
'Outliers' Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"I love that you revisited this theory in 'Outliers.'"
"Outliers are essential to the American project."
"The entire set of tech center is an outlier."
"Everyone can live in average, everyone can live in mediocrity. Then there's those outliers who consistently push themselves to go to the next level."
"There's always the real weirdos on the fringe."
"The outliers are called upon to be heroic because the society needs the structure that is healthiest for it."
"Skewed to the right or skewed to the left, what that means is you have outliers on one side of your data."
"Analyzing the data helps you find trends or outliers."
"The outlier is what you learn from."
"As the SUV-ification of the auto market continues and mega horsepower EVs quickly become the new hotness, the Subaru BRZ and Toyota GR86 look like outliers."
"Read the book 'Outliers.' It'll show you that there is no accident to success."
"It's so crazy because you know how there's like that small percentage and you know you always hear about that small percentage where you're like 'Oh, it's just like, you always think you're like, well, they were probably taking it incorrectly or something'."
"Understand that outliers are not the standard."
"...squirrels are going to be like the outlier."
"Interquartile range helps identify and remove outliers."
"Outliers, like unusually high median incomes, are removed for analysis."
"The vast majority of observers are these freaks."
"When you have an outlier, like this, the first thing you want to do is see is that data correct."
"Women have like an archetype that they typically like but if you have some kind of crazy amplifier... Sometimes women will make concessions for you even if you're not their necessary type because you're such an outlier."
"You'll see this all over the place too if you're searching for different topics, videos that are outlier videos will stand out with like little blue chips like this or even red ones for like the really big outliers and this was one of those for them."
"Understanding outliers through standard deviation is key."
"Outlier analysis is actually a pretty important thing to consider with this type of dataset."
"The world is not a normal distribution... understanding the possibility for something fairly unlikely."
"Outliers is about understanding the kind of things that account for success."
"Employers usually look for outliers, they look for top performers, they look for people who excel in their roles."
"It's a nice reminder that there are outliers."
"We're so quick to look for patterns that we forget about the power of an outlier pulling an average."
"Kids whose parents died when they were young are more likely to be outliers later because they had to overcome the trauma of losing a parent."
"It tries to isolate outliers early on in the process, making it much faster compared to some of the other density-based techniques."
"The median is best used when the data has a lot of outliers."
"The mean is easily influenced by outliers."
"Why do you want to be like most people? Don't you want to be like the outliers?"
"We need to find ways to cultivate the outliers, the kids that are bored in school, the kids that we don't even know about because they are undiscovered."
"We turn to something called the median... and then that is a better situation if you have outliers."
"The interquartile range is going to give you a better estimate because it's less affected by outliers."
"You look for the outliers within them."
"There's always anomalies and the cream always rises to the top."
"There's always going to be outliers... those are the people who ultimately will go down in history as the great artists."
"Detecting those outliers is one of the most important problems across different industries and technologies."
"The very few big winners deliver such a magnificent performance that it makes up for all of the underperformance."
"The difference between the people who are the best and the people who are the average is like a normal distribution, and you're only looking for the tails of the distribution."
"You might get new extreme samples that you didn't incorporate at beginning, so you need to keep an eye out for outliers."
"The most delicious learnings during advice and consulting phase comes from the outliers."
"It does appear that we have some outliers in our datasets, so we just want to keep that in mind as we do our work."
"Decision trees and everything that comes from them like random forests and bagging and boosting are somehow resilient or robust to outliers."
"The right way to deal with outliers is to stop, take some time, think about what is the mechanism that produced these outliers."
"Let's show the outliers this time; we'll say yes."
"We should be studying those outliers."
"Visualization is great at revealing outliers in that pattern."
"Sometimes you do this project just to find the outliers because you want to know, like in crime detection, what we're looking for: the outliers, what doesn't fit a normal business deal."
"Anything beyond your upper fence will be considered an outlier."
"You can create a box plot which sometimes helps us in understanding the data quartiles, also understanding our outliers."
"When you're dealing with a distribution that has skewness or outliers, the median will usually give you a better sense of a typical value than the mean does."
"Outliers are another thing that you potentially have to deal with; you can remove them or deal with them in other ways."
"Outliers are not described by a density curve."
"These are cases that are just a little bit different, offbeat, sort of what you might call outliers with unique and really unusual elements."
"If your standardized residual is greater than about three, then that's possibly an outlier."
"Outliers are values that are extremely lower or higher than the majority of the data."
"We're talking about outliers, there's got to be some kind of cause and effect there."