
Financial Savings Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau saved consumers $90 million worth of bank fees in the last year of the Obama administration alone."
"There will also be a winner for biggest bargain. This is a pure mathematical shootout in pure savings."
"You could save $1,500 or more a year by using Policy Genius to compare life insurance policies."
"Save as much as you can... but I also get this energy like money wise, save money."
"We're trying to do a good thing here for our customers save save people money and make the roads a little bit safer."
"Chances are, if you are commuting like an average American, just rethinking a few elements of your daily routine can save you thousands of dollars a year."
"A lot of this stuff is life-saving stuff that will save you tens of thousands of dollars on taxes if not Millions."
"Vanguard has much lower costs than any other financial institution."
"Every time you buy a deal you save three percent on buying your own deal, it's incredible."
"Thanks to the zebra, you can compare car and home insurance quotes from every major insurance company in under five minutes, giving you all the facts you need to make the right decision."
"The zebra saves people an average of $922 a year on home and auto combined. It's a lot of money, it's an extra g."
"It's helping you save money on things that you're already buying."
"It'll help you save money, save the planet, and avoid lines at Costco."
"Truebill has saved its users more than 50 million dollars. That's a lot of money."
"Focus on the quality of your Basics... you are literally going to want to save so much money."
"For a lot of people, I do think spending three percent to save 15 that they otherwise would have spent is worth it."
"I logged in with my current insurance provider, it showed me over a dozen quotes, and I was able to save a bunch of money."
"They don't want to appoint a director of football, but a director of football would... well off the top of my head if we'd appointed a director of football five years ago he would have saved us over 100 million pounds."
"Total savings won't be only the current 30% but will rise to the range of 50 to 55% which is unbelievable."
"At a minimum has saved tens and tens and tens of billions into their pockets."
"Shop from your pantry. This will save you so so much money."
"The most important thing in terms of saving really has been relationships."
"You can earn three times more cashback with Upside. It's crazy."
"Consumers have the power to save while navigating the price hike in the market." - Communications Specialist Dorothy Campbell
"Rocket money has over 5 million users and has helped its members save on average of $720 a year."
"You're saving money and your dick is saluting the flag again."
"So it's a really easy, passive way—if you're already making the purchase because you need it, and not because you're compulsively online shopping, it's a great, little way to get a kickback."
"We have scientific evidence that you can in fact save money."
"Growing food is literally like printing money it's like printing your own paycheck the more food you grow the less money you're spending that is money in your pocket."
"Rocket money has saved me hundreds of dollars since I've started using it."
"Just being able to save twenty thousand dollars by the time you graduate college just by living at home is potentially worth about two hundred and sixty one thousand by the age of sixty."
"So you're telling me you don't want to drive 200 miles to save ten thousand dollars?"
"No rent means not throwing money out the window."
"You'll be so excited at how much you save for that one thing."
"The amount of money we're saving here is absolutely insane."
"Disney Visa Card members can save up to 35 percent on their Walt Disney World hotel rooms this summer."
"On average people save up to $720 a year with Truebill."
"You could be saving 25 cents per gallon every time you fill up. Why would you not do that?"
"Save me the money, hope you guys all enjoyed a great one in video just like this one."
"I will guarantee that you will learn something new in this video that can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars."
"Who doesn't like saving money? See, you're feeling good already."
"Adding 61 points to your credit score could save you thousands on a home loan."
"Rocket Money has helped save its members an average of $740 per year."
"I promise you it is so nice to have it and have some money off."
"For every degree that you raise that thermostat, you save between one and three percent on your utility bill."
"Sign up for the annual pass holder, it's going to save you a lot of money."
"If you're saving a little money here and there over time, you're surely on your path to financial freedom even if it's lower than you like."
"Far from being a cliff edge... If we leave with no deal, we save 39 billion quid."
"He was such a pain in the ass, I saved about 300 grand."
"This bidet... has saved us thousands of dollars on toilet paper over the years."
"Upgrade your account from monthly to yearly and save money while getting more value. Don't miss out on the bonuses!"
"When you commit for the year, you're saving money and getting more value. It is fantastic!"
"Think of this video as a charting course that would normally cost you thousands of dollars but you're getting it for free baby."
"Everyone wants to save some money these days."
"If you work really hard and you save this money in the bank what are you actually saving?"
"It's a money-saving product, so where's the downside?"
"I saved close to nine thousand dollars if it wasn't for Car Shield I wouldn't have my car."
"Blockchain could save financial institutions 10 billion dollars by 2030 according to Ripple."
"I know that the amount of money that I spent on the lease of this car right now is less than I was spending on gas every single month."
"Solar isn't just about using an unlimited clean resource. It's about lowering your expenses and increasing your quality of life. It's the strongest investment you can make for your home and your family."
"Consider areas of compromise; buy generic, you save a lot of money on generic."
