
Ukrainian Conflict Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"The moment NATO or US forces, anti-missile batteries, or air defense systems are overtly deployed in the Ukrainian conflict is also the moment an all-out world war becomes possible."
"We do not believe Putin because Putin has done everything before, violating his own words. What we believe in is our army, Ukrainian army."
"Russian artillery superiority enables grinding out the Ukrainian military through attrition."
"The Russian Air Force maintains a considerable advantage over its Ukrainian opponent."
"The quiet, breathtaking bravery of people in Ukraine."
"Russian advances stretch Ukrainian lines, accelerating losses and operational crisis."
"The Ukrainian military is putting up one hell of a fight."
"The ingenious operation organized by the Ukrainian Army... was celebrated with great enthusiasm in the Kiev Parliament."
"The Ukrainian war is once again drawing public attention."
"If we look at the current status of the Ukrainian Army along this front line, the Ukrainian troops stationed along this front line have temporarily dialed back the intensity of their onslaught."
"More than 50 percent of the Russian population does not support the Ukrainian conflict."
"Hold strong Ukraine is going to win this war."
"I truly believe great things are coming so keep supporting the Ukrainian military."
"Since the beginning of the war, the Ukrainian Army has fought valiantly with international help, achieving significant steps toward retaking the occupied territory and inflicting significant losses on Russian soldiers in the process."
"The Ukrainian Army is advancing, followed by people all around the world."
"We need to invest everything that we have to support the Ukrainian people and to support President Zelensky."
"The American people must remain steadfast in our support of Ukraine in the face of Putin's immoral attacks on civilian populations."
"The powerful appeals for help from Ukrainian President Zelensky have touched hearts and minds across the world, even bringing veteran interpreters to tears."
"Ukraine's military operations with sophisticated weapons continue to be successful on a daily basis."
"The Ukrainian army has defied the odds by standing tall and more recently prevailing in the Battle of Kyiv and reclaiming some of the lost territories in other regions."
"Both sides have suffered heavy losses, but Ukrainians have inflicted way more damage on Russians than was expected."
"The last year has I think indicated that the Ukrainians are more than willing to fight."
"The war was close to being won because the Ukrainian Army had taken control of the cities."
"The current Ukrainian counter-offensive is not about advancing on the ground, it is about destroying the Russian military potential."
"The Ukrainians have done a phenomenal job; people will be studying this war for years to come."
"We're in Przemyśl, just a few miles from the border. We've been given special permission by the Polish army to see the latest train that's coming from Kyiv."
"We will stand with our Ukrainian friends. However long it takes, Ukraine can win, Ukraine must win, and Ukraine will win."
"The situation in Ukraine is becoming desperate..."
"The Ukrainians are doing so well because they're fighting for their survival."
"The Ukrainian Force had gained a significant Advantage after launching an offensive against the Russians."
"The Ukrainians are fighting for values that we hold dear."
"Ukrainian troops are already outnumbered and outgunned even before Russia has committed the bulk of its forces."
"These massive defenses that the Ukrainians built up around Donetsk City... seem to be breaking."
"Every day that fails to happen brings us closer to the point of no return for Ukraine."
"Witness the attacks of Ukrainian fighters on all front lines who have blinded the Russian army with their clever strategy."
"Western modern Weaponry is crucial in dealing blows to the Russian army and advancing the Ukrainian Armed Forces."
"Also, the Ukrainian military, I guess that might have been the Nazis, the Azov battalion, they were shooting Russian prisoners of war and then letting them bleed out and also torturing them."
"The Ukrainian move to draw Russian forces into Herzon is clearly one of the greatest strategic moves of the war so far."
"Ukraine situation report: Russian forces being chipped away along multiple fronts."
"The only area as I've said is Northern Donetsk where um as the Ukrainians need to be continuing this effort to capture the town of Krasni Limon."
"The Ukrainians have won a major victory in the south very close to Mariupol."
