
Zen Quotes

There are 295 quotes

"Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water."
"If I am in a Zen mode, if I am peaceful, and then the music which comes out mirrors it."
"Achieve tranquility and zen with this product."
"The master in zen is not a master over others, but a master of himself. His every gesture and his every word reflect his enlightened state."
"A Japanese inspired zen garden and Koi pond."
"Zen has been a deep influence in my life ever since."
"I learned the truth of the Zen saying that if you are willing to travel around the world to meet a teacher, one will appear next door."
"You just feel present, you feel this being, you feel very still, very zen, you feel connected to everything around you."
"The whole essence of Zen consists in walking along the razor's edge of now."
"I am currently in a very Zen/peaceful state."
"I already feel Zen, just like so relaxed."
"Most people say this room has a Zen to it, and I like that."
"I love the garden, it's so cool, so nice, like a little Zen space inside your home makes all the difference."
"It is truly the most zen, chilled, relaxing place I could have ever gone to."
"In this way, without any idea of attainment, you are always Buddha."
"Zen is not just for the man who can fold his legs or who has great spiritual ability; everyone has Buddha nature."
"If you practice Zen in the right way, it does not matter whether you are the best horse or the worst one."
"Mushin is achieved when the mind is free from random thoughts, free of anger, free of fear, and particularly free of ego."
"When two Zen masters meet each other on the road, they need no introduction."
"Great action, as Zen points out, is effortless."
"Direct pointing is the technique in which Zen excels."
"Becoming free of clinging as the third patriarch of Zen says to this or that there's no clinging anymore"
"In ancient Zen spiritualism, they called that ego death. It's the sense that your life is falling apart."
"Just a really nice relaxing Zen Den."
"The Enso circle is one of the deepest symbols in Japanese Zen. And essentially, the symbol conveys everything that we've already been talking about, in this entire video, the oneness of the cosmos."
"When I saw pictures of Zen online I just thought oh man the proportions kind of look a bit off but in person it works so well."
"If you have true joy in your zazen, that is true zazen."
"The Bodhi SAA has only one way. The purpose of my talk is not to give you some intellectual understanding but just to express my appreciation of our Zen practice."
"Zen is not some kind of excitement but concentration on our usual everyday routine."
"To polish a tile, when you become you, Zen becomes Zen."
"Zen masters used koans to stop their students' word drunkenness and mind wandering."
"Zen has no gates. The purpose of Buddha's words is to enlighten others. Therefore, Zen should be gateless."
"When one studies Zen, one need not follow sound or color or form. The real Zen student controls sound, color, form, and actualizes the truth in his everyday life."
"...we deserve a space to come home to, to wake up to, that feels relaxing, that feels under control, and that feels Zen."
"The Zen saying: when you are hungry, eat. When you are tired, sleep."
"Why are you having dark night of the soul? Well again, ancient Zen spiritualism, they are going to call this something else other than dark night of the soul. What they are going to call it is ego death. But it's the exact same thing."
"Try wodoku. Wedoku will give you Zen while you do the dishes."
"Being on your motorcycle, operating it in the right way, being in that moment... it's truly one of the most Zen things you can do."
"I think it's very calming, it's like a Zen exercise."
"It's finding your Zen on the golf course which translates to your life and your confidence."
"I take Tub Time very seriously I love Tub Time makes me Zen."
"I love a water feature it brings a sense of Zen and calm."
"I'm very zen and very like go with the flow."
"Just something very zen about this shopping trip. I really enjoyed it."
"Every contribution that we make to reveal and to recognize, to act and to accept the reaction of action, all this motion is the real zen motion toward maturity."
"The purpose of zen then in its disciplines of realization is to attempt to help the individual to see the entire universe with the buddha eye, this is the mysterious eye which if it is single the body is filled with light, this buddha eye is the eye of the person."
"The first degree Zen man worries less than the no degrees in man."
"For some people, it feels maybe a little crazy, but for me, there's actually like a real feeling of Zen."
"He's very calm and zen and that's how he plays as well."
"I truly entered a state of absurdest Zen."
