
Libraries Quotes

There are 243 quotes

"These are repositories of learning and wisdom that are deeply valuable for our society."
"If you take away all the libraries, sir, how will the children ever learn to read?"
"Libraries have become de facto homeless shelters and how librarians are now operating as social workers and first responders."
"You need to tell the compiler to load the library code that someone else wrote so that the compiler knows what printf even is."
"Imagine like your public library and you go to the public library and you know the library itself is not responsible for what's in the content of those books."
"Public libraries, everyone likes public libraries."
"The physical library in the home is known to be tied to better educational outcomes for kids."
"Every Discworld fan owes a debt of gratitude to the librarians of the Beaconsfield Public Library."
"Every book inside of Alexandria Eternal is the entire story of someone's life... the library itself is constantly writing in these books."
"Libraries are awesome... especially with After Effects."
"Pandas library is pretty widely used as a data frame setup."
"It's just fine, reminds me of my old hometown's library."
"The collection alone is impressive, but could do without the fake plants."
"Through his efforts, he accumulated one of the largest libraries in Europe."
"The purpose of a library is to preserve these works of art literature and history, keep them in a nice special place where you can go and access that knowledge even without money."
"It's believed to be the future for libraries and archives to store their most important documents."
"Libraries exist, and they do have the books that you want to read for free."
"Think of Hoopla as your Public Library without needing to go actually to the Public Library."
"In theory, long term, you're securing your library into the future."
"My local library has a library of things for residents to borrow. Useful household items like toolkits and power washers."
"Go ahead and support your libraries, I think that's a great way to save money."
"Libraries are important for more than just practical day-to-day knowledge."
"Frameworks and libraries are simply a simplification process."
"Libraries are one of the few public spaces left in our society where you're allowed to exist without the expectation of spending money."
"...now that we've got lists and libraries created it's time to talk about not just using them for their standard purposes but customizing them for our specific organizational needs."
"So now let's talk about how to get access to even more libraries than just your local one."
"Most people use libraries to achieve this effect, but here we write everything with plain vanilla JavaScript because we want to understand how it works under the hood."
"Libraries do so much more than just provide free books."
"Every temple in Kimet had a library, every library had thousands of books, papyrus scrolls, on knowledge associated with every aspect of human endeavor."
"Support your libraries. They're absolutely incredible."
"'To me, the quietness of a library, the smell and the feel of the books, is like the taste and texture of food to a gourmet.'"
"Oh, I love libraries. Libraries hold a special place in my heart. So much knowledge is in libraries."
"There's so many amazing tools and libraries that exist right now for you to start picking up and using."
"Let's just install a couple more packages in this case let's get our install our map plot library."
"Some serialization libraries may not be zero overhead as claimed."
"If you want to do even better than that, though, there exist a lot more libraries, third-party libraries."
"There are more libraries in prisons than in schools,"
"For my wife and me, libraries were a lifeline at a time when we could rarely afford books or even quarterback paperbacks."
"Libraries are flowing and popping up every single day. I would argue this is one of the most desirable properties of a language."
"Don't close the books on libraries."
"A library is a perfect reflection of the ideal world."
"But I hope you see how actually having more than one library really helps and how they do have different characters, different personalities."
"States with better school libraries get better scores."
"A good library can mitigate the effects of poverty."
"I love reading. My happy place on Earth is in a library around books."
"The author's main argument is that although libraries are threatened by a lack of funding, they are an integral part of the American social fabric and they might help to bridge the digital divide through striving for equity of access."
"Java has a huge array of third-party libraries."
"Designing libraries that are built around this kind of asynchronous control flow is a very deep topic."
"But despite the arresting symbol of cultural loss that burning a library represents, some brick and mortar libraries are suffering a decline in budgets or usage, in the wake of easy access to online alternatives."
"There's a Combinator library, very common in functional programming. You have a parser Combinator library, you have an HTML Combinator library, you might have a database Combinator library. It's a common way of designing libraries."
"That's one of the real beauties I think of using libraries like this to get started on a parsing project."
"Support your local libraries. Go borrow some graphic novels, guys."
"The great thing about being in libraries is...you find things that you didn't walk in the library for."
"So the first part is, as usual, we are importing some libraries that are required."
"Libraries save me, and how I'm self-educated. Why I wouldn't be here actually without libraries in many ways. It's important."
"A parsing library comes with any programming language you can think of."
"Libraries are human spaces filled with stories."
"Whatever the project you're trying to do, there's a library prep that's ideally suited for that because we have a range of different library preps available, and each has its own unique features and unique advantages."
"The problem is not that the JDK is changing the problem is that libraries are trying to have a one-size-fits-all release model where they're supporting JDK 8 and JDK 21 and that's forcing them into a least common denominator which doesn't benefit anybody."
"Now I need to install some libraries here so pip install elasticsearch this is the first library I wanted to install."
"I always spent my time in libraries, for me it was the whole world was at my fingertips."
