
Alexander The Great Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Alexander perfected King Philip's military machine. He was a fascinating man and an incredible commander."
"Alexander breaks the norm. It's not about what seems reasonable or plausible to us, but we need to judge the sources based on the historical apparatus that we have."
"Alexander, as it would seem, considering the mastery of himself a more kingly thing than the conquest of his enemies, neither laid hands upon these women nor did he know any other before marriage except Barsine."
"He was brought up to think that he was the son of Zeus, hence a God among men."
"Netflix is being woke in the fact that they are showing Alexander being entangled in a homoerotic relation."
"If tomorrow we found conclusive evidence that Alexander the Great never won a single battle, my life would change not one little bit."
"And it's said, in this legendary story, that the god actually said to him, 'You are my son,' and from then on something clicked in Alexander's mind."
"Victoriously riding into Egypt by 332 BC, to a downtrodden Egyptian population weary of outside Persian rule, Alexander was treated as a hero."
"At its peak Alexander the Great's Empire spanned three continents"
"Almost as soon as Alexander died, it began to be rumored that he had been poisoned."
"Using brilliant technological feats, Alexander eventually captured the island."
"In just 10 years, Alexander had set the stage for Greek culture to dominate the world."
"For Alexander the Great his greatness will always be Undisputed."
"The Battle of Issus was a stunning victory for Alexander."
"Alexander died undefeated in battle. His reputation as a brilliant, fearless and daring military commander remains undimmed."
"Few men have ever had such an impact on the course of history as Alexander the Great."
"Of all the enlightened intellectuals, brilliant artisans, cutthroat generals and great kings."
"Alexander the Great is undeniably the most renowned and debated."
"Was this most legendary Macedonian king an enlightened ruler or a debauching tyrant?"
"Many scholars note that Alexander’s education under Aristotle was crucial for his future endeavors."
"Alexander's superior tactics resulted in a stunning victory at the Battle of Gaugamela."
"The mysteries surrounding Alexander, his extraordinary life, and the suspicious circumstances of his end are likely to rage for many more years to come."
"And in some ways it does. The Hellenistic period brought about by Alexander the Great, I think, is best characterized as a..."
"Alexander the Great believed himself to be a deity."
"Alexander the Great, often referred to as Alexander III of Macedon, ruled over the kingdom of Macedon which was located in Ancient Greece."
"It is generally agreed upon that he is among the most successful military commanders and conquerors in the annals of history."
"Others have more flashy starts, Alexandria owes its existence to none other than Alexander the Great himself and his dream of founding cities wherever he went."
"As Alexander considered his first victory from a newly dedicated shrine of Zeus at the Sardis acropolis, looking out onto the great continent beyond, he had to have known that the real challenge was about to begin."
"This attempt to blend Eastern and Hellenic cultures would prove to be a consistent theme in Alexander’s life from this point onwards."
"Alexander III of Macedonia, known commonly as Alexander the Great, is one of the most fascinatingly complex figures in history."
"Alexander the Great warned his own soldiers that gluttony and opulence lead to much unmanliness."
"Alexander will destroy everything that could be a potential source of resistance and opposition to him."
"Alexander the Great created one of the biggest empires in history that stretched from Greece to India."
"...formed these porcupine-like formations called phalanxes. Almost impregnable from the front, this was Alexander's core heavy infantry."
"May 323 BC: Alexander the Great breathed his last. He was only 32."
"Alexander, for instance, on the eve of the Battle of Issus, showed judgment."
"When it comes to Alexander the Great, it's often impossible to separate fact from fiction, but even if a fraction of what is said about him is true, he clearly stands alone as History's Greatest Commander."
"Alexander took on some of the greatest armies of the day, and he beat them all at a time when skill and not technology determined the outcome of battle."
"Alexander, we call him the great and he really earned that title."
"Alexander the Great, prodigiously ambitious, created the largest empire the world had ever seen."
"Emulating Alexander the Great became a prominent royal model among kings of the Hellenistic period."
"That's the spirit of Alexander the Great."
"We have to find the treasure of Alexander the Great."
"According to legend, Alexander the Great probably the most successful military leader to have ever lived."
"She created a large tomb for herself and Alexander deep in the catacombs, somewhere that would still be standing two thousand years later."
