one and the same."
"The slippery slope fallacy occurs when somebody alleges that a chain reaction of events will take place when there's not a sufficient reason to think that a chain reaction will occur."
"Ad hominem is not a legitimate debate tactic; it is not a legitimate way of responding to an argument."
"Proof by example is not really a proof."
"Proof by example is not really proof."
"I don't believe that he's crazy. I think that he's someone who has fallen down his own rabbit hole."