
Output Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"A real formula would be: if you don't like the output, change the input."
"All that we're doing is taking a bunch of different types of files... and we spit them out into bundles."
"Focus on the inputs as opposed to the outputs."
"This program should output the word yay if the program P finishes when we input D into it and should output whoops if the program P does not finish when we input D into it."
"It is not generative AI when the output is a number or a class; it is generative AI when the output is natural language like speech or text, audio, or an image."
"A lot of artists have to put out music constantly because they can't afford to be missed."
"Volume times leverage equals output."
"Create stuff and then people find it and then you know exist, so like just output."
"Tell chat GPT to think step by step, and this really helps its outputs and responses."
"Airbus produces around 800 passenger jets per year."
"Don't just one or two extra output like six, seven, ten X, 100 X your output."
"Quantity over quality trust me just put out as much as you can and I guarantee it will help you in the long run."
"The quality of our life and what we produce, make or build depends precisely on the quality of our thinking."
"One thing within your control is the quality of your output."
"If you want to take more out, you must put more in."
"Life's output comes as a result of the battle in the mind."
"Your volume will determine your volume."
"Dynamic output is exceptional through the speaker."
"The map spits out its result into a variable."
"And essentially, it's basically the output that looks like an Excel spreadsheet."
"The outputs of project risk management should be considered within the project management processes."
"Picasso created 147,000 pieces of art... his net worth is $1.3 billion... the more you put out there, the more wealth you will create for yourself."
"When it comes to understanding standard output, that's very easy. Anytime you enter a command and the results of that command are shown on the screen, you are actually seeing standard output."
"Now I'm trying to settle down to one book a year I probably will end up is two books every three years."
"Kevin Hart... understands that everything that he puts out it's not gonna be a masterpiece."
"I've put out over two and a half hours of material since then."
"Be leery of the garbage in, garbage out."
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"As a function of rotation speed the lower the rotation speed the lower the alternate output it's not an on/off device the more rotations it does the better output it is."
"You could create amazing outputs like this."
"Brass will darken tone in a pickup and reduce output."
"When you're listening to unhealthy music, what you put in is the only thing you can put out."
"Remember, garbage in, garbage out."
"If only there was some easier way to format our output."
"From the very beginning, I was very consistent in what I'm putting out and also what I'm putting in."
"When one volt is on the input, the output should be full swing."
"The output of PI planning is PI goals."
"Injects it prints out a little message."
"A function is like a machine; you put something in, and you usually get something out."
"If you put rubbish in, you'll get rubbish out."
"When I output the contents of a variable, it doesn't change the contents of the variable. We're simply taking a copy of what's in the variable and then displaying it on the screen."
"...it just simply outputs, look, that hello string rule that you just specified, it will match against this binary."
"People would say that, you know, putting out twenty songs, it's like they don't really see like younger artists doing that."
"Input is something put into a process or expended in its operation to achieve an output or a result."
"At its core, the neural network is searching for transformations that convert the input x to the desired output y."
"Rather than focusing on performing, focus on producing."
"We're just getting started, we're going to be putting out tons of stuff in 2024."
"James Woods' output slowed down quite a bit."
"The average heads milled per day was around 21. In one day, I'd sometimes do 50."
"The Cyclone is a high-output self-propelled harvester with exceptional maneuverability."
"When you're doing high-level knowledge creative output like creating a book, the harder you concentrate, the better the result is."
"First understand what is the input that is provided to you and what is the expectation that is what is the output one is expecting from your program."
"The output of phase 8 is called a translated translation unit."
"You want to push as much out as possible."
"If you have a good input, you'll have a good output."
"Garbage in, garbage out. Good food in, health."
"The key feature is to provide a model that produces an output that is as close as possible to a measured system output."
"This is then going to generate other output vectors that are concatenated in order to generate a vector that actually has very good contextual awareness."
"I'm making a lot of content at the moment."
"Your output is also super important, you know, having good strong output every single day."
"You can actually shield yourself from all the [__] if you just have incredible output."
"An output device is hardware that converts computer data into human-readable form."
"The reality that we need to understand is that what you put in these 4000 tokens directly influences what it outputs."
"Your prompts are brittle if what you put text wise into the prompt directly influences the output."
"So when I call f2, I'm gonna pass through the object representing function 1, then I'm simply going to call that function from inside of f2, and I will get that value returned or outputted to my screen."
"What is printed as a result of executing the code segment?"
"You can print a message to the console just like this: print 'Hello, world!'"
"Normally a print statement will have a new line at the end."
"We're targeting ESNext, we're using CommonJS, we have an output directory of dist."
"Look how nicely it's regulated output, that's impressive."