"He was changing the moral map of the universe while Alexander was changing the political map."
"Alexander changed the world for all time by spreading Greek culture across all of the East he conquered."
"The story of Alexander's body is one that fascinates archaeologists and historians to this day, and the hunt continues for the eternal conqueror's remains."
"It's rumored that Alexander used the palace and presumably the gigantic tub as a rendezvous point for meetings with his lover."
"The traits that are Greek-ish show up long before Alexander did."
"Alexander died undefeated in battle."
"Alexander the Great made his name by conquering."
"Alexander the Great is considered one of the greatest generals in human history."
"The siege of Tyre challenged Alexander in ways that none of his other battles did."
"Alexander the third of Macedon became king of Macedon at the age of just 20."
"Alexander marched across Persian lands almost without pause for two years."
"Alexander wasn't bothered, his officers describing him explaining the steps to his workers in person, encouraging them."
"Persepolis arrived for centuries until 330 BC when Alexander the Great sacked the city."
"Alexander took the throne when he was just 20 years old, after his father was killed, and he defeated several other rivals for the throne."
"Alexander the Great... he went out conquering whole peoples and Empires."
"He built the army that Alexander the Great would later use to conquer the world."
"Alexander the Great named over 20 cities after himself during his conquering of over 2 million square miles of land by age 30."
"We're told that this was one of the key moments in Alexander's life."
"Alexander the Great... conquered a city with vast amounts mainly of silver... and so then what he says is, 'Hey let's make some coins and put my picture on it.'"
"Never defeated in battle, he managed to extend his vast empire across all of West Asia and North Africa, stretching all the way to Egypt and India."
"Though he died young and his empire was split apart by his generals, he brought Greek thought, culture, and philosophy - not to mention science - to the far reaches of inner Asia."
"Alexander the Great... becomes the effective leader and new Empire of the Hellenistic world."
"This was Darius's last chance to stop Alexander."
"The sudden ferocity of Alexander's assault threw the Persians into panic."
"The battle of Gaugamela was a stunning and complete victory for Alexander."
"Alexander the Great... conquered from Macedonia in northern Greece all the way to the border of India."
"Wishing to conquer all India, Alexander marched onward, but his army mutinied at the Hyphasis River, and he was forced to withdraw to Babylon."
"Alexandria is in Egypt, who was it named after? Alexander the Great."
"So this mine is seriously old, originally discovered by Alexander the Great's horse."
"Alexander the Great was undefeated in battle, thus Alexander the Great."
"Alexander the Great was king of Macedonia in the fourth century BC from the age of 13."
"Alexander the Great said fortune favors the bold."
"At only 18, Alexander helped turn the tide of battle in the decisive Macedonian victory."
"Alexander throws a spear into the ground, claiming Asia as a reward to him from the gods."
"After this victory, Alexander was without question now the ruler of the former Persian Empire's land in Asia."
"Alexander continued his march east, his goal to find and kill Bessus, a Persian satrap claiming to be the rightful king."
"Alexander founded the city of Alexandria Ariana, one of around a dozen cities that Alexander would eventually found."
"Alexander the Great, undefeated in battle for ten years, that's pretty impressive."
"Alexander's moment: 200 years of Persian history set to be run through in an instant."
"The coinage of Alexander the Great was widely used almost everywhere from 336 to 280 BC."
"Alexander the Great... began to be a general at 12 and he died at 33. In 21 years, he conquered the world."
"When Alexander the Great of Macedon died unexpectedly in 323 BCE, he had amassed an enormous empire."
"Alexander embraced the Egyptian gods; he prayed at their temples and even built a temple to their mother goddess, Isis."
"The desperate hope is that somewhere in these ruins is the undisturbed tomb of Alexander the Great."
"Let's get it, Alexander, Alexander the Great, full momentum for the boys too!"
"Alexander himself was seen as kind of a liberal reformer."
"Alexander took the armies that his father had mustered and more or less conquered the world."
"Alexander probably came closer than anyone else to actually conquering the world in a meaningful sense."
"Alexander's Empire is no longer a hundred percent intact."
"Alexander... had this passion not just to conquer people and Nations but to once he conquered them to show them mercy."
"Ever the pragmatist, Alexander placed many of these local strongmen and nobles in administrative roles overseeing his central Asian and Indian satrapies."