
Indigenous Peoples Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Educating ourselves and others about these tribes is crucial to their survival."
"Even one seemingly healthy outside visitor could pass along a common bacteria or virus that could literally wipe out the entire tribe."
"The survival of uncontacted tribes is under extreme threat by greed and corruption."
"Bringing education and awareness to the existence of uncontacted tribes will help protect their right to self-determination and isolation."
"In Southeast Alaska, there are 31 communities, including 22 federally recognized tribes. The indigenous peoples of Southeast Alaska are the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian tribes. They have been stewarding this place since time immemorial, which is over 10,000 years."
"Oh yeah, It’s a shame what happened to them… but you know… they were just in the way."
"I think it’s fair to say that most Americans share the same sentiment as my neighbor – that what happened to the Indians was just part of the inevitable march of progress."
"What if I told you that there are a group of black Indians that created the largest haven in the US for escaped slaves in the 1700s?"
"Your mother's mother's mother's people are indigenous American to the North American region."
"Some achievements, like the earliest use of the number zero and brain surgery, were among the most advanced in the world for their time."
"I hope that honors her and all indigenous women and all indigenous people."
"When it comes to doing good for Native Americans today, we do a lot in this country that is rooted in sort of symbolic attempts to appease Native Americans..."
"The legacy of colonialism that followed on from it... and the legacy of the virtual annihilation of the Wampanoag nation."
"Native Americans are people, James mentions a few times."
"The villages and cities they designed and built were powerful expressions of the innovative spirit of our ancestors."
"Perhaps it was decades of exaggerated propaganda and books pulp magazines and movies still locked in the vestiges of the pioneer past which characterized indigenous peoples bloodthirsty Savages instead of natives defending their Homeland."
"The government will walk the shared path of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples."
"So many black people were already here as aboriginal people."
"The Ainu possess their own culture that is quite different than what we would consider traditional Japanese culture."
"If the Native Americans had not been discovered by Europeans they would have been discovered by someone else."
"Mayan culture is still alive and thriving today."
"We should start celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day."
"North Sentinel Island...among the few uncontacted tribes left...not going anywhere."
"The Mingo nation would survive the global war they unintentionally helped start."
"Cherokee is definitely one of the most fun and powerful native nations."
"Nearly everyone who has ever tried to contact them has been met with spears and with arrows and some unfortunately never left the island alive."
"There's so much good to be learned from Native American history."
"Decline of indigenous population after British settlement."
"I would like to start by acknowledging the 215 children who were found in British Columbia at the Kamloops Indian Residential School."
"Shout out to Haida for owning all of Alaska."
"The constant chronic warfare it didn't end well for most of the native people."
"The indigenous populations that came over from Asia discovered the Americas tens of thousands of years ago."
"Here between the four sacred mountains, we will remain."
"Within five years of Columbus's arrival, 90% of the indigenous population had died from disease or murder."
"The area that is now Oklahoma was originally home to a variety of Native American tribes."
"The indigenous peoples of the world were never given human rights we didn't get human rights established until 2007 when after a 22 year battle we were finally able to get the United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples passed."
"If you're alive in 1692 in Salem what you have to deal with in part is that at any time out of any tree line you might have five, six, seven first nations people descending on you and killing you."
"The NeverEnding unjust treatment of Indigenous peoples."
"Respectfully, Captain, that is a reductive and patronizing view of the way of life of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. In fact—"
"When you're telling the story of New England and New England Native Americans, you're telling the story of the world since that initial interaction."
"We always like to begin by just acknowledging where we are. We are on the treaty territory of the Mississauga's of the Credit First Nation and the traditional territory of the Huron-Wendat, the Anishinaabe, and the Haudenosaunee."
"The Modok were absolutely attacking wagon trains and probably any lone travelers that they could find."
"the word Cahokia is misnomer there were no people called cahokians the reason why this place has that name is because when the French asked about these Mounds the people who happen to be there were called cahokian which is a part of the Illinois tribe so the name kind of stuck"
"How can a nation founded on the homelands of dispossessed indigenous peoples be the world's most exemplary democracy?"
"We have always as a faith recognized the right of traditional peoples to live."
"The Ainu are an ancient people whose ancestors have inhabited the Hokkaido, the Kuril islands, and Kamchatka for millennia."
"Our story as indigenous peoples is having our truth denied, and it comes back, it always comes back."
"We honor and acknowledge the original caretakers of this land, the Mississaugas of New Credit."
"We will talk about the First Alabamians, the indigenous peoples who occupied this region."
"We will focus on a few pivotal artifacts, sites, cultures, and events in the evolution of the Alabama Indians."
"The primary oldest indigenous population in the Americas is us."
"We would like to take a moment to recognize our presence on the traditional lands of many Indigenous peoples."
"We have to work together with indigenous people to get it right."
"The American Indian is the prick in the American conscience."
"Climate change has a huge impact on how the Tarahumara eat and how they survive and it's not something that's in the future, it's happening right now."
