
Bluffing Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Many have said that Skull is the perfect bluffing game because it is the simplest bluffing game, and In Vino Morte takes those grapes of bluffing and pulverizes them into something even sweeter."
"Imagine that your ability to bluff or your ability to play on the edge is what makes you a great player."
"Sometimes you have to call your opponent's bluff."
"Bluffing is a lot better than calling in big spots."
"I think I was bluffing... it was the one with the do's of hearts."
"I've had a lot of experience with the Russians. They don't Bluff. They literally don't Bluff."
"Bluffing allows you to win pots even if you have a weak hand."
"It's Tony G, and Tony could be like bluffing there a lot."
"Most players in small stakes games are deathly afraid of getting bluffed, yet they rarely bluff themselves. It's time to exploit the players who call a lot and don't really bluff a lot."
"Bluffing will be the only way you come out on top."
"He's playing poker and we need to call his bluff."
"The Chinese are not bluffing, and I think the Americans probably are bluffing."
"The Chinese are preparing to call that bluff."
"I know I need to be bluffing here, even if I'm not entirely sure."
"They were bluffing... and I believe they were determined not to come to armed conflict."
"The first law of diplomacy is not to bluff Beijing because that bluff sooner or later is going to be called."
"She's putting in a big bluff against the most intimidating poker player."
"You don't always need to use a large size when you are bluffing."
"We are going to be trying to guess clues, bluffing, and trying to work out which one of us is a dirty liar."
"To bluff is to pretend that your position is stronger than it really is."
"Sometimes you have to bluff and sometimes you're not bluffing."
"It was a beautiful bluff. He truly is a great warrior."
"I thought he was bluffing. Well, he bloody well wasn't."
"Lucky Chewy going for it early and often, fires all three shells. Nothing but a stone bluff."
"We've seen Jeremy over bet on various textures as bluffs. You ever consider doing it now with the stone cold nuts?"
"What a bluff! I hope Lane hadn't just eaten when he sees this show, 'cause he'll wish he to called right there."
"I bluffed it off, oh [__] yeah, I respect that."
"Chris Money Maker bluffs Sam Farha out of a big stack of money. And considering this situation, I know we're early in the century, but that's the bluff of the century."
"Alpha describes the risk reward of bluffing."
"When somebody's bluffing you, your lack of reaction reflects the truth that they're also bluffing."
"Your lack of reaction reflects to them the truth that they're also bluffing."
"You're bluffing," he said but wilted under her intense gaze.
"Brace yourself for jaw-dropping bluffs, epic showdowns, and moments that will leave you speechless."
"It's kind of a fun story, you're trying to bluff your way through it's like they love the script but then you know they hadn't actually read it, yeah right, yeah I would not."
"The chief is bluffing," Billy said flatly. "They've got nothing new. They're just hoping to flush somebody out of cover."
"If you don't have a PhD in bluffing, you ought not be here."
"It may surprise you, but yes, it does surprise me that you don't even bluff."
"It's more fun. Oh, oh, oh no, I see you. You think I'm bluffing?"
"A power like that is fantastic for bluffing so at its full potential this domain I would say ranks in the top three."
"He's just staring you down. I think they're gonna think I have it every single time."
"Sometimes when they bet real fast folks, they're trying to represent strength when really they don't have it."
"If you can just bet flop bet turn blast River and get them to fold you're going to win a ton tons of pots and lots and lots of equity."
"Sometimes your bluffs are going to work."
"It's one of these Bluffs that feels dirty you hold your nose and you make it and that's what all the best players do."
"You are going to win at poker by making your opponents fold out their equity."
"He was just bluffing. He is not yet able to fully control such a powerful monster."
"It was so well done, he called her on her bluff right then and there."
"I'm bluffing the [ __ ] out of jamo right now."
"Burke as usual bluffed and blustered, but the heat got so intense."
"It is based fundamentally on bluffing and deception."
"Winning with pocket aces is fun, but I would say pulling off a big bluff on the river and having your opponent fold is one of the best feelings in poker."
