
Entanglement Quotes

There are 230 quotes

"Entanglement is a basic feature of quantum mechanics."
"Entanglement just means that wave functions, quantum states more generally, associate amplitudes with the entire configuration of a system."
"The entanglement between the exterior and the interior is not broken; it just reappears as the entanglement between the exterior of the black hole and the Hawking radiation."
"Quantum objects can affect one another instantly over huge distances, often called spooky action at a distance."
"Quantum computers, quantum encryption, they depend on entanglement being a fact."
"Entanglement...is the feature of quantum mechanics that distinguishes it from a classical worldview."
"Quantum cryptography takes advantage of entanglement to make communication which is extremely secure."
"Entanglement more than anything else is what makes the quantum world different from the classical world."
"Einstein, Podolski, and Rosen brought quantum entanglement to the uncomfortable attention of the quantum mechanics community."
"Quantum entanglement...particles...still somehow know about each other's existence."
"I would not call entanglement one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought."
"Space is somehow a manifestation of quantum entanglement in the underlying holographic system."
"Entanglement and measurement are the exact same phenomenon."
"We don't have a full understanding of all the different types of entanglement, but if you had one of these hoped-for big full-scale quantum computers, they might be able to handle it."
"Quantum entanglement... means an entangled particle will reflect information about the other particle they're linked with and any action done to these particles will have an immediate effect on the other particles in the entangled system."
"When two qubits become entangled, they no longer have individual independent states. They become two components of one composite irreducible superposition."
"We're now using entanglement as an information resource, a resource that we can use to build computers."
"We say that two particles with these sort of correlated properties are entangled."
"Tangled seals: victims of plastic nets and rubbish."
"Entanglement means that what happens to one person is reflected in another, regardless of space or time."
"It’s the prediction that Einstein refused to accept - the idea that two quantum systems can be entangled - bound to each other such that they can influence each other instantaneously over any distance."
"Using quantum properties like superposition and entanglement for new applications."
"Quantum entanglement, if I described it to you and didn't tell you it was called quantum entanglement, you'd think I'm talking about voodoo."
"Giant moose rescued from a swing entanglement in Sweden."
"Entanglement is the second property that gives quantum information a really unique difference."
"If they ever fought each other, they got all tangled up."
"Rat King, when their tails get intertwined and braided."
"Reality we discover is non-local—every particle in the universe is somehow connected."
"Particles at one end of the universe can communicate with particles at the other end of the universe instantaneously without any signal passing between them."
"Caught up in the web of lies they have spun."
"Everything is connected, everything is entangled, all particles are entangle, everything is in this metric of space that connects everything together."
"This Physical Realm itself is entangled with the spiritual realm."
"Quantum computers rely on entanglement and it's not that hard and enormous fun to teach people the basics of quantum information and quantum computing."
"If two particles are entangled, they will act like one particle no matter where they are in the universe."
"The most remarkable manifestation of quantum information is entanglement."
"Entanglement really forces our entire departure from classical lines of thought."
"Quantum entanglement shows that there are situations in what you do right here can instantaneously affect something far away."
"Quantum entanglement is an inseparable combination of two quanta that can exchange information with each other faster than light despite the distance."
"Quantum entanglement occurs when two microscopic particles come together and act as one particle, subject to whatever others or even the universe does around us."
"An entanglement, yes, a relationship, yes it was a relationship absolutely."
"There's no way that you can actually use entanglement to smooth things out if they fundamentally weren't."
"Entanglement may actually be nothing but a wormhole connecting the proton on the outside and the proton on the inside. So it's a beautiful idea."
"Usually, entanglement is generated inside the function 'f' so we won't explicitly see it, but you can get entangled states."
"But I'm sorry Einstein called entanglement spooky action a distance."
"Entanglement, this is really, really what makes quantum mechanics special and interesting."
"Entanglement may drive the next technological revolution."
"Two particles can be separated by an enormous distance and still be just as entangled as they ever were, even in empty space."
"You get an emergent notion of geometry of distances and times out of the quantum mechanical properties of entanglement."
"Entanglement means that after particles interact, they are described by a single wave function."
"It's like an entanglement, you know?"
"Entanglement can lead to an entropy of subsystems."
