
Full Moon Quotes

There are 287 quotes

"The full moon is a time of completion, of culmination, of things coming to a peak, to a close. It is also a time of release, of letting go, of things coming to an end."
"With full moons, emotions tend to come to a head, especially when the full moon is in a water sign like Pisces."
"This full moon can be a powerful realization emotionally, illuminating your goals and visions for the future."
"This full moon is about healing on a deep emotional level, releasing pain, and allowing you to let go of what no longer serves you."
"October is spooky season, that is Halloween as well on Halloween on October 31st we're having another full moon."
"Thank you Universe, thank you for allowing me in this full moon to reflect upon who I was, what I want, what I don't want, and giving me crystal clarity in what I want to do next."
"The full moon in general is seen as a monthly auspicious time for reflecting upon what has and hasn't been working for us and releasing what no longer serves us."
"The full moon is gonna bring healing and rewards."
"If you've had creative blocks, this full moon can unblock them and things can start flowing from you."
"It's as if you are born on the full moon all of a sudden you know like the earth has birthday on a full moon."
"The full moon is a perfect opportunity for us to check in with ourselves."
"I love this because if you had like a coven or whatever as a group, then on a full moon, you could all like do the magical convergence and get the energy from the moon."
"This full moon is gonna kind of snap you into reality or make you very aware."
"The full moon always seeks to illuminate some sort of truth to us."
"Psychologically I feel better if I see a full moon, my mood goes up about 35%."
"The full moon may show you a very happy, beautiful, positive healing and transformation."
"As with all full moons, it is very normal to feel heightened emotion; these can look like triggers, they can also look like feeling emotionally or intuitively sensitive to the world around us."
"Whatever gets set in motion at this full moon will have connections into the future."
"This Libra full moon really brings in the sense of wanting to mend conflicts."
"This full moon puts a spotlight on you contemplating yourself and your own individuality."
"This full moon is the perfect time to say you will no longer have any imbalanced relationships."
"The full moon brings things to light. Things will come out, things will be exposed."
"There's a solution. Whatever information comes to light at this full moon can help you."
"It was a full moon in myself and two friends Jake and Leone decided we should go camping."
"Full moons are a time for shadow working, for inner work."
"On the other side of full moons, if we've used them for personal development, we're upgraded versions of ourselves."
"At the time of the full moon, focus your intentions and efforts on manifesting whatever it is that you want to release."
"Full moons are also times to say okay, we are wrapping things up, it is time to move on."
"Results at this full moon are likely to feel auspicious, optimistic, and stable."
"The full moon is seen as a time of culmination of heightened emotions and energy."
"Is there anything that you're ready to release during this full moon? This can look like limiting beliefs, habits, patterns, people, or environments that might no longer be serving you."
"This full moon might push you to have the truth come out, be your true authentic self."
"This Aquarius full moon is bringing healing to that energy, bringing healing to that energy."
"Protect your energy at all times, especially on this full moon."
"This is a full moon that does remove financial blockages out of your life."
"I think this full moon is really all about us finally feeling free of a lot of old things and stepping into some new exciting possibilities and opportunities."
"Full moons are really all about stepping into something that we've been working towards for quite some time and completing that thing so that eventually we can move on and focus elsewhere."
"Full moons do also tend to indicate decisions needing to be made, especially because a full moon is a function of an opposition."
"At this full moon, we are really trying to make big moves, big decisions here in order to more fully break free from things that have been making us feel stuck or trapped."
"Full moons are all about usually ending something or completing something, stepping into what we're passionate about, what makes us happy, and what our soul connects to."
"Full moons bring to conscious awareness what's been brewing beneath in the subconscious."
"Wishing you a beautiful week ahead, I hope you have a lovely Aquarius full moon."
"Full moons are all about stepping into something that we have been working towards for quite some time."
"Full moons are all about stepping into things that we have been working towards for quite some time."
"The Full Moon takes place when the Moon is opposite to the Sun."
