
Puzzles Quotes

There are 1682 quotes

"A great part of the problem's value is due to the number of tries, delusive opening moves, false scents, specious lines of play, astutely and lovingly prepared to lead the would-be solver astray."
"Fights feel like mini puzzles for you to figure out."
"Recognize that this is a dancing man cipher. The dancing man cipher is from Sherlock Holmes."
"Like its predecessor, Portal 2 is superbly written, incredibly well voice-acted, and is built on a solid foundation of puzzles that are challenging enough to keep players hooked, but not so difficult that they’ll rage quit."
"It's really satisfying to do a crossword puzzle or any sort of puzzle that you're good at and to find solutions and just kind of mellow out and solve the game."
"Puzzles are a complicated and delicate aspect of game design because they're so deeply woven into the human psyche."
"The corridors of time puzzle got a lot of people in the community really excited for a prolonged period of time. The sense of mystery was there."
"Thank you so much for the riddles again. There's been a lot of fun, dude."
"Planet Unknown is a tile-laying game where every turn you are going to lay a tile... it's really about creating all sorts of little puzzles for yourself."
"This game has some of the best dungeons, puzzles, stories, characters in the entire series."
"It's not always flying and shooting things or running around on foot shooting things, sometimes you have to do puzzles." - Sean
"Origins is really the origin, no pun intended, of modern Zombies because it pushed the player through the map to find parts and solve complex puzzles in order to power yourself up in the game."
"The puzzles in Downpour are also pretty consistent with their quality."
"Everybody loves a good puzzle, but the definition of a good puzzle is one they can work out."
"Guys, this is one of the max level, it's one of the last puzzles, this might be impossible unless you're literally related to Isaac Newton."
"It's your brain tricking you. Oh, it's a real brain game."
"Climbing the radio tower stops being a formatted chore and returns to more simply and concretely being an environmental puzzle."
"Aperture Science Research Facility, Portal: Cast players asked, child a young test subject constructed to complete puzzle-filled rooms using a portal gun."
"This is an utterly wholesome adventure game packed with charm, clever ideas, puzzles, and exploration."
"I think that dawn of the house of puzzle wow blue is one of my favorites."
"Overall, I'd say the puzzles and platforming are fun in their own right, but they also make the levels far more interesting to play through and look at."
"Just about everyone was on the lookout for clues to unlock another huge Easter egg."
"The secret was truly integrated into the storyline with out-of-game puzzles needing to be solved."
"The rest of our time here is spent solving teleportation puzzles and defending ourselves."
"Every single one of those puzzles that I film has $200 to $400 at the end of the puzzle."
"A really innovative and fun kind of a puzzle game."
"Have you already done this puzzle? I'm almost done solving it right now."
"You don't have to finish every puzzle that you start."
"Oh my God, oh my God, I cannot stop buying new puzzles!"
"These puzzles are so great for training your mind."
"I really enjoyed this one probably my favorite of the day super fun."
"I just got a new best on 4x4, one minute and two seconds."
"It's a game where you draw lines to solve puzzles but it gets really really deep."
"This is a spherical megaminx, a limited edition version, it's transparent on the inside."
"This is actually a really amazing 8x8 because it is only 30 as compared to the v cube eight which is like 60 70 something dollars."
"Way better than you expect a Rubik's brand to turn."
"If you hate sliding block puzzles like the one in Resident Evil 4, you're gonna love this. It's literally called 'world's most difficult trick'."
"It's so satisfying to see a puzzle that you've worked on for a long time just finish it off."
"I love metal puzzles. I just like problem-solving things like that."
"There is a real, real pleasure to working on a puzzle for a while, not looking at the hints and then having it come to you in a flash of insight."
"This puzzle is without a doubt my favorite sequential discovery puzzle of the year."
"There is something about solving puzzles that just makes you feel so accomplished."
"I got my first Rubik's Cube over 10 years ago and I was fascinated immediately."
"As long as you can explain easily what your step-by-step instructions are, you can make a solution that'll beat these puzzles."
"The easy puzzles are the ones where fairly straightforward implications..."
"Thanks everyone for watching, that was actually a really fun map, round of applause really well-thought-out puzzles, that was cool."