"Entanglement is not just interaction, it's a certain kind of interaction where different parts of the quantum wave function of one system interact differently with parts of the quantum wave function of another system."
"What Bell shows is that there are certain correlations among the outcomes that Alice and Bob get or Alice and Bob and Charlie get that cannot be predicted by any local Theory."
"So if you give me a whole collection of abstract quantum degrees of freedom and the amount of entanglement between them, there can be an emergent geometry."
"Quantum entanglement allows for seemingly instantaneous correlation between particles regardless of the distance between them. While mysterious, it does not violate the laws of nature or causality."
"Measurement is just when a Quantum system that's in a superposition becomes entangled with its environment."
"Entanglement is a broader concept than non-locality. So, you can have entanglement without non-locality, but if it weren't for entanglement, you wouldn't have non-locality. So, that's really where the heart of it comes from."
"This is common thread, no matter what approach you're taking. And it is the source of the non-locality and the spookiness of quantum mechanics. So I would love to be able to explain that because I think it can be easily understood."
"All the threads of that endless and deadly web ran together with him. None could escape from it once they were caught in its meshes."
"Are these photons really entangled or not? Well, 2.7 tells us that they are."
"The first part of that experiment was: does the mind modulate the strength at all? The answer appears to be yes. We got a significant result, both in laboratory studies and also in an online study, suggesting that the mind can modulate entanglement strength to some degree."
"Effectively, by measuring the one particle, you can learn things about the other."
"I think empirically they're very much entangled. The best example of consciousness we have is the human being, which is also the best example of intelligence that we have."
"Quantum entanglement: whatever happens to one, happens to the other instantaneously."
"Space and time can't be disentangled. You can't talk about space separately from time."
"Quantum entanglement is really one of the things that is special about quantum mechanics, makes it very different from the classical world."
"Quantum entanglement challenges our classical understanding of how the universe works, suggesting that particles can be deeply connected through the fabric of SpaceTime in ways that transcend the conventional limits of space and speed."
"The lesson is that there are states of the composite system that can in no way ever be thought of as separate states for the two subsystems. That's what entanglement is."
"If you take a general state of two systems, is it possible to change the basis such that one basis creates a subspace of product states and the other is purely entangled states? The answer is yes."
"Quantum mechanics and entanglement, in particular, says that it can be the case that by performing a measurement on the particle in California, you somehow affect the quantum state of the particle in New York instantaneously."
"...quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon which occurs when pairs of group particles are generated or interact in a way that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the others."
"He was woven in a web of emotions, tangled in a mess of thoughts and feelings."
"Two souls entangled, dancing on the edge of infinity."
"The world and the human mind are entangled, they co-produce each other."
"Humans are entangled with Christmas lights."
"There's a kind of entanglement that locks us in a certain path."
"The weeds are entangled around my head."
"You will never find yourself entangled in anything so deeply that the god of Heaven cannot get you out."
"He just couldn't get away from the life."
"Spooky action at a distance: measurement affecting distant particles."
"It's just another form of a tree air that gets tangled up just as much as the others."
"Entangled photons means that you have a pair of photons that whatever you measure the polarization in one of them, the other one is for sure going to have."
"The immediate goal of an entanglement is destruction."
"Quantum systems become entangled with each other."
"I just have no idea how you could conceivably get the entanglement established. - Sir Roger Penrose"
"This weird property of quantum entanglement is difficult to study because it can be wiped out by almost any environmental perturbation."
"You have entanglement across the horizon."
"In a world with both gravity and quantum mechanics, Quantum reference frames will inevitably gravitate fluctuate and become entangled with the rest of the system."
"Atoms are always in multiple states at the same time. That's called entanglement."
"It's entanglement that forces you to depart from classical lines of thinking when dealing with quantum mechanics."
"Every entangled state will violate some Bell inequality."
"Entanglement is not correlation. It's a kind of relationship that is intrinsically quantum mechanical."
"Every time I think I'm out, they just pull me back in."
"We're embedded and entangled in a history of the ongoing study of this question."
"There's two ways of being in an infinite entanglement... everyone can be just for themselves and battling it out with everyone else endlessly is hell... or everyone can be in love with everybody else, only wanting everybody else to be happy."
