
Sudden Change Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"The fall of Msscribe happened the way you fall asleep: Slowly and then all at once."
"Everything I saw for myself, my family, my team was just gone in the blink of an eye."
"The success didn't happen overnight... it happened gradually and then suddenly."
"In the blink of an eye, it's all gone... We're a blink, man. Something hits, but we don't think that way."
"God can make things happen suddenly, a culmination of all that time you believed."
"Life has gotten really good all of a sudden."
"The explosion literally happened, you know, in two weeks."
"Your outlook on life could suddenly become quite positive and hopeful."
"All it takes is one split second, one fifth shot, and the balance of power has shifted."
"Jericho's fall would be sudden, complete, and for the defenders of the city, unexpected."
"I am the good guy here, and everyone's dying all of a sudden."
"Autocracies are far more fragile than they appear and when the tide turns it always turns very quickly."
"The world is going to change suddenly, suddenly."
"The wind got even more outrageous... and right at the exact moment that I said 'I am free now,' the entire flow of 75 mile an hour wind came to a complete and sudden stop."
"Many people who had only been lightly exposed to games in the past suddenly became gamers overnight."
"There's no [ __ ] way he was fine last night. He carried on a conversation with me."
"Immigration stays and you were in the tower all of a sudden is oh oh well sorry."
"Adapting to sudden and unexpected changes is a core tenet of human survival."
"Any sort of suddenness or abrupt change is expected with Mars conjunct Uranus, and especially with it happening in your seventh house it can lead to arguments, breakups, or any sudden shift at all."
"It's very difficult exactly to predict when it will happen but it will be rather sudden is what I believe."
"Whatever caused inflation to suddenly jump up out of the ground."
"It's like how Hemingway went broke slowly then all at once."
"We shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye."
"She just turns into a superstar in the blink of an eye."
"There are all kinds of instances where people change your life on a dime they have this white light moment."
"It makes it that much more a profound experience... I just remember in the middle of metropolis like the, like all of a sudden I felt like I was in the Caribbean right?"
"The tower card... sudden change... crisis... chaos."
"How'd you go bankrupt? You know, well slowly and then all at once."
"Life is precious and everything can change in an instant."
"Overnight, one by one, they fall down like dominoes."
"An interest rate shock has a tendency to hit all at once with devastating force."
"Above all, it has the power to transform suddenly and put you on a path of a new destiny."
"It's amazing, it's flipped like a light switch."
"It can be a lot less perfect in a heartbeat."
"In this world you'll have tribulation, but be encouraged to have overcome the world."
"The Rapture is an event that's going to be a glorious event that happens in an instant."
"It's suddenly Friday, and now we're up to 17 grand."
"Things started out fine enough for the Colts... But then it went very bad very quickly."
"The couple kissed and the shop vanished in seconds."
"It's a bloodbath... some switch flipped and he just lost it."
"Seeing some major lightning now. Wow, that came out of nowhere."
"For as the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving and marriage until the day that noah entered into the ark."
"How did he go from folk hero to persona non grata in a matter of two weeks?"
"That particular moment I knew she was gone, that feeling of losing someone you love, how everything can change in a matter of seconds."
"A powerful breakthrough transformation that just kind of shows up out of nowhere after a long period of stillness."
"It's like lightning comes in like a flash every bit of it."
"Life can change at an instant, you just have to keep adjusting."
"God can flip your situation in a moment of time."
"One minute you're the most influential woman in the world, next minute you're scrambled megs on toast."
"This sudden change of the wheel of fortune brings about so much happiness and potential."
"It's just like, bro, what the f*** happened?"
"As soon as he disbanded the troops, the invasion came."
"It was feeling like a lost cause, a waste of time, but then I heard an explosion coming from launch site."
"Big drastic changes happening unexpectedly, overnight success."
"But then the light pressed against the door becomes incredibly bright as it burns for a brief moment."
"They're ready to expose those plans, and it might seem very sudden, but with the Wheel of Fortune being here, it may feel sudden but it was planned, it was destined to happen."
"I think it's going to go slowly and then all at once."
"It was like our world had fallen apart suddenly."