"Reconciliation really means addressing the harms that have been perpetrated on Indigenous peoples by the systems in which we currently live and work."
"Canada is made up of three Indigenous people: First Nations, Metis, and Inuit."
"Grant's approach towards the Indians was relatively progressive for its time."
"I humbly beg forgiveness for the evil committed by so many Christians against the Indigenous peoples."
"Ultimately, we are dealing with a proposal to change the Constitution that will recognize the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people as the first peoples of Australia."
"No humans have ever done that... How about the Native Americans? Last I heard, they were pretty much doing that until we came."
"The Muska people called the peak of the mountain the Gateway of the Gods."
"The history goes back to the year 1600 and even earlier when you think about the natives that were here first."
"In Viking folklore, the indigenous peoples of North America are often referred to as semi-mythical creatures and less than human."
"How did the indigenous people in North America lose all their lands? It was Force of Arms."
"We have to talk about indigenous peoples because this is when the 'Us and Them' thing begins to develop."
"The Guanes, indigenous to the Canary Islands, were the original inhabitants of this archipelago."
"It's also important for non-indigenous Canadians to recognize the negative impact that European colonization has had on Canada's first peoples."
"The First Nations of the Pacific Northwest were at the height of their power."
"There's not only great diversity between indigenous people; there's great diversity within each tribal community."
"Many people in the U.S. know very little about the history of indigenous people, though they've been living in our former towns and villages for hundreds of years."
"The man of the hole is the last surviving member of an uncontacted tribe in the Amazon."
"The resulting conflict was called King Philip's War."
"They also re-establish friendly relations between settlers and Indigenous peoples."
"Reservation Dogs... it's a story about Native Americans."
"Australia was owned and colonised by indigenous people a very long time before Europeans got here, for about 60,000 years."
"The Mohawks loom large in the story of North America."
"Mohawks are always thinking how can I play this one against the other one to preserve my autonomy."
"Native American populations in the Americas were diverse peoples with differing ways of life shaped by the environment in which they lived."
"The Kalinagos had ancestral roots that stretched back to at least three different waves of movement across thousands of years."
"Their way of life may have ended not long after the last bullet was fired there at Beecher Island, but as a people, they are still very much alive and well."
"The Comanche are often called the lords of the southern plains."
"The name comes from the Wichita Indians who used to inhabit this part of Texas all the way up to Kansas."
"By the time the Spanish arrived in the Caribbean, three main groups were present: the Mayans, the Taino, and the Kalinagos."
"By exploring artifacts left behind, we can learn a lot about what life was like for the first American people."
"These Indians had an impeccable sense of taste and their fashions were actually more attractive than those of Europe."
"It is important to us that we recognize this history out of respect for the Ohlone who are still present in Berkeley and the Bay Area today."
"This young lady is going to begin an amazing year of opportunities, traveling, representing indigenous people to the world."
"Here they met the Nez Perce, just a couple of weeks away from their final destination, the Pacific Ocean."
"But what about the first people to live in America, the Indians? Long before we became independent, we had taken away their independence."
"Who are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada? That would be the people who lived here before the Europeans came."
"The Klamath Indians of Oregon are celebrating after 32 years without tribal rights."
"Indigenous peoples including the Niitsitapi, Stony Nakoda, Cree, Tsuut'ina, Inuit, and many others have been gathering and celebrating on these lands for time immemorial."
"The Puyallup people became known as the 'generous and welcoming behavior to all people, friends and strangers, who enter our lands.'"
"The movement from Mesoamerica or Central America into Cuba, as well as the movement from South America into Trinidad and then to the rest of the islands, were considered the initial migratory movements into the Caribbean region by these indigenous people groups."
"Listen to indigenous voices and storytellers because theirs are the ones that have been historically silenced."
"Up to 85 percent of indigenous peoples take care of the world's biodiversity."
"This is a moment when the Europeans for the first time encountered the indigenous people groups of the Caribbean region."
"When we hear about the Caribbean, oftentimes images come to our mind: vacations, large cultural celebrations of carnival, and even films like Pirates of the Caribbean, but a lot of people don't think about the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean."
"The Anasazi People... lived in Sandstone dwellings carved deep into secluded Canyons."
"It is a fact that black aboriginal people were in the Americas. This is a scientific fact, an archaeological fact, a historical fact. These are facts."
"This culture reminds me of the American Indians."
"We're lucky enough to be gifted with the presence of some First Nation people."
"The entire US North American continent was Native American land at one time."
"Truly they were being thrust out to carry the word of God to the Alkas."
"In recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first peoples of Australia, there shall be a body to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice."
"Discovery is a funny word because we also had Native Americans here for well going back to the Ice Age."
"The country is finally ready to take that last step to recognize Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the first peoples of Australia."
"You cannot tell the story of America without telling the story of the people who lived here before Europeans arrived."
"Definitely well worth learning about the people, the Blackfoot, that lived on this land."