
Scientific Skepticism Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"Minds are pretty classical. I don't think phenomena like entanglement are crucial to how the human mind works or about consciousness."
"Most people, including scientists, say there are certain things that can't be tested scientifically. Well, I think we haven't tried hard enough. I think we should try to test everything."
"Science is about bending over backwards to prove yourself wrong."
"We have an opportunity to advance enlightenment values, free inquiry, scientific skepticism, and critical thinking."
"We must not be pseudoscientists, clinging to exciting, fantastical explanations for what's occurring in these types of cases. Conversely, we must also not be pseudo-skeptics, clinging to preconceived ideas about how the universe works, when the frontiers of science make it blatantly clear that we don't actually understand all that much about the universe."
"For the first time in a long time, we are beginning to question the Copernican doctrine."
"Trust the science is probably one of the most unscientific statements I've ever heard."
"But the mystery of missing water need not haunt comet scientists if they will question their theoretical assumption that water is necessary to create cometary displays."
"Evolution doesn't exist, of course. I'm sorry."
"The Multiverse is still just that, an idea... completely hypothetical... just maths on a page that we don't have any observational evidence for."
"There is no defensible reason ever to send human beings into orbit or into space at all if you're speaking as a pure scientist."
"Is it likely that the geography of the Andes and the Altiplano have tilted to such an extent in over just the last 1000 years?"
"There's a happy medium between believing the earth is flat and saying I'm not a biologist and I can't tell you what a woman is."
"No working perpetual motion machine has ever been experiment verified."
"Perpetual motion machines are all scams. But perpetual motion itself is possible."
"It's dumb to believe that fossils are billions of years old."
"Logically one of them could possibly be a bit more likely infinitely more likely they're all wrong including science."
"It’s a multi-billion-dollar industry based on perpetuating chemophobia and baseless distrust of scientific principles that have given us the modern world many of us take for granted, prolonged life expectancy and all."
"There's no evidence that it came from the lab."
"Science cannot believe in a creator because of their dogmatism. A scientist cannot use language saying, 'Oh, it was non-existent, but it pops into existence.'"
"People who actually do like science aren't just going to take your word. You have to show whether you're right."
"The history of science is really the history of most scientists being wrong about most things most of the time."
"If something looks like life, it doesn't really mean it's life. On the other hand, if something smells like life, is it life? Well, chances are that it can still be just a chemical reaction."
"A hypothesis doesn’t suddenly become true because someone really smart says it."
"Subsequent orbital imagery of the Cydonia region of Mars have attempted to debunk the face as just being a product of light angle. However, thankfully people did not let these debunking efforts dissuade them from further investigations of the area."
"There's no way that a single genetic mutation by itself can turn the clock back four million years."
"Most flat earthers think they know more than all of the scientists ever."
"Randomness, accidents... a convenient label for... that which they don't understand."
"Challenging scientific consensus requires evidence."
"We need to put an end to this DHA mythology."
"If some new discovery is apparently contradicting known science, we'd have to think very carefully."
"Models are a place that you can bury any number of bodies if you want to get x right as a conclusion."
"They're going against science. It's because there's a witchcraft haze, if you will, over them."
"The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and masks could work, we just need more studies."
"Reality based on evidence is always far more interesting than a belief based on Fabrications."
"Remember that even the scientists are saying that the science behind skincare is not as black and white as people like to make out to be."
"But regardless of direction and what some people claim bullets and cannonballs always cover the same distances and never curve due to the so-called Coriolis effect."
"Blind faith in authority is a feature of religion, not of science."
"There's no critical thinking... this kind of anti-scientific thought... can reach its intended audience."
"It at least shows you that there's more going on than you think to our scientific model."
"All antioxidants, it turns out, are very unstable and hard to prove that they work."
"I was trained in the sciences. I cannot prove that what happened to me was objectively real, but I can swear that what I experienced was genuine horror and fear."
"I think we're all skeptical. I think that's the job of a scientist: to be skeptical but also approach things with an open mind."
"Anecdote is not science. Everybody will tell you that. But if you see a million people do the same thing, that means something."
"Show us the experiment that shows that prayer works."
"Natural silicone alternative... not based in science."