"if you have the ability to just check out your library if you have one near you whatnot I so recommend it because you really get the same feeling of going to the book store but you're not paying any money you're supporting your local library"
"Use pre-built libraries. Just import the library."
"Libraries have more than just books. They have ebooks, movies, TV shows, and language apps."
"I love finding libraries in abandoned houses or mansions"
"Libraries are a great place to check out some manga."
"Python's large library system makes it the best choice for data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence projects."
"Python provides a collection of libraries for various tasks such as machine learning, web development, and data analysis."
"That's the beautiful thing about the libraries, I can literally go back and get them again and it's literally going to be free."
"There is no need to burn libraries, no need to burn books when no one wants to read them."
"Libraries need your support. It's very, very important."
"To stimulate public interest in books, reading, literacy, and libraries."
"The 21st century may just be a new golden age for libraries."
"At the high level, TensorFlow's object-oriented API provides reusable libraries for model building."
"Carnegie funded over 2,500 libraries around the world."
"Please go to your libraries, read books."
"This is going to save you a lot of headache if you're looking for libraries when you're installing things later."
"More than 70 public libraries of which the one in Cordova alone contained 600,000 manuscripts."
"What I want to do is talk about how to work with APIs in general so I'll just make sure that all of the libraries we're using and all the techniques we're using can be used for all API services."
"The request library is basically a library that is going to allow us to make API calls."
"As you build out applications, instead of always reinventing the wheel, you can often just use other people's applications and libraries and pull those into your project."
"Whenever we include a library... what we're doing is we're telling the sketch that I need this library because it contains all the little bits of code that I need."
"These libraries help programs operate with the leverage they can spend more time focusing on their unique business logic."
"FastAPI stands on the shoulders of two libraries: Starlette for the web parts and Pydantic for the data parts."
"Libraries now... use an app where you can actually check out audiobooks for free."
"If you want to know about anything, go to the children's section of the library."
"Utilize your library, your local library definitely."
"The primary libraries in Python that can actually handle image processing... are something called Pillow... and the other one is Matplotlib, Scikit-image is another program, and finally OpenCV is the fourth one."
"The main significance of the library and the museum at Alexandria is that it did what a great library does: it disseminates knowledge."
"We're going to use Python libraries such as pandas, selenium, and sci-fi."
"I love a library, right? So love it, the ambiance."
"For scientific applications, consider NumPy and Pandas."
"We have two huge libraries that are super dope."
"Books... just about anything that you can find on the bookshelf in a bookstore can be checked out from a public library for absolutely no cost."
"Libraries build community in a very diverse way."
"We believe and know that libraries change lives."
"Check your local library. A lot of bigger libraries have resources available."
"A lot of the libraries are beautifully and elegantly designed."
"We always knew Julia is a beautiful language; it's got beautiful libraries."
"You got to work for a company that's going to allow you to cut out time to explore new libraries and explore new ways to work."
"We use NVIDIA's libraries because NVIDIA's libraries like cuRAND and cuBLAS have been well optimized and are pretty extensive."
"Libraries are still a great place to find high quality prints of paintings."
"I love libraries. Books are our cultural legacy."
"We have to actually actively reinvest in our schools, our communities, and especially our libraries."
"Libraries are my happy place. They just make me smile."
"Python's large library system makes it a best choice for data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence projects."
"It's all about libraries and books, yes, everything we love."
"You can also support your local library, that is a thing you can do, and I recommend that as well."
"With all the awesome new powers we're afforded with variables, we've been able to significantly reduce the number of libraries that make up our design system."
"Libraries are incredible, and you can always find so many things at your libraries."
"Healthy public libraries are crucial to democratic societies because they allow everyone, regardless of income, to make informed decisions about the world around them."
"Libraries were becoming a status symbol of sorts, proof of how cultured your city was."
"The important parts are understanding how the library works."
"React Native gives you the advantage of having the best list of ready-made solutions and libraries to simplify the task of mobile app development."
"Libraries for so many people are like a lifeline."
"I genuinely love libraries and I've been very grateful that I've been able to take books home from the jobs I had."
"Why do all of our HTTP libraries have their own parsing code?"
"Somebody once said that the library is actually the dominant life form on the planet."
"Why libraries? Because they have the most stories."
"There's a very nice page comparing the three libraries in much more detail than I can do in such a talk."
"Libraries probably have more relevance right now than they've actually had for perhaps a hundred years."
"Web3.js and ethers.js are both libraries for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and also other EVM compatible chains."
"Our communities are stronger when we have good libraries."
"If you live in a place where you do have access to a good library with a decent amount of digital content, you might not know that there are apps available where you can link the app to your library account and download audiobooks to listen to on your phone or other device."
"Let's talk about libraries and how it can really, really help you once you've got a decent bit of code under your belt."
"These type of libraries make our lives so much easier."
"Some of the greatest libraries in the world were in Baghdad, in Damascus, and other places."
"This is why this library is awesome."
"Python has a huge set of libraries."
"Public libraries are crucial locations for the health of societies, for humanitarian aid, for the building of organizations, and so on."
