
Juvenile Justice Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"I think children should be tried as children. I mean, there is a reason why they have that law in place."
"It stands to reason that a youthful offender such as Mr. Ridge cannot carry the same culpability as an adult with a fully matured brain."
"It is time peaceful people were free to take on the challenges we face."
"Do you want him to go to child jail too like what?"
"Juvenile crime rates dropped between 1994 and 2000."
"The US Supreme Court decided that having a life sentence without the possibility of parole for a juvenile murderer is just too cruel."
"Charging a 16 year old with murder is heartbreaking because they are children."
"Should he be put down for the crime that he committed when he was only 16 years old?"
"I came here in 1989 at the age of 15 years old. I was actually convicted of the crime that I'm here for at the age of 13 years old."
"It developed what people now call the school-to-prison pipeline."
"I think by looking up a young person 13 10 11 12 13 by restricting their Liberty for a period of months and sometimes years you are doing that swimming pool gymnasium."
"Ian Manuel was sentenced to 18 years in solitary confinement at just 13 years old."
"Solitary confinement for juvenile venice has been banned in federal prisons in the U.S., but in many states and local facilities including juvenile detention centers, isolation is routinely used."
"But until we find other ways of dealing with our children besides locking 'em up, another generation will be doomed to the same fate."
"Girls' common reactions to trauma are criminalized and exacerbated by involvement in the juvenile justice system, leading to a cycle of abuse and imprisonment."
"I never really went to school, my whole teenage years were involved in me being in jail, yeah, youth authority at 13 I was in, I was in jail for, uh, I went to jail for murder and uh, that changed my life, you know, changed my life completely."
"No one should be imprisoned for truancy. No one. Especially now when the economic situation is so dire for so many parents."
"I don't think kids should be tried as adults. I would never want to have my entire life destroyed for something I did when I was 17."
"Judge Joel T. Lazarus sentenced Lionel Tate to life in prison, saying that his acts were not that of a playful child."
"Our kids, those who lying Us in the prisons of America are waiting for us to change the system."
"The judge imposes a life sentence to 14-year-old Daniel."
"Several plaintiffs informed the court that they were expelled from their previous schools due to their juvenile records."
"These experiences underscore yet another grievous problem of Civerella's zero tolerance one-size-fits-all approach to juvenile offenders."
"One testified that she tried to commit suicide while in detention by cutting her wrists, resulting in hospitalization and 132 stitches and 19 staples."
"Another described how she was sent to a local hospital several times for suicidal thoughts and actions, yet her detention continued despite recommendations that she be sent home."
"These children that were arrested are going to be able to tell their story as well."
"...Graham avoided a very harsh punishment if he were an adult the punishment would have been much worse."
"I was released with a clean bill because the maximum years for the crime I did could no longer serve more years as a juvenile, so they released me on my 17th birthday."
"Teenagers are now being moved out of Rikers Island and into a remodeled Juvenile Facility."
"42 times you've been busted 42 times you know you know if you think about it with nine years old if prison isn't punishment but a relief from the streets and a merit badge for manhood then traditional law enforcement can't work."
"Juvenile justice doesn't have to be intimidating and overwhelming."
"Juvie was way different because in the adult system you have like the southern Hispanics are United."
"The distinctive attributes of Youth diminishes the chronological justification for imposing a harshest sentence on juvenile offenders even when they commit terrible crimes."
"We realized a long time ago that the best placement for juveniles is within the community where they're from."
"Once the juvenile court matter concludes, the cost for this ongoing critical professional help will fall upon the children and their father."
"I don't believe detention is a deterrent with adolescents."
"...I want to know if there's a rapist in my neighborhood and impose that liability and disability on a child 15 years later is living in your neighborhood and did something when they were 14. What is the point of that?"
"This unfortunate turn of events raises complex questions about the efficacy of the juvenile justice system and its ability to rehabilitate young offenders."
"Wow, wow, wow, memories, juvie jail, I'll never forget it."
"We've now had a thousand children who were told they were going to die in prison get released."
"While a stronger juvenile punishment can be necessary, it still needs to be separate from that of an adult."
"Kids are kids, they do stupid things. That's why we have Juvenile Courts."
"We want to pass Suraya's law which would mean any juvenile non-violent first offenders legally cannot be taken to the jail; they have to be taken to an emergency room instead."
"A young kid who committed a crime should first and foremost receive therapy, not prison time."
"It's a tough place to be as a teenager committing crimes because they don't care about you."
"Diversion programs are an alternative program wherein a certain juvenile is required to undergo after he or she is found responsible for an offense without resorting to a formal court proceeding."