"The question is, why do people think that this black hole is the largest- and more to the point, who are those people, and what information did they use to draw their conclusion?"
"People do understand what theories mean! They know that theories can be right and they can also be wrong."
"Most of the reputable doctors and scientists... do not believe that you can be reinfected."
"Is it at all likely that a microbe-bearing rock from another star system hit the earth in the short time it took life to take hold? Well, it depends on the abundance of life in the galaxy, but it seems dubious."
"I know it doesn't literally chemically alter your brain if it did I'd be very very concerned."
"For extraordinary claims you need extraordinary evidence."
"I hesitate to use the word proven in any area of science, but the evidence suggests strongly that direct expository teachings don't seem to be the most effective for novices specifically."
"Any time a scientific study fails, it plants seeds of doubt into the minds of the general population."
"When such an unproven theory goes against all experiments, experience, and common sense, it is high time to drop the theory."
"You need extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims."
"Ravel had realized that it was a false alarm and that the science was flawed before he died."
"Use extreme caution in dismissing experimental results just because theory suggests that they are impossible."
"The case at present must remain inexplicable and may be truly urged as a valid argument against My Views here entertained." - Charles Darwin
"Without clear criteria, this report is more smoke and mirrors than science."
"Science is not about having all the answers... it's the willingness to accept someone who claims to have all the answers."
"Imagine having a vaccine that protected you from all coronaviruses I literally cannot think of a better bang for the buck but that's where they're going to chop because of course this is what it looks like when you get down to the details."
"Remarkable claims require remarkable proof." - Carl Sagan
"Science is the belief that the experts can be wrong. The minute you think that the expert is a high priest like Anthony Fauci, then you're not doing science anymore, you're doing religion or superstition."
"I don't accept this excuse that they looked at the Pangolin virus and within 48 hours they changed their minds."
"Apparently, according to the New York Times, it is anti-science to question mainstream so-called mainstream scientific findings."
"The whole idea that people throw at me oh unless you can scientifically prove it it's not true what a lie history that is so self-refuting and scary."
"To suggest that flow-mediated dilatation is any sort of metric that correlates to heart attacks or really tells us about endothelial function is pretty false."
"I don't like to use science to figure something out, but to explain why I do things."
"But there hasn't been enough scientific study to fully back up all of these claims."
"I'm of the opinion that CERN has a very limited lifespan and that they're about to make a very terrible mistake."
"Maybe we're spending a lot of time trying to explain something the Big Bang which never happened so maybe there's another logical possibility to be explored."
"The virus couldn't possibly have been generated in a natural setting."
"There's no evidence that carbon dioxide emissions are the main cause of recent global warming. Our main warming cycles are caused by chaotic formation of clouds, precipitation, also solar input variation, not by CO2 greenhouse."
"I'm tired of these guys saying it's a waste until it's in a research journal... Screw you, man! When I see powerful anecdote, I'm going to reference that shit!"
"The beauty of science is that we don't believe our own hype. We set a hypothesis and we're just as happy to have it disproven as we are to have it proven."
"Well, Danny, do you see any other evidences that would indicate that the universe is really much younger than what the traditional paradigm would tell us?"
"I don't like science now. I don't like pseudoscience. I don't like lies about science."
"It's just astounding, like being in the middle of flat earthers."
"As a Christian, the most important thing in the world for you is an acceptance of Christ as Savior; scientific accuracy is at best a secondary consideration."
"The evidence simply does not support a benefit of water fluoridation."
"The evolutionary trees adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches. The rest is inference, however reasonable, not evidence of fossils." - Stephen Jay Gould
"Science doesn't lead to proofs to absolute certainty."
"Real science would acknowledge that scientists don’t always have all the data and examine different approaches with professionalism."
"I’m not necessarily dismissing the idea that mankind is driving climate change, but I’m not going to say that everything’s settled, because it’s not."
"It's very rare in the science community, don't listen to us, go do it for yourself."
"Just because I don't detect a radio transmitter at Alpha Centauri does not mean there's nobody living there."
"Science that can't be questioned is not science anymore, it's propaganda."
"There's no science behind that, that's performance, it's performative, it's for show."
"Maybe the biblical version of creation is quite a bit more spot-on than NASA might lead us to believe."
