
Spiritual Walk Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
"At this point in time in our lives, it's very important that we all take reflection of our walk with Yah."
"I feel as though the fact that I'm taking the walk with God that he wants me to take with him it's the reason why I be in place regardless if I want a man or a woman."
"Walking with God is not only honorable but pleasant and profitable too."
"All ministry is an overflow of your walk with the Holy Spirit."
"If God shows you his will and a certain thing and tells you to do it, he intends for us to walk in it."
"The only way you can truly walk in the light is to walk in fellowship."
"God wants to see that's why the Bible calls it walking by faith because there's got to be movement."
"Walk before God and be blameless. Let your heart therefore be wholly devoted to God."
"You gotta go through something to know what it means when they say he'll walk and he'll talk with you."
"A novena is a beautiful way to sanctify time and walk together spiritually."
"If you want to walk as Jesus walked, it means never wanting fellowship with the Father to be broken for a single moment in your life."
"Even those who don't like you will bless you when you walk with the character of Christ."
"Sometimes we have to walk by faith and not by sight."
"Do you want to walk in glory and then with Jesus?"
"These dreams are gems from God to give me instructions on how to walk with Him."
"Father God, we want to walk with you like Enoch walked with you."
"Pray without ceasing, keep your mind fixed on him. Walk with us always."
"The secret of walking with God as Enoch did is being led by the Spirit of God."
"Keep your peace and your joy because God wants you to walk in that."
"Walk in the spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh."
"We walk by faith and not by sight, and that should be the normal Christian life."
"The sincerity of your faith is seen in your walk and not in your talk."
"We walk not by sight but by faith."
"Only by walking in the truth can we live holy lives."
"I walk by faith now, not by sight."
"There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not in the flesh but in the spirit."
"We walk by faith, not by sight or appearance."
"To walk in the light means we're willing to be honest and sincere."
"I walk today in the will of God, as Jesus said, 'I do always those things that please the Father.'"
"Keep on walking in this purity of life, not with the old yeast nor with the yeast of vice and wickedness, but with the bread of purity and truth."
"May God richly bless you in our Messiah Yeshua, that is Jesus, as you walk with Him."
"Strive for peace and walk in otherness, holiness."
"Enoch walked with God and was no more, for God took him."
"If any man abideth in Christ, he himself also so to walk, as He walked."
"Whoever says he abides in Jesus ought to walk in the same way in which he walked."
"That's walking by sight, that's not walking by faith."
"Oh to walk before the Lord and be blind and deaf to all the censures and the plaudits of the poor creatures around us."
"Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called."
"Be intentional about your success, be intentional about your kingdom walk."
"God, I want to walk in freedom and liberty today."
"I walk with faith and I walk with God in my heart."
"Being saved is wonderful, and then when you get saved, walk in the spirit, not in the flesh."
"It's really a blessing when we begin to walk in the perfect timing of God."
"Noah walked with God; and so today, how are you going to walk with God like Noah walked with God?"
"We are to walk by faith and not by sight."
"Walk with God, walk in righteousness, walk in holiness, walk in a way that you live in love and peace and harmony and generosity and compassion and forgiveness."
"Don't be discouraged when you face hell... if you're walking with God, He will lead you through it."
"We're not going to pray for power, we're not going to pray for position; we're going to look inward and say, 'God, I commit right now a daily walk in the spirit.'"
"I make a covenant with this body, I make a covenant with this church, I make a covenant with my pastor; I will walk every day in the spirit."
"Walk in the Spirit, and the Spirit will put it to death."
"We got here by walking by faith and by walking in love."
"I will walk in the strength of the Lord God."
"God wants a people that are walking in the spirit."
"May each of us know the joy of your forgiveness, and may we walk in love and walk in the light."
"Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth."
"You have got to walk every day knowing that God loves me."
"'You are always walking in that righteousness, that holiness, that blessing, that victory, that empowerment.'"
"We build up those who are trying to walk with you."
"When you're walking with God, all things are possible."
"God's plan for man is revealed in the Garden of Eden; God's plan for man is for you to walk in a state of perpetual blessings."
"If you walk in the spirit, you're walking in life, in fulfillment of God's heart."
"If you have faith, maintain your faith, walk by faith, you definitely will see all of Jehovah's promises fulfilled."
"God's power to change us is by the grace of God; He's going to do it for us, we just need to know how to walk with Him."
"If we walk in the light as He is in the light, His blood cleanses us from all sin."
"The walk of the believer is tied up with the Word of God."
"God has the power to keep us walking with Him; it is called sanctification."
"Living a life of love and kindness leads you right into walking with God into eternity."
"Remember to walk by faith and not by sight."
"He who says he abides in Him ought to walk in the same way in which He walked."
"You're going to walk by faith and not by sight."
"Stronger in my faith and my walk with God than I ever had been."
"If we're going to walk with God, if we're going to fellowship with Him, there must be a cleansing of our lives."
"You're walking in His presence. What could be finer than that?"
"God ordained good works that we should walk in them."
"Walking in the Spirit, obedience to Scripture, that is what it looks like."
"In this kingdom, we don't walk by sight; we walk by faith."
"Lord, may I walk with thee in white and in thy precepts take delight."
"Whoever says they know Him should also walk just as He walked."
"This is the year that we will individually and collectively walk in our Christ-like identity and strive to be more and more like our awesome and amazing God."
"You were formerly darkness but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light."
"Unless we walk this walk God's way, and that way is the cross, we cannot live a life of righteousness."
"I'm so honored to have this amazing calling and walk in this anointing."
"We have the opportunity to walk in centeredness, presence, and power anytime we choose to enter into the privilege of that."
"We are to accept the challenge of love and use our father's ability in our daily walk."
"Trusting God is not something... we walk by faith and not by sight."
"They have the spirit; God justifies their words or proves that they're right, and they walk with God."
"We have a choice to make today: am I going to walk according to the will of the spirit or am I going to walk according to what I want?"
"We have to walk in a way that's worthy of the Gospel, as though the kingdom of God was a pearl of great price."