"Bluffing is an important tool in any poker player's arsenal."
"You gotta love it, goes to show that most of the time in a short-handed poker game you're not gonna have it and so you'd better be capable of bluffing your way out."
"Chidwick was under the gun as the opener he's got that added puppy paw Equity he's going to come with it 85 000 to go semi Bluff dialed in."
"This is beautiful stuff, Hendricks turning a nine into a bluff on this river."
"If you have fewer than 25 big blinds you can make it something like three times a raise."
"That was an incredible call, credit to Brian Rast for his portion of the hand following through with that triple barrel bluff."
"I mean, in kind of your Ryan O'Donnell you also want to be like, 'Great bluff man, because you almost had me there.'"
"I think it's okay to just muck them when there's already so much action ahead like a raise and then a re-raise but I do also think that occasionally using them as a re-raise yourself is totally fine"
"Sometimes you get bluffed, it's okay."
"I wanted to check and allow Lily to bluff because she was bluffing all over the place."
"It refers to taking a hand that has no prayer of winning and just trying to fire it through, bluff it all the way down."
"I think the biggest takeaway from this hand is that even if my opponent was bluffing here, sometimes we're gonna get bluffed and that's okay."
"If your hand cannot win at the showdown, you should be way more inclined to bluff than when you have some showdown value."
"Chong maybe bluffing with a value bet call call got pocket fives pocket fives will come up short to Dolan's Kings and Jacks."
"Bluffing can be pretty good in PLO, especially when the board doesn't change. Look for your spots, guys."
"Bluffs have been really nice tonight. Multi-street bluffs on bricks have their success rate's been extremely high."
"Ready to bluff at least 10 more times."
"You got to have the courage to bluff. Courage doesn't necessarily mean the absence of fear, but you gotta swallow that pride. You gotta throw your hand away when you know you're beat."
"One thing about PLO is you typically need to have some type of card in your hand that's suitable for bluffing."
"Stop trying to catch me in a bluff."
That's the game: people bluffing, double bluffing, triple bluffing, shouting "that's not a toad" at each other, erupting in howls of laughter when someone's caught in a toad-flavored lie.
"Bluffing in poker is essential; if you got a good bluff game, you're gonna win something."
"Nice, we got the bluff through at 1K straight off the bat."
"Bluffing is a majorly important skill set."
"It's so nice when you make huge bluffs and you show the table what you're capable of."
"It's always going to be somewhere in the middle, and the key is to find that sweet spot where you want to be bluffing correctly."
"I think that this hand has a lot of nice properties for a bluff."
"If you're not getting caught bluffing in poker, you're probably not bluffing often enough."
"Riker bluffing about the power of his fleet is certainly in line with his character."
"I've had times I played games where everyone thought I was bluffing, I hadn't bluffed for like four days."
"I just tried to make it so you couldn't bluff profitably."
"When somebody thinks that they have power and you know they don't, and all they can do is try to just keep bluffing and raising their voice... if you just start laughing at them, the look on their face is priceless."
"If you want to be a big winner, you need to learn how and when to bluff effectively."
"I'm no expert, but I think you're bluffing."
"We still have some showdown, so I don't like this bluff on the river."
"Layers and layers of strategy here. Mind games, yeah, it's a lot of built kind of bluffing and mind gaming."
"Very nice bluff there from the Ivan."
"Some of those bluffs were awfully fun."
"Good bluff, was good bluff, you'll see."
"The off the equilibrium path components are threats that never get exercised, bluffs that never get called, punishments that never need to be invoked."
"After he ran that bluff, he went down into the floor of the casino when they were all watching, and he had them all like gathered around him like, 'And that's how you...' and he's just getting like a cheer going."
"It always feels amazing to get a bluff through, especially in a big game when you're taking a shot."
"The bluffing epiphany: when you're bluffing before the river, the thing that matters isn't how good our hand is, it's how many outs we have."
"Worker placement blossoms into this amazing game of bluffing and counter bluffing."