
Resource Gathering Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Harvest raw materials, hunt, fish, and farm to survive."
"We are actually getting so many Ender Pearls right now."
"For that, we just need to get a bunch more Combs and we're kind of getting there."
"It was time to get to work, I went off and gathered a ton of sandstone."
"I had a plan to go out and collect sand for glass."
"Overall, today was a massive success. I lit up the huge area next to the main exposed mineshaft paths while also stealing all of the ores that I found."
"This might be the best day of my entire life. We are about to mine full-on diamond pieces from this diamond ore."
"I'm mining it, I'm mining it, I'm mining it. Please, please let the faces bro, he sees the faces."
"An entire day's worth of raiding and not a single pal caught. Pain. They didn't die but they've done nothing. They have not gotten a single lump of coal."
"Night vision, that's what I'm talking about. This will make hunting for axolotls way easier."
"We're gonna have to get a lot of this, a lot of iron because we can."
"Fetcher quests during double powder for extra benefits."
"Look at all the great loot down here - bunch of ores including diamond!"
"Foraging skill allows you to find more materials and resources in the woods."
"I've returned to caveman times, I must gather wood and stone to help my family."
"I think if you're trying to make gold while leveling, fishing, skinning, and herbalism are all good options."
"Diamond ore? Yes, I want diamond ore, do we need any kind of other explanation about whether or not we should have diamond?"
"I'm just going to get as many fruits as I can."
"Retail row, the best place to loot abandoned markets for dangerous weapons."
"Find four morphine injectors, two alkali, two hoses, and two propane tanks."
"The million dollar pickaxe is so OP, there's extra resources on the ground!"
"I found even more diamonds, I'm finally, finally getting the resources I need."
"I managed to get over four stacks of iron, that's insane."
"We got our first three diamonds, how awesome is that?"
"The higher up you go in the world, the more chances you get of iron and coal veins being exposed to the surface."
"I'm actually really happy with the shovel enchantment and the diamond pickaxe."
"We're probably going to go back to that geode and dismantle it for all of the blocks."
"I found the blaze spawner, and that is going to now be enough blaze rods."
"Make sure this is your priority if you've got a good luck day: go to the mines."
"Always check the bins, especially on good luck days."
"I'm gathering a bunch of stone over here, friendly animal."
"We want to try to get as much wood as we can so that we can get that tool cabinet set up inside my little bunker..."
"This effectively means that you can harvest metal at an increasingly fast rate in comparison to how you used to do it before... that is the main reason why the Argie is number two on this list because of that ability alone."
"This fresh spawn life I have gotten 278 nails off dismantling."
"It wasn't the fastest start to the adventure, but I had collected some valuable seeds, ammo, and some storage that I really didn't want to lose."
"Hands down, I personally believe the Mantis is the best creature in the game for gathering resources."
"I don't think there is anything more satisfying in Minecraft than traveling through a giant block of your own hand mind resources with a fortune 3 pickaxe just seeing all the items everywhere so brilliant."
"With our brand new block breaking ability unlocked, we can get resources a ton faster."
"This farm is not for XP, it's really for the resources that the guardians drop."
"I'm pretty sure that in order to be collecting pets that means she must have a lead right leads are hard to get because we haven't found slime sources yet."
"I feel like a savage towering all the way up to the top of this cave to pick glowberries, but it must be done."
"Fossils can actually be a pretty substantial source of diamonds."
"It all begins by collecting some flint and what the heck is that."
"Your first magical metal crushes ores instead of harvesting them, has a chance to drop double crushed ores. Fortune two, that's neat!"
"Should we just go try to get hardwood and nuggets just hit the rocks and get up today to finish off today?"
"So, we got four or five kilos here. That's not too bad."
"I found a jungle to get bamboo for scaffolding. Scaffolding would make my life so much easier for building big projects."
"Let me know and now it's just operation right a bunch of end cities get a lot of shulker boxes."
"I went out on a creeper slaying hunt just to see how fast I could get gunpowder from creepers."
"It's an ideal spawn to gather loot but also for Gathering XP."
"This is a great place to go. If you play Subnautica, this is the place to come for all of your valuables right now."
"There's gotta be a better way to do it, you think resting would be enough. Those yellow leaf bits are what I need to craft health potions."
"Already nearly have a thousand scrap... From fishing, dude."
"Underground we go, seeking coal, fearing skeletons."
"It will definitely help you get tons and tons of iron regardless of what version of Minecraft you're on."
"We had all gathered up enough ancient debris."
"I'm saying this right now for me to actually get back, obviously I can get back doing like the whole like mining underneath and trying to find ancient debris."
"You know what I'm saying, collect your goods and your seeds and [__] like that."
"Finally, after all this time, we have hit diamonds."
"Tribe's journey starts in the wilderness hunt down pets gather rare resources and explore the untamed world"
"Yo, Sunny's got diamonds, I got two diamonds, let's go, nice!"
"Sheep will also drop wool, and there's a way of acquiring a sheep's wool without having to kill it - just like in real life, we can shear the sheep to get hold of wool."
"I just want to get a ton of iron for people so we could have at least three people ready to tackle on a dungeon."
"Pro tip: If you want to farm raw hides, these are the mobs you kill. They take a long ass time to skin, but just look how many hides we get from skinning one."
"I am so determined to find diamonds as part of the natural caving experience."
"Let's go to another or a fetcher totem guide heart beast and some more ores."
"You can't leave a good crate behind. Now, yeah, I need it."
"It's the advantage of having more than one person to gather the supplies."
"This farm you see here is my simple bartering farm. It gets you gold, XP, as well as all the bartering loot while you're AFK."
"Just got a level 76 agility right now I am collecting marks of grace for stamina potions."
"Crafting paths lead us to unexpected treasures and valuable resources."
"We need 36 coal around him. Holy, how we gonna get rich, big boy?"
"First diamond let's go we'll take it beautiful how many one two two diamonds two diamonds three diamonds we'll take it that's enough for diamond pick which is a okay with me let's do it diamond pick."
"We got Netherite scraps, let's go baby, let's go!"
"We got two and almost a half stacks of coal... I think that's good enough."
"pigs to kill and get edible mushrooms to regenerate health with"
"Found some good quality stone, maybe you can build with it or something."
"Dig like our hearts rely on it and get ourselves some lovely materials."