
Medical Progress Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Certainly modern medicine has progressed a long way since 1917."
"There's no question, but to push forward almost like we're coming out of the Dark Ages. Medicine's been based on rough symptomology and a little bit of hocus pocus without knowing the true molecular nature of what's going on."
"If there is any improvement whatsoever on treating Alzheimer's disease, it would be good because we would finally show that we have some understanding of what's causing it."
"But then I want to say the four-month mark is when the CAT scans and the PET scan, everything did show improvement."
"We're gonna make some really good progress with the vaccine right off the bat."
"It was the first glimmer that these vaccines were doing something."
"We'll probably have a vaccine in about 18 months time."
"The vaccine candidate that was given the first injections for the first person took place today."
"There's some hope that a vaccine will be even sooner than that."
"Things will get better as our Therapeutics and treatments continue to advance."
"Ether paved the way for longer and less scream-inducing surgical procedures."
"This is truly appreciated, so today's news is the first vaccine and the first step and it is very exciting."
"We're weeks away from a vaccine. We're doing therapeutics already. Fewer people are dying."
"We're 90 percent better now than we were six, seven months ago in terms of a cure for people that get really sick. Ninety percent. It's incredible what's happened."
"This is record time, this is the fourth vaccine candidate in the United States to reach the final stage of trial."
"By cutting red tape and unleashing America's medical genius, we've reduced the fatality rate 85% since April."
"We're on an excellent course right now with two vaccines that are looking very promising."
"One thing that helps is that dozens of vaccines are being developed and more than half a dozen are already in use." - NPR's Richard Harris
"Imagine how many lives this is going to be saving, right?"
"Unprecedented achievement in the treatment of multiple myeloma."
"The light at the end of the tunnel is now getting much brighter. These vaccines are coming better treatments are coming."
"Cancer treatment keeps getting better and better and better."
"Humanity has begun conquering diseases around us or at least has the idea of how to ease the suffering associated with them."
"Even with the number of medical mistakes that we have today, it is still the best time in human history to get sick or injured."
"It seems inconceivable that something like autism won't be treated successfully at some point."
"The good news is this was allowed by the FDA to go to clinical trials."
"We hope we're going to come up with a good vaccine."
"We're having tremendous success on therapeutics and vaccines."
"One thing’s clear: progress in this field could save human lives."
"My lung function has come up 15%... in three months, and that's insane for my body."
"I just find that absolutely fascinating and the fact that this could be our way out of the pandemic."
"Reports indicate that the patient's cognitive abilities have shown marked improvement."
"Access to HIV treatment has dramatically expanded in the last two decades."
"We believe that before the end of this year we will have the first safe and effective coronavirus vaccine."
"We will get a vaccine... we're going to end up with something here."
"You do lockdowns when you don't understand anything and when there's no vaccine. We understand a lot more, and there's a vaccine and a booster and great therapeutics."
"Your health...on an improvement Direction as a result of this kazimi."
"Cancer research and the challenge for cancer treatment is enormously difficult... we've also made enormous progress."
"Life expectancy has doubled since 1900, but it comes hand in hand with some less desirable consequences."
"It looks like the vaccines may be liberating us from COVID-19."
"Medicine changes really slowly and it can take years, decades even, for new treatments to go from the research being published in journal stage to actually being used in clinical practice."
"I think we are approaching the stage where we're going to have some treatments which will help at least some patients."
"So suffice it to say, relapse of myeloma is no longer as worrisome as it was previously."
"Cure is the goal, and cure is closer than ever before."
"For the first time in years, they don't have to worry about their erections."
"For a year Landon will not have the spasticity in his adductors, which is causing his knees to turn in. Which is huge, huge honestly."
"It gives you a sense that in the future we will be able to offer people like David a cure for this disease."
"We owe a future where Parkinson disease is increasingly rare."
"We owe a world where kids don't die of cancer."
"We now have very effective therapies, all of which benefit patients and improve outcomes."
"Nothing like research on ALS. There is hope for ALS patients."
"With all these changes, the prognosis of lung cancer is improving."
"Yes, you can get rid of the disease, stop the progression, and there's a good chance you can actually get back some of what you've lost."
"The holy grail is detecting progression."
"If a child today contracts leukemia, their chances of survival are around 80 percent. That constitutes an improvement of around 300 percent over the last few decades alone."
"AIDS is no longer a death sentence."
"2010 to 2020 was a very good decade for antimicrobial development."
"There is a lot of hope on the horizon because we have so many more things that are available for our patients."
"The mortality rate has fallen nearly 50 percent over the 20 years after PSA clinical practice. It's the steepest decline we've seen for any cancer with the exception of lung cancer."
"Any step in the direction of alleviating either the pain or completely destroying Alzheimer's is a piece of great news to hear."
"Insulin injections now down to just one."
"Reducing the diagnostic odyssey of patients is only possible through scientific progress and improved access to specialized consultations and examinations."
"With the tools that we have, that's about as good a results as I've ever seen in the history of ALS."