"If anyone with a light source, doesn't have to be a torch, approaches within 10 feet, the vines will entangle or try to entangle."
"There's a lot more ways to be entangled than to be not entangled."
"Almost silken strings draped themselves over every surface, wall, and item in the little hut."
"Spider-Man, what a tangled web he weaves."
"Quantum entanglement shows that reality can support non-local interconnectedness at least at some level."
"Quantum entanglement tells us that when two particles are entangled, their quantum states are inseparably linked regardless of their spatial distance."
"Space-time emerges from quantum entanglement."
"Geometry is related to patterns of entanglements or correlations."
"The world is nothing but a big game of Maya; if you get entangled in the activities of the world, you'll find yourself trapped in Maya, unable to see yourself and the world as it really is."
"If I have two atoms close together and I jiggle one atom, the other atom responds to it. This is called entanglement."
"We have a new way of doing physics based on quantum entanglement."
"For Einstein, the central problem of the quanta was that they could be entangled and therefore function as a unified whole across limitless distances of space and time."
"Quantum entanglement... is an even stranger property than quantum superposition."
"Quantum entanglement doesn't care about the spatial location of the two entangled qubits; it just doesn't care."
"Quantum teleportation is a way of sending quantum information using this property of entanglement."
"Entanglement is a non-classical quantum correlation."
"If they share an entangled quantum state, can that help them? The answer is yes, it can."
"This provides us with a high degree of confidence that entanglement is real."
"Entanglement plays a key role in all three of these examples, and in fact, it's entanglement that makes them work and makes them interesting."
"We view entanglement as a resource through which different tasks can be accomplished."
"And those two black holes would be entangled with one another, and that means they would be connected by a wormhole."
"But whether that prediction comes to pass or not, I think we can be highly confident that we'll find many surprises and discoveries as we explore the entanglement frontier."
"The essential trick is to use entanglement to protect the information."
"God affects the world but the world affects God. We're entangled."
"Entangled states are a very strong correlation that only happens in quantum mechanics."
"If it's a quantum book written in qubits where these pages are very highly entangled, there's still a lot of information in the book, but you can't read it the way I just described."
"Quantum computers... deal with information in a completely new way because of this interference phenomenon, because of entanglement."
"When I do something to my qubit, it instantaneously affects your qubit even if we're on different sides of the galaxy."
"Quantum entanglement is the weirdest part of quantum physics."
"Entanglement is not just strange; entanglement now is considered a resource."
"The phenomenon of entanglement... is also a direct result of superposition."
"I feel really bad for her; I think she got dragged in this situation."
"What a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive."
"An entangled pair of electrons transmits information faster than the speed of light."
"When two particles are separated after interacting with each other, they're no longer distinct particles; life can separate two people, but they will always carry a part of the other with them."
"But she had been kissed by a demon; now I couldn't just walk away."
"Entanglement builds up space and time, so space and time themselves are coming from emerging from quantum entanglement."
"Entangled particles, pull them apart, they are still entangled, and regardless of how far apart they are, you change the quality of one, you instantaneously change the quality of the other."
"Entanglement is a property that is present not just for two particles but for many."
"Entanglement means that if you have a system which contains complementary observables, the system creates patterns or correlations independent of spatial and temporal distances."
"Flynn Rider, that may be because you were never actually supposed to be entangled."
"The title Rat King is actually a reference to the historical situation on ships where you'd have a bunch of rats who'd get their tails tangled together and would form one giant mass of rats."
"I am tangled in your web, but there is nowhere I'd rather be."
"Entanglement is about two particles."
"The second quantum revolution... is the fact that there is entanglement which is really very strange property."
"What happens to one of the particles determines what happens to the other, even if they're far apart."
"...a professor of literature who finds herself caught up in a work of fiction."
"Tensor networks provide a language to work directly with the part of quantum mechanics dealing with physical states that have low entanglement."
"Entanglements are not intertwining of separate entities but rather irreducible relations of responsibility."
"Quantum state superpositions and entanglement are two of the most fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics."
"The intensity features of the ghost image reveal entanglement."
"Entanglement is the hooks which hold space together."
"Entanglement pervades so much of physics; we're kind of living in the age of entanglement as theoretical physicists."