"Ukrainian resistance in the occupied territories: 'ring takes you through the most unimaginable hardships to fight finally reward you with Victory.'"
"There's actually an accumulation of evidence that Ukrainian forces on the front lines in Herson region are indeed thinning."
"The Ukrainian military is making strategic advances and pressing on with offensive operations on multiple fronts."
"Ukraine has maintained its superiority in the fight for some time now."
"Ukraine has launched a new offensive in an attempt to retake Crimea."
"The Ukrainian armed forces have recently boosted their efforts."
"We must support the Ukrainian people in their fight, and we must ensure that Putin fails."
"Russian attack helicopters: a persistent problem for Ukrainian armor."
"Ukrainian military has actually continued to advance East out of coupons and has been liberating a few more Villages over the last few days."
"To remind people... that Ukrainians are just like us... and that we support Ukraine because actually it's their struggle but it's also our struggle."
"We must and we will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes."
"The decisive victory of the Ukrainian forces for freedom is very close."
"Ukraine can prevail militarily, capable of pushing the Russians back."
"In the past few months, Ukrainian troops have taken a number of courageous steps towards the liberation of Crimea, convincing the whole Western world that Crimea can be saved."
"Nobody wants peace more than Ukrainians, for goodness sake. You're having your damn lives turned upside down and people having to leave, people being killed, people fighting."
"I recommend us being committed not to Ukraine's survival but to a more rapid Ukrainian Victory."
"The Ukrainian Army has completely changed the balance of the war."
"Our destiny is playing out in Ukraine – the struggle to remain who we are and dare to believe in ourselves."
"Failure to retake the peninsula would mean an ongoing threat to Ukrainian State identity and Global Security."
"NATO chairman John Stoltenberg is saying that we should prepare for some bad news on the Ukrainian front."
"The reality is that the warnings given by those Ukrainian military commanders that an attack on gorlovka would achieve nothing have proved them to be absolutely right."
"This war is being carried out in such a way not only to win territory but to try to decapitate Ukrainian society."
"Despite Putin's occupation of Ukraine, Russian soldiers have laid down their weapons."
"What Putin did is wrong, absolutely wrong in invading Ukraine."
"Certainly it makes an interesting contrast to the way the Ukrainians defend their positions."
"The Ukrainian Army has achieved surprise success against Russian forces."
"Once more this battle at the bachmat front showed the world how determined and resilient Ukraine is."
"It's very neat to see that the Ukrainians are not only capturing Russian vehicles and taking them out of the war for the Russians but they're actually bringing them back to the front lines on their side."
"I do ask myself... fully understand the scale of the human disaster that is now unfolding in Ukraine."
"Russian forces are mounting their own offensive operations in northeastern Ukraine around the city of copiotsk."
"It's just hard to believe truly hard to believe when you look at the suffering that's taking place especially in Ukraine that we were foolish enough to push NATO Eastward into Ukraine."
"The balance of power has shifted over the course of 2023 and we're now in a situation where the Ukrainians are doomed to lose there's just in my opinion no way they can win unless the Russians completely collapse."
"Recent months have seen the Ukrainian Armed Forces start to deal out one devastating strike after another."
"Ukraine continued to focus its offensive operations in the Avdiivka sector."
"The Ukrainian people will be happy to hear about the Biden administration’s intention to ask Congress for 60 billion dollars for aid to Ukraine."
"Leading tens of thousands of Russian soldiers to flee the war and surrender to Ukraine, this ongoing conflict... has resulted in approximately 24,000 Russian soldiers seeking refuge within Ukraine's merciful embrace."
"More than one out of every three Russian tanks lost in Ukraine were not taken out by enemy fire, but rather by Russia's mind-boggling logistical failures."
"It is not just the future of one nation that is being decided in Ukraine right now; it is the future of the world."
"The administration's pathological fear of escalation and of Ukrainian success is one reason for the death of so many Ukrainians."