
Result Quotes

There are 529 quotes

"Where you are in your life right now is all a result of who you are."
"Success is not something you pursue; success is a result of obedience to those laws."
"I had three million more votes than the other guy."
"But it looks like we actually do have a winner."
"We just tried to shut them down and yeah I think this is the result."
"It's over, it ended. So there's no winner, there's no official winner."
"Every little bit sums in, adds up to the finished product."
"Everyone loves when somebody worked their tail off, you know everyone loves when they you know you give everything you can to something and you see the resort."
"You can't make omelets without breaking eggs."
"This is a statement we've escaped with a very, very good result."
"You've got to break a few eggs to make an omelette."
"You want to be crazy about it? Do that again five or six more times. You'll have a hell of a patina."
"I really appreciate all the hard work they've done and how nice it's turned out."
"The level of chaos is what they were going for."
"You gotta have eggs, you gotta break a couple eggs and make an omelette."
"Falling in love with the process and not the result."
"This is how the bracelet turned out in the end."
"I couldn't be happier with how it turned out."
"You're going to have a glossy slick surface that's also decontaminated."
"The final score, North Carolina 101, Duke 87."
"It results in an absolutely gorgeous transformer."
"I think this is actually not a slam dunk but a pretty good outcome."
"I've never met anyone so determined to get a result as this guy. It's inspiring."
"This took off like my Full Beat from today just so I could try this."
"The end result is just absolutely fantabulous."
"Big result often requires small manageable action."
"I'm really happy with the outcome of it."
"...the resulting fusion is a pretty angry one."
"Everything did turn out better than expected."
"Now you have some kind of a result you can point to."
"Success is the result, not an event."
"In reality the kind of money that you have to spend to actually get a good result is unbelievable."
"I'm pretty happy with how they turned out"
"We've just been really, really excited about how this turned out here."
"Cleared the log, fatally injured Mozaku."
"The good news is that I didn't end up spending more money than I got back."
"You can polish a turd as much as you want, but at the end, it's still a turd."
"Here's how this planter turned out."
"The end result is so worth the effort."
"Oh wow, look at my skin now. You know what? That's done a really, really nice job."
"I tried hair rollers for the first time um there's eight of them in my hair and I think I need about four more but we'll see what the result looks like"
"The important thing is to enjoy this moment and this great result."
"It's not about what the end result looks like, well it is about what the end result looks like."
"It doesn't matter how you made it, it matters what you came out of it."
"What is the result that comes out of your high sounding words? The effectual truth is, I want something from you."
"The finished result is very interesting."
"This is a really slick result and it's things like this they make people so excited about optimization."
"The end result is really beautiful."
"Well, I think it's rockbusters' result, doesn't it?"
"Obviously, all those performance modifications they paid off."
"It was worth all of that work for the end result. The room turned out amazing, nice and organized."
"What you need is the result, and the result is that you need to deliver the best music you can as fast as possible."
"The result will chill you to the bone."
"My relationships, my family, and my friends, I care more about those things than a result."
"it was amazing, absolutely amazing result"
"When I saw that result, I was super excited, like I felt alive."
"Okay, the calculations are in. It's a four-way tie for first place. But wait a second, there is a very, very clear loser today here at Money in the Bank."
"That's a result and a much better fix than I intended."
"Well, that was completely inadvertent by Austin Theory but that has basically stolen."
"If you're going to plow, then plow in Hope. That's true across the board too, the work that you do. Do you have an eye to its eventual result?"
"The end result is massively worth it."
"That's a result, mate. I hadn't been there for a year, and that was a lot, and that's the very last time I fished it."
"Putting in effort is not a bad thing. We have to put in effort to get any kind of result."
"Production is the result, it's not the goal."
"It only matters where you finish."
"I'm so happy with the way this has turned out."
"Wow, this rug turned out amazing."
"That went about as well as it could coming back."
"Your object is entirely honorable, whatever the result."