"It's great because it's everything I love about escape rooms, which is puzzle solving in different corners of the room but with the added pressure of you having to juggle the FNAF stuff."
"We've all kind of made each other better. Cicada puzzles have kind of built this group of people like each other."
"This puzzle was made by John Poser and it was released in May of 1986."
"It retains their signature storytelling and puzzle-solving approach."
"It's introduced me to new types of puzzles and ciphers, and the whole thing just really made it that much more enjoyable to play."
"Sombra's reveal was an extremely popular set of cryptic codes and messages."
"I like puzzles but I think of life as a puzzle."
"Revelations 2 included some pretty good puzzles."
"It’s simply a really great puzzle game, built on a fresh concept that was executed perfectly."
"Planet of Lana: 'A cinematic puzzle adventure framed by a sci-fi epic saga.'"
"We're too smart cookies, even if we aren't experts in ciphers, we can crack that."
"It's a puzzle that can never be finished, like a loop that can never be broken."
"The puzzles are super intuitive, there's so many cool mechanics."
"But this is an example of a substitution cipher, or a rotational cipher where everything's kind of rotating-- A's becoming B, B's becoming C. Or you can kind of rotate it even further than that."
"I gotta say, I really dig the more emphasis on puzzles this time around."
"Cappy is a game changer... it opens the door to an abundance of original ideas, puzzles, and challenges."
"The main thing the game's known for hits dungeons with multiple different Pathways hidden treasure and puzzles to solve still holds up pretty well as a fun engaging experience."
"I just remembered one of the things I wanted to mention is uh that this leads into really nicely is uh in this game there are many different ways to solve the puzzles"
"So you can use these for little puzzles and stuff and maps or different things to let somebody into your base they have to know the right password of how to lay things down so it's pretty cool very similar to the clone command there."
"Imagine just walking around and people are like, 'Oh hello good sir, here's a puzzle!' Ding! And then you solve it, they're like, 'Oh, what a genius, have a great day!' I have another puzzle for you."
"Very tricky, very neat but yeah it's all about puzzle solving."
"It's taken this clever one-year-old just a few minutes to solve a puzzle that baffles nearly every other species."
"Making puzzles kind of like just difficult enough to be satisfying but not so difficult..."
"Vault was one of the most interesting puzzles ever introduced in a raid."
"The process of solving that puzzle with a friend or family is just beautiful."
"Every gym does have like a little bit of a puzzle or a mini game."
"A puzzle is something you have all the information for. The only thing standing between you and the solution is your own ability to put the pieces together in the right way."
"It's st. colds it's hid it's in riddles you've got to know where to look if you read the book and you know history you're gonna be able to figure this stuff out."
"When is a video game not a video game? How about when a puzzle uses the medium of video games to impart information."
"Personally, I've been having the most fun playing this block puzzle game where basically you're given all these different blocks and you have to assemble them to create patterns."
"I miss having puzzles and going and doing interlocking stuff."
"A game like this can only be unlocked by someone with the goat key."
"Every puzzle piece holds a potential revelation."
"I'm just excited to get that puzzle done so I can see what I look like in that wedding dress."
"After several failed attempts to decipher the clue, clever players finally realized the true meaning of the phrase."
"Honestly, guys, if you know of some of the puzzles that we need to do... are you open to people telling us about some of them?"
"Unlocking the mysteries of redstone secrecy."
"Golden Idol grips you with its immersive atmosphere and then races you through a wide variety of clever puzzles without ever overstaying its welcome."
"I'm a puzzle queen. I've been working on this for like four days and I'm probably gonna try to finish it today."
"Gunplay, puzzles, lore, and a reward for the whole community was what made Niobe Labs."
"I've only gone and done it, you've solved my riddle."
"A popular puzzle that hit the market in 1974, the Rubik's Cube can be purchased for a mere three dollars online."
"It's a sequential Discovery puzzle, there are tools."
"I like the puzzle aspects too. I really like puzzle games."
"The riddles in it are so ridiculous they have to put a smile on your face."
"Jumping puzzles... a highlight of Guild Wars 2."
"It's got some good puzzles, this game. I'm getting good puzzle vibes."
"Another puzzle just now with a case that I'm working on, how fascinating. Tell me about it."