"Gas prices jumped a whopping 40 cents overnight to 5.95 a gallon."
"How did you go bankrupt? Gradually at first and then suddenly."
"One little thing suddenly switches everything on and bang it's where it's supposed to be." - Mark Hughes
"Not all of us will die but we will all be transformed. It will happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye."
"Uranus is the planet of change, Sudden Change, big Revelations, Awakening."
"The Tower: a shocking turn of events, something changes very quickly overnight."
"You can't bought it gradually; it's quite obvious when it happens."
"Once you heal, the dynamics of power can fundamentally shift in an instant."
"You're going to wake up one day, and it is gonna be a new world."
"Yo, everything literally just changed bruh, whoa that is super lit."
"A tower situation brings sudden change, but also sets you free."
"This could be a very sudden new beginning that is very, very earth-shattering."
"I know it feels like the world has quickly come to an end, and all of a sudden everyone's ears are ringing."
"Companies and industries that look indestructible... can flip in a second."
"Financial reset: slow at first, then sudden."
"No one would have thought that in November 2019 when everything was normal that a few weeks later everyone's life would be turned upside down."
"It's the rapid onset of an ice age, just like that, boom."
"I value the relationship and what happened in an instant threw all of that out the window."
"Never give up because things can change in an instant."
"What happens if you're just a fish swimming in the water and then someone captures you, pulls you out of the water into the air... and then there's like land and mountains and sky and clouds and direct sunlight."
"Oh, wait, what happened to your raincoat? But all of a sudden, you're getting chased, and then it's just nips to the breeze."
"Jackson would eat anything and then he just stopped."
"When Lehman Brothers went down, it turned on a dime."
"Suddenly It's 2023...immediately you'll be caught up because that's how it works."
"There was nothing wrong with dad before that, absolutely nothing. He had diabetes, and that was it."
"I just don't know how that all changed so fast or maybe it didn't change that fast and I just never noticed it until it was too late."
"Just like that, you're on the Las Vegas Strip."
"It changes everything literally overnight."
"Things just went from zero to 100 real quick."
"There's definitely going to be this moment of sudden change, of good luck, of 'oh my God, I got so lucky'."
"God's about to do some things suddenly."
"Her life, her family's life... just changed in the blink of an eye, bro."
"Everybody's just dang pulling the 180 right now."
"Things have been progressing slowly, but there's suddenly big progress."
"Walt goes from crying on her shoulder to wanting to get frisky which is a total out of the blue and inappropriate 180."
"Just being like introduced to this like so sudden and like having like that engagement like all over again from going to like hate comments to people loving you it's just something like so crazy."
"One second, they were in love and ready to spend the rest of their lives together and the next moment, they were torn apart."
"It just changed the... the whole culture of BYU so just overnight is kind of funny."
"God often works slowly but then all at once."
"But nobody in the United States and nobody really anywhere around the world even knew what the [__] so all of a sudden boom."
"Everything changed in an instant, and the dinosaurs were no more."
"'Last night at 11 o'clock the factories fed from the waters of this Majestic River were in full operation, and at 12 o'clock the water was suddenly shut off.'"
"Suddenly, the doors can open. For me, it was overnight."
"You're just going for the things that you want and having things turn in your favor, a sudden change of luck is likely."
"Suddenly you're thrust into this horrendous situation."
"One is known as the Desert Bloom where seeds and plants that may have lain dormant for up to 10 years burst into flowers hour after a sudden rainfall."
"Can you imagine? You was just talking to her the night before, everything was all good."
"In the blink of an eye, the tie has turned."
"Suddenly something happened and he abruptly got up from his chair."
"It's crazy how he just got struck by this enlightening. Yeah, he's so enlightened all of a sudden."
"The world turned suddenly upside down, and he found himself flying through the air."
"Paul talks about people being gathered up, and gathered up in the Greek means to be snatched, grabbed suddenly."
"It’s quick, it’s sudden, it’s forceful and it totally changes the situation. That’s what rapture is."
"God does things silently, but suddenly."
"Everything's fine until suddenly it isn't."
"Sudden Change situation because of the big play by special teams."
"It's very cold, it got really cold real quick."