"Zen is this direct way to waking up to reality. Merton understood Zen both practically and philosophically to be about waking up."
"He had just found peace. He had just... he was Zen."
"You're a very zen person, you have inner peace."
"To live without hang-ups is to drift like a cloud and flow like water."
"You cannot grasp it by not thinking, you cannot catch hold of the meaning of Zen by doing something about it."
"The ultimate standpoint of Zen therefore is that we have been led astray through ignorance."
"The essence of Zen Buddhism consists in acquiring a new viewpoint on life and things generally."
"The acquirement of a new point of view in which life assumes a fresher, deeper, and more satisfying aspect."
"Zen is like a sun without its light and heat without Satori."
"The life of Zen begins with the opening of Satori."
"Satori is a mystery and a miracle, but according to Zen Masters, it is performed every day."
"In Zen, there is nothing to explain, nothing to teach, unless it grows out of oneself."
"The truth of Zen can never be attained unless it is attacked with the full force of personality."
"I've been through so many different phases, and now I'm at this really good place where I'm very Zen and I'm just like, 'What a dream, what a wonderful dream life is.'"
"There's something very Zen about it too, isn't that nice?"
"To be without anxiety about non-perfection is the line of the zen ancestors."
"Zen is beyond good and evil. That doesn't mean it's against them or against ethical standards."
"This is traditional zen spiritualism. Take all your focus off of external things and focus on you."
"The zenbot is a coherent organism doing things in a space the individual cells don't have access to."
"It's time to let go and just be at peace. The koan that the Zen Masters give you is, 'Who is dragging this corpse around?' or 'What was your true face before your parents were born?' The same question."
"To be extremely Zen... the answer to being spiritual is to not try and be spiritual at all."
"There's lots of ways to incorporate self-care and to become more Zen in the chaos you just need to put yourself as a priority and even put it in your diary like in your calendar as a schedule."
"It's just a very Zen, wonderful experience... To provide it to others who really appreciate it."
"Trying to take that kind of Zen approach."
"Ironically, I actually believe we'll probably have more success than ever. God, it's such a stupid, annoying thing, but like, that's Zen, bro. Like, that's Zen."
"The aesthetics of the tea ceremony are best understood not in terms of the feelings of the samurai class but in terms of the aesthetics of Zen."
"In Zen there is always time to do things graciously, to do things beautifully, and to do things in a kindly way."
"Shingen also made reference to Zen and death in his constitution this way: Pay proper reverence to the gods and the Buddha."
"There's such a zen poetry or something because there's nothing extra."
"The essence to my mind of the practice that we underwent as young people is what our Zen teacher described as 'don't know mind.'"
"This is like a full-on zen experience right there."
"Zen is not a master over others but a master of himself, his very gesture and his every word reflect his enlightened state."
"Enter the world of the Shaolin monk, where ancient traditions, martial arts, and Zen philosophy converge."
"She had a way of a kind of Zen perspective of accepting what was and recognizing what she couldn't change and moving on."
"Zen is the virtue is central to being human."
"I've experienced some serious Zen moments where I feel like time is just completely stopped, and I'm nowhere. It's one of the best feelings I've ever had."
"I feel like I'm in the Zen mood. I love it. It's just so clean and crisp."
"Multifunctionality, simplifying, Zen Rock Garden kind of says it all."
"Stay cool, stay calm, stay collected, stay zen. It's your choice."
"It's all about getting in and maintaining that Zen mindset."
"I was like, 'Peace.' I was in zen, yeah, I was super relaxed."
"Honestly, I think one of the misconceptions also about that word 'zen' is that it means some kind of, you're above it all, you're in a serene equinity that isn't touched by the world. I'm robbed, that's what it means."
"What did the Zen Buddha say to the hot dog vendor? 'Make me one with everything.'"
"The most important Chinese development in Buddhism is the Chan or Zen school."
"There’s an old Zen master who said, 'It’s not doing nothing; it’s doing nothing.'"
"Are there things to gain here? Because if you can take a fear into an opportunity, you've achieved a certain type of zen in your life."