"There is no scientific evidence for religious faith."
"Evolution is just a theory, I don't know if you really understood that. It can't be scientifically proven."
"As a scientist, this actually bothers me a lot. This whole idea that there is a central body, that there's an agreed-upon set of facts that we know, we don't know crap about this at this point in time."
"The notion of a wave-particle duality has absolutely no basis in reality whatsoever."
"I want to put on the table not why 85 percent of the National Academy rejects God, I want to know why 15 percent don't."
"Whenever you hear the science is settled call that person an idiot because it's not."
"In a war where we're now arguing against things like fake news and vehemently anti-science, this dangerous inability to reconcile differences without some sort of catastrophic and violent result has never seemed more relevant."
"Everything in science should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered." - Ken Miller
"Science has other views; they believe that ghost sightings result in part from the power of suggestion."
"The theory of evolution is even slightly scientific. I think it's bogus, I think it's a fairy tale for grown-ups."
"Religions don't need to be constricted to being proven and tested via scientific method."
"Cases are the least scientific tests you can do because every case will behave differently with every configuration."
"Let's be honest about what we do and don't know."
"Deniers dismiss entire categories of accepted scientific evidence, citing the logical fallacy of confusing correlation with causation."
"We should always remember Richard Feynman's wonderful definition of science. 'Science is the belief that the experts are wrong.'"
"If you cannot measure this thing, if there's no way to measure it, then there is nothing there."
"I don't know why the world is, why these amino acids are so complex, I don't know how they came about, but to assert Supernatural cause for it is a bridge too far for me."
"Interesting that the evidence for the flood only shows up if you start with the assumption that there was a flood."
"Trust the science is the most anti-science statement ever. Questioning science is how you do science."
"The essence of science is don't trust anybody, not even yourself."
"Follow the science really means follow the narrative."
"I'm definitely not anti-science or innovation, I just want people to understand the risks."
"Impacted wisdom teeth do not support evolutionary storytelling."
"Critics argue the multiverse is just too convenient an explanation for things we don't understand."
"The idea that we can't question this because 'trust the science'... well, that's pretty self-serving when the science is being lied about."
"The fact that [the human eye] could have evolved... does seem absurd almost to the highest degree."
"Some of the worst scientific views are presented by what appear to be some of the best scientists."
"We may well doubt whether that body which we call the moon is the only satellite of the earth."
"Is it scientifically feasible that all humans descended from a single mother and a single father? No, it's not."
"In science, eyewitness testimony is the lowest form of evidence there is."
"For that much money, you'd expect much grander claims than 'it doesn't link to obesity.' He should be saying my research finds that corn syrup makes you an immortal sex god with x-ray vision."
"The brain is really cool and these neurons have really interesting shapes and they're really long and thin sometimes what takes the cake is that you have a neuron that is super thin and very very long and it's so long that it's practically as tall as you are."
"Science is never settled. Somebody tells you science is settled, run the other way."
"But is it going to be the elixir of life? I'd say no chance."
"The Multiverse is not a scientific theory on its own."
"There will never be a theory of everything in science."
"Our minds, our scientific theories, cannot be the final reality."
"The data to support this hypothesis are not particularly compelling."
"Scientific thinking is quite the opposite; we explicitly deny such comprehensive visions."
"In the world of science, if I think something's wrong, I will just say I think this is wrong."
"Support for this law consists mainly in the failure of all efforts that have been made to construct a perpetual motion machine of the second kind."
"Cryptozoology is the study of unknown animals along with plants that have not yet been accepted by science to exist or be real."
"When a distinguished but elderly scientist states something is possible, he is very likely right. When he says something is impossible, he is very likely wrong."
"For every Galileo that's persecuted, there's going to be thousands of people that are just wrong and not Galileo."
"A lot of scientific research appears a bit too good to be true, like it's a bit of a magic show."
"If we ever encountered evidence of what is commonly referred to as a supernatural entity... that would not be scientific evidence of the supernatural."
"Science, Mr. D scoffed. And tell me, Perseus Jackson, what will people think of your 'science' two thousand years from now?"
"It seems that it's very possible studies have overestimated some of the certain benefits and that I want more research to be done."
"It's important that we always maintain skepticism when dealing with big questions in science."