
Programming Skills Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"If you have programming skills, then that will separate you out from the crowd."
"Knowing how to program, knowing how to use data structures and algorithms in an interesting way, that's a compelling story."
"Any expert web developer needs to have a solid understanding of vanilla JS."
"Understanding 'this' will make you a better JavaScript developer."
"Knowing JavaScript opens up a whole lot of job opportunities."
"Unfortunately, there are a lot of developers out there in the industry who can build applications with Angular, React, and all kinds of fancy frameworks, but they cannot solve simple programming problems."
"Patience is the first skill of a good programmer."
"Most great programmers I know don't even have a CS degree."
"You can give me the worst programming language ever and I'm a professional programmer who knows make quality and I will make quality code."
"Your desire to want to be good is good, and you will get there, I promise."
"Learning a little bit of programming is going to help out everywhere."
"Sometimes I think that this is great, there's nothing that can be better than this, and then several months later I look at my old code and think, 'Dude, that's terrible.'"
"This is a skill that's tricky to hone but with practice I guarantee you're going to be able to perfect it and write out cleaner code."
"I didn't learn any of my coding skills at college. I used my computer to program instead of playing games on it all the time."
"I'm looking for someone who has programming skills."
"Hopefully, this is going to make you a lot more confident."
"If you can understand how to make this game then you're gonna be able to understand how to make any other kind of online game."
"Programming is kind of two things: one is understanding the problem... and the second piece is mapping a small piece of functionality to code."
"Git is one of the most important skills any developer can learn."
"Crafting beautiful websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript."
"Understanding how you can use big-O notation is incredibly important because it's going to calculate the time and space complexity of your algorithm that you're writing out."
"The idea here is that if you're a good programmer, you're going to have a stable job."
"Recognizing common patterns in algorithmic complexity can help you reason about efficiency."
"Let's program our way out of this problem, and it will be quite easy with Python."
"He's very young very fluent understands thread and understands coding and this is the future."
"Without doing this I would have never dialed in my programming."
"Vanilla JavaScript is more difficult than using a framework, but it's good to know this stuff. It sharpens your skills as a programmer in general."
"This should really sharpen your vanilla JavaScript skills, which are very important. A lot of people jump into frameworks too early."
"Work on your coding experience by practicing programming on a computer."
"Humans with programming abilities will be tasked with reviewing and reading the AI generated code."
"Boot Dodev gives ambitious, self-motivated individuals the tools to get fully on board with Python and Go programming languages."
"Start learning how to script yourself. It's time to make your own games."
"Everybody starting competitive programming codes very very badly."
"To get good at programming, the most important thing you can do as a beginner is to stick with one language and learn that language very well and understand it."
"The better you are at programming, the better time that you'll have."
"Let's take it step by step to make sure we really understand the code."
"Being able to program is the best way to actually be successful."
"If you have a job or want a job as a C# developer, having SQL skills is going to be a big bonus."
"The only way to be resilient to any change is to understand how JavaScript and the tools you're using work."
"Mastering these things is a really important step to writing clean, elegant code in Rust."
"This is a core part of programming that you should really add to your repertoire."
"If you want to take your Rust game to the next level, getting proficient in macros is one surefire way to do that."
"By the end, you'll be able to program repetitive timed events using your Arduino."
"So as you can imagine, I'm doing quite a lot and know a couple of programming languages such as PHP, C#, with Java and more."
"The best thing about programming is you can always improve your code."
"He has a good understanding of programming and his ability to program for himself and people has gotten much better."
"Unlock the limitless potential of Python and become coding wizards."
"As one of the most popular programming languages, Python's in high demand in the job market."
"Being a good programmer is about finding those inflection points and knowing ultimately what tools to use for the trade."
"Yes, I am going to outsmart smart computer programmers about how to use their time on the computers more effectively. I am very smart."
"If you can't write this on your own, then you have a good fundamental understanding of Solidity."
"These days it's not enough just to know JavaScript."
"Assembly editing is the hardest skill you will learn, so if you can learn this, everything else we cover will feel like child's play."
"One of the greatest skills you can acquire from a programming class is not only how to write code, but how to debug code, most likely your own."
"It's a fantastic way to learn computer science, be a better programmer, be a better computer scientist, be a better software engineer."
"That's super powerful and can make your code really efficient if you can do it well."
"Writing Julia gives you expertise in Julia development... there's no two-language problem."