
Baby Quotes

There are 400 quotes

"And look at him, he's perfect. He's perfect."
"This baby is so deep that it's having conversations about existentialism in the 19th century."
"Our priority is a healthy baby, regardless if it's a boy or a girl, it's a blessing."
"That's the baby's heart rate actually. It is kind of a song."
"My baby is the cutest baby in the whole world, but I guess I'm biased."
"That's right y'all we have baby on the way and it is going to be the first born son."
"She hugs me and she whispers, 'I'm naming my baby after you.' And I was like, 'Oh, oh.'"
"Look at this cute baby. Oh my God, a human teddy bear!"
"The baby can change everything in a snap of fingers for positive or negative."
"I'm gonna start off by showing you the most important person's things, and that is the baby."
"We're finally getting the cutest baby!"
"Baby swings are just so hit or miss, kids really either love them or they hate them."
"I love the fact that we don't have to hold her as much anymore 'cause she can sit up."
"The mother's feeding the baby and also her baby's growing microbiota."
"Wow ta, you got your first tooth and you said your first words."
"All I wanted was the baby, I just wanted her to figure out what was wrong."
"Maybe the best-dressed little baby girl on this planet."
"The keys here are things that are easy for baby to hold on to again with baby lead weeding the goal is that baby is able to feed themselves even if it takes a lot of time and it's really messy."
"Your baby is going to have some degree of gagging and so it's important to know the difference between a little bit of gagging and what choking actually is."
"My baby's hair, my baby's hair. Yes!"
"It's a blessing, man. We love this little baby."
"September the 7th was baby G's 100th day of life, a massive Milestone."
"You realize this is going to be the most spoiled baby in the world, oh yeah, yeah I do."
"Attachment and connecting with the baby is a very important part in a baby's life and in a mom's life and mental illness can get in the way of a healthy attachment."
"This is the most perfect little baby boy ever."
"I can't believe this, my baby boy, I'm gonna name you Poke."
"I'd love to know what he said to his girlfriend, just need to borrow the baby for an hour."
"This room is a reflection of the joy this little one has brought into our lives."
"She loves it in here, it's nice because she can kind of see over the whole of the room."
"I think it will actually make your baby more adventurous with different flavors over time."
"...the iron levels actually decrease significantly in a baby's iron needs are more than the iron needs of a full-grown male."
"She's such a chill baby, she never cries."
"All we need to worry about is the baby getting here."
"Mozart to play where he sleeps to make him smarter because leading experts say Mozart make baby smarter."
"It's your world, baby. Do as you please."
"But I've had a baby before and I know how stressful it is."
"The most important thing for a baby is love."
"She's adorable, the most precious baby."
"It's the baby sticker. It's the baby sticker. You need a sticker for the babies."
"...your baby's gonna be amazing your baby's gonna be so beautiful I'm excited for you in this journey it's gonna be fair and I know your baby's gonna be so fly so fabulous always dressed always looking nice..."
"You just need to get to know your baby and get to know what comforts them, what soothes them. Listen to your baby's cries because that's how they talk to you."
"You can go to that after the baby. This is only the baby's only 10 weeks and it's only the size of a prune."
"Look at this baby, he is absolutely adorable."
"Saturdays are 4 baby I just love you so much."
"She's strong. Oh my God, what a strong beautiful baby."
"...once you're educated, you'll kind of know what to do for your baby and what they're going through..."
"I've been super busy trying to make a baby."
"He's the first baby of our family as well."
"Putting a baby in just a t-shirt and a diaper is the cutest thing."
"...being able to like pull this thing up and change his diaper, the night gowns are super helpful."
"...this has been a game changer for us, you will get more sleep with your baby having more of a weighted sleep sack."
"Look at my baby, this is my soul mate bro, I love you."
"The hope of the world wasn't a mighty na or a big army, the hope of the world was going to be a baby."
"But it's so hard when you have a baby isn't it?"
"The miracle Christmassy baby captured the imagination of the entire country."
"I thought it might even fit on little Mr. Maybe if I cut the sleeves she could wear after her bath."
"All the romance was saved for the password line that we knew ended with a baby anyway."
"The only way to stop this baby from going Chernobyl is to prune all those branching timelines."
"So let's get started on making the Aqua Breeze baby blanket."
"This baby blanket is made using Karen Cotton Cakes."
"...breaking it down...baby reacts faster to someone who looks more like Mom."
"Number one is the Nimble Milk Buster baby bottle cleaner."
"Usually, the baby, I'll put her with a babysitter cuz she gets cranky on the flights."