"Perfection in the art of swordsmanship is reached when the heart is troubled by no more thought of you and I, or of the opponent and his sword, or of one's own sword and how to wield it."
"Every master who practices an art molded by Zen is like a flash of lightning from the cloud of all-encompassing truth."
"Unless it is directly related to daily life, daily living, not translate that meditation into life – you understand, sir? – the meditation of Zen into life, but rather living, go to it."
"Remember, even if the countless Buddhas in 10 directions as numerous as the sands of the Ganges tried with all their power and all their Buddha wisdom to calculate or comprehend the merit of one person's Zen, they could not even get close."
"Zen is discipline in enlightenment. Enlightenment means emancipation and emancipation is no less than freedom."
"Zen discipline consists in attaining enlightenment or, as the Japanese call it, satori."
"The person in a position of leadership needs to be a Zen master."
"I needed a bit of Zen in my life after just acting crazy."
"When everything's working right, it's kind of a zen."
"It's so relaxing, just a nice zen game."
"The old pond; a frog jumps in — plop."
"They call this kind of mindfulness now but when I was young they called it the Zen. The Zen of photography."
"It's a sort of zen-like state, isn't it?"
"It's like a Zen thing; you will become one."
"I'm feeling very Zen, very clear on my intentions."
"Certain people get incredible satisfaction out of building because it's like the Zen aspect of it, physical and mental and problem solving."
"Zen project is fully independent open source project and it found a new welcome home at Vates."
"It's a true type one hypervisor, you put person hardware on Zen which is kind of a microkernel in the end."
"The temple bell stops, but the sounds keep coming out of the flowers."
"Zen is about intuitive action or intuitive inaction that you do things by spontaneously creating things; there is no deliberate action, it comes from somewhere else."
"Let's revel in this zen-like peace for a minute."
"Another great thing about cats is that they are sort of like Zen masters."
"Put all of your practice into getting back into a good Zen state."
"I'm ready to just feel zen with the trees and get my feet on the earth and unwind."
"There's something really Zen about peeling potatoes."
"This is a great room, so zen, it's so peaceful."
"Harmony, respect, purity, tranquility, these are the four Zen principles which make up the way of tea."
"Just relax, be Zen, one with nature."
"Goku has fundamentally stayed this beginner zen mind for a long time."
"I think this is very Zen, very like minimalist kind of a garden."
"That is quite satisfying because this is a zen garden to the max."
"It's very simple, it's actually very zen-like."
"Zen is a major lineage within East Asian Mahayana Buddhism."
"Zen is also part of this interconnected environment, drawing upon various Buddha sutras, various Buddhist traditions."
"The word Zen is the Japanese term for Chan, and Chan is a Chinese translation of the Sanskrit word Dhyana."
"Wisdom never had a tree, the bright mirror lacks a stand; fundamentally, there is not a single thing where could the dust and grime collect?"
"A special transmission outside the scriptures, do not rely on words and letters, directly point to the human mind, see one's nature and become Buddha."
"You can see how this becomes a very zen sort of exercise; it's relaxing."
"The best zen state is when you're hunting; you're just focused, and nothing else matters in the world."
"Zen gardens shift away from the typical Heian era shinden-style gardens, to smaller, modest gardens to promote meditation."
"Wabi is an aesthetic associated with Zen. It values pleasures taken in austerity and solitude, beauty perceived in simplicity."
"It's such a special Garden here, I call this a zen garden."
"Hobbies are about relaxing and getting in your Zen space."
"The special thing about Ryoanji is the zen garden with rocks and gravel that they rake patterns in."
"Maki achieved her Zen, confronted her karma, and gained enlightenment."
"For practitioners of Zen, enlightenment could be achieved through Satori, a sudden inexpressible feeling of inner understanding."
"It's very relaxing and very zen-like for those who are coming here as guests and also for the house owners as well."
"Beginner's mind is simply starting fresh with everybody."
"Oh patience, that's the type of spiritual power that you're trying to develop in Zen."
"Before Enlightenment, chopping wood, carrying water. After Enlightenment, chopping wood, carrying water."
"Vimalakirti answered the question with a thundering silence."