"There's some really clever puzzle design that's gone into each of these areas."
"I actually love solving puzzles now, or in this game specifically."
"Contrary to belief, the most rewarding part of solving a puzzle is never the last piece."
"Those are the symbols from the three-door room. Okay, so you got upside-down J, weird S, upset MJ, S, S, S, and a lot of burning bodies that we're now setting ablaze."
"Do you love puzzles or building modules? Why not combine both? Our marble run is the right challenge for you."
"Kylie really enjoys jigsaw puzzles... she really likes them."
"The Talos Principle delves into philosophical questions about humanity and consciousness amidst solving puzzles."
"When you think of all the ways that a cake could open up a level, I want you to think of this: how that opened a door, I have no idea."
"Give them the dungeons, give them the puzzles, and give them the traditionally told story."
"Jasper Josephson's puzzles are a gift to the universe."
"So much of the most useful mathematics originates in these kinds of puzzles."
"The puzzles in the game are surprisingly abundant and they were really satisfying to solve."
"I can't talk to Rex, really weird. I probably already have all the clues I need."
"David talks about the success of the puzzle. I had no idea it's the best selling thing I've ever sold in my entire life."
"Yo, this guy makes the most insane puzzles I've ever done."
"A fresh take on exploration, puzzles, and adventure."
"Wow, that's awesome! I love puzzles. This is so epic, man."
"The puzzle DLC is fucking good. It's an exercise in thinking outside of the box."
"The puzzles actually teach you to learn... so that when you step into the more complex scenarios in the game, you have trained yourself how to do something that doesn't really exist in any other game."
"You think you exist but you're just another part of it. Everything is just another puzzle."
"If you know the puzzle in advance, then you know the solution."
"God likes puzzles. He's not going to give you the picture."
"Just start at one corner of the puzzle, start where the faces and the lines add up."
"The joy of a GM is like putting the last piece of a puzzle in. There's nothing like it."
"I don't see how many pieces are on there, but it's gonna take us probably months to get through."
"I'm here to solve the puzzle like I'm doing sudoku."
"The puzzles overall I thought were really good in this game."
"The puzzles make a return here and fortunately, I think they're the best so far."
"Sonic Heroes' puzzles make the game more challenging."
"Sonic Heroes' puzzles make the game more engaging."
"If you have just two pieces left... it's a pretty sure sign that you're going to run into a parity."
"He believed that the speeches of God could be found within these puzzles."
"Every single puzzle seems to teach something new and has some sort of different creativity to it."
"I love when you get stuck on a puzzle and you're thinking there's no possible way to progress."
"A good puzzle is if you have no idea, nothing that you think can progress, but there is something you just have to discover."
"Seriously, some of the puzzles they've solved are absolutely amazing and more people need to know about them."
"If they ever make another puzzle, I think we all know who the first to solve it will be."
"They worked that in there, there's some interesting ideas and puzzles."
"This is super cool. There's a lot of puzzles in this game, a lot of little things to do."
"This DLC is full of gaming puzzles and hacking."
"You have a very natural talent especially with puzzles."
"How can you remove exactly six matchsticks to make ten? Here's the easiest way."
"Chess is so much fun when you see these kind of puzzles."
"I'll never have unsolved Rubik's cube again!"
"Rubik's Cube almost had a very different name."
"The Rubik's Cube emerged as a defining symbol of intelligence and problem-solving."
"It has it all, okay? It's got the amazing storyline, it's got collectible fiends, and a ton, a ton of fun puzzles you can't put it down."
"He was one of the first people to teach recreational puzzles to teach mathematical ideas."
"9,000 pieces. I love puzzles, but the biggest one I have ever made was 2,000. 9,000 is bonkers."
"Every difficult puzzle should come with a mini version."
"A meticulously crafted perfectly planned 30-hour adventure full to the brim with more content and puzzles than any other game of its kind."
"For a dungeon that once again is all about the puzzles, there's no battling whatsoever. Again, it's pretty chill."
"It's just great, it's actually not the most difficult one, it's pretty chill overall with a big focus on puzzles that aren't so bad, just very pleasing."
"Aesthetically, I'd say that's personal preference, but functionally, separate puzzle pieces is going to win hands down."
