
Programming Efficiency Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Inheritance is a mechanism that allows you to eliminate redundant code."
"Comprehensions really make it easy to add those loops and those conditionals onto the existing comprehension."
"It's really not hard to review what's going on in the entire class when you have small methods and classes."
"If you can write as a recursive procedure but run as an iterative process, you get the best of both worlds."
"Generators are a convenient way to write iterators, they are lazy functions that get executed as you iterate over the result basically."
"Django is all about getting as much output with as little input as possible."
"Angular binds HTML and JavaScript objects... so you don't have to write such kind of a binding code."
"One shortcut is if you don't plan on using this named instance of another class like game frame, you don't actually or necessarily need this portion of this line of code."
"Instead of passing copies of the variables, you pass pointers to their addresses."
"Linux can improve your programming workflow."
"Linux is almost built for automation of tasks."
"Sass is very powerful and once you get the hang of it, it's hard to go back to normal CSS."
"Optimize a program hugely just by making a couple tiny little tweaks."
"You can insert multiple records at once with 'insert many'."
"Using a buffer Channel with capacity 100, we see the performance increased by 50% compared to the unbuffered channel."
"The characters that are going to do well in tournaments are the characters that are one easy or - played by someone that has played a similar or the same character in a similar game."
"Dynamic module imports let you import code only when you actually need it, improving performance and reducing unnecessary downloads."
"Class-based views are so powerful because we didn't have to actually create a forms module."
"Unlike many other programmers who might take six months to two years to program a single game, Nasir was able to code much quicker, creating high quality graphics without any diminishment in quality."
"With coroutines, it's a win-win situation. You get lots of performance, so it's very efficient, and the code is simple."
"Calculating collisions is quite difficult and takes some processing time, whereas if you just check for specific positions, this is much easier to do."
"The auto completion and the auto import that you get from using it... works incredibly well with vs code."
"I love being able to just auto complete with vs code and not have to type all this stuff out myself."
"If you could find the shortest program that does very well on your data, then you will achieve the best generalization possible."
"No longer do you need to pass in handle click, handle complete, handle edit, handle new, handle create, handle delete."
"Understanding how you can use big-O notation is incredibly important because it's going to calculate the time and space complexity of your algorithm that you're writing out."
"Storing a file object in a variable gives you access to all sorts of other interesting and useful properties."
"Referencing the scripting runtime library is incredibly useful."
"The loop will allow you to run through all of these objects and parse them into your application using just a few lines."
"Pandas has so much of this stuff already built in."
"Once you have thousands or tens of thousands or millions of objects in the array, that kind of time complexity starts to really really matter."
"With that covered, we have a really efficient way to store two-dimensional data."
"Swift variables are inferred, making coding more efficient."
"Python: Implement complex logic with only very few lines of code."
"I'm realizing I could use, in a very clever way, the higher order array function filter."
"Applications can be developed at a faster rate using Python language."
"When you're working with widgets and UI, hot reload is great."
"This is going to save programmers so much time - it's got to."
"Hooks provide a flat structure for accessing context, avoiding nested render prop APIs."
"I can simplify this line of code and use ternary operator to write all of this on a single line."
"By using vectorization you can decrease the amount of function calls that are done in the interpreter and thus get rid of a lot of that overhead."
"If you're looking to get something working very fast, then Python is the solution."
"Do it in SQL, and if you can't do it in SQL, do it in PL/SQL."
"It allows us with object-orientated programming to model something but just once."
"Writing something in Python is just significantly faster and easier."
"We are living in the future where you can give a program a sentence like this, and it returns all of this in a matter of seconds."
"It enables efficient code optimization."
"Julia aims to give you the best of both worlds; it's very fast in terms of run speed and as easy to develop as Python, Matlab, or Mathematica."
"FeatureCAM focuses on ease of use and speed of programming while trying to give you a balance of control required to complete most everyday part programs."
"I just use the function that already exists, which is so much easier, in my opinion."
"Passing by values is way, way faster than passing around references."
"We will be using the standard template library whenever it has something that we need because it's pretty good."
"Using autoloading namespaces, we can write just one single include one statement and all the classes in the PHP project will load automatically."
"It can be much more efficient for iterative type programming because it can keep data sets in memory."
"It cuts down on the size of the names that I have to write, and it's meaningful."
"So we'll do five tips to help speed up your reverse engineering with Python 3."
"We'll keep using file for file reading because it's generally faster."
"This is the real power of using an array."
"I was reading a 1979 paper by Ken Iverson where he has a solution to the same problem in half as many characters as I did."
"Once you learn it, reading these epics really, oh I know exactly what's happening here and it's very terse and nice and expressive."
"An effective programmer will first look for libraries that already exist before building something from scratch."