
Global Affairs Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Just as it appears we're closing the chapter of our history entitled COVID, we seem to be opening the next chapter entitled World War Three."
"You can't tell me in one breath that we're trying to reduce human suffering in the world and then the next day we're defending US interests here and abroad."
"Foreign policy is a kind of tough business and simply wanting to be influential in the global scheme of things is not usually sufficient to actually be influential."
"We have laid out a pathway toward peace and security in our world."
"The rise of China now maybe gives us an opportunity to build some level of independence in global affairs."
"We should be making peace around the world, projecting economic power rather than military power."
"Jamie Diamond saying that we are living in perhaps the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades."
"The traditional world order is going to change."
"We are daily witnessing a situation where might is now right."
"In my assessment, Vladimir Putin is winning. Russia is winning."
"How to make the process of change beneficial for the most people, how can it be good for America, how can it be good for China, how can it be good for people around the world."
"The world is not sleepwalking into a wider war, I fear that it is doing so with its eyes wide open."
"We're in the end game now—the world government's on the move, the Marines are on the move."
"The current geopolitical climate is very complex."
"We need to act in the overall interest of world peace and development."
"The reason if this is really the case that this might be happening is that there's concerns about the progress of the war."
"The hallmark of which is we are in a permanent, not transitory, permanent state of global peace."
"We are not helpless before that task or hopeless of its success... confident and unafraid we must labor on not towards a strategy of annihilation but towards a strategy of peace."
"This world is not just static, there are things happening here, like people are manipulating politics."
"Maybe the aggression that we take out around the world is not necessary."
"A major war would be very, very bad news for the global economy."
"Investing in our diplomacy isn't something we do just because it's the right thing to do for the world. We do it in order to live in peace, security, and prosperity."
"Right now, Zelensky is arguably the leader of the free world."
"Slashing military budget now would be a foolish move considering the current global tensions."
"What do you say we take a look at the recent developments in this corner of the world?"
"You've got a real voice now in affairs of the world."
"There are examples and examples and of course now we have the Chinese peace plan."
"It constructs the actual politics that's been operating on the planet."
"Events in Afghanistan change the entire complexion of the world."
"Why don't we just leave those parts of the world to deal with their own problems?"
"Geopolitics impacts economics... no matter what others say."
"Pepe Escobar...knows everything about everywhere."
"I'm not interested in drama, fame, money; I'm interested in worldly affairs."
"How do you create security internationally while also delivering for what people really care about?"
"American leadership is needed around the world. What happened in World War I, World War II can't happen again. It will not be safe for us either if we don't have proper Global Leadership and it can only come from this country."
"The Western enablers are worse than the Russian crooks."
"This last 500 years has been a quickening where the Empire Force has spread over the world, but it feels like there's other forces that are at work extra-dimensional, extra-planetary forces."
"India has become more important globally."
"The U.S. is the richest and most powerful country on Earth, and yet we're also the epicenter of a deadly outbreak that has been suppressed in lots of other countries."
"Yes, I said world's affair because I think that's a more appropriate term for this."
"In this election, we will either ratify a strategic retreat from the world or stop it."
"There's obviously a lot that's going on in the world from a geopolitical standpoint, from a macroeconomic standpoint."
"I've seen the projections, John. I visited the war zones. The world needs its checks and balances put back in place or we'll lose everything."
"Maintaining a robust military is vital to safeguarding a nation's sovereignty and its position on the global stage."
"China is now the world's second-largest economy."
"China is eating our breakfast, eating our dinner, and probably our dessert."
"Things are getting busier again, the world is opening one border at a time."
"Things are happening in Africa, the Middle East, and European countries really checked out of that scenario. You know when things go bad, the United States of America takes care of it."
"An ongoing thirst for American engagement and for American leadership."
"Geopolitics has never been more complex than it is now."
"Are we at a junction here, as Mazzucato would say, where there is a new new where leadership like at the UN can actually piece together a new world?"
"Without America leading, things probably won't happen, and to the extent America is not leading, more bad things will happen."
"This is a big deal, and I want you to know our world is perched on the edge of regional, if not global, conflict."
"Saudi Arabia has an incredibly important role to play in the world."
"China's power and influence is rising very rapidly."
"It's inevitable at this point now, before it was one person standing up, but this time the whole world is kind of united against, well, united force stepping away from the dollar standard."
"Now it's man versus beast and nation versus nation."
"The ongoing conflicts and tensions pose a potential threat to global peace."
"The world is desperate for our leadership."
"We need to face the fact that we are in a new era of authoritarian aggression led by Russia and China's dictators."
"A continuation of Peace on and in the Seas of the world."
"China clearly is a threat to the world."
"We're at the beginning stages of World War III, the prosperity conflict is now a very real possibility."
"America's appearance in the war catapulted it to the world stage for the first time in its history."
"Foreign policy does still matter."
"Let's cooperate where we can, let's compete where we must, let's have our differences where we must, but let's try to do it in a way that makes the world safer and more prosperous."
"This is a great day because today we have officially launched and dedicated the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs at Yale."
"One of their biggest fears is that the U.S. might absolve itself of its responsibility for providing global order."
"Willing or not, ready or not, we are all involved in an all-out, no-holds-barred, three-way global competition."
"For good or ill, much of the world is as it is today because of the empire."
"The President's goal is to get commitments from other world leaders."
"The CIA's main concerns are terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, knowing what dangers or political upheavals are happening around the world."
"The people who want to see it not go forward are sitting in Moscow, they're sitting in Tehran, they're sitting in Beijing."
"America is doing a lot to help the world, but of course we wish we could do more."
"On Monday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping called for his country to play a bigger role in managing global affairs."
"It is not our business to collect trophies, but to bring back the world to peaceful habits."
"This is a very clear political message where important, most important things are happening today on the global stage in Europe."
"We can't overextend ourselves with forever wars all across the globe."
"The whole world is standing with Ukraine."
"The point is American leadership in the 21st century is not a choice between ignoring the rest of the world or occupying and rebuilding whatever society is unraveling."
"We are keeping our eye on the broader implications for what this means for the reshaping of the global order."
"You look at the world, what are our threats, what are our interests, and what are the means we need."
"We have to get our own house in order before we go around the world lecturing."
"No nation on its own can provide security in this world."
"The world is having a lot less wars."
"International relations theory is really important... I want you to be a more informed global actor, but what I really care about is that you have the tools to make sense of new things that emerge, to analyze things that happen five, ten years from now."
"We're back at the table in international forums, especially the United Nations."
"China in the 21st century: what everyone needs to know."
"We have to be a lot more alert about these geopolitical risks compared to just 18 months ago."
"I think the world is kind of one big chess game, and there's being deals made all around."
"You can't ignore these geopolitical risks."
"It's really a condition of Putin trying to maintain relevance as a superpower in the world."