"It's how much money I save that's truly important."
"Build Back Better will cut premiums for more than nine million Americans by an average of six hundred dollars per person."
"Saving $20,000 on vehicle expenses over a three-year span turned into almost $50,000."
"Choosing a harder life now leads to an easy life later... Working hard now, saving money is going to give you an easier retirement."
"Saving that much money on gas in these times is everything."
"Just buying one of these appliances saves people money in the long term already."
"It's okay to want a great service that saves you money."
"Your system saved me money on the same budget, and I told my wife we have to move forward with these guys. It's just so exciting."
"If you guys are into saving time and you're into saving money, then you're gonna love today's video sponsor: Honey."
"I think saving the money was a huge bonus and positive outcome of all of this but it wasn't the main reason that we decided to make this change."
"Eight percent is eight percent, you're getting like almost sixteen fifteen dollars off of this two hundred dollar order."
"It's easier when you don't have to spend all that money on something."
"Based on their cost benefit analysis, they estimate these changes will save Americans at least one trillion dollars in the long term."
"It really helped jump start the process. It ended up saving me thousands of dollars because I was able to learn things that maybe would take much longer if you try to do it on your own."
"We've managed to put aside one hundred and seventy-eight thousand six hundred and twenty-four dollars."
"Except you might also save money in the process."
"So there you go, I just saved you a couple bucks a month as well."
"We're just going to save families money by investing in pharmacare for all."
"Working in the comfort of one's own home saves money and offers greater job security and flexibility."
"Wow, Halo Infinite, when that releases this year rather than paying 70 dollars you get it for free with your Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription."
"Using the pancake swap and other Binance Smart Chain swaps, you're going to be saving a lot of money on transaction fees."
"Make sure to bring up politics at Thanksgiving to save on Christmas gifts. Life hack 101."
"Every purchase you make is rounded up and that spare change is going to go to a managed portfolio. It's all taken care of for you and over time it could really grow."
"Managed to save 41 beans just by doing a little bit of research."
"You save so much money and you also get money back."
"The amount of money you spend on insulation now pays for itself in the long term tenfold."
"I've definitely overall spending less money per meal making my own food."
"Opportunity to buy Ledger backup or family pack at discount."
"The least amount of food products you throw away, that's money you're saving."
"Truebill, it could literally save you thousands a year."
"Adopting a minimalist lifestyle: cutting back on clutter and unnecessary expenses can save you more money and increase your happiness."
"Discounts on hotels, discounts on flights, cheaper premiums, cheaper subscriptions, it's all available."
"This video is brought to you by Honey. It's going to help you save some money."
"You're doing this without someone having to pay anywhere from 60,000 to 200,000 for a university degree."
"This process can save you a lot of pain and a lot of money if you follow it."
"That is a phenomenally low amount of money to pay for high-quality food on your shelf."
"The more money you make, the more you save."
"Living in a vehicle saves you paying rent."
"It's a thing of beauty, saving money where you can."
"You're going to get every month that that electricity bill comes is going to be so much lower than what it was before."
"All these random benefits and cost savings and medical savings... we haven't been to the doctor in a really long time."
"There's an emotional hook that gets you that saving cash does not."
"Put away your wallets, we're here to talk about free stuff."
"Having snacks in your pantry saves tons and tons of money."
"If we can help through transparency and still greater competition that could mean lower costs lower fees to those folks."
"Closing costs, my team and I are incredibly focused just on making sure you don't have to pay a dime in closing costs."
"I saved 40-50,000 since I've started couponing."
"Try a no spending day. Prepare ahead of time to not touch your wallet."
"It's cool to have money and it's cool to save money but save it in ways that make money for you."
"You could save hundreds of dollars if you started really focusing on buying items on sale."
"I'm saving you hundreds of dollars a month, thousands of dollars a year with this thing."
"So why in the world would you want to do that when you can actually save money and have good food?"
"I hope that helps you out and saves you some money in the future, and you can go out and take the family out for dinner or something like that."
"Eating plant-based on a budget has become a very popular presentation because it just gets people really thinking about ways that they can save money."
"We love innovating to save people time just like we love saving people money."
"When you make an example of gas savings, that is something that's happening right now in their life."
"You can actually end up saving like thousands of pounds across your entire property project."
"You should be paying zero dollars to process your tax return."
"You spend a few bucks and you save thousands."
"On a 30-year mortgage loan, you make one extra principal-only payment per year, you will take almost eight years off the term of that mortgage."
"Instead of spending $700 a month on a car payment, once a year you spend $700 in one month to do regularly scheduled maintenance."
"Obviously, saving money is great."
"Insurances... could easily save you let's say eight hundred to a thousand dollars per year per card."
"Freezer cooking can save you literally thousands of dollars every single year."
"The accountant is going to save you money."