"Our baby girl is unconsciously winning everyone's heart."
"Our baby got clout, he's out here on these streets."
"She's the best baby in the world, and I love her so much."
"Congratulations on that new baby named arrow and I saw on Instagram that you wrapped that baby in that checkered flag that you won at the roel."
"Do not listen to all the people who tell you that sleep training is the worst thing you could do for your baby."
"My baby is happy and thriving and loved."
"Does formula need to be warmed up? No, not necessarily, you can give your baby a bottle of room temperature formula."
"...never want to warm a bottle of formula or breast milk in a microwave."
"...you can warn, put it under warm water or stick it in a coffee cup like I just showed you right here, stick it in a coffee cup of warm water and honestly it'll be thawed out within five minutes or so."
"Too much water mixed with formula may not meet the nutritional needs of your baby."
"...too little water may cause your baby's kidneys and digestive system to work too hard and may cause your baby to be dehydrated."
"...let's talk for a second about mixing formula with breast milk. My recommendation is if you're having to supplement formula with breast milk is to use your breast milk first and then use the formula."
"Interrupting this pregnancy, although a difficult decision, was the right decision for our baby, and I truly feel that."
"...maybe your baby is just not getting other types of food and only wants to get the milk from the boob."
"...pick the right time. You want to avoid winning your baby when they are going through a major life change."
"Who do you think the baby will look more like? I'm personally going with me."
"Congratulations to her and Charlie they are having a baby"
"Little C the baby inflow but they're really red inflow so it's quite interesting."
"She cost me a miracle. She's a miracle baby and I'm a survivor."
"It's smaller than the other two, more comfortable... I actually used it from the moment he was born."
"All of this paid off not long after when Bula realized she was pregnant. She was shocked and skeptical at first but decided to keep the baby and see how it went. Nine months passed swiftly and Bula gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl."
"The baby's so cute he's doing great."
"A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty."
"I'm going to have a baby boy! It's a boy, yay!"
"You're saying the baby is the modern day rap Warhol."
"Look at cutie's little baby boy sleeping in his egg blanket."
"How's the baby? Oh, I wish you could see her, she's an angel, not at all like a child of two months."
"You are a very smart baby, and somehow you just did all that which was insane."
"Isn't that Daddy's Baby, mommy's baby say hi to TK family."
"I feel like I got the cutest smartest baby in the world."
"It might be a first in television if we had a baby born right on the show and we'd have a nurse to take care of it."
"They shut down the whole [__] hospital wing just to have their baby. Did you hear about that [__] Abby?"
"Baby G's first time going on a ride like this."
"This baby is a fresh start for us."
"It's crazy that my baby still has blue eyes."
"Here's baby girl, just cooking in there."
"I love my baby is like I love them so much."
"This baby's alive. Let's get him to the nursery."
"We're having a baby, Cece. We're having a baby."
"Packing to move with a baby is a whole other ball game."
"...what I will say is this, I have held my baby and rocked my baby and played with my baby and just stared at my baby while she sleeps."
"You'll be sleeping like a baby in no time."
"Congratulations on the third baby. That's amazing!"
"Surely the baby would soften her heart."
"The baby's condition is critical but stable. Perhaps she'll make it a little longer."
"There's never a scare of anything with the baby."
"This is why I walk around in here. This is a brand new baby, look at that."
"She's such a happy baby like when we pick her up in the morning she's always just like biggest smile on her face."
"She never really cries she's such a happy baby."
"So super cute and cozy it has rainbows all over it because Jade is my rainbow baby."
"These also stay put on the baby's hands too so I didn't have any issues of Jade like knocking them off her hands and them falling off."
"It's my favorite place to shop for my baby at the moment."
"She's fantastic, yeah, she's beautiful, she's about the best looking baby you've ever seen, nicest just started on cereal took every drop."
"A baby was crying on a crib, the first survivor of the apartment."
"Rolling over is such a big event."
"What a sweet, sweet little bundle of joy you carry there."
"It's been awesome, having the baby has been amazing."
"We've been talking about having a baby for the last eight months."
"It's no longer about you now, it's about your baby."
"You're so cute. I could just stare at him all day."
"He's just so cute! Oh my goodness."
"Once I've had the baby and things have calmed down a bit, I promise to bring the baby over to see you."
"By the time this comes out, this is going to be old news, but Jen and I are having a baby."
"We're having a boy so we're really, really excited."
"Having a baby is a huge life change."
"Look how that baby looks. Are you kidding me? Perfect."
"We are so excited, end of summer baby."