"Did I say cancer has been solved? All sorts of cancers? They're all solved."
"He is more active, although obviously still limited, but doing things he and his wife report that he could not do two years ago."
"We've made substantial progress in the treatment of multiple Myoma."
"The fact that we can slow this decline, by depending on the outcome that you're looking at 60 some odd percent, is absolutely really clinically meaningful."
"It is our hope that the committee will appreciate that despite the significant progress made in Myoma in the last 20 years, more options are urgently needed."
"...if we're going to get back to something resembling normal in our lives, it will be because we've made the progress that we need in areas of testing, treatments, and ultimately vaccines."
"The advancements of treatment, the advancements of transplantation, who we transplant, when we transplant them, why we transplant them, is a constant daily profession."
"This is really an extraordinary moment in terms of thinking about cures for genetic disorders."
"That opens a huge therapeutic window that we think going forward will be an enormous advantage."
"We have seen an improvement in the cancer treatment that is available to people in this country."
"We have made significant advances in the management of non-small cell lung cancer."
"I'm confident that over the next five to ten years we'll continue to see significant improvements."
"We saw significant improvements in both progression-free survival as well as overall survival."
"One of the main reasons why I think this is so interesting and so great is because one of the members of the band... his treatment is working and it's actually shrinking significantly."
"The future is really bright for these people because our systemic therapies are really progressing and survival is better than it ever has been in the past."
"Parkinson's disease, although initially described over 200 years ago, remains a progressive incurable condition, but that doesn't mean that progress hasn't been made to increase the treatment options."
"Medicine has advanced so far in the past 11 years."
"Friends and loved ones, would you agree that medications have come a very long way over the last hundred years or so?"
"These changes induced by the stem cells repair the vessels that correlate with a functional recovery."
"Despite severe atrophy, the spectroscopy was reflecting her functional, her clinical, her personal experience of improvement in her symptoms."
"The results of the COVID-19 vaccine trials are starting to come in, and they're looking good."
"With surgery, we were able to halt curve progression and were actually able to improve the deformity quite a bit."
"Survival has been improving... indicating that research, drugs, a lot of things are getting better in this arena of medicine."
"Our knowledge of vaccines and how they work isn't new; it's built on centuries of scientific progress and human knowledge."
"We are working 24/7 on these things, and we've made great progress on therapeutics and vaccine development."
"It's great to see a disease that used to be on a person vital to see the progress."
"AMX-0035 significantly slowed ALS functional progression by 25% according to the rating scale used by physicians and researchers."
"You have more hope than you've ever had with this therapy."
"All of my tumors have since shrunk... near complete resolution of disease."
"It took decades for effective treatment for people living with HIV... and now, of course, people living with HIV can have full, healthy, normal lives."
"Millions of people are living right now and living very comfortably because of the fact that we have found the answer to that horrible horrible plague."
"Without vital progress made during the First World War, reconstructive surgery wouldn't have developed at the rate it did."
"Once TB was a widespread infection, but in the 1950s several antibiotics were developed which helped eliminate the disease in many countries."
"Bars going down means that was shrinkage in tumor."
"We're closer than we've ever been to finding treatments or a cure for this disease."
"The original program... was narrowed down to dracunculus and it's now a parasite which is almost absent from the world."
"It wasn't until the cause of the disease was actually discovered that real progress could be made."
"Investors celebrated both the prospect of an end to election year political uncertainty as well as progress on COVID-19 vaccine."
"I'm hoping that eventually we'll be able to find a cure."
"Yay treatment advances, keep it going, more advances."
"We're on track to end the scourge of HIV/AIDS; that's within our grasp."
"It really goes to show how far medical practices have come in such a short time period."
"We have gone from patients being scared of visiting the surgeon to calm, tranquil, and infection-free surgery all in a matter of 60 years."
"It's wonderful to see that transition as well, that change in prescribing and it's just in listening to patients and observing them."
"We've now converted it into more of a chronic cancer."
"Volunteers that do enroll in these studies are absolutely critical in order to help improve the therapies."
"There's always that hope that one day I'm gonna go into that appointment and they're gonna go to me, 'Wow, we found this, it's gonna make a difference.'"
"We've got the Hickman line out, we have progressed forward one way or another."
"We always want to progress our evidence, progress our diagnostic criteria, progress the treatments that we give people."
"The problems doctors accepted as normal in a 65-year-old in 1982 are often not faced until people are 70 or 75 now."
"It's inevitable that we are going to be doing less and less surgery in the armpit for our patients."
"I'm a believer that there is a lot of scope for real progress, clinical progress, and basic science progress using DC stimulation."
"In 2006, the FDA actually approved topical minoxidil for the treatment of androgenic alopecia."
"The tumors stopped growing, maybe a miracle will happen."
"Vaccines have been one of the most important elements in our progress."
"We've stopped the progression of that advanced polycystic kidney disease in its tracks, which is absolutely unheard of."
"It's a very exciting time for biology, for medicine, and pharmacology."