
Christian Unity Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"When Jesus sent the apostles out, he didn't send them out to start 12 different churches, 12 different religions, 12 different beliefs."
"The only way to Christian unity is the return of the dissidents to the one true Church."
"If we as Christians could just gather as a church and say we're going to love people we actively disagree with..."
"Imagine how well Christians will all get along when none of us has a sin nature anymore."
"Unity of believers is what we should strive for; it's Christ's prayer for us."
"We need each other, but we definitely need to make sure that these truths are guarded and upheld."
"Everybody is working together. This is a foretaste and a pointer to the unity we have in Christ."
"Eschatology is not something we should divide over."
"Reminding one another of our ultimate victory in Jesus and our power over darkness is what we ought to be upset obsessed with that's our obsession he's our obsession he's our salvation he's our victory."
"Every real Christian on the planet will go up in the Rapture, regardless of denomination."
"Perhaps one day Christians can finally settle our disagreements and reunite under one Banner as it was in the past."
"What unites us as Christians is the blood of Christ Jesus."
"Unity in Christ precedes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit."
"When God's people walk together in unity, God Himself commands the blessing of eternal life."
"We need to find a way for all Christians, Christian Americans, to stand together."
"You can't love Christ and not love the body of Christ."
"I just long and pray for Christians of all different types of all different ethnicities to be united under the banner of truth."
"One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism." - Ephesians 4:3.
"In a world where Unity can sometimes seem elusive, it's crucial to remember the essence of true Christianity: love, compassion, and inclusivity."
"I'm constantly praying for unity in the body of Christ...it would be so awesome to have everyone come together."
"I want unity in the body of Christ. I believe that we are so divided."
"Genuine unity starts with centering our hearts and lives upon Jesus Christ." - Focusing on the foundation of Christian unity.
"Let's pray for our Eastern brothers and sisters, let's pray for us, let's pray for all of those who follow after Jesus, that one day once again we may be reunited by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Unity in the body of Christ is essential for taking the gospel to the world."
"Praying in tongues promotes unity and edification within the body of Christ."
"Christian Unity is key to evangelization in terms of its success. Jesus tells us as much."
"If Christians unite, we can do anything. We can pass any law or any amendment, and that's exactly what we intend to do." - Robert Grant
"The unity of the body of Christ is seen by the fact that it's one Spirit who baptizes us into one body, no matter what the divisions between us."
"This is the fundamental foundation of Christian unity."
"Anyone who tries to create division by saying that that one Spirit needs to be experienced differently dependent upon the color of your skin does not understand the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"This unity made possible by the Holy Spirit enabled the first Christians to begin building something of eternal significance."
"Christianity offers us a coherent view of ourselves and our world as we come to realize how all things are held together in Christ."
"And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby."
"To speak the name of Jesus Christ is to say Father, Holy Spirit, creation are not separated but bound together in relationship."
"I pray that they may all be one... so that the world may believe that you sent me."
"Where the bishop appears, there also is Jesus Christ; there also is the universal Church."
"But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ."
"In Jesus, we are all one; the church is universal."
"We have to be unified on Christ and in Christ in truth."
"The Second Vatican Council would soon turn its focus to that which Christians have in common and what draws them together in fellowship."
"The only thing Christians through the ages have agreed on is that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God."
"The body of Christ is one, and together we can hold each other, we can uplift each other, we can support each other, we can encourage each other."
"Biblical unity... comes to believers through the power of the Holy Spirit because of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross."
"Our unity as Christians is to be like the unity of God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit."
"We're here as Christians, there's lots of secondary issues, but we're unified where we understand that there's true freedom in the gospel."
"The Holy Eucharist is the worship of Almighty God our Father through the one sacrifice of Jesus Christ with all the members of his body, the church, in union with him."
"Believers are to be knit together in love."
"The divine founder of the church, Jesus Christ, willed the church should be one in faith, one in government, one in communion."
"One Lord, One Faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all who is over all and through all and in all."
"When we stand shoulder to shoulder with other followers of Christ stressing what we have in common theologically, we testify to the world that the gospel is true."