"The tragedy has become an inescapable pillar of Horror history and when the full Moon Rises The Wolfman will always be close behind."
"This full moon in Sagittarius is my favorite full moon of the year."
"The full moon in Sagittarius... it's a cool full moon, the moon is in an exciting sign."
"The full moon will be in Sagittarius on the 23rd of May, injecting more opportunities for adventure."
"Full moons are really all about stepping into things that we've been working towards for quite some time."
"A full moon was rising above the San Pedro hills."
"Trust your intuition and be aware during this intense full moon."
"Every full moon has its own flavor, its own theme, its own lessons, its own challenges, its own opportunities."
"The full moon is a heightened state of being, great for divination."
"The Moon being full... we could be wise to look at what needs to be finished."
"To me, it's the kind of Full Moon where you know you should be dancing around in the Moonlight."
"Stay out of dark alleys on nights like these. The full moon's real pretty, but she brings out the beast."
"The full moon is like the pinnacle of success, there is so much energy with a full moon, it's almost like a finality."
"Full moon, aren't crazy things supposed to happen during full moons?"
"The upcoming full moon is said to be a potent one."
"You're in your power during the some full moon, you are in your power."
"This full moon is really emotional, really deep."
"The full moon in Sagittarius injects more opportunities for adventure."
"Speaking of Full Moon stories, weird stuff happening on full moons."
"Under the light of the full moon, your heart will be broken."
"Full Moon brings hidden things to the surface."
"May is a month to look forward to, with a full moon in Scorpio, Mercury going direct, Venus moving into Taurus, and Mars moving into Aries."
"This full moon is only making positive aspects and the fact that it is opposing Venus conjunct Jupiter is just wow."
"Most murders are actually committed on full moons."
"As we tune into the nurturing energy of the full moon, let's make a commitment to honor our needs and take care of ourselves."
"Make sure you are spiritually protecting yourself during full moons."
"Strange things can happen on a full moon."
"The beauty of photographing the full moon is that you get a different chance every month."
"Goodnight, and it's a full moon tonight."
"This is the last night of the full moon."
"This full moon could bring emotional intensity, but in a feel-good way."
"Tonight's a full moon and a lot of officers have a myth or some type of belief that they think criminal activity picks up."
"Each full moon Heralds a period of heightened energy and awareness."
"The full moon serves as a beacon guiding us through life's journey."
"The full moon is a time of heightened emotional intensity."
"The full moon offers us an opportunity to harness its potent energies for manifestation."
"This full moon in Aries is no joke, it's revealing everything about the demon in your life that you once loved and were assigned to slay."
"At a full Moon, the Moon is as big and bright as she gets. So much so that the Moon is equal to the Sun, and that creates inside us a few things. It creates more light so we can understand things or we can see things through that light of the moon."
"So being more emotional under a full moon, feeling things more deeply or being more sensitive is a very common or typical response to a full moon."
"After I started doing the full moon thing, I haven't got any like super weird, well, I was gonna say, dude, like if a stone's lying dormant for a couple years, right?"
"Vegeta is a seiyak and when Saiyans see a full moon they turn into a great ape."
"Lunar eclipses tend to bring things right there's a full moon so uh fullness completion fruition drama elucidation things being Unearthed things being brought into the light things coming out of the darkness hidden things coming out."
"Photographing the Full Moon aligned with an interesting subject, it's just amazing!"
"Guided by the invigorating radiance of a full moon, I climbed pitch after pitch through the peaceful hours of the night."
"It can only be done during the full moon when your bending is at its peak, but it is not without danger."
"Full moon babies came into this world to learn how to synchronize with themselves when they have felt so alone and so lonely and so lost at times."
"The full moon with its symbolic significance of release prompts us to let go of what no longer serves us."
"The intensity of the full moon can still serve as a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation."
"On August 31st, you might notice that the full moon seems to be larger and brighter than usual."
"We are just past technically the full moon."