"A baby is a blessing regardless of the gender."
"I love being able to wake up and see his little face; it's amazing, I love it."
"Congratulations, you have a healthy baby girl inside."
"My baby was returned to me after 258 days of very hard work."
"All we care about is a healthy happy baby."
"Our baby boy Elijah is here; he was born on December 6, 2020."
"I'm so excited we're gonna have a baby."
"Relax and let your baby guide you as to what you need to do with it. They will let you know what their interests are, what their needs are."
"She's like the cutest little bambino ever."
"She's the cutest baby on the planet."
"I am so excited about this because it's going to be a huge baby haul."
"I'm actually 5 months pregnant, and I was worried about the baby at the time."
"Some things can't be improved upon, like the first sound a baby makes."
"I had the maternal urge I need to defend this baby."
"Baby milestone photo props... if you can come up with a unique way to display baby milestones, this would be a really highly photographed item."
"I was traveling together with my 9 months old baby and my wife, so the logistics were not easy."
"We had a successful first outing. Leo didn't wake up pretty much the whole time."
"This baby is a miracle baby; you guys have no idea how long we've been anticipating it."
"The baby is perfectly fine and healthy according to the doctors."
"Even while starting at three months old, she's already doing incredibly well as a traveler and genuinely seems to enjoy the ride."
"I am one month postpartum. I just had a little baby girl, her name is Chloe."
"I'm so glad that me and [him] are having a baby. I've always dreamed of this day."
"Baby Neo is officially ready for his first haircut."
"Seeing our little baby's face on the screen was one of the most magical moments of my entire life."
"Congratulations to him and his significant other, a father healthy baby girl."
"We're having baby number two and we're really excited about it."
"Thank you so much for getting us some of the smaller things on our registry."
"What's important is for the baby to be healthy."
"Sweet, precious, cute, cuddly, and totally adorable little you."
"Happy 17 weeks to my beautiful, precious, perfect."
"He's the sweetest baby boy ever, little angel baby."
"Good luck with everything, good luck with the new baby."
"Hello, we got little baby Arlo here, he's hanging out. Oh, he literally fell asleep like two minutes ago."
"We got baby Nyla registered today, so she's officially official."
"The birth of a baby is a natural miracle."
"Everything measured correctly, brain function all great, and heart was perfect."
"They would be great for bringing home baby because they are super cute, super soft, and squishy."
"Congratulations on your baby, hopefully you will have the best outcomes without getting into any sort of complications."
"A baby quilt needs to be soft and cuddly; it does not need to be quilted to death."
"He looks like a kind of a well-to-do baby."
"Every nurse who touched him commented on how big his feet are."
"Someone sent an actual baby outfit with a Scottish Tartan Kilt and the pouch."
"Thank God he's a very good sleeper at night, and we're both getting some solid rest at night, which is amazing."
"The cuteness is utterly ridiculous, no matter what we call him."
"It's been so wonderful to get to watch him just be so in love with our baby."
"She's the friendliest little baby around."
"The story of this bounty hunter finding a family with this baby is the type of story that I'm a sucker for."
"Good morning! Adeline slept a little bit longer today, which was amazing."
"I'm six weeks postpartum today, and Adeline is six weeks old."
"Oh my goodness, he is already four months old, I still can't believe it."
"I'm so thankful that he is growing up to be a chunky little baby."
"Every time he flips over, I say 'Yay!' and tap his hands and his feet, and then he smiles."
"She's just such a blessing, she's the best baby, she's so good, and we just love her so much."
"He's the cutest baby in the whole world."
"He's a very, very cute baby and he's really well behaved too, considering he's only two months old."
"He was always perfect, he was always really active."
"Such a cute baby, what's the name?"
"I'm super excited to meet our baby."
"Get the plush and gentle feel of Huggies newborn ultra gentle baby wipes."
"The softest Huggies wipe ever for gentle cleaning."
"We're already like, oh my God, she's smiling at us, she knows us."
"Loretto means 'miraculous' or 'miracle,' which is a lovely reason for a miracle baby."
"She's perfect, little lips, little hair everywhere."
"She's almost back to her birth weight, which is amazing."
"It was so lovely to be able to check out his profile, and it was so cute."
"He's the happiest baby in the world, are you the happiest boy in the world?"
"As long as you have a healthy baby, that's all that matters."
"We're just so grateful regardless of what gender our baby is."
"Amanda and Connor learn that Amanda is expecting a baby girl, which brings great joy to both."
"The only way to know how baby is doing is by looking at the fetal heart monitor."