"To be entangled is not simply to be intertwined with another, but to lack an independent, self-contained existence."
"Think of a nice fishing line, nice and long, you got a perfect cast into the water. What happens when you get a big massive fishing line and you got to spend hours unraveling that? That's pretty much what can happen to our fascia."
"Quantum entanglement presents a more speculative yet fascinating possibility."
"The tendency for entanglement to spread may well be connected with the arrow of time."
"What you can do, is you can entangle two qubits. And that's really the juice of everything."
"Whenever you feel that you get entangled, smile."
"Once you become entangled with Mr. Zhongli, there's no getting away from him at all."
"Quantum mechanics... it's fundamentally different from classical physics, it involves funny things like superposition, interference with positive and negative amplitudes, setting up entanglement."
"Quantum theory indicates there is this phenomenon... that two particles... become entangled which means when they are very far away from each other... if something happens to one of them instantaneously something happened to the other."
"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when at first we practice to deceive."
"Oh my god, the string of hearts is tangled on the string of hearts; they love each other and they don't want to let go."
"Inextricable means that you are so entangled in something that it's impossible to untie or undo."
"Thank God we're all tied up in knots, bound up in a bundle. A weed stray wander off into the dark and lose ourselves completely."
"If you entangled the golden snitch, it could instantaneously provide information somewhere else."
"Thanks for coming this evening, and I'm thinking of something to talk about, and the topic for today is going to be about entanglement."
"Entangled states are precisely those states in which you cannot say, or describe them by saying particle one is doing this, particle two is doing that."
"These particles can be very far apart, and that's when it gets really interesting."
"Those two electrons are entangled; one is up, the other's down."
"Entanglement of the world will contribute to solve international issues that face every one of us today."
"Entanglement can be one of the biggest factors to decrease racism and bring the world together."
"The thread is snagged onto a squirming coil, with no beginning and no end."
"States like these are called entangled states and they play a major role in many of the most exotic properties of quantum mechanics."
"What a tangled web we weave when we attempt to deceive."
"Entanglement has to be part of what makes quantum algorithms powerful."
"Quantum affords us three superpowers that are exhibited in the qubits: the powers of superposition, interference, and entanglement."
"There's a sort of morphic field of resonance that two bodies... are entangled and interfering and therefore they both have a sense of each other."
"Any change in one particle's state instantaneously affects the other particle's state, even if they are separated by vast distances."
"The properties of one particle are inherently tied to the properties of another particle, regardless of the distance between them."
"Quantum entanglement... occurs when two particles become connected in such a way that their Quantum States become correlated regardless of the distance."
"You are enmeshed, and what happens is we find it hard to break free from a relationship when we have been conditioned to believe that the relationship gives us value, purpose, identity."
"The Schrödinger equation in two dimensions shows the entangling phenomenon taking place."
"You learn how to express yourself without inner entanglement."
"We try to look at complex quantum systems from a point of view of their entanglement."
"We do live in an age of entanglement."
"Quantum entangled two qubits send one to one place and one to the other place."
"In quantum information we are exploring a frontier of science. It's not the frontier of very short distances like in particle physics or very long distances like in cosmology, it is the frontier of highly complex quantum states, what we could call the entanglement frontier."
"Any state that doesn't have that property which is not just a tensor product of states for each one of the qubits in a different city is what we call an entangled state."
"If they want to prepare entanglement, then they have to either send qubits to one another or bring the qubits into contact with one another and let them interact."
"Entanglement has a feature that we call monogamy. That means if two systems are maximally entangled with one another, they can't be entangled with another system."
"If Alice and Bob really know the state is Phi plus, they know that that's a secret key bit."
"In 1982, they showed that twin particles exist independent of the distance between them."
"Relationships have entanglements and they create influence over you."
"...once you observe the change in direction of a spin of a particle, a particle B will actually assume the opposite directional spin."
"...the minute you changed the spin of one particle, its opposing particle 17 miles away somehow knew that... it had to take the opposite charge."
"The principle of superposition and the principle of entanglement are two of the most intriguing features."
"Their addicting entanglement will have consequences that they never could have imagined."
"If you stand near a bean patch long enough, it would just wind its way completely around you."