"All that matters is that final product."
"I wasn't thrilled with the way that it all worked out."
"So what does the reader get as a result of reading this?"
"What a result that would be if he could apply the finishing touches."
"The product of trust is a direct path."
"You're gonna get the same result if you do the same as everybody else."
"Doubt not the gift, and it is impossible to doubt its result."
"a good result after what could have been a total disaster"
"Most of what I'll be talking about is the thought process behind how we get to the end result rather than specific steps that you must follow every single time."
"As long as the end result is dope, yeah."
"None of this would have came about."
"Wow, I'm actually happy it's that high!"
"Happiness is the ultimate end real result."
"Once it's in, it looks amazing. But you have to be willing to put in the time and effort."
"The result stays closer to the original aesthetic of the image."
"Not bad, huh? I got the result I expected almost instantly. That's very cool."
"A plus b equals R so if you are constantly focused on everything you can control in the task at hand, there's going to be factors there's going to be things you can't control but if you focus on a, your result will be the best it can be."
"If you just focus on what you can control, your result at the end of the day is going to be the best it can be and that's all you can ask for."
"That then can lead to discrimination."
"It's like black magic, it works really well."
"As expected, the bottom was going to be really, really soft, and it is."
"This is probably the best way it could have turned out."
"Happiness is never the goal, it is always the result, it's always the byproduct of something else."
"The nightmare is what the result will be."
"We have a split-decision draw. The result left Wilder still the champion... but also contemplating a sense of missed opportunity in the aftermath."
"I think the end result is certainly worth it."
"We ended up with about 100 grams of lead at the end of the second experiment."
"An effect may require some dependencies before it can be run and when run will produce either a value or an error."
"And the NBA wins with a score of 34."
"What a result. Huge efficiency here."
"When you take good care of the birds, quality fresh eggs are guaranteed."
"It's a great sense of satisfaction knowing that you've done a lot of hard work and you've created a good result at the end of the day."
"I'm absolutely obsessed with the result."
"The measurement results peak near j times n over r for some integer j."
"But in the end, I still think that they all turned out really cute."
"Once you go back on with the pink, some pink's going to go over the top of the leaves. It's going to look great."
"You'll have a much better result than if you start out expecting garbage."
"...it's been hard work but it's definitely been worth it because the result is really really beautiful."
"We have raised 1,705 Euros in six seconds, a fantastic result."
"The votes are in now, so it's pretty obvious."
"It might not be perfect. It might not even be good. But it will be."
"You focus on the result. It's like taking the power of your mind and body and brain and putting the laser power instead of having it scattered."
"If you do what everybody else does, you get essentially their same result."
"UCLA walks off 2-1, the Bruins win."
"It's the result of an intense two-week-long partnership."
"Success is a result, not an event."
"But guess what? They achieve the same damn result."
"...I really like how well this turned out."
"... let's hear from Bill Riley, this is another fairy tale result."
"A lot more on my mind but ultimately it worked out the same."
"That was good result for the team and uh all the hard work the boys have put in over the weekend you know not sure why the red flag came out."
"Are we surprised? Absolutely not."
"The percent you apply is the result you get."
"We will work hard and look for a great result in Detroit."
"If you add the hard work part of it, because being strong is essentially a result."
"You've caught six fish that, at the end of the day, only weigh 12 pounds."
"It's been a long haul but it's a fantastic result for the council as well."
"I'm really, really happy with this result."
"Happiness is the result, not the goal."
"The result never mattered, but the performance did. It was shocking again. Do you agree? Discuss."
"Focus on the transformation and the result. That's what customers want, that's what they buy."
"I am so freaking happy with the final result of this, it's so cute!"
"Nobody gives a damn about what the writer does to preserve his purity. All that matters is what he writes."
"It was like a culmination of a lot of other activity."
"You just have to action by action, just process what you need to go, and if you do it as best as possible, then obviously the result will be as best as possible."