"This Orange full moon may be the frost Moon, also known as the beaver moon in some cultures."
"People get strange with a full moon."
"Finally on a full moon night, Siddhartha gained complete realization and became a fully-enlightened Buddha."
"The days around May 21st we've got a full moon at 3° of Sagittarius, a really good time for financial Ventures for Scorpio."
"I loved watching the kids play end of the full moon."
"The full moon in Scorpio tends to bring fullness, completion, fruition, drama, manifestation."
"During a full moon, you can actually hear its sinister howling coming from the nearby countryside out in the woods."
"When the moon is full, the waterbender's power is at their strongest, strong enough to bend the water within another living creature, their very blood."
"This full moon in Gemini is actually the last lunation in the eclipse cycle."
"The full moon eclipse happening in your eighth house can indicate that deep healing is taking place for you."
"We're just a couple of days off of Tuesday's full moon, so we do have a lot to talk about."
"The full moon brings so much energy, this is where it vibrates the fullest amount of energy."
"This full moon is a positive one, it's very optimistic and it's very joyful."
"The full moon is happening in the sign of Virgo which is your Eighth House, so there could be some sort of news or illumination coming up."
"You can only have a total lunar eclipse when there's a full moon."
"This full moon that we're under, this eclipse we're under, is very rare."
"The full moon is a time when the moon is fully illuminated, and there's a sense of celebration in the air."
"This energy of the full moon is empowering us to delve into our emotions, to embrace change, and harness our innate powers."
"The full moon in Pisces is one of the most beautiful, artistic, and surreal moons of the year."
"The moon is full, you know what I'm thinking? Let's make love, we're old and we're shrinking."
"A full moon is all about culminations, climaxes, and transitions."
"I’m going to plant them today on the full moon. They say it’s a full moon."
"It's a full moon tonight, it's just rising in front of us, it's like an orange glowing ball, it looks wild."
"They say the full moon puts people in the mood for romance."
"On the day of the full moon, the stage is set on the legendary Colorado River."
"This full moon is connected to your subconscious or hidden desires, indicating that you are experiencing a sense of completion, a sense of culmination."
"The Moon Nexus reflects the moon perfectly so that when the moon is full its light completely fills the lake."
"This full moon could be about breaking away from some negative cycles."
"The full moon brings clarity, full awareness, and turns your attention onto your financial area of life."
"A full moon always reveals something to us."
"What a beautiful time, I hope you enjoy this full moon."
"Full moons can shine a light on things you weren't aware of before, can reveal secrets that can modify your direction moving forwards."
"A full moon tends to be a time of heightened emotions."
"The full moon tends to be about release, can be about things reaching a peak or a culmination."
"The light of the full moon is clearing us out so that the light itself can be poured into us."
"This full moon is going to bring a lot of change and a lot of evolution."
"It was perfect, and the moon was full."
"Full moon is a time to reap the rewards of all the hard work that you've done."
"A full moon in Sagittarius... it's about generally clearing away, moving away from some obstacles, negative energies, challenges that block that ability to grow financially."
"It is a full moon tonight, it is absolutely gorgeous, the Vegas strip, so pretty, so we're being kicking it tonight, I love it."
"You remember how Opa always disappeared on full moons? Did you ever wonder why?"
"It's a full moon tonight, Jason, and that means I'm going to turn into something else."
"Tonight's not only a full moon, it's also fish taco night."
"When the Moon Turns full, people walk in."
"You can only have a lunar eclipse on a full moon."
"How could you have seen anything in the dark? There was a bright full moon."
"This full moon is going to be about relationships for you."
"Under a full moon, we have an opportunity to see what's really working for us."
"So during the full moon, it can be a good time of the month to become a little bit more receptive, a little bit more easy with ourselves."
"It's a full moon tonight, so we're going to go climb Lion's Head Peak."
"The full moon does do something, the Grunion is officially my new favorite fish."
"Can you feel the power the full moon brings? I've never felt more alive."