"The Zen aspect of Japanese design... was really important to the development of modern design."
"That's just gonna literally make you feel so, so zen and calm and reduce anxiety."
"It's a very Zen approach you're taking when you're training, right? Very spiritual, more than physical."
"Mushin is a Japanese word, and it's achieved when a person's mind is free from thoughts of anger, fear, or ego during combat or everyday life."
"Zen finds its inevitable association with art but not with morality."
"The one in the all and the all in the one is to be understood as an expression of absolute prajna intuition and is not to be conceptually analyzed."
"Zen always upholds its experience as such and refuses to commit itself to any system of philosophy."
"The one is the all and the all is the one, and yet the one remains the one and the all the all."
"Zen has entered internally into every phase of the cultural life of the people."
"I don't know how to describe it, I'm just going to label it this Speed Master Zen feeling."
"It's the zen-like feeling, the feeling of being chilled, relaxed."
"It gives you more of a Serenity Now, zen-like feeling, it's far more laidback."
"It gave me the comfort, it gave me the relaxation, but that zen-like feeling, just being able to produce that feeling to calm yourself if you're having kind of a weird day, you just go out, hop on the bike, it's pretty cool."
"Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance."
"You put a wrench or a screwdriver in my hand on a project and I am Zen."
"Mary Elizabeth told me that the thing about Zen is that it makes you connected to everything in the world."
"The best way to practice is to practice without practicing."
"The practice is no practice because there is no one to do the practice and there's no practice to be done."
"Zen practice is not about getting something; it's really about moving things out of the way so I can already be what I already am."
"Zen is about understanding myself."
"Jack Robinson has been in absolute zen mode; he's just connected to this wave, connected to the ocean."
"I live in a peaceful Zen; everything around me has to align."
"Zen practice begins with a curiosity and a wonder about who I am."
"We spend a lot of our times just as we did tonight sitting quietly going inside and basically asking the question: What am I?"
"Don't know means let go of your certainty."
"The more we try to solve a problem, the worse it gets."
"Being present, seeing what's happening, not my fantasy or belief of what's happening, but seeing what's happening and then responding, that in a nutshell is Zen practice and Zen life."
"Giving us some Zen vision to think about when we're underwater, thinking about our existence."
"If you need to chill out, they're ideal; they're just a very kind of zen build."
"The best poetry is haiku, and the best paintings of Zen: the less said, the better."
"Once you get the motion down and you can peacefully move through the curves on the track, it's kind of like water passing over you; it's a real Feng Shui kind of Zen feeling."
"Cardamom pods, with their subtle yet complex flavor profile, perfectly embody the Zen principle of simplicity."
"This is kind of my like zen, alone me time in the day, you know."
"The core emotional arc for Peter Parker in No Way Home is to embrace Aunt May's zen mindset of helping people instead of dooming them."
"I need to be as Zen as possible and as calm as possible."
"It's fabulous, it's calming when you walk through the house, it has a zen feel which I love."
"You can see that the vessel has a beautiful balance of materials and design, perfectly balanced with a Zen-like experience."
"There's something really Zen about just like putting on an album."
"Sit back, relax, enjoy a delicious drink, and you can hear the waves coming in and really have a nice zen-like experience."
"I do love a clean room, very zen."
"I'm feeling so Zen I could practically levitate."
"My internal observer is modelled after the Zen notion of mindfulness."
"Can the ancient wisdom of Zen help us to see the bigger picture of who we are and what life really is?"
"I love these little rakes and the zen gardens."
"It's like my Zen; it's where I feel at home, it's on a motorcycle."
"It's a Zen thing because you're programmed to just fill the space."
"It truly is a more zen-like experience than a gas bike if you want to go fast and you want to feel speed."
"Zen practice can be difficult mentally, emotionally, and developing it into a regular practice can be quite challenging."
"It's very minimal, it's very kind of stark and very almost like a zen-like, very peaceful."
"Once you turn the lights on, the light takes all of the space. It's a Zen thing."
"I think it just represents that kind of zen and peace that I wish to have one day."
"The main priority is to just chill out in this very zen space."
"When you're here, you feel zenned out."