
Programming Practices Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The importance of pseudocode cannot be stressed enough."
"If you want to write high-quality, easy-to-maintain code, type safety is one of the most important things to consider."
"Using Unicode in Python is very simple. Never mix Unicode objects and byte strings."
"There is one way to capture, one way to declare functions, one way to declare anything."
"Coding in TypeScript, we can catch a lot of our mistakes at compile time."
"If you avoid the bad parts, JavaScript works really well."
"It is possible to write good programs in JavaScript."
"You don't have to spend the whole rest of your programming life just putting individual print statements everywhere."
"Always use meaningful names for your variables."
"Naming conventions: Always use meaningful names for your variables."
"Code without ifs is easier to read. And I don't think anybody can really argue with that, right?"
"React Strict Mode helps find unintentional side effects by double-invoking certain functions."
"Defer is normally used to keep functions together in a logical way."
"Comments allow you to leave messages without affecting the output displayed to the end user."
"Always validate your arguments; fail at compile time, not runtime."
"Test-driven development means that you write the test before you write the code."
"Instead of just console logging, we want to put it in the DOM."
"Always make sure you have good error checking on your application. Don't just assume things will work, assuming is the mother of all problems when it comes to programming."
"If the code is clear and uses good type names and variable names, it should explain itself."
"Remember, we don't ship features as programmers; we ship maintenance to our future self."
"I think people are going to finally adopt immutability as a kind of commonplace pattern now that records are there."
"The only way you can do that is by passing it down through props. So, we can pass down the information from here to here using props."
"It's really important to have these propTypes set up to make it really easy to figure out if you have an error like that because it'll show up right in your console."
"Rust highly encourages clear ownership of data throughout the program."
"Using the local scope of a function makes it easier to understand and easier to work with."
"No longer do you need to pass in handle click, handle complete, handle edit, handle new, handle create, handle delete."
"It really cleans up your props and, in general, makes the code that you're working with much easier and cleaner in my opinion."
"Using var, you can write cleaner and shorter code."
"It's good practice to release your variables as soon as you finish with them."
"Not always best practices should be followed... the things that I believe are actually very valuable for you to start doing... will actually help you while you're coding your react applications."
"I prefer using brackets because there's a chance that one of your columns is named the same thing as one of the attributes or methods of a data frame."
"The concept of IIFE ensures protection against global variable pollution and naming conflicts."
"Structured concurrency reduces the chances of creating memory leaks."
"It's advisable to create a virtual environment just for the application so that every single package you install in that virtual environment belongs to just that particular application."
"You should put the code that belongs in an update in update, and the stuff that belongs in fixed update in fixed update."
"It's better if you treat JavaScript as if you were a typed language."
"No input state can be modified when we're writing a pure function."
"We don't want to make mistakes there's other complicated things we're going to want to do."
"You can actually write idiomatic C# the way you would expect."
"Wouldn't it be better if we write this code once and then simply reuse it?"
"We have to stop writing loops; we're going to get our future performance gains from parallelization."
"Otherwise, that would be literally insane to jam all your code in one file."
"If you had that button and if you believed it, you could clean the code."
"Prefer encoding your error types inside of the return type of your methods."
"Implicit conversions are kind of frowned upon, and this is a good thing."
"We try to keep the global scope as unpolluted or with as few things as possible."
"Creating a nested function and using closure accessing a value from the parent function is one good way to avoid creating global variables."
"Setting up a virtual environment is so necessary that we have to do it pretty much the same time every time."
"Once you start using functions and you start writing more complicated programs, you really need to start using local variables."
"Writing unsafe is not just writing C code; it is more dangerous than that, but it is also not certain doom."
"Strict Data Typing or Strong Data Typing... means that any changes of Data Type will be shown in the code."
"Instead of having to create a whole bunch of variables for separate objects in your main form or application, you can essentially reuse this code."
"If you have a constructor and you have null checks inside your constructor, you can be guaranteed that you haven't forgotten any of the fields."
"If you're subverting the type system, you start entering into a world of danger."
"If you raised an exception, whatever is in the finally block is always going to get executed."
"Testing is a feature of programming that is super important."
"Coding for collaboration is different from writing a program thinking that you are the only person who's ever going to look at that code."
"As programmers, as developers, you want to always write modular code you can reuse that other people can read."
"We read code about 10 times more often than we write it."
"Defensive programming is okay, you can get it wrong, and we're going to spend some of your runtime to make sure that you hear about it."