"What goes in bold comes out bright."
"Your what you produce is 100 percent dependent on what you consume."
"Success isn't about how much you put in, but what you get out."
"Boom, Pikachu, I choose you. We can see it printed six times. The console, it is working."
"Anything that returns information that is then presented on the screen is standard output."
"You need to have the right inputs to get the right outputs."
"The more you put out, whether it's independent or anything else, people are just going to gravitate to it."
"The output of this program is generating a pickle file which is a fully trained model."
"Output neurons are just the predictions our neural network makes."
"We can also output a StringBuilder."
"The inputs are more important because that's what creates the output."
"We have an input of props, we have some UI rendering logic going on, and then it returns some JSX."
"National income is defined as the total value of a country's final output for all new goods and services."
"You need to focus more on output, using the language rather than just taking it in."
"The output we declare this as a wire and it is a 7 bit signal which is called A to G."
"Digital is clean and it's clinical, what you give it is what it outputs."
"It allows you to connect data, transform it, and then output it to something that you want."
"What you put in your body is what you're going to give out."
"A program takes as input a word and it produces as output a word."
"Anything that comes out of you and goes out into the world is power."
"It would be extremely productive and profitable because of the amount of productivity and the size that it puts out."
"The output for one object consists of multiple things, but let's focus on the three things that we have right now: the bounding box, the class name, and the confidence score."
"Output is a function of labor and capital plus this thing called A, which represents total factor productivity and is a measure of efficiency."
"I'm super happy about the things that I'm putting out."
"What most computer applications do for you is to give you the output of whatever data that you have instructed the software to do."
"The output resistance requires that we short circuit the input and apply a notional voltage to the output."
"Your first mix is your main production output mix."
"Be very careful what you consume because what you input is what you output."
"For every line, we're going to get the text of the line, print it to standard output, and then send it to the logger."
"A computer is something that takes an input, processes it, and gives you an output."
"It's really important when it comes to seeing the outputs of your computer vision work."
"We're able to create a great synergy between the inputs, the design components, then we'll be able to get the output that we want."
"If the transfer function is known, then the output to a given input can be predicted."
"It's about what you put inside is what you're gonna get out."
"What you input is what you output."
"The creation of, the output of, the management of information."
"The output gate is controlling what parts of the cell are outputs to the hidden state."
"Further attempts to increase output will only be met by higher inflation."
"It's up to us now what we want to put out."
"This thing is capable of 15 kilowatt output, that's a huge amount of power."
"Business is essentially an integrated set of inputs and substantive processes which is capable of generating an output."
"It's just going to run this infinite loop that just blinks the LED over and over and prints out some console output."
"We can see we have all of our data printing out; this is great stuff."
"What makes the redirect really interesting is that we can direct the output from the op add command to a text file off of disk."
"Perfect, so we got the output now, hello world."
"This way, we can access output information very easily."
"Printf is the go-to function any time you want to print or say something on the screen."
"What we want to do is to print these all the transactions, the statement to the console."
"The output of the system Y(t) is the input X(t) of the system convolved with the impulse response H(t) of this system."
"Now you will notice that besides outputting it to the terminal, it will also save it inside of a file."
"It means that the design drives the output and you can easily change the design and everything outside of it is driven by that design."
"Whatever is calculated in the body of the function, the final result should be called 'balance' so that it can be given out from the function as an output."
"In closed-loop systems, the output is actually measured and compared with the reference signal."
"System.out.println is the way you type out a specification for the program to print something on your computer screen."
"The current output is equal to some constant times my previous output plus the input multiplied by a constant."
"This is how we can obtain the output so nicely, so beautifully."
"Don't you guys want change? You get the same input, you're going to get the same output."
Every 1 second, it’s going to print "Hello!" in the Output.
"This is actually showing the data that's being outputted to other ports."
"In order to print to the console, we use System.out.println."
"The total output in terms of goods and services of the US economy is currently 26 trillion dollars."
"It's just super smooth but it's putting out large amounts of vapor."
"It does actually have video out capabilities as well, so it's the higher-end Type C, which is really good."
"The idea with BitBake is to turn a recipe into some kind of output, a package or an image or whatnot."
"If we print out why, we should get the value of 7."
"If you're not learning new things and coming in with new ideas, the output is not going to be very good."
"Print() can display the output on your screen, it can display as output whatever you put inside these parentheses."
"What you put into yourself, you also receive back."
"The advantage is that we can decide how much we want the output to be closer to the prompt or not."
"Your best creative output comes from working within limitation."
"You get what you put into something."
"With not too much work, MPL lib enables us to produce pretty nice output."