"I'm doing kind of like a money fast, so I've cut out bought coffees, and I'm only drinking instant coffee."
"We continue to win this award because we know how to make saving money easy."
"Save the money, it's great, helped out a ton in the long run."
"The main objective here is to save yourself a lot of money."
"On average, you can save about half of what you are earning."
"Minimalism opens up your wallet to a bunch of other things because you're like, 'I'm saving money, I'm not spending money here or there.'"
"This channel is all about saving you money, getting you the best information so you can make the best buying decision."
"All I want for Christmas is for you to save your money."
"Being healthy saves you money in the long run; having a regular period saves you tons of stress and money."
"Hopefully you'll save a lot of money and you'll have a lot of sweet success."
"The more you do yourself, the more money you can put in your pocket."
"I'm already pretty excited that we saved a bunch of money."
"It's time to say enough and get a phone plan that saves money without sacrificing quality."
"You never pay rent, just do the upfront cost of the van and then pay for fuel and insurance."
"Save money, do a lot of side hustles behind the scene while you're working full time."
"Over a year, that's over three thousand dollars that this machine saves us."
"Look for deals... there's also holiday deals and there are also coupons."
"There are so many ways that you can live frugally and save money even though you are raising children."
"Maximizing Social Security can save you thousands of dollars a year on taxes."
"Cooking more at home... not only is it good financially for you, but chances are it's better for you healthwise."
"It was the perfect deal for us; we were able to save money and to get a real taste of what it was to maintain a large property ourselves."
"Paying things off can actually save you a lot of money."
"South Dakota is a great place to live, save money, and raise a family."
"With go cashback you can literally do both which is a bonus."
"Get your good grades, save some money, then go to a four-year university."
"You can get incredible results without having to spend all that money."
"If you could save a hundred dollars every day for the rest of your life, do you know how many years it would take you to save a billion dollars? Twenty-seven thousand three hundred and ninety-seven years."
"Knowing your code saves you money."
"You will save yourself a huge amount of money."
"Save you a lot of money in the long run."
"We saved ourselves £11,000 getting this job done."
"Wait for sales, special offers, or discount codes."
"By choosing not to consume alcohol regularly, we're able to save so much money."
"You're going to save money and a lot less food waste."
"Doing it yourself can potentially save you a ton of money, and which always leaves more money for tools, and who doesn't want more tools?"
"Saving is so much fun, it really is the way."
"I hope this video helped you and saves you some money."
"Cutting down five design specific tools per designer to one was a cost savings of 500 per designer annually."
"It's a very powerful tool especially today and nowadays where you want to save money."
"Trust me, your wardrobe and your bank account will both be thanking you."
"And I really do hope that will help you save money and to eat well."
"Have some confidence in yourself, save some money, get her done."
"An energy audit is not going to save you money on its own; it's the actions that come out of an energy audit that give you the full benefit."
"If we're trying to save money, you don't want to be spending your money when free apps exist."
"The homeowner has zero out of pocket on day one, and they start seeing savings from day one."
"Growing as much food as you can on your own property greatly reduces financial stress on your family."
"It's like you're saving thousands of dollars in the long term."
"Congratulations on saving 20%; that's a remarkable amount of your income to be putting into savings at a regular rate."
"Organization saves you a lot of money."
"Saves money by getting it right the first time."
"The veterinary bills fell by 82 percent."
"I saved a lot of money thanks to your videos."
"Having this scanner on hand will save you thousands of dollars in the long run not having to pay your dealer every time you need a reset function done on your modern vehicle."
"You can transform your life, you can start making your budget and saving now."
"If you're able to find someone to do it with, I highly recommend doing that because it will save you a lot of money."
"We're saving money, we have a better quality of life."
"I'm so happy, I literally saved hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of baby clothing."
"I was calling to save him money on his car insurance."
"It's kind of like an added expense, and if you do your own thorough research, you can save yourself a couple thousand dollars."
"It could save you a ton of money."
"That's a savings, my friend. That's a savings."
"It's going to save your life, it's going to save you so much money."
"Big savings, great watch, great pickup in today's market."
"You're not going to regret it, and you're going to save a ton of money down the road."
"You are not only saving money by purchasing the vehicle under this particular scenario, you could even make money at the end of the four-year term."
"If you spend time to get the ClinCheck right, you will save a ton of money."
"Every kid I don't have is like 186 thousand dollars I don't need to make."
"This is like if you're in high school or college, you guys can save money."
"Taking everything into consideration, actually things are working really well. I'm very pleased with the change and I've found that I'm saving some money."
"Long-term improvement in the financial situation of households by reducing fuel and chemical fertilizer expenses."
"You can save 15% or more by switching to car insurance, I say you can save 50% or more by switching to an S corp."
"Save money, live better, okay? Period."
"Since the store is having a sale, we might as well take advantage of the discounts."
"If we act now, we can save money later on."