
Environmental Threat Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The survival of uncontacted tribes is under extreme threat by greed and corruption."
"Climate change is the single greatest threat our world faces."
"Climate change is real, its effects...are a threat to us all."
"Then there's the potential for a gamma-ray burst, which is an incredibly high-energy explosion in space which could wipe out the ozone layer and expose us to the full ultraviolet rays of the sun."
"Imagine if that toxin spread all over our homelands. We don't know what Zeno Lifer's plans are, but even if there's the slightest chance of our homelands being endangered, that's reason enough to survive, to fight."
"Hopes may be for the future, for reducing this threat or living with it, there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its challenge to our survival and to our security—a challenge that confronts us in unaccustomed ways in every sphere of human activity."
"Global warming is a real, serious threat to mankind."
"The Doomsday Glacier: a ticking time bomb that can create major global change."
"Wildfires: a serious threat to life on earth."
"Global warming is an existential threat to humanity."
"Invasive species are among the greatest threats."
"We are literally approaching destruction of the mainland."
"I think climate represents a really dramatic threat... it's the number one challenge of our time."
"We can't ignore this any longer. It's a genuine threat to our food and shelter security."
"If they weaponized one River, they will do it again."
"Make no mistake, climate change is an existential threat to our own survival, it's not a future generation consideration, but a current reality."
"Venice, sinking nine inches in the last century, faces the serious threat of disappearing due to climate change."
"The Amazon rainforest could disappear within 50 years."
"Climate change is here, it is terrifying, and it is just the beginning."
"Geo and remonster will continue to focus on the climate engineering issue, which is mathematically the greatest threat of all."
"The threat may last over the course of several hours."
"A jungle reality is just the beginning of season three because this secretly threatens to destroy everything and everyone in its path."
"Climate change as a threat is real and It’s being caused by humans."
"Giant killer murder bees: What are we to do as humans in the face of this great threat?"
"There's enough methane in the Arctic alone to create a Permian style mass extinction on planet Earth a hundred times over."
"It is the greatest existential threat to human life currently facing us. We need to take care of it while we still have the choice to do so."
"Global warming has ended and a new, more ominous threat faces humanity."
"The blight at the end of the tunnel let's save this town defeat the."
"Illegal operations, trafficked and forced labor, and overfishing threaten global food security."
"We've proven beyond a doubt that climate change is real and poses a significant threat."
"Let's make our energy grid as low carbon as possible to address the greatest existential threat to mankind."
"Trump threatens the existence of human life of all life on this planet."
"The breach in the sky is our true enemy, we must unite to stop it."
"The Arctic Ocean once regarded as pristine and untouched is now under siege from an insidious and pervasive threat: plastic pollution."
"There's a constant threat around your fisheries with otters all this time."
"One of the biggest threats of climate change is sea level rise."
"Every coastal area is always sort of under threat from something, so it requires us, the people who love these places and the communities, to come together and protect them."
"Plastic contamination is a significant threat to our world's oceans."
"The threat of pollution is much greater than that of war, terrorism, HIV, tuberculosis, drugs, and alcohol."
"A violent windstorm assailed the place, threatening our camp."
"33% of amphibians in the wild are at risk."
"It's a pathogen that's spreading worldwide and killing amphibians everywhere."
"The tar sands could threaten not just a large section of the boreal. It compromises the life and the health of some of our most underprivileged and vulnerable people, the aboriginal communities that have so much to teach us."
"Global warming poses a clear and present danger to civilization."
"Pothos can actually strangle trees and shade them out, so they are very aggressive growers."
"The Great Lakes are the largest freshwater system on Earth and they're being threatened by a potentially catastrophic invasion."
"The Cuban crocodile, once a proud symbol of Cuba's natural heritage, is now facing a dire threat from its relatives."
"It requires that the federal government respond directly to the release of substances that may pose a threat to human health or the environment."
"The impact of climate change is one of the biggest threats for humankind."
"This economy has led to ecocide, which is the threat to the earth, the threat to the environment, and the threat to diverse species."
"This certainly ranks it among some of the greatest threats in the natural world."
"Human threats to species across the globe are staggering."
"The rapid decline of biodiversity is threatening the very basis of our economy, our food security, our health, and our quality of life."
"I believe the fossil fuel industry will kill every living thing on this planet if given the opportunity."
"Climate change is a catastrophic threat like nothing humanity has ever faced."
"The United States Environmental Protection Agency has named storm water as the number one threat to our waterways."
"Children don't respond to whether or not there's a divorce; children respond to 'Gee, this environment feels pretty threatening to me'."