
Soulmate Connection Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"They're very much feeling that this is a soulmate connection, maybe even a twin flame connection."
"Your life through a friend, that is a really powerful soulmate, guys. A really powerful somebody is entering your life."
"The two of your hearts together as soul mates and really have that commonality in your personality types, the way of thinking that you share..."
"There is love, there is soulmate energy available to you."
"This is powerful energy, this is a soul mate energy here, this is two people who are perfectly matched."
"This connection is a soul mate, significant and vital, bringing you together for a purpose."
"Laughter shared between soulmates warms the spirit in a way no coat could ever."
"When they connect to this true soul mate of theirs, they become a whole new person."
"You guys are soul mates, you could be this soul mate for this person that they've always looked for all their life."
"This is definitely a soulmate connection. Maybe a twin flame."
"Your next romantic relationship is with a soulmate."
"He's the keeper of my soul, now I'm on the way."
"Sacred union of the divine masculine and the divine feminine."
"Passionately create a new beginning, soul mates returning to each other."
"Your person feels a genuine soulmate connection with you."
"It's a soul connection, instant love at first sight for you and this person. The stars are aligning for you to meet this person."
"Love is completely taken you by surprise, it's soulmate energy."
"It's a new beginning, it's beautiful, it's a rebirth."
"This person is your soul mate and your twin."
"Both of you have very similar soul mission or both of you do have a purpose together that you do need to create in this lifetime together as a power couple."
"Your soulmate will always meet you where you are and put in the effort."
"All these six cups coming out around here, that's strong soulmate energy right there."
"Definitely new love coming in for you and I feel like it's a soulmate."
"They know that you're soul mates. They feel like everything they're experiencing, you're experiencing, and you both realize that about each other, and you work really well as a team together."
"A divinely guided union, a soulmate connection."
"It's definitely a soulmate where I don't really feel like it's going to be overly complicated."
"In their dreams, they talk about everything they feel... You are my soul mate."
"True love is emotional, physical, and unconditional. Past life love, your soul remembers this intense connection."
"You have a soul connection with this person, you guys marry each other."
"They feel like it's very faded, like meant to be soulmate twin flame vibes."
"They feel like you are marriage material, you are their person, you are their soulmate."
"Love at first sight, strong like Twin Flames soulmate energy here."
"This is a connection, a spiritual connection, a bond that you have with an energy. If you haven't met this person yet, you are connected with this energy, you're connecting with your soulmate."
"Beautiful stuff to recapture romance, allow your inner youthful spirit of fun to shine, calling you and you're calling in your soul mate right here, I'm telling you we're heading into a whole new vibration here we go."
"You're moving on towards soulmate energy, stronger connections that make you happy."
"This is not friendship energy, this is straight-up soulmate and twin flame energy."
"There's a new beginning in love, a partnership, soulmate connection on the horizon."
"For the people that are watching me, you're having a connection with someone on a soulmate level."
"Whatever is going on between you and this, this is a soulmate connection."
"Maybe someone is telling you that they have feelings for you or vice versa. You could actually feel like you've met your soulmate at this time."
"You and your soulmate will have a very emotional but also passionate connection."
"A passionate, sacred soulmate union, a beautiful partnership."
"You might be dealing with your twin flame or higher vibrational soulmate."
"The good news in the soulmate cycle is we're seeing a good percentage of these runners that do come in."
"Soulmate, true love, king and queen of cups, both of y'all love and it's protected."
"You're actually calling in your soulmate."
"Soulmates make us feel happier, stronger, and richer, even if it was a trying situation that we had gone through."
"Prosperity begins and spiritual strength, you guys are on the spiritual path towards a reunion of harmony with a soulmate."
"There's an unbreakable bond here, there is a soulmate dynamic."
"They see you as marriage material; they see you as that soulmate connection."