
Network Effects Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Zoom has created a massive network, which will now undergo network effects. Therefore, the value goes exponential along with the use."
"New properties emerge because of the connections between people, not necessarily because of the people themselves."
"When Ethereum merges over to proof of stake, will HEX or Pulse Chain still be secure? They're totally unrelated. Ethereum and Bitcoin can be turned off; they will have no effect on Pulse Chain."
"Companies that have network effects and sort of get off the ground based on... The flywheel is going. People just think that you're lucky."
"Money has powerful network effect qualities."
"But I remember my favorite proof point of that network effect."
"Investors love user growth because having more people using a networked platform exponentially makes the platform more valuable."
"Salesforce has this big App Store that all these thirdparty companies build upon... driving more Network effects for customers to use them over competitors."
"I think ethereum has the most robust Network effect around it right now of any chain."
"Without question Ethereum. It's by far and away the network effects are growing faster and deeper than Bitcoin."
"Ethereum with its network effect, people are already using it, building on it, and so on."
"Bitcoin and Ethereum have the biggest network effects."
"Astro has proven that whatever chain launches on Cosmos, Astro is the optionality because once you get the network effect of being the biggest DEX on one chain, you become the biggest DEX across the whole ecosystem."
"It's exponential growth, it's network effect is what creates the paradigm in crypto."
"The biggest returns in the world come as a result of network effect."
"Investors are willing to pay a massive premium for networks."
"The more people and institutions that use it the more valuable it is."
"The real growth is going to come from things that work better when my friends get 'em too."
"We're walking into a Nexus of network adoption effects at scale of which Humanity's never seen before."
"A network effect what it has to do to be a stable network effect is it needs to grow more value for all participants."
"Ethereum's deflation is directly linked to its network activity with greater activity amplifying the amount of deflationary impact."
"Bitcoin is not just the code itself, it is what's called a network effect."
"The thesis for bitcoin's network effect is playing out."
"Bitcoin is the one that has the largest network effects."
"The way you scale that is by generating massive network effects with huge companies that do business with hundreds of other suppliers."
"Bitcoin is the most decentralized chain... it has an enormous kind of network effect and lead time."
"So once a platform or a network has network effects nothing can stop it, except for three things government intervention, 10x better competitor or breakdown in the technology."
"What makes a cryptocurrency future-proof is the network effect, the community, and the user base."
"Bitcoin should be a good example of how powerful the network effect can really be."
"I don't see bitcoin itself competing with the dollar or a digital yuan. I see the network competing against one another."
"Eventually, incredibly neutral decentralized larger networks will eat up all the smaller ones."
"Intuit sits in a deeply entrenched position with software that's widely known and has huge network effects."
"Breach protocol can be used to trigger network-wide effects."
"When I think about Ethereum at first I was like okay I like how much you know we haven't even talked we haven't named Metcalfe's law you've talked about it but this how you can value something based on its network adoption curve."
"Power on the internet comes through Network effects..."
"The fact that the token goes up in value based on network effects is a real discovery."
"But you need a lot more with bitcoin that there's what we call network effects."
"So we have future markets, option markets, we have institutional investors in bitcoin now, we have merchants, Visa cards, and those things, those network effects, those are the things that you cannot copy even as a government."
"What happens when all those people join together and join the Bitcoin Network... you're simultaneously strengthening the network, which is really a thing of elegance and a thing of beauty."
"The wheel signifies network effects, where the entire network gets more valuable the more people who use it."
"It just shows you the power of a network effect to really well-resourced companies with massive user bases failed utterly in their attempt to build to compete."
"... sometimes data provides you with network effects because knowing something about your user allows you to create a better product for your user which then kind of makes the product more valuable and encourages a new user to join and that could be powerful."
"Marketplaces are just beautiful for these two reasons: theory of defensibility and network effects."
"What do you get when you have 20 people of similar values next to each other? Well, you start getting Network effects."
"Software eating the world and for technology being as impactful and as successful as it is, is this term that we use to describe these kinds of products which is they have network effects."
"We now also need to focus on the network effects and demand side economies of scale."
"We see the beginnings of powerful data network effects."
"We are creating the Data Cloud--a new class of cloud, which is driving powerful network effects in our business."
"The more users there are of a technology, the more value there is to each of those users."
"Bitcoin is definitely going to benefit from a network effect of growing adoption across multiple industries."
"A business like a software company has network effects; the more people who use it, the stronger it gets."
"The value of the network increases which creates a flywheel effect."
"Visa's Network effects give it Monopoly like economics."
"They will only get more powerful and explosive with the more demand or again, network effects."
"Network effects are when you have a platform in which with each incremental user, becomes cheaper and better quality and the ecosystem improves itself as it scales."
"Why are marketplace companies interesting? One, they have network effects."
"You cannot compete with an open network; it's going to absolutely swallow you whole."
"Value is heterogeneous, it is derived from a network of interacting social, cultural, industrial, and ecological capital."
"We're seeing this virtuous cycle of projects helping each other out to create these Network effects."