"The dynamics by which the known recoveries occur fit very nicely with these very slow and then all of a sudden overnight recoveries."
"In a moment, God can shift something."
"It's suddenly unleashed at this point in time."
"You're getting ready to have a suddenly and live an empowered life."
"All of my friends stopped returning my calls, like I lost everything overnight, like it was just gone."
"This just went from really interesting to insanely interesting in a matter of like sixty seconds."
"The conversion rate happens all at once."
"He's the God who does suddenlies."
"This is exactly what I've been talking about that suddenly we have 40 kilometers."
"God is preparing slowly to move suddenly in your situation."
"It's like a light switch until it's not."
"Oh my god, I cannot believe he just killed someone! They were having fun like five minutes ago."
"Oh shoot man, change of pace real quick!"
"Everything was fine a minute ago."
"You look cool all of a sudden very quickly."
"People's lives change in a flash with severe weather."
"It was like one minute the road was completely fine and the next minute it was frozen."
"The strategy of theory should be a little more playful, or artful, a little less self-assured, and maybe a little more fatal."
"You're coming into sudden wealth."
"...wa wao wo that escalated quickly."
"We could seem so normal, so okay, and then not be okay in an instant."
"Things will go along for a while and, you know, it's not very exciting and all of a sudden those guys will catch on fire and it's like, 'Whoa, what just happened, you know?'"
"Everything just kind of turned overnight."
"God is about to turn it around suddenly."
"In a heartbeat, everything changed."
"Manifest your great power in suddenlies."
"Our God is the God of suddenlies."
"When it was time for it to happen, it happened suddenly."
"The chains just fell off your life just like that."
"Many of us think, 'My health is fine, everything's fine,' until one day it's not, and it's been lurking this entire time."
"I don't have time to elaborate it but it scared me it startled me, is this real how could I lose my desire My Hope just like that."
"In an instant, Major's world came crumbling down."
"It was sunny, and all of a sudden, within 30 minutes, it got dark and we started having thunder."
"In an instant, the calm scene transformed into chaos."
"In one moment, in the blinking of an eye, bam, your life has changed forever."
"When you lose someone suddenly and unexpectedly, it hurts differently."
"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we shall be changed."
"Wind shear is defined as a sudden, dramatic change in wind direction and speed."
"Overnight it went from summer to basically winter."
"The most recent quake caused the bedrock south of the fault to jump up suddenly 21 feet about 1,100 years ago."
"Like things went from 0 to 60 in an instant."
"One sudden movement in the world of possibility, only one movement to expose our fragility."
"When freedoms just disappear... suddenly what you think can never be taken away, in an instant is gone."
"The peaceful times of the Samano family and the Garden of Eden came to a sudden end."
"It's almost like boom, hell just came and went."
"It literally felt like it happened overnight."
"Everything for Damon had changed in seconds, just as it had for the dinosaurs in his books, leaving only a crater behind."
"Things that normally take years to happen, happen suddenly."
"Things fell apart slowly, and then all at once."
"The entire landscape changed literally in the blink of an eye."
"Never know what can happen in the blink of an eye."
"When somebody loses their hearing suddenly, they are some of the most frightened people that come into my office."
"As soon as it touched the pavement, immediately the sun broke through."
"Disruption happened literally in the blink of an eye."
"That went zero to a hundred real quick."
"I'm like, ready to order my Gatorade, and then all of a sudden, I was like, I don't feel good."
"God has been waiting for this time to lift you up suddenly."
"Punctuated equilibrium states that most species remain unchanged for very long periods of time and then suddenly evolve into a new species."
"It's crazy how you can have a 20, 30, 40-year legacy that just could just be eradicated in a day."
"That is just so cool how this game is able to make you feel so many different things, often with such whiplash, so suddenly."
"In the blink of an eye, the small town of Middletown is catapulted into a chilling distant future."
"I was very healthy up until last year, when in the course of about three days my health just went south."
"Isn't it funny sometimes how those roles reversed, how the tables turn just so quickly?"
"There is a sudden movement that's happening in your life, something suddenly happening."
"Your life's lifestyle about to change; you 'bout to go from rags to riches."
"It's going to happen suddenly here, a shock, a surprise."