"We're going to take a look at Mars Neptune as an archetypal combination today, which may help us to deepen our understanding of some of the elements of the full moon that we just had."
"That full moon can be some of the best fishing of the year."
"The full moon is like a cleanser."
"The full moon is better for insight, you get clarity and flashes of understanding something about your life."
"It's just other kids, Neville reasoned. It's a full moon on Halloween, for surely we're not the only ones to get challenged."
"The full moon this month was known by early Native American tribes as the Buck Moon."
"We have our full moon... that brings fullness, completion, fruition, drama."
"The full moon this month falls on the 24th and was known by early Native American tribes as the Strawberry Moon."
"The full moon this month falls on the 26th and it is known as the Flower Moon."
"It also happens that this full moon is a super moon, a full moon that's particularly close to Earth, and it's the largest full moon of the year as well."
"I'm from the future; it'll be a nice full moon this evening for everybody to take a look at."
"Full moons themselves are times of culmination, heightened emotion, and heightened intuition."
"This full moon could be a peak time of manifestation."
"We're also in the energy of the full moon in Aquarius right now too."
"The full moon is a great time for psychic development exercises."
"I hope that you have a very powerful full moon that is full of transformation."
"Full moons are emotional, they often bring conclusions to something, but it brings new beginnings."
"The full moon this month is on the 16th, and it is the Snow Moon."
"It's a beautiful full moon... even though this old trailer has seen better days."
"You should tell the story about the night of a full moon."
"A lunar eclipse is a phenomenon in which the moon is entirely or partially in the shadow cast by the Earth, happening during the full moon."
"Full moon in Aquarius brings closure."
"It's a full moon in Sagittarius, depending on where you are in the world."
"The full moon is also traditionally seen as a time for releasing and letting go of things that no longer serve us."
"Every full moon gives us the opportunity to release and let go of things that no longer serve us."
"On a full moon, he's got superhuman strength."
"The energy of the pink full moon is perfect for rebirth and starting anew."
"Setting intentions during the pink full moon is a powerful way to tap into its energy of abundance."
"The energy of the pink full moon is not only powerful for manifestation and spiritual growth, it's also an ideal time for cultivating peace and harmony in your life."
"Living in gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to harness the energy of the pink full moon."
"Embracing forgiveness is a profound practice that is especially potent under the energy of the pink full moon."
"Happy manifesting under the pink full moon."
"The next full moon will be out March 25th or 24th, depending on where you are in the world."
"The Easter Sunday is the Sunday after the full moon coming after the spring equinox."
"This is an opportunity for us to release under this full moon."
"Full moon is all about completions, about endings, about harvesting the seeds that you sew in the new moon."
"We're here, the full moon in Pisces."
"The full moon is a time for results to come in, completion, culmination."
"Happy Friday everybody. Today we are going to take a look at this weekend's full moon in Virgo."
"It's a bit like the full moon; it either feels like a difficult period where my energy is not good, or I get this amazing clarity where I'm feeling really inspired."
"We see a full moon tonight, didn't think it was scheduled, but there it is."
"Seems like we will be able to see a beautiful full moon tonight."
"It's powerful energy especially after that full moon which dislodged the energy pile up that's been there."
"The full moon is about releasing, letting go of things."
"What is really important about this full moon is that we're being asked to stand in our power in new ways."
"Full moons are all about releasing, surrendering what we need to leave behind."
"The full moon is a moment in time when the spirits are very high in general."
"It's a powerful moon, it's the full moon in Aries."
"Full moons are where our emotions are heightened, but it's all to help identify what needs grounding and what needs to be released."
"We are feeling the effects of the full moon."
"The most celebrated of the lunar cycles is the full moon phase."
"There is going to be something, a sense of something that brought you pleasure or something that brought you a lot of fun... something could gradually come to an end around that time because full moons do bring conclusion."
"The Sagittarius full moon could blast open something, it could bring in a new awareness, a higher awareness."