"Solving puzzles is the best way for me to just kind of get off of my mind those things that are stressing me out."
"The librarian is best to think of them as being kind of like these demi gods you meet and these weird logic puzzles where they can only say yes or no."
"...this was very creative oh my bro once again they're getting in the Creative Bag this was so dope just the little puzzles and the teasers so good..."
"More puzzle pieces have been laid out for you. Two pieces are crucial to slowly achieving the solution."
"Dark matter being another great puzzle of modern physics. Dark matter is a big puzzle, and that's the opposite of the quantum gravity puzzle, because it's not a puzzle in our understanding; it's a pathway."
"These just feel like puzzles, just trying to figure out how to get to that solution in the end is just really fun."
"There's always a clue within the name. Puzzlers love to hide hidden meaning within names."
"There's a big puzzle about why the value of the cosmos constant is the value that it is so it's possible that the answer to that puzzle will lie in some interesting quantum mechanical phenomena."
"Alan Turing was obsessed with puzzles codes games they were so fundamental to his life and so the whole movie would be a puzzle a code a game."
"Universal events so puzzling that experts simply cannot fully explain what's going on."
"Taylor Swift's albums feel like escape rooms that all the Swifties have to figure out how to get out of."
"The answer is hidden in the tricky worded sentence."
"But okay, who else thinks that modern puzzle companies should start releasing official competition jigsaw puzzles again?"
"That is wild, that is so much more than you can expect to get from a puzzle competition these days."
"They're solving problems, they're fixing the puzzles."
"The other thing that makes Pax Cthuliana very interesting is that while it's very much in the vein of the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game, it is not Call of Cthulhu."
"Because it relies heavily on roleplay and players piecing together the different clues in order to solve the puzzles, there's actually very few places that dice actually need to be rolled."
"A great gift for people who love puzzles."
"Solve thousands of fun puzzles and collect tons of cute characters."
"Every puzzle box that we found in here doesn't have a puzzle on it."
"I love puzzles and problem-solving."
"I love guessing games." - Reflecting the universal enjoyment of puzzles and challenges.
"To solve this problem, you need to calculate the missing number."
"The great mystery: for which n there exists such a sequence of the numbers from 1 to n, which became known as the square sum problem."
"I'm taking on the Impossibles puzzles. Each puzzle has no edge and five extra pieces."
"So many interesting vintage and modern puzzles."
"There's a load of pieces, if you know 6,000 piece Clementoni puzzles."
"Deep puzzles exist in philosophy and science."
"It's not a paradox, but it is a puzzle."
"Nine-letter words consisting of three three-letter words."
"True crime cases are like puzzles waiting to be solved."
"Puzzles are good puzzles make you think more deeply about the theory and go I wonder how this fits in."
"Mathematics has provided philosophers with a number of deep puzzles that we have been scratching our heads over for over two thousand years."
"These books are really fun. There's puzzles and riddles in them."
"It's all a puzzle like it's all problem-solving."
"It's a stackable sorting tray for organizing puzzle pieces."
"This game is inspired by the towers of Hanoi."
"My mom always told me I was bad at puzzles as a child, but today I proved her wrong. I was finally able to put her body back together."
"Possibly the best puzzle they have ever solved."
"The smallest prime number that costs the same amount as the number beneath it."
"Many puzzles and riddles are available both in digital and physical form you can immerse yourself into the sea of questionings."
"I like solving puzzles. It's fun."
"The more tactical puzzles you do, the quicker you'll spot knight and queen on the same far rook pin in them."
"Ah, [ __ ] it, I'll do whatever now as long as there's puzzles involved."
"The world is a curious place, full of puzzles still waiting to be solved."
"I'm actually going to be listening to this on audio...I bought a puzzle for this readathon."
"These are my most expensive puzzles and I'll show you why."
"Why does he need us to do it if he's got all the clues?"
"These are incredible times. For these two puzzles to get done in around two hours, that's really impressive."
"That grid is something that you should just take a photo of and preserve to posterity. That is an unforgettable puzzle, unforgettable."
"Odd pieces works with independent artists who can bring their flair and personality to each puzzle."
"With only $35, you can get the thousand-piece puzzles or save even more."