
Net Neutrality Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"There are two kinds of people. Those who want net neutrality, and those who don’t know they want net neutrality."
"Net neutrality is what we have right now: the freedom of the Internet, where ISPs aren't allowed to charge us to access certain websites."
"These ISPs are going to be able to indirectly affect our thoughts, which will affect our feelings, which will affect our behavior."
"We need more people to fight for net neutrality."
"Net neutrality protects us from tyrannical ISPs... prevents them from determining which websites we can visit and how fast those websites can go."
"Net neutrality is the only thing preventing them from nickel-and-diming us and gouging us."
"A free, open, and equal Internet is too important of a tool for democracy and the spreading of ideas for it to be controlled by Internet service providers."
"Without net neutrality, we'd be trusting ISPs not to screw us over, and I trust ISPs about as far as I can throw a grand piano."
"Without net neutrality, the companies will be controlling your behavior online."
"Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers must treat all data on the Internet the same and not discriminate or charge differently by user, content, website, platform, application, etc."
"Verizon admitted that it was throttling videos and, surprise surprise, just months later offered to stop throttling videos if customers paid an extra $10 per month fee."
"There is a risk to repealing net neutrality."
"We all know repealing net neutrality means that the internet will no longer be free and open."
"The sad part about this is with the whole FCC getting rid of net neutrality is that now you have the government working on behalf of these companies to rip out the consumers."
"When you charge money and you're controlling internet speeds, you're also controlling speech."
"The Commission can and will enforce the principle that consumers should be able to access any content and any application."
"Everybody likes net neutrality. I don't think there are many people who don't."
"The question that's actually being answered with this vote is how do we want net neutrality to be enforced."
"There are legitimate reasons to be angry about net neutrality going away."
"With all that's going around in the news, we can't allow ourselves to forget, this is the set that in a few weeks the FCC is looking to destroy net neutrality."
"Net neutrality or destroying net neutrality specifically is what would actually facilitate a free and open Internet."
"More than eighty to ninety percent of people do not support this decision. We want net neutrality, and we want to make sure that the net is protected from corporate greed, corporate interests, throttling, and censorship."
"We're not ending this fight for net neutrality. This affects our business, this affects the future of the internet, and this affects free speech."
"Removing net neutrality opens the door for censorship and blocking competition."
"Net neutrality is super important if you love gaming on the internet with reasonable speeds and only paying one price."
"We need to say, look, we want net neutrality right now and forever."
"We're trying to save the open and free internet."
"Net neutrality is the idea that your pipe to the internet...is not allowed to arbitrarily pick favorites in terms of the content that you consume."
"Net neutrality is about more than just speed and access; it is the principle that Internet service providers...should not be able to engage in any sort of favoritism that limits or manipulates the choices you make online."
"Net neutrality was a big, bad, scary thing because it basically gave the ISPs freedom to lock down the Internet."
"The battle of net neutrality was lost because of corporations paying billions and millions and bajillions of dollars."
"We're probably going to see a huge rise in VPN traffic here in the near future because of net neutrality and now Article 13."
"This isn't a discussion about net neutrality, it's much, much worse."
"Net neutrality was a lot of fuss for nothing."
"The fight is not over, there will be legal challenges and other ways to continue battling for a free and open Internet."
"This is net neutrality on steroids, it's genuinely horrifying."
"Go and let the FCC know what you think about net neutrality rules."
"Net neutrality makes a free and open Internet."
"Net neutrality is the basic premise that's the packets of data being sent to and from your computer are treated equally regardless of where they might originate from elsewhere on the Internet's."
"Our stance is that net neutrality is good however it's enforced but the way the Internet is currently deployed in the United States right now is such that most people actually don't have competition."
"In the absence of competition our stance is that title two is the proper way to enforce net neutrality right now."
"22 million comments filed, but only about 2% are actual unique comments. And of that 2%, 98.5 percent oppose killing net neutrality."
"Net neutrality was reversed under the Obama administration because three million people commented on this and it just flipped it like that."
"So what the what it basically means is that currently the current state of affairs is that all of the content is treated as equal by providers."
"The action represents the end of net neutrality as we know it and defies the will of millions of Americans." - Michael Beckerman
"Of all the different comments received by the FCC for net neutrality, only 1% opposed net neutrality, so 99% of the people who contacted the FCC about net neutrality were for net neutrality."
"Net neutrality is back, US promises fast, safe, and reliable internets for all."
"The FCC has voted to restore net neutrality rules."
"...the FCC restored net neutrality... that should improve people's access to Internet and the fairness of pricing around the internet."
"I am a proponent of net neutrality."
"A neutral internet is necessary for basically everyone to have a functional quality experience online."
"Net neutrality protections are supposed to ensure that we, not our ISPs, decide what we do online."
"A neutral internet is necessary for fair competition."
"ISPs do not get to interfere with our choices by blocking, speeding up, or slowing down apps or kinds of apps."
"Meaningful net neutrality protections prohibit ISPs from speeding up and slowing down apps and kinds of apps."
"Net neutrality rules are working well for consumers, and we're disappointed in the proposal released today."
"What net neutrality was about, to me, was creating a framework in Washington that supports that openness."
"Net neutrality is only good for consumers; it's a safety net for consumers."
"I just need someone to explain to me what net neutrality means and like what the ups and downs of it could be."
"The FCC will finally try to reinstate net neutrality."
"Originally President Barack Obama had put in place the idea of net neutrality which allowed everybody to have the same internet access."
"The Federal Communications Commission approved what will be the foundation for a sustainable policy of net neutrality."