"Wow, that was incredible! Let's see what that does."
"Yup, that was it. That was the whole match."
"Here's the final result. I hope you enjoyed the process of the post-opposed workflow."
"It's the result, it's what results in seeing clearly."
"Didn't do a fully thorough job at cleaning this thing, I tried I spent an hour on it but it's still like, nastacular."
"We don't really know the end of this story, but what we do know is she participated and she finished seventh, which is a very respectable result."
"Just a little extra elbow grease there and those edges come out pretty nice as well."
"What comes out the other end is what matters."
"It's a very different brain and it creates a very different result."
"Having no good reason to question this logic I decided to try it out for myself on my wife's best pair of panty hose and sure enough they passed."
"All right so again two minutes in it's not a photogenic type of pan yes but look at the results."
"Anything can be better but for this amount of work and an effort put into it I think this is a great result."
"The doing is all, it is not the result that is of interest."
"Nobody cares how long it takes you to do this, they care about the result."
"Honestly, anything that happens after that is a result of your hard work."
"A performance that was stronger than the result."
"It takes no time at all to get the result every other time that the component re-renders."
"Stay in the action and out of the result."
"It's a joyful thing because you don't have to wait long to get an amazing result."
"Mark Martin finished his second in the Daytona 500."
"Muzzle turns out to be the result of an experiment to create a human symbiote hybrid."
"This is a better result if it's illegible."
"You will be very satisfied with the outcome."
"You can do a lot of crazy things just by going through and even just sculpting on a mesh, building up the surfaces, changing things, and the live boolean still kicks in and gives you a result."
"So, let me know what you think in the comments. Is that what you're expecting? Are you surprised at the result?"
"And this is the result of today's work."
"So finally, all of this implies that I equals 5 pi squared by 96, which is quite a nice result for such a monstrous integral."
"When there is a different reaction, we're going to get a different result."
"Your culture is a result of what you value."
"So the final score: Oklahoma 20, Alabama 13."
"I just find that the end result is just worth it."
"...in the moments you don't see any results, that's going to be the difference between you and then the 90% of people who decide to give it up during the journey."
"It's not the result, it's how we play it. Are we getting better? The result will take care of itself."
"That went about as well as could be expected."
"According to the survey, most of them didn't."
"I was very careful last night and it actually looks really good."
"It's official, the Giants are 6-4 winners tonight."
"That series could have gone either way."
"They kind of made it rain when they opened up that box."
"Once the scaffolding is dismantled, the result is perfect."
"This is another amazing product if you're looking for that flawless under eye look."
"The end result is gorgeous though, one friend described it as feeling like a hybrid between marshmallows and yarn."
"The effort you put in is the result you're going to get out."
"I feel like I've honestly seen a little bit of result."
"I got this light and it turned out so good."
"We knew that if we could keep their forwards and their attack quiet, that we'd get a good result."
"And when you mix that with everything, you get this."
"I knew I trained hard. I knew it until you took them and then you saw for yourself."
"That's a good result. That's phenomenal."
"Now, here is my final result of this piece, and I am so happy with the way it turned out."
"Nice little change up in the end, the result was the same."
"The Saran Wrap is a result of that bonding time."
"The only time that my [__] shout is to take a stain out."
"Celebration should be the consistent result of conversion."
"The end result, it does look lovely."
"I was a little bit underwhelmed with the result."
"It's all about the amazing, beautiful result."
"This my friends is the finished result."
"I don't know how but you use the wrong formula and got the correct answer."
"I don't love sitting there for the process. No, God no. She doesn't. But I like the results."
"The final result looks pretty decent."
"All right, that actually turned out pretty good."
"I'm really pleased with how clean the final result looks."
"Great grass is a byproduct of a good environment."
"Put some effort into it. If you're putting even just the most minimal amount of effort into it, you'll probably produce a desired result."
"Overall, I'm quite pleased with the end result."