"Community impact is a huge deal to libraries; it's how we make our case to enhance and make libraries even greater than they already are."
"I love libraries, I could sit in them all day, I think they're so calming."
"The difficult bit is actually not in learning the language or its semantics, it's in knowing the library structures."
"There are a lot of libraries, especially written in Python, that allow us to make it easier to do this sort of probabilistic inference."
"We got NumPy, SymPy, Matplotlib, used all the time."
"This week is National Library Week."
"We're not using anything nice in the standard library, we have to make sure that we take care of this ourselves."
"Use an open source library when you can."
"There are absolutely libraries for absolutely every single thing you ever could possibly want to do."
"NgRx is a collection of open-source libraries for Angular, built with reactivity to supercharge your Angular apps."
"You're actually kind of supporting local libraries across the country."
"Libraries are such an important part of every school."
"Libraries are generally files of code that other people have written that you can use in your own programs."
"Libraries are amazing; they have eBooks, they have audiobooks, they have DVDs, they have free streaming services. Go join your local library."
"We have lots of mature libraries."
"Our libraries hold over 13 million volumes and materials in more than 450 languages."
"We're more concerned with developing the libraries to the point that people can use this for production in more ways."
"If your program is using any functions from these libraries, then you need to make sure to link it in."
"We're going to leverage a few very powerful libraries to get this done effectively and efficiently."
"We inherit the idea of batteries included, so we have a bunch of libraries."
"It's quite an impressive collection of sounds from both general and specialty libraries."
"It's really easy to use libraries like Seaborn and Matplotlib to do visualizations of the data."
"It's important to enjoy the work we do and we deserve libraries that are fun to use."
"Public libraries are committed to keeping their doors open to everyone, even when that becomes more challenging."
"Libraries across the country found people stopped coming and now they're finding a new way to get those people back."
"Every library you come across will have some sort of an installation and quick start or getting started section."
"I think libraries are a pretty good example of this."
"The difference between jQuery and JavaScript is that JavaScript is a language, while jQuery is a built-in library built for JavaScript."
"The reality is most of you who are watching this series probably want to do something with the graphics library like OpenGL, Vulcan, Metal, or whatever the next library is that's out there."
"Libraries are the core or the heart of any of those circuits simulation software."
"Pretty soon we're going to see an interesting middle ground where just like with Arduino, you get this critical mass of lots of interesting libraries and modules."
"It's actually given you some high-level libraries here, like this display.scroll that can scroll a message."
"Someone created the Pandas library which is like the premiere library for tabular data management and it is amazing."
"Libraries in the future need to be social hubs of education."
"We want many more domain-specific libraries."
"Every great society is founded on libraries and knowledge for everybody."
"Parser combinator libraries are actually quite common."
"Python provides a rich set of libraries for data visualization and model building."
"Script tags are JavaScript libraries that are also going to be important and this is also a huge part when you design a webpage."
"Before we get started, you'll need to make sure you have two libraries installed: Beautiful Soup and Requests."
"There were 700 public libraries in one city, each library had more than a million titles."
"Python is really popular so I guess because of that there really have been a very large number of powerful libraries developed over the years."
"I'll browse through an interesting library just out of pure curiosity."
"Yes, I love this place; it's a really cool library."
"Go has an excellent standard library that's very complete."
"Libraries are absolutely vital public services."
"It was very useful to not just work on a language but also work on the library because it allowed us to vet our features."
"The Java standard library is really, really large."
"It shortens the number of lines you have to write and also it comes with so many darn libraries."
"I spend my days in libraries reading about public policy; I care about these issues deeply."
"Another huge strength is the huge wealth of libraries that make all these complex operations in Python really simple to implement."
"This is an awesome future of using Web Components with libraries and services."
"Support your local, support your school libraries, and your local libraries."
"I've been wanting to read more books with the theme of libraries because I want to do a video like recommendation video with that topic."
"The circulating libraries during this period also played a significant role in making sure that the books and reading materials reached everyone."
"Libraries are great not only because they are wonderful institutions that help the community, but also if you check out a book at the library, the author gets paid."
"We will also learn how to integrate external libraries and APIs with our applications to make them more advanced."
"The designers of the Java container wanted to guarantee that the web application actually runs with versions of libraries that it is shipped with."
"Robert Ferguson... introduced this idea of penny libraries... where people could come and borrow books by paying just a penny."
"Python is very popular right now because of machine learning libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, and so on."
"Yay library for saving me some money."
"Your code runs by a real Python and you have access to all libraries."
"So libraries allow us to sort of stand on each other's shoulders."
"When I was a kid, my mum used to take me to the library every Saturday."
"These are no longer warehouses of books, these are marketplaces of ideas."
"The internet didn't replace libraries, it may have made them more essential."
"Now, with like Python and Perl and Java, whatever like, in a sense, you do have these libraries, it is a tremendous improvement."
"The libraries will go on evolving in the next few years."
"The books matter, the library matters."
"Not a crazy concept because we've been able to read books for free at libraries for decades."