
Shamelessness Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"That is so shameless that I have nothing but respect for it."
"Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame."
"Mentally and emotionally, I don't have shame. When you have shame, it locks you down."
"There's absolutely no shame in it; it exists for a reason."
"There is nothing wrong or shameful about the naked human form."
"There should be no shame because if you're experiencing something, someone else also experiencing it."
"Make us desperate, so desperate that we don't care about shame, so desperate that we don't care about what other people think."
"My kids will know their mother's past and my kids will know better than to be ashamed."
"When a man feels no shame at an act of his kind and braves the loathing of the world, there is thereafter no path of wickedness which may not be trodden by him."
"If something is not shameful, then it shouldn't be illegal."
"God is not ashamed of you, and don't be ashamed of God."
"You are safe to be who you are and not have shame in that."
"If there's something that brings you joy, don't let anyone shame you for it."
"Facts don't matter, hypocrisy is not a constraint to their behavior, and they actually believe that shamelessness is a superpower."
"The only way to understand this is to realize he doesn't have shame about it."
"It's all right, honey. Tell me, what is it like to live without shame of any kind? Is it a good feeling?" "Yeah, it is."
"I Look to You, Lord, and my face is radiant, and I'm never covered with shame."
"You cannot shame me because I am in love."
"The absence of shame is today's generation's main illness."
"We're Americans born without the ability to feel shame."
"I'm excited, shamelessly excited."
"If loving someone is considered Shameless then he must be completely Shameless."
"He questions if Bruno is not trying to hide behind his mother, asking if he's not being a little too shameless."
"Shamelessness is not and will never be a superpower."
"I've gone into this being, and there's room for it all, by the way. There's no shame."
"Existing in your authentic self is existing in a life without shame."
"Andrea has no shame, I kind of admire it."
"I am shameless and I say that in a good way. Shameless meaning I don't have as much shame as that. Well, very little especially on the topic of sex."
"To make each one of these tests even, I've replaced the crappy, I mean, stock weed eater string with our very own TLR string, Grass Kicker. Shameless plug, I know."
"The shamelessness of committing that sin in front of others."
"You make all my contention turn to desire, want, wants on desires that I don't have any shame for."
"Freaking Shameless man, how very Shameless."
"Sometimes my arrangements turn out really beautiful and I really like how they turn out and sometimes it's a total fail and I'm like, 'Oh, I need to take that apart and do it again.' And there's no shame in that."
"I love Tom Hardy's Bane. I'm a Tom Hardy [ __ ] through and through. I have no shame. I love that dude."
"Bella is not someone that can be shamed and ostracized because she hasn't lied about anything you cannot shame someone who's open and honest."
"...if you like that there is no shame in doing that kids certainly would have a fun time."
"I often wish that one of us, preferably you, was more shameless."
"Your website is the perfect invitation to invite them into a new space where you can talk about your services shamelessly."
"I wouldn't be ashamed I would Embrace that because I think it will make you a happier person and maybe we'll make your relationship with Warhammer just a little bit more Whimsical and fun don't be ashamed."
"My message for you is that you should shamelessly do whatever the heck Feels Right For You."
"I guess that's a big part of it that if you discard shame, you can get more attention by just acting in more of a shameless way, doing things that nobody ever did before."
"It's crazy because if you look through, especially as you're happier, they're just enjoying life shamelessly."
"I don't want to quarrel with you. You are shameless."
"The goal in the end becomes to be shameless not in the sense that one does whatever and doesn't care because you're so immersed in sin but the complete contrary."
"These two had nothing to hide, and therefore, nothing to be ashamed of."
"You have to have that shameless persistence to do well with this."
"I have shameless tenacity. I am not religious."
"You must be kidding me embarrassing this is what I'm talking about when I say we are embarrassing when I say it is just beyond Shameless now it is it's actually a joke."
"We are very Shameless. I say we because in me too, me too. But I'm today, today I'm not joking. You see, I could have turned up today for the funeral, could have dressed in all black, but I don't even have enough respect. I said I'm going to turn up in a tracky."
"Absolutely shameless, I have no shame."
"You should never be embarrassed for dancing like an idiot to a song you like."
"I was convicted because I lacked not words but boldness and shamelessness and the willingness to say to you what you would most gladly have heard from me."
"Oh, break these bonds and cast these chains from you. Never be ashamed of letting men see you want to go to heaven."
"The opposite of modesty is being Shameless."
"You won't be ashamed, you will be confident, you'll be fearless."
"We need to be under obligation, eager, and not ashamed."
"There's no shame in loving pumpkin spice."
"Jesus never does that with you and me, he never brings up the past, he never shames us."
"Just let your father love you, completely unashamed."
"We do not have to live with shame."
"The man has no shame and a 200 IQ."
"Being able to do things without shame, that would make things less creepy."
"There's a much better way to live life, and you don't have to feel shame about it."
"When our heavenly father sees us and has compassion on us... that drives out shame."
"Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed."
"There's nothing to be ashamed about; it's not your fault."
"Those that look to him will be radiant and their faces will never be covered with shame."
"You should not be ashamed of your past."
"God does not call us to live in shame, never has, never will."
"If I had any shame, I would be very embarrassed right now, but I find this ridiculously fun."
"Be proud of our heritage... we don't have anything to be ashamed of."
"There is absolutely no shame in asking for help."
"Life without manufactured shame is just bliss."
"There is no shame. There should be no shame."
"All the high stakes goes away, all the shame goes away."
"I no longer have the shame; I have a purpose."
"God never convicts so that you might feel shame; He always convicts to lead you into greater life."
"The antidote for shame is Jesus coming in his vulnerability."
"You shall know that in the midst of Israel am I, and there will no longer be any shame placed upon my people."
"It's powerful if you act confident; you can't be made fun of if you are just shameless about it."
"I'm not ashamed to like this one."
"Lasting, meaningful change is never a product of shame."
"Sometimes you gotta have no shame in your game."
"You don't have to be ashamed in front of God because Jesus not only bore your sins on the cross, He bore your shame."
"For there will be no shame for those who trust in you."
"He doesn't get embarrassed; he rolls with anything. The man is impervious to shame, in a good way."
"Let us not be ashamed anymore, let us celebrate who we are and learn to love the differences."
"There is no shame in being a victim."
"The opposite of honor is to be shameless about your failures as a man."
"Lev really is shameless, and in that sense, that is respectable."
"I never knew how quickly shame could evaporate."
"Get rid of shame, forget about shame."
"You can't shame someone that's shameless."
"You cannot shame somebody that's shameless."
"I'm not ashamed about this anymore, I'm letting this go."
"Don't ever feel ashamed of the things that have happened to you."
"Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush."
"May shame and reproach be rolled away forever."
"He does not